Bekijk Volledige Versie : sociale crisis ontstaat onder armeren Doh als gevolg van groeiende economie

31-10-05, 04:55
Four families share the woes of staying together
Web posted at: 10/31/2005 7:15:13
Source ::: The Peninsula
Members of the Indian families from Kerala outside their sharing accommodation in Najma.
Doha: Abdullah (not his real name), an Indian from Kerala, runs a small shop in a souq. He lived peacefully with wife and two children staying in an old house in Najma until a few months ago when the landlord suddenly announced he was increasing the rent from QR2,000 to QR4,500.

His monthly earnings were not enough to pay more than double of what he was paying as rent, nor could he send his family back since there was no one to take care of them there.

Since convincing the property owner not to raise the rent was not a practical option, Abdullah thought of sharing the accommodation with other families and for that he sought the owner’s permission. The owner did not object.

Abdullah spread word in the community about sharing accommodation being available and soon got the kind of families he was looking for with whom he could share the house while ensuring some privacy.

Now, three families, one with a small child, are sharing the accommodation with Abdullah and family.

Abdullah had a makeshift kitchen constructed so that two families, including his, could share a kitchen each. Some other minor adjustments were done and the house was able to somehow accommodate all the four families. Luckily, there were two bathrooms in the house so two families could share one each.

Since none of the four housewives works, they use the kitchen by turn. But at times that is not possible as their husbands want something cooked or tea made at the same time, so they share the kitchen simultaneously.

Privacy is indeed a casualty, but the families, only two of which, including Abdullah’s, have children, are somehow managing.

31-10-05, 04:58

In de afgelopen twee jaar zijn de huren in Doha bijna verdubbeld.... ook prijzen voor eten etc zijn hard gestegen.

Veel expats, met name uit india en pakistan kunnen hun gezinnen niet meer onderhouden en sturen ze naar huis. Anderen delen huizen...

Dit leidt tot grote groepen single mannen, overbevolking en steeds meer armoede als keerzijde van de "booming" economie.

De Qataris en Europeanen kunnen het nog betalen maar de golf wordt langzaamaan een plek waar de arbeiders uit armere landen niet meer kunnen rondkomen.

Gelijksoortige taferelen heb je in Dubai, Abu Dabi en waarschijnlijk in alle grote steden in de golf.

31-10-05, 04:59
Exodus of families will create social ills
Web posted at: 10/30/2005 3:50:57
Source ::: The Peninsula
Dr Ali Al Qurradaghi
Doha: A well-known Islamic scholar sees social problems mounting due to an exodus of expatriate families driven by skyrocketing house rents.

A large number of expatriates were forced to send their families home due to unjustifiable hikes in house rents and are now living as single workers, which does not bode well for society at large, says Dr Ali Al Qurradaghi, head of Shariah at Qatar University.

In remarks to this newspaper last weekend, he said the rising house rents had led to untold sufferings among expatriates and splintered families as people are forced to live without their wives and children.

This is going to trigger a chain effect on society and lead to adultery and immoral activities. On the other end of the social spectrum, the wives and children of these expatriates are left on their own. There is no father and husband staying with them any more.

Dr Al Qurradaghi, who is an acknowledged authority on Islamic jurisprudence, said that employers, both in the state and private sectors, needed to raise the salaries of workers in proportion to the increase in rents to help them ride over financial hardships.

It is “sinful” of property owners to have increased rents by unjustifiable margins. It does not behove of landlords as Muslims to be greedy and behave like monopolists. “This is the holy month of Ramadan and they should do repent,” said Dr Al Qurradaghi.

About road accidents, he said motorists driving at speeds exceeding the limits prescribed by the authorities concerned are indulging in suicidal activity, which was forbidden in Islam. And killing people in accidents was akin to murdering the innocent, said the scholar.

31-10-05, 05:01
Je ziet ook steeds vaker groepen mannen op straat zitten.... te wachten tot iemand met een pickup ze ophaalt om werk te verrichten.

Een beetje vergelijkbaar met arme illegale mexicanen in de VS.

31-10-05, 05:03
De Indiase ambassade is onlangs met voedselpakketen begonnen voor indiase werknemers die al maanden niet betaald zijn en het land niet uitkunnen zodat ze niet van de honger sterven in Qatar.

31-10-05, 08:00
fuck zeg, "voedselbank", waar ken ik dat toch van ? http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/konfus/a015.gif