Bekijk Volledige Versie : Are the Dutch Becoming Xenophobic?

03-05-05, 23:43
Are the Dutch Becoming Xenophobic?
By: Adrienne McPhail

What is happening to Holland that once stood as the shining light of tolerance and religious freedom? A country that the entire world admired for its courageous protection of Jews and other persecuted people during World War II?

It would appear that Holland has forgotten its own history.

In a series of attempts to discourage immigration from Third World countries, the Dutch have introduced a legislative proposal that would require some potential immigrants to take an examination to prove that they have an understanding of the Dutch language and culture. This applies to individuals who marry a Dutch citizen or who have family members already living in Holland.

It does not apply to people from the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan or the United States.

This exam will require 350 hours of study and will cost each applicant $468.

One of the most disturbing elements of this program is a video that these individuals must watch. The video describes the essence of Dutch life. In the video are images of windmills and tulips but there are also scenes of a homosexual wedding and topless women sunbathing - elements that are clearly offensive to Muslim people.

There are about one million Muslims living in Netherlands. This represents six percent of the total population. They migrated to Holland mostly as "guest workers" from Morocco and Turkey from the 1960s through the 1990s.

According to Andre Krouwel, a political scientist at Amsterdam's Free University, Holland encouraged these workers to maintain both their linguistic and cultural identities. The Dutch governments assumed these workers would eventually return to their native homes. Some did but many did not. It was in essence a miscalculation.

Now, the Muslim population in Holland is trying to become part of that country with all the rights and privileges the Dutch enjoy. However, there are a number of native Dutch who are against the absorption of these immigrants into their society. A recent poll showed that 50 percent of the voters support tighter restrictions on immigration and asylum and some elected officials are using this issue for political gain.

One such official is Parliamentarian Geert Wilders.

Wilders is building his political strength on a platform of anti-immigration and what many observers call bigotry. He calls immigration the biggest problem that Dutch society faces today. "We have been so tolerant of other's culture and religion," he says. "We are losing our own. Europe is losing itself. One day we will wake up and it will be too late. Immigration will have killed our country and our democracy".

He calls mosques "houses of terror and recruitment" for jihad. He describes Islam as "dangerous" and "fascist".

He warns the Dutch about not learning from the lessons of Pim Fortuyn, an anti-immigration activist who was killed by a deranged animal rights activist in 2002.

What is dangerous is that many of the people in Holland are listening to Wilders.

After the assassination of Pim Fortuyn his political party went on to win 26 of 150 seats in the Parliament.

Last November, when the anti-Islamist crusader Theo van Gogh was killed by a Dutch citizen of Moroccan descent on a street in Amsterdam, the sentiment against Muslim immigrants rose sharply.

Wilders who had been isolated in the Parliament suddenly had 19 other members of that body supporting his ideas on immigration issues, such as a five-year moratorium on all non-Western immigration.

Just a few days after the Van Gogh killing, Fortuyn was named one of the most important persons in Dutch history, outpolling Vincent van Gogh and Rembrandt, two world famous Dutch painters.

Wilders' rhetoric is inflammatory and often inaccurate. He claims that the immigrant population has grown from 160,000 to 1.6 million - a 1,000 percent growth.

What he does not say is that the number includes second and third generation children of immigrants, children born in Holland, who are legally Dutch.

He excites his audience by stating that 90 percent of the prison population is foreign. The Netherlands' Central Statistical Office shows that number to be about 50 percent. While this is a high percentage in relation to the total population, as Andre Krouwel has stated, Holland increasingly finds itself divided into two societies, a relatively affluent and educated Dutch "in-group" and a mainly Muslim under-skilled "out-group".

Disenfranchised members of any society are often found in higher percentages among prison populations. The underlying elements that men like Wilders and Fortuyn appeal to are dangerous and inhumane. With Dutch women having 1.7 children and their population living longer, economists predict their extensive social-welfare network will go bust without the influx of new, young workers.

True, some Dutch express concerns about losing their culture, about their disappearing heritage.

