Bekijk Volledige Versie : Was Iraq Invaded to Secure Israel(?)

09-09-04, 01:13
Was Iraq Invaded to Secure Israel: Another Fiction in a
Game with Hidden Objectives?

By Warren Hastings
Al-Jazeerah, September 8, 2004

Comments this year, by Sen. Hollings and retired Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Zinni, and latterly everyone, publicising the “open secret” among Washington insiders, that Iraq was invaded to secure Israel, unfortunately helps promote a fiction planted to cover the real motivation. I don’t doubt their sincerity in raising the alarm, but in my view they have been fooled along with the rest. Of course, Hollings and Zinni were immediately subjected to the usual slander, which had the effect of confirming their comments as true, which was probably the intended effect.

The neo-conservative Zionists have tricked the US political establishment with the idea that the invasion of Iraq was to secure Israel by way of democracy for the Arabs; peace in Palestine via Baghdad, and all that nonsense. This could not be further from the truth. As students of the verbiage merchant Leo Strauss they know the importance of lying, not only lies, but lies within lies; lies for the public and a different lie for the politicians. They are highly duplicitous and cunning subversives.

Invade Iraq to secure Israel. What from? It is a military superpower armed to the teeth with every weapon known to man. It certainly wasn’t threatened by Saddam’s ramshackle dictatorship, contained as it was by a sanctions regime of mediaeval ferocity. To convert Iraq to a prosperous and stable democracy; to act as a beacon state for democratic reforms in the wider Middle East? That will be the day. The last thing Israel wants is democracy and prosperity for the Arabs; that would cancel most of their plans. They would much prefer the Arabs to do a re-run of the Stone Age.

American and Israeli aims diverge. The US would like a Middle East of servant governments, pumping cheap oil, with wide open markets. Israel, on the other hand, would prefer to visit the four horsemen of the apocalypse on the region, especially in the direction of Central Asia. There is no way to reconcile the contradictions of neo-con policy, pronouncement, and outcome to date, without the conclusion that chaos is the objective. Why? From chaos a greater Israel may emerge.
Gaming with America as a wager. The motivation behind the Iraqi adventure can be understood as a game with hidden objectives. (Game theory is a favourite subject of Israeli strategists.) The objective is not to achieve the publicly stated aims; the goal is to lengthen the war and raise the stakes for America, to the extent that failure and retreat will be a national disaster. Policies of confusion and tension have been essential to the plan. The Iraqi administrative centres were deliberately smashed by aerial bombing, and, after the primary conflict was over, arsonists were employed to finish the job. In addition to abolishing many government ministries, the CPA also abolished the army and police, in a move guaranteed to maximise lawlessness and public disorder. Abolishing the army was a particularly effective way of creating a reservoir of recruits for the resistance, and that was the intention.

British observers probably wonder why Israeli urban warfare tactics are being used instead of British Army tactics. The British Army has a wealth of experience in defusing urban conflict and the Basra experience has proven it. Israeli tactics, on the other hand, include a political component: to antagonise, and so fan the fires of hatred. This is their strategy in Palestine. The Pentagon was given the job of “nation building,” and the State Department kept out of the game for as long as possible, until a sustained and effective resistance could be provoked. We are watching the materialisation of an Israeli directed programme for perpetual war. They aim to raise the stakes further by adding Iran and Syria to the game, with the objective that, ultimately, not losing will become a matter of survival for American status, prestige, and prosperity. Not capable of winning, and not losing either, atrocities and chaos can only increase. Thus Israel has yoked America to its infernal plough.

American politics has been hijacked by the Zionist lobby and Sharon openly boasts of controlling Congress. Presidential incumbent Bush and challenger Kerry have both pledged allegiance to Israel as a prerequisite for office. Bush has genuflected to Israel by approving its annexation of occupied territory, in contravention of UN Security Council resolutions. Kerry has been interviewed for the job by the leaders of the fifty largest Jewish organizations, for their stamp of approval. No country other than Israel would dare have its agents give a job interview to a presidential candidate. Senators and Representatives routinely suborn themselves to Israel’s wants, at the expense of US national interest and their taxpaying constituents’ pockets. Any congressman, or woman, who criticises or fails to support Israel, is targeted to lose office. At the least this is political racketeering in support of a foreign government; at worst, treason.

