Bekijk Volledige Versie : To the Jewish Community of the World

24-02-05, 11:23
To the Jewish Community of the World

By Genevieve Cora Fraser
Al-Jazeerah, February 16, 2005

In January I visited Palestine and witnessed a family held at gunpoint by Israeli soldiers who had gathered at the checkpoint leading from Jerusalem to Nablus. Their dying father/grandfather was in an ambulance about a hundred yards away. The family's tears and pleas to see him, kiss him goodbye were considered too great a security risk to Israel. So the ambulance was forced to return as the family was turned away.

For two days I visited in Nablus with the family of Professor Khaled Salah and his son, peace activists who had appeared on Israeli TV. One dark evening last summer, the family endured several hours of assault on their home by 1,000 troops, following the killing of two militants who happened to have passed through the neighborhood, according to media reports. The Israeli military identified the location of the family a week earlier, neighbors say. They attacked with helicopter gunships, missiles fired from tanks, submachine gunfire and snipers.

Professor Salah pleaded for his family's life. They shot him and his 16 year old son and held his wife and surviving children hostage until the father and son died. According to Salam, the widow, as she escorted me through what remains of her former home, the Israeli soldiers mocked and ridiculed her as she pleaded to allow waiting ambulances to assist her dying husband and son.

In Jerusalem, I attended a Palestinian-Israeli peace conference (FFIPP) where two students from Gaza, in attendance with valid permits and IDs, were arrested while visiting Jerusalem's Old City tourist sites. If a group of Internationals including two professors, an Israeli and Israeli American, had not intervened, the students' fate would have been like so many others - to be sentenced to 5 - 20 years in Israeli jails where they would have been tortured and used as political pawns.

US tax dollars support Israel's illegal occupation, daily horror Palestinians are made to endure, and continued land and water theft. Is this the path to a desperately needed peace? Is this the face the Jewish community wants presented to the world?

24-02-05, 12:43
Het gebruikelijke eenzijdige huilverhaal.

Waren die ambulances niet die gebruikelijke transportmiddelen voor explosieven? Daar zou ik als eenvoudige soldaat ook niet happig op zijn om bij in de buurt te komen. (Bijdrage van de terroristen aan de onaantastbaarheid van de rode-kruis-gedachte).

24-02-05, 13:57
De Joden die niet in Israel wonen willen er niet wonen en een groot aantal juist hierom niet.

24-02-05, 14:18
Iets meer info
Uit http://blogs.citizenlab.org/mideast/archives/000140.html :

July 07, 2004
Further Deterioration of Security Situation in Nablus, 6 Palestinians and 1 Israeli Killed
Kept awake late into the night by heat and mosquitoes, then the thud of Apache helicopters over-flying Nablus and the sound of missile strikes in the distance. “Fi harb l-leyle fi Nablis” (There is a war tonight in Nablus) is how one friend described the scene. For hours the sound of helicopters and unmanned drones could be heard above. Occasionally the night-sky would be lit-up by a flash and moments later an explosion would be heard. This is the sound of 21st century nocturnal terror that imposes itself on Colombian jungles, Iraqi cities and Palestinian refugee camps. PMRS medical personnel informed us today that at least two tanks, several Apaches and at least a dozen jeeps where deployed to Sakin Street just north of the El-Ein Refugee Camp.

News came in of one Israeli commando and two Palestinians killed. The Israeli was Captain Moran Vardi, a member of a Navy Seals commando unit known as Shayetet 13, three other members of this unit where also injured – which triggered the heavy Israeli military response and the shooting of missiles into a crowded civilian area. In the morning the death toll on the Palestinian side had reached four. Two PFLP militants, including Yamen Faraj the active leader of the Abu Ali Mustafa Martyr Brigades in Nablus and Amjad , as well as two civilian casualties: Professor Khaled Salah, a professor at An-Najah National University and his 16 year old son Mohamed. Amjad was killed in the clashes, while Yamen was executed by soldiers while trying to crawl out of his hiding spot after being injured in the legs. The male members of the Salah family where killed after the two PFLP militants had been killed as they where at their window trying to communicate with the soldiers that where evacuating people from the building.

Triest verhaal. Pleit niet voor de Israeli's.
Neemt overigens niet weg dat er van twee kanten schandalige dingen gebeuren.
Dat krijg je als de waanzin regeert.

25-02-05, 10:36
Geplaatst door Flip
Het gebruikelijke eenzijdige huilverhaal.

éénzijdig (?)

als je verder dan je neus lang is , om je heen kijkt,
zie je dan dat de media wereldwijd virtually alleen met israelische slachtoffers en israelische news bezaaid is.

de palestijnse (en ook Irakeze) vrijheidstrijders die (uit nood) tegen Het STAATSTERRORISME strijden, kunnen vaak helaas niets anders dan zichzelf gaan opblazen. (da's algemeen bekend!)
HET STAATSTERRORISME (die zich voor de ogen van de 'stille' "agenten" van de aarde voortwoekert) !s zeer agressief en brutaal. dat kan je helaas niet alleen met demonstraties en spandoeken gaan veranderen. zelfs als je ziet dat ook de demonstranten
met chemische troepen en kogels geconfronteerd worden.

Geplaatst door reason

Triest verhaal. Pleit niet voor de Israeli's.
Neemt overigens niet weg dat er van twee kanten schandalige dingen gebeuren.

Dat krijg je als de waanzin regeert.

dat krijg je als de waanzin van Het Staatsterrorisme zich voortdringt!

25-02-05, 17:51
dus... je mag 'moslims' an sich niet aanspreken op wat andere moslims op 9/11 hebben gedaan, of in vele landen nog steeds doen.maar je mag de 'joodse gemeenschap' WEL aanspreken op wat andere joden in andere delen van de wereld doen? Sterk staaltje hypocritie.