The answer should be in managing their immigration system, not in dismantling a major part of it. It is a shame that this country has reached such a sad state of affairs that they are looking at the ethnic background or religionist beliefs of would-be immigrants.

Perhaps, they should reflect upon the idea that the complexion of the Dutch people is changing, which is inevitable as it is for most Western nations. Their Muslim population can make great contributions to this new Holland, if they refuse to hear the voices of anger and prejudice.

Adrienne McPhail is an American journalist located in Yokosuka, Japan. He can be reached at [email protected]

Source: Arab News

04-05-05, 10:16
Geplaatst door tr_imparator
Adrienne McPhail is an American journalist located in Yokosuka, Japan. He can be reached at [email protected]

Source: Arab News

Kon je niet een nog verder van ons verwijderde analyse vinden? Geen maori die correspondent is voor de aboriginals in vuurland?

04-05-05, 10:50
Geplaatst door Tomas
Kon je niet een nog verder van ons verwijderde analyse vinden? Geen maori die correspondent is voor de aboriginals in vuurland?

Eigenlijk om 2 redenen.

1) de imago van Nederland vanuit het verre oosten te kennen

2) om ''Nederlanders'' uit hun verdoezeld beeld te helpen.

Het is gewoon een artikel, gaarne uw reactie op het onderwerp..

04-05-05, 10:55
Het meest trieste is dat de Nederlanders hun juist hun geschiedenis gebruiken om de xenofobie te rechtvaardigen.

04-05-05, 10:57
Geplaatst door tr_imparator
Eigenlijk om 2 redenen.

1) de imago van Nederland vanuit het verre oosten te kennen

2) om ''Nederlanders'' uit hun verdoezeld beeld te helpen.

Het is gewoon een artikel, gaarne uw reactie op het onderwerp..

Source: Arab News

Tis inderdaad heel apart om als je een artikel over NL wilt dat te bestellen bij een correspondent in en voor Japan met een emailadres in Italië onder iemand anders' naam.

Adrienne is een vrouwennaam.

Het is een erg slecht artikel, volkomen chaotisch geschreven, dat verkeerde verbanden legt en eigenlijk compleet onbegrijpelijk is. Maar ja, wat kan je verwachten van een Amerikaan (?) te Japan?

Waarom post je zulke bagger? Alsof we het bovendien nog niet genoeg over al die onderwerpen hebben gehad.

04-05-05, 11:01
Adrienne McPhail is an author and a journalist.
She has written numerous opinion articles for both the
Arab News newspaper and Japan Today about
world affairs and political policy. Some of her magazine credits
"The Arabic Language" published by the Desert Guardian.
"The Sensible Center-Polarization in American Politics"
and "Women Voting in the Middle East" World Affairs
articles published by The English Zone.

Adrienne McPhail is an international journalist who has
lived in Italy, Saudi Arabia and currently resides in Japan.
While living in Saudi Arabia, in addition to writing for
the Arab News newspaper, she completed a novel
The Tribe. A description of The Tribe is on page 3.
She is currently work on her next novel the story of Japan
at the end of the Second World War.

On the following pages are some of her publishing


04-05-05, 11:01
Geplaatst door tr_imparator
Are the Dutch Becoming Xenophobic?
By: Adrienne McPhail

.... but there are also scenes of a homosexual wedding and topless women sunbathing - elements that are clearly offensive to Muslim people....

Ach gut, die arme moslims. wat zijn die Nederlanders toch nare, gemene en intolerante wezens! Schandelijk!

04-05-05, 11:05
Geplaatst door mark61

Zoals ik zei.

04-05-05, 11:07
Geplaatst door David
Ach gut, die arme moslims. wat zijn die Nederlanders toch nare, gemene en intolerante wezens! Schandelijk!

Niet zeuren en gewoon met je hoofd naar beneden van een flatgebouw af. :p

04-05-05, 11:08
Geplaatst door Wide-O
Adrienne McPhail is an author and a journalist.