America is in a predicament with no obvious route out. The Zionist lobby, which is really a money-power lobby representing the Israeli interest, knows that the American people cannot be fooled indefinitely, so they are actively engaged in turning America into a domestic surveillance state, to forestall the emergence of threats and the possibility of them losing control over the levers of power. The war on terror fiction provides the excuse. Internal dissent can be dealt with early when there is a file on everyone: careers and personal prosperity can be sabotaged; reputations slandered, and traps laid. Anyone who doubts the power of surveillance should remember how J. Edgar Hoover kept himself in a job by making a file on everyone of importance.
America’s problem gives a lesson for the European democracies, if they don’t want their governments hijacked. Keep Zionist money and lobbyists out of the political process, keep their hands off the levers of policy and power, and keep Israel at arm’s length.

09-09-04, 05:38
Als Israel gaat leuren met christendom...Dunno eigenlijk...

09-09-04, 08:11
Zie, een volk komt uit het Noorden , een grote natie met machtige koningen breekt op van het uiteinde der aarde. Boog en spies omklemmen zij, medogenloos zijn zij en zonder erbarmen. Hun rumoer bruist als de zee …….

Zo zegt de Here (zo’n 2600 jaar geleden tegen de profeet Jeremia):

Zie, ik verwek tegen Babel en tegen de inwoners van het Hart-mijner-tegenstanders de geest van een verderver en ik zend op Babel wanners af, die het zullen wannen en zijn land uitschudden, want zij omringen het van alle kant op de dag van het onheil…….

Want Israel en Juda zijn niet in weduwschap gelaten door hun God, door de Here der heerscharen, al was hun land vol van schuld tegenover de Heilige Israels.
[eigen toevoeging: door de gulle hulp van de christenen, de vereerders van de Heilige Israels, Jezus ??, t'lijkt er wel op]

Babel was in de hand des Heren een gouden beker die de gehele aarde dronken maakte; van zijn wijn dronken de volken, daardoor werden zij verdwaasd. Plotseling is Babel gevallen en gebroken…
Wij hebben Babel trachten te genezen maar het is niet te genezen; verlaat het en laten wij gaan, een ieder naar zijn land; want tot de hemel reikt zijn oordeel en het verheft zich tot de wolken .
De Here heeft ons recht aan het licht gebracht; komt en laten wij in Sion het werk van de Here onze God verhalen. Hij maakt de aarde door zijn kracht, bereidt de wereld toe door zijn wijsheid en breidt de hemel uit door zijn verstand…..

Heft de banier omhoog op aarde , blaast de bazuin onder de volken! Heiligt volkeren tegen de stad , roept koninkrijken tegen haar op, Ararat, Minnie en Askenaz!

Babels helden houden op met strijden, zij zitten neer in burchten, hun heldhaftigheid is verdwenen, zij zijn tot vrouwen geworden.

Mijn mishandeling en verminking kome over Babel, zegge de inwoonsters van Sion, en mijn bloed over de inwoners van Chaldea, zegge Jeruzalem.

Daarom zie, de dagen komen, dat Ik bezoeking doe aan de gesneden beelden van Babel en zijn hele land zal beschaamd zijn..
Dan zullen hemel en aarde jubelen met al wat daarin is, jubelen over Babel, want van het Noorden zullen de verwoesters er op afkomen, luidt het woord des Heren.

Babel moet evenzo vallen voor de verslagenen van Israel, als voor Babel vielen de verslagenen der gehele aarde….

Uit Jeremia 50 en 51

vooral dat laatste zinnetje uit de uitgekomen profetie spreekt boekdelen, zou ik zeggen.

op 1 of andere wijze lag het in de bedoeling van G-d om, door de werken van Sjatan, dit zo te laten gebeuren .


Wij hebben Babel trachten te genezen maar het is niet te genezen; verlaat het en laten wij gaan, een ieder naar zijn land; want tot de hemel reikt zijn oordeel en het verheft zich tot de wolken .

is ook aan het uitkomen.