Bekijk Volledige Versie : Amerikanen hebben liever Moslim dan Atheist

01-04-06, 23:49
Atheists identified as America’s most distrusted minority, according to new U of M study

What: U of M study reveals America’s distrust of atheism
Who: Penny Edgell, associate professor of sociology
Contact: Nina Shepherd, sociology media relations, (612) 599-1148
Mark Cassutt University News Service, (612) 624-8038

American’s increasing acceptance of religious diversity doesn’t extend to those who don’t believe in a god, according to a national survey by researchers in the University of Minnesota’s department of sociology.

From a telephone sampling of more than 2,000 households, university researchers found that Americans rate atheists below Muslims, recent immigrants, gays and lesbians and other minority groups in “sharing their vision of American society.” Atheists are also the minority group most Americans are least willing to allow their children to marry.

Even though atheists are few in number, not formally organized and relatively hard to publicly identify, they are seen as a threat to the American way of life by a large portion of the American public. “Atheists, who account for about 3 percent of the U.S. population, offer a glaring exception to the rule of increasing social tolerance over the last 30 years,” says Penny Edgell, associate sociology professor and the study’s lead researcher.

Edgell also argues that today’s atheists play the role that Catholics, Jews and communists have played in the past—they offer a symbolic moral boundary to membership in American society. “It seems most Americans believe that diversity is fine, as long as every one shares a common ‘core’ of values that make them trustworthy—and in America, that ‘core’ has historically been religious,” says Edgell. Many of the study’s respondents associated atheism with an array of moral indiscretions ranging from criminal behavior to rampant materialism and cultural elitism.

Edgell believes a fear of moral decline and resulting social disorder is behind the findings. “Americans believe they share more than rules and procedures with their fellow citizens—they share an understanding of right and wrong,” she said. “Our findings seem to rest on a view of atheists as self-interested individuals who are not concerned with the common good.”

The researchers also found acceptance or rejection of atheists is related not only to personal religiosity, but also to one’s exposure to diversity, education and political orientation—with more educated, East and West Coast Americans more accepting of atheists than their Midwestern counterparts.

The study is co-authored by assistant professor Joseph Gerteis and associate professor Doug Hartmann. It’s the first in a series of national studies conducted the American Mosaic Project, a three-year project funded by the Minneapolis-based David Edelstein Family Foundation that looks at race, religion and cultural diversity in the contemporary United States. The study will appear in the April issue of the American Sociological Review.


02-04-06, 10:20
dat klopt, rechtse religieuze amerikanen en moslims denken vrijwel hetzelfde over bijna alle zaken.

alleen niet over de stroming van geloof dus gelukkig voor ons atheisten zullen ze nooit echt vriendjes worden :)

02-04-06, 18:32
Het resultaat van haatzaaiende dominees.

02-04-06, 22:29
Geplaatst door Lost_lady

Even though atheists are few in number, not formally organized and relatively hard to publicly identify, they are seen as a threat to the American way of life by a large portion of the American
The American way of live:
Overal ter wereld brandhaarden stichten. Het grootste aandeel in de luchtvervuiling hebben. Overmatig consumeren en produceren. De hebberigheid tot een kunst verheven. En dan de bek vol Got and Jesus loves you. Hier begint via onze J.P. Balkenende en bentgenoten deze Amerivcan way of live ook zijn intrede te doen. Spaar me

02-04-06, 22:30
Geplaatst door duende
The American way of live:
Overal ter wereld brandhaarden stichten. Het grootste aandeel in de luchtvervuiling hebben. Overmatig consumeren en produceren. De hebberigheid tot een kunst verheven. En dan de bek vol Got and Jesus loves you. Hier begint via onze J.P. Balkenende en bentgenoten deze Amerivcan way of live ook zijn intrede te doen. Spaar me


Oh nee, tis om te huilen.

02-04-06, 22:59
Geplaatst door duende
The American way of live:
Overal ter wereld brandhaarden stichten. Het grootste aandeel in de luchtvervuiling hebben. Overmatig consumeren en produceren. De hebberigheid tot een kunst verheven. En dan de bek vol Got and Jesus loves you. Hier begint via onze J.P. Balkenende en bentgenoten deze Amerivcan way of live ook zijn intrede te doen. Spaar me

Krijg nu al braakneigingen. :moe:

02-04-06, 23:00
Gezien de reacties, hebben die christelijke amerikanen wel gelijk.

03-04-06, 00:34
Geplaatst door Tomas
Gezien de reacties, hebben die christelijke amerikanen wel gelijk.

Tuurlijk. We hebben ze niet voor niks Europa uitgedonderd.