So she knows fok all about Holland. Bij elkaar geraapt uit de Corriere della Sera en de Asahi Shimbun?

Tis werkelijk alleen al als artikel zeer slecht geschreven. Met de gekste spelfouten. Of moet ik 'religionist' serieus nemen?

04-05-05, 11:10
Geplaatst door David
Ach gut, die arme moslims. wat zijn die Nederlanders toch nare, gemene en intolerante wezens! Schandelijk!

Difficile est satiram non scribere.

04-05-05, 11:14
Geplaatst door mark61
So she knows fok all about Holland. Bij elkaar geraapt uit de Corriere della Sera en de Asahi Shimbun?

Tis werkelijk alleen al als artikel zeer slecht geschreven. Met de gekste spelfouten. Of moet ik 'religionist' serieus nemen?


04-05-05, 11:16
Geplaatst door tr_imparator

Ja, maar moet je zo'n woord serieus nemen?

04-05-05, 11:19
Geplaatst door mark61
Ja, maar moet je zo'n woord serieus nemen?

Doe maar wat je wil?

04-05-05, 11:23
Geplaatst door tr_imparator
Doe maar wat je wil?

Ik neem die hele Adrienne niet serieus. Dat zo iemand werk kan krijgen. Ach, haar lezers hebben het toch niet door. Bij de Telegraaf kan ze misschien ook nog wel terecht.

04-05-05, 11:23
Geplaatst door tr_imparator
What is happening to Holland that once stood as the shining light of tolerance and religious freedom? A country that the entire world admired for its courageous protection of Jews and other persecuted people during World War II?

Heeft ze waarschijnlijk uit Anne Frank gedestileerd.

Max Stirner
04-05-05, 11:23
Geplaatst door tr_imparator
A country that the entire world admired for its courageous protection of Jews and other persecuted people during World War II

Voor wie er nog niet van was overtuigd dat deze t*thola niet weet waar ze het over heeft.......... :D

04-05-05, 11:25
Geplaatst door tr_imparator
Zoals ik zei.

Amerika is het Verre Oosten? Dacht je dat die racistische Japanners wakker liggen van om Geert?

04-05-05, 11:26
Geplaatst door Tomas
Heeft ze waarschijnlijk uit Anne Frank gedestileerd.

Jah dat heet ws. background research of zo. Wij noemen dat schnabbelen dan wel bijbeunen. Maak niet uit, tis toch maar voor Arabieren.

04-05-05, 11:28
Geplaatst door mark61
Jah dat heet ws. background research of zo. Wij noemen dat schnabbelen dan wel bijbeunen. Maak niet uit, tis toch maar voor Arabieren.

Zo zie je wel wat van de wereld, blijkbaar.

04-05-05, 11:29
Geplaatst door Tomas
Zo zie je wel wat van de wereld, blijkbaar.

Ja en tis niet eens een oud mannetje, das nog het ergste. Al heeft ze dat Arab News blijkbaar wel wijsgemaakt.

04-05-05, 11:34
Nog meer mensen die iets kwijt willen over deze artikel?

Zo ja, hier wat leesplezier: :D



Zo nee, to the point :D

04-05-05, 11:36
Ach, misschien moest TanteAdrienne een deadline halen en heeft ze effe snel wat sites afgelopen en wat geknipt en geplakt. Komt toch niemand achter, zal ze gedacht hebben.

Zo gaat dat in de media.

04-05-05, 11:37
Geplaatst door David
Ach, misschien moest TanteAdrienne een deadline halen en heeft ze effe snel wat sites afgelopen en wat geknipt en geplakt. Komt toch niemand achter, zal ze gedacht hebben.

Zo gaat dat in de media.

Hier ook hoor, plak me de pokke. :hihi:

04-05-05, 11:44
Geplaatst door tr_imparator
Zo nee, to the point :D

What's the point? Lees jij de reacties niet?

04-05-05, 11:57
Geplaatst door mark61
What's the point? Lees jij de reacties niet?

ik heb de gave om door sommige dingen heen te kijken.