Bekijk Volledige Versie : Zware explosies ten noorden van Londen

11-12-05, 08:07
Zware explosies ten noorden van Londen

Uitgegeven: 11 december 2005 08:17
Laatst gewijzigd: 11 december 2005 09:01
HEMEL HEMPSTEAD - Drie of vier zware explosies hebben zondagochtend plaatsgevonden in een oliedepot bij de Engelse plaats Hemel Hempstead, ongeveer 15 kilometer van het vliegveld Luton. Volgens de politie zijn daardoor slachtoffers gevallen, meldde de BBC. Volgens getuigen zou een vliegtuig op het depot zijn gestort.

De explosies waren tot in de wijde omtrek hoorbaar. De belangrijke snelweg M1 is afgesloten. De lucht is oranje gekleurd, meldden getuigen, en de vlammen zouden 20 meter hoog zijn. De eerste televisiebeelden van de Britse zender ITV tonen een enorme vuurzee. In de omtrek hangt een sterke brandstofgeur.

De ontploffingen zouden een zware drukgolf hebben veroorzaakt, waardoor woningen in de wijde omtrek zijn beschadigd. Omwonenden meldden dat voordeuren en garagedeuren naar binnen zijn geblazen en er zijn veel meldingen van gesprongen ramen.

11-12-05, 08:13
Massive explosions rock oil depot
Three large explosions have taken place at an oil depot near Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire.

Police say there have been casualties, and officers are at the scene. They are describing it as a major incident.

The first blast happened at 0603 GMT, at the Buncefield oil depot, close to the junction 8 of the M1 motorway 10 miles from Luton Airport.

The M1 has been closed both ways. Residents up to 30 miles from the scene reported hearing a "loud boom".

Those living nearby have been evacuated. Many houses have been damaged, with some reporting feeling effects from the explosion as far away as Oxfordshire.

Eye witnesses reported buckled front doors, cracked walls and shattered windows.

Witnesses said another two explosions followed the first at 0626 GMT and 0627 GMT.

The Buncefield depot is a major distribution terminal operated by Total and part-owned by Texaco, storing oil, petrol as well as kerosene which supplies Luton airport.

"We are doing everything we can to support the emergency services and to bring the situation under control," said a Total spokesman.

No further details were available, he added.

'Smell of gas'

BBC correspondent Sinead Wilson, who lives in nearby St Albans said there was a huge plume of smoke covering the sky.

"There is a smell of gas, lots of fire engines, police cars in the area," she said.

"From where I am it is just black smoke, I can't see any flames. I did get very close to the scene of the accident and was moved on very swiftly by the police, but I did see flames from there.

"It looked to me as if entire depot was under fire.

"My husband and I both jumped out of bed this morning, thought a plane had come down. We ran in the street, lots of neighbours did the same."

Eye witness Sam Matton, who lives half-a-mile from the depot told BBC News: "The sky is sort of orange. The flames have got to be 60ft up in the air.

"The loft hatch in my house has actually fallen out, my neighbour's window has actually broken from the impact.

I am about three miles from where the explosion took place but I can see flames high in the sky and smoke billowing everywhere
Duncan Milligan

"There was a first major explosion and about three explosions after that."

Dave Franklin told BBC News: "There was a massive loud bang which broke windows above us and to the right. The whole sky just turned orange and black."

Duncan Milligan, of Hemel Hempstead, said he was awoken by the explosion as his house "shook".

"There was a loud boom and the house shook violently.

"I am about three miles from where the explosion took place but I can see flames high in the sky and smoke billowing everywhere.

"There is clearly a building on fire near the motorway and police and emergency services are everywhere."

Michael Vatty said: "There have been four subsequent very loud explosions, but the main one was just after six.

"The impression was that it was a clap of thunder, but as soon as we got up we saw the flames. We had the garage door blown in, the front door was also blown in."


11-12-05, 10:23
"Een getuige zei dat het lijkt alsof de zon opkomt, maar dan aan de verkeerde kant."


Voor de koranfreaks betekent dit wel wat. :fplet:

11-12-05, 11:42
Hmm.. ik denk dat mijn energie fonds aandelen morgen weer omhoog gaan.