Bekijk Volledige Versie : Spoorminister India: veiligheid trein is verantwoordelijkheid van God en niet van mij

06-07-04, 09:20
India’s Railway Minister Says Accidents Are God’s Fault
Laloo Prasad Yadav, minister for India’s railway system, has told the Times of India newspaper that the safety of "Indian Railways is the responsibility of Lord Vishwakarma [...] So is the safety of passengers. It is his duty, not mine”.
The Indian railway system is 108,700km long and employs 1.6 million people. It sees accidents every day and is often criticized for having a poorly invested infrastructure. 100 died and 20 were injured last month when a train fell off a bridge.
Laloo Prasad Yadav now writes his signature without his surname after an astrologer reportedly told him to do so. Lord Vishwakarma is a god from the Hindu religion.

Source: www.news.com.au

06-07-04, 09:25
Geplaatst door Mark
India’s Railway Minister Says Accidents Are God’s Fault
Laloo Prasad Yadav, minister for India’s railway system, has told the Times of India newspaper that the safety of "Indian Railways is the responsibility of Lord Vishwakarma [...] So is the safety of passengers. It is his duty, not mine”.
The Indian railway system is 108,700km long and employs 1.6 million people. It sees accidents every day and is often criticized for having a poorly invested infrastructure. 100 died and 20 were injured last month when a train fell off a bridge.
Laloo Prasad Yadav now writes his signature without his surname after an astrologer reportedly told him to do so. Lord Vishwakarma is a god from the Hindu religion.

Source: www.news.com.au

"Vetrouw op God, maar bind uw kameel vast." :student:

:rolleyes: :moe:

06-07-04, 09:33
De mens wikt, god beschikt :maf:

06-07-04, 09:37
Geplaatst door Mark
"Indian Railways is the responsibility of Lord Vishwakarma [...] So is the safety of passengers. It is his duty, not mine”.

Ik ben wel benieuwd hoe hij Lord Vishwakarma ter verantwoording gaat roepen bij een treinramp.

Ik vind deze verantwoordelijkheid trouwens wel heel slim gedelegeerd !

06-07-04, 11:54
Oei, hopelijk leest niemand van de NS dit!!
Ik bedoel maar........ :haha: