Bekijk Volledige Versie : Deense premier tegen godsdienst

25-06-06, 22:11
Deense premier tegen godsdienst
Religie moet verdwijnen uit publieke sfeer

Geplaatst op 25/6 '06 om 17:10u
Door Eric Masseus (Bron: Radio Vaticaan)

KOPENHAGEN (RKnieuws.net) – In Denemarken is een debat over de verhouding staat en godsdienst ontbrand. De minister-president, Anders Fogh-Rasmussen, zei in de krant Politiken dat de religie uit de publieke sfeer moet verdwijnen.

De minister-president: “Het is gevaarlijk als het persoonlijke geloof door godsdienstige wetten wordt gedicteerd, waarbij de individuele mens onderworpen wordt aan duizenden jaren oude voorschriften en als de samenleving naar religieuze geboden wordt ingericht.”

Fogh-Rasmussen wordt door vele waarnemers en politici uit de oppositie verweten dat zijn optreden in de kwestie om de Mohammed cartoons mede heeft geleid tot een escalatie. (em).

25-06-06, 22:30
Een democratische staat kan alleen neutraal zijn.

25-06-06, 22:35
Geplaatst door sjaen
Een democratische staat kan alleen neutraal zijn.

Een democratische staat is een atheïstische heilsstaat

25-06-06, 22:44
Geplaatst door Marsipulami
Deense premier tegen godsdienst
Religie moet verdwijnen uit publieke sfeer

De minister-president: “Het is gevaarlijk als het persoonlijke geloof door godsdienstige wetten wordt gedicteerd, waarbij de individuele mens onderworpen wordt aan duizenden jaren oude voorschriften en als de samenleving naar religieuze geboden wordt ingericht.”

Wie was het ook alweer die zei dat in Nederland alles 15 jaar later gebeurt?
Laat iemand ff zo'n tegelspreuk ook op Danishmarken loslaten please.
Wat een holle retoriek.

25-06-06, 22:50
Geplaatst door Marsipulami
Een democratische staat is een atheïstische heilsstaat

Bull, hoe multiculti de samenleving hoe dringender de democratie een neutrale regering nodig heeft. Ken je geschiedenis.........en leer!

Trouwens als je de hedendaagse belangstelling voor New Age beziet, met name in combinatie met het ecologisch bewustzijn, de natuurgodsdiensten, de enige vorm van godsdienst is die zich heeft weten uit te breiden.

26-06-06, 06:20
Een neutrale regering is wat anders dan een regering die zich hier en daar laat inspireren door de waarden, normen en voorschriften van een godsdienst. Daarbij is het maar net wat je onder neutraliteit verstaat.
Als het gaat over het antwoord geven op de laatste vragen is niemand neutraal. Dit kun je in een staatsbestel uiteraard niet allemaal verdisconteren, maar het zou sommige Verlichtingsfundamentalisten wel sieren als ze eens wat bescheidener waren in hun inzichten over "hoe godsdienst uit de samenleving zou moeten verdwijnen". Daarmee zeg je namelijk dat gelovigen zelf in principe uit die samenleving moeten verdwijnen.

De minister-president: “Het is gevaarlijk als het persoonlijke geloof door godsdienstige wetten wordt gedicteerd, waarbij de individuele mens onderworpen wordt aan duizenden jaren oude voorschriften en als de samenleving naar religieuze geboden wordt ingericht.”

...en deze is net zo bezopen als het Saoudi-Arabische voorschrift dat Swissair niet over Saoudi-Arabië mag vliegen, vanwege dat witte kruis op de staart van het vliegtuig.

Ken je geschiedenis.........en leer!

Nog maar eens een keer: In Nederland is de scheiding van kerk en staat in de 19de eeuw van de grond gekomen vanwege de oneigenlijke staatsbemoeienis met de persoonlijke levenssfeer van individuele gelovigen. De staat wilde toen voorschrijven welke liturgie en godsdienstoefening er in iedere kerk diende te worden gebruikt. Geen wonder dat daar vanuit de diverse gelovigen een heel fel protest tegen kwam. Ken je geschiedenis en leer, inderdaad.

26-06-06, 09:10
De minister-president: “Het is gevaarlijk als het persoonlijke geloof door godsdienstige wetten wordt gedicteerd, waarbij de individuele mens onderworpen wordt aan duizenden jaren oude voorschriften en als de samenleving naar religieuze geboden wordt ingericht.” hij heeft dus niets tegen geloof maar wat tegen georganiseerde religie en met name als deze invloed op de samenleving als geheel probeert uit te oefenen

en daar heeft hij volkomen gelijk in

iedereen mag geloven wat hij wil maar dat geloof van invloed laten zijn op mijn leven dat mag hij niet

26-06-06, 09:11
Ik ben het 100% met die man eens.
Al de gelovigen op dit forum hebben hun eigen geloof. Alles wat in hun heilige geschriften staat (door mensen geschreven trouwens) wordt op tientalle manieren geïnterpreteerd. Dus de goddelijke waarheid is voor ieder individu iets anders.
Het meeste is ouderwetse humbug.Ik heb hier gelezen dat een engel het leven inblaast tijdens de zwangerschap.....Te triest voor woorden dat volwassenen dit soort kinderlijke sprookjes nog voor waar aannemen. Wat zullen die engelen het druk hebben..iedere hartslag wordt er een kind verwekt op deze wereld.
Over kinderen verwekken...de roomsche en de ilamitische gottsdienst staan blijkbaar grote gezinnen voor. Dat de wereld overbevolkt raakt schijnt de gelovigen niet te interreseren.
Ooit in Egypte geweest. De gids vertelde dat de Egyptenaren net zoveel kinderen maakte als konijnen dat doen. Dit vertelde hij vol trots. Op mijn vraag hoe deze mensen allemaal te voeden, antwoorde hij dan gaan ze naar Europa...Fijn het is hier al zo vol. Maar dat gaf niet Allah zorgde wel voor ons.....Nou ik steek mijn hand niet in het vuur voor Allah of Gott of onze lieve heer.
En dan de onzin van het niet eten van varkensvlees. Dat is haram en slecht enz...Maar je vette mercedes diesel gore dampen in de atmosfeer laten spuiten is geen probleem want er staat nergens in de koran dat dieselmotoren haram zijn. Een kerncentrale bouwen? Met alle gevaren van dien. Staat nergens in de bijbel of koran dat kerncentrales gevaarlijk zijn en kernafval schadelijk is.
Plezier is er voor sommige gelovigen ook niet bij. Vooral voor onze hervormde en gereformeerde vrienden. De aarde is een tranendal en wij zijn slechts zondaars. Iedere natuurlijke neiging van de mens....Ff lekker aftrekken b.v wordt door die fijne Gott (is liefde) afgestraft met het helle vuur.
Net zoals het besnijden van jongetjes....we hebben tegenwoordig douches en iets dat Hygiene heet...Of mafketels die een baard dragen omdat het van hun geloof moet...Het zijn allemaal van die onzinnige en idiote regels.
En waarom zou je niet tegen geloof mogen zijn. Het is achterhaalde en over het algemeen kwaadaardige onzin die sommige mensen het leven aardig zuur maakt.

26-06-06, 11:20
Geplaatst door Wortel
Een neutrale regering is wat anders dan een regering die zich hier en daar laat inspireren door de waarden, normen en voorschriften van een godsdienst. Daarbij is het maar net wat je onder neutraliteit verstaat.
Als het gaat over het antwoord geven op de laatste vragen is niemand neutraal. Dit kun je in een staatsbestel uiteraard niet allemaal verdisconteren, maar het zou sommige Verlichtingsfundamentalisten wel sieren als ze eens wat bescheidener waren in hun inzichten over "hoe godsdienst uit de samenleving zou moeten verdwijnen". Daarmee zeg je namelijk dat gelovigen zelf in principe uit die samenleving moeten verdwijnen. ]

Religie werkt ondermijnend voor de sociale cohesie in de samenleving

...en deze is net zo bezopen als het Saoudi-Arabische voorschrift dat Swissair niet over Saoudi-Arabië mag vliegen, vanwege dat witte kruis op de staart van het vliegtuig.]

I'll rest my case!

Nog maar eens een keer: In Nederland is de scheiding van kerk en staat in de 19de eeuw van de grond gekomen vanwege de oneigenlijke staatsbemoeienis met de persoonlijke levenssfeer van individuele gelovigen. De staat wilde toen voorschrijven welke liturgie en godsdienstoefening er in iedere kerk diende te worden gebruikt. Geen wonder dat daar vanuit de diverse gelovigen een heel fel protest tegen kwam. Ken je geschiedenis en leer, inderdaad.

So it works bothsides :student:


26-06-06, 14:56
Religie werkt ondermijnend voor de sociale cohesie in de samenleving

Nee, geleuter over andermans diepste zelfverstaan dat van binnenuit niet begrepen wordt en ook niet begrepen wíl worden, werkt ondermijnend voor de sociale cohesie. Sociale cohesie is misschien nog iets anders dan een periodieke oprisping van Oranjegevoel, gelardeerd met een uitjesharing.

I'll rest my case!

Die case begint daar pas.

So it works bothsides

Natuurlijk werkt het 'bothsides'. Minister Donner spreekt hier wijze woorden waar ik het grotendeels mee eens ben. Maar alweer: dat is wat anders dan dat de veruitwendigingen van religie geheel en al uit de publieke ruimte zouden moeten verdwijnen. Van mij hoeft de winkel op zondag niet dicht, als men zich daar prettig bij voelt, maar ik zou het als het Kerstmis is, toch ook graag ook in de publieke ruimte nog eens over Jezus willen hebben.

26-06-06, 20:38
Geplaatst door duende
Ik ben het 100% met die man eens.
Al de gelovigen op dit forum hebben hun eigen geloof. Alles wat in hun heilige geschriften staat (door mensen geschreven trouwens) wordt op tientalle manieren geïnterpreteerd. Dus de goddelijke waarheid is voor ieder individu iets anders.
Het meeste is ouderwetse humbug.Ik heb hier gelezen dat een engel het leven inblaast tijdens de zwangerschap.....Te triest voor woorden dat volwassenen dit soort kinderlijke sprookjes nog voor waar aannemen. Wat zullen die engelen het druk hebben..iedere hartslag wordt er een kind verwekt op deze wereld.
Over kinderen verwekken...de roomsche en de ilamitische gottsdienst staan blijkbaar grote gezinnen voor. Dat de wereld overbevolkt raakt schijnt de gelovigen niet te interreseren.
Ooit in Egypte geweest. De gids vertelde dat de Egyptenaren net zoveel kinderen maakte als konijnen dat doen. Dit vertelde hij vol trots. Op mijn vraag hoe deze mensen allemaal te voeden, antwoorde hij dan gaan ze naar Europa...Fijn het is hier al zo vol. Maar dat gaf niet Allah zorgde wel voor ons.....Nou ik steek mijn hand niet in het vuur voor Allah of Gott of onze lieve heer.
En dan de onzin van het niet eten van varkensvlees. Dat is haram en slecht enz...Maar je vette mercedes diesel gore dampen in de atmosfeer laten spuiten is geen probleem want er staat nergens in de koran dat dieselmotoren haram zijn. Een kerncentrale bouwen? Met alle gevaren van dien. Staat nergens in de bijbel of koran dat kerncentrales gevaarlijk zijn en kernafval schadelijk is.
Plezier is er voor sommige gelovigen ook niet bij. Vooral voor onze hervormde en gereformeerde vrienden. De aarde is een tranendal en wij zijn slechts zondaars. Iedere natuurlijke neiging van de mens....Ff lekker aftrekken b.v wordt door die fijne Gott (is liefde) afgestraft met het helle vuur.
Net zoals het besnijden van jongetjes....we hebben tegenwoordig douches en iets dat Hygiene heet...Of mafketels die een baard dragen omdat het van hun geloof moet...Het zijn allemaal van die onzinnige en idiote regels.
En waarom zou je niet tegen geloof mogen zijn. Het is achterhaalde en over het algemeen kwaadaardige onzin die sommige mensen het leven aardig zuur maakt.

Ik ben het 100% met die man eens.

Ik vind het maar een enge kerel. Heeft de halve wereld laten branden voor 'zijn arrogante "waarheid" '.

Al de gelovigen op dit forum hebben hun eigen geloof. Alles wat in hun heilige geschriften staat (door mensen geschreven trouwens) wordt op tientalle manieren geïnterpreteerd. Dus de goddelijke waarheid is voor ieder individu iets anders.

Flauwekul... Er zijn geen tientallen interpretaties... Je kunt hooguit zeggen dat er strictere en mindere strictere interpretaties zijn daar waar er ruimte is voor de maat...

Het meeste is ouderwetse humbug.Ik heb hier gelezen dat een engel het leven inblaast tijdens de zwangerschap.....Te triest voor woorden dat volwassenen dit soort kinderlijke sprookjes nog voor waar aannemen. Wat zullen die engelen het druk hebben..iedere hartslag wordt er een kind verwekt op deze wereld.

Arrogantie... Het feit dat jij niet gelooft in wat je niet ziet is je eigen probleem... Gelovigen zijn nu eenmaal mensen die niet pretenderen alles te weten maar wel de logica kunnen opbrengen dat er meer is dan wat je ziet... Overigens is bovenstaande niet verkondigt door de eerste de beste maar door de Profeet Mohamed (VZMH).

Hier alweer voor de zoveelste keer een STERK STAALTJE BEWIJS:

Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson, Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, U.S.A., proclaims: "... these HADITHS, sayings of MUHAMMAD---sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam--- could not have been obtained on the basis of the scientific knowledge that was available at the time of the writer (7th century). It follows that not only is there no conflict between genetics and religion (ISLAM) but in fact religion (ISLAM) may guide science by adding revelation to some of the traditional scientific approaches... there exist statements in the QUR'AN shown centuries later to be valid which support knowledge in the QUR'AN having been derived from GOD."


"Now let man but think From what he is created! He is created from A drop emitted --- Proceeding from between The back bone and the ribs."

[AL-QUR'AN 86:5-7]

In embryonic stages, the reproductive organs of the male and female, i.e. the testicles and the ovaries, begin their development near the kidney between the spinal column and the eleventh and twelfth ribs. Later they descend; the female gonads(ovaries) stop in the pelvis while the male gonads(testicles) continue their descent before birth to reach the scrotum through the inguinal canal. Even in the adult after the descent of the reproductive organ, these organs receive their nerve supply and blood supply from the Abdominal Aorta, which is in the area between the back bone(spinal column) and the ribs. Even the lymphatic drainage and the venous return goes to the same area.

Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson, Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, U.S.A., proclaims: "... these HADITHS, sayings of MUHAMMAD---sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam--- could not have been obtained on the basis of the scientific knowledge that was available at the time of the writer (7th century). It follows that not only is there no conflict between genetics and religion (ISLAM) but in fact religion (ISLAM) may guide science by adding revelation to some of the traditional scientific approaches... there exist statements in the QUR'AN shown centuries later to be valid which support knowledge in the QUR'AN having been derived from GOD."


"Now let man but think From what he is created! He is created from A drop emitted --- Proceeding from between The back bone and the ribs."

[AL-QUR'AN 86:5-7]

In embryonic stages, the reproductive organs of the male and female, i.e. the testicles and the ovaries, begin their development near the kidney between the spinal column and the eleventh and twelfth ribs. Later they descend; the female gonads(ovaries) stop in the pelvis while the male gonads(testicles) continue their descent before birth to reach the scrotum through the inguinal canal. Even in the adult after the descent of the reproductive organ, these organs receive their nerve supply and blood supply from the Abdominal Aorta, which is in the area between the back bone(spinal column) and the ribs. Even the lymphatic drainage and the venous return goes to the same area.


The Glorious QUR'AN mentions no less than eleven times that the human being is created from 'nutfah', which means a minute quantity of liquid or a trickle of liquid which remains after emptying a cup. This is mentioned in several verses of the QUR'AN including 22:5 and 23:13. {The same is also mentioned in the QUR'AN in 16:4, 18:37, 35:11, 36:77, 40:67, 53:46, 75:37, 76:2 and 80:19} Science has confirmed in recent times that only one out of an average of three million sperms is required for fertilising the ovum. This means that only a 1/three millionth part or 0.00003% of the quantity of sperms that are emitted is required for fertilisation.

HUMAN BEINGS CREATED FROM SULALAH (quintessence of liquid)

"And made his progeny From a quintessence Of the nature of A fluid despised."

[AL-QUR'AN 32:8]

The Arabic word 'sulalah' means quintessence or the best part of a whole. We have come to know now that only one single spermatozoan that penetrates the ovum is required for fertilization, out of the several millions produced by man. That one spermatozoan out of several millions, is referred to in the QUR'AN as 'sulalah'. 'Sulalah' also means gentle extraction from a fluid.The fluid refers to both male and female germinal fluids containing gametes. Both ovum and sperm are gently extracted from their environments in the process of fertilization.


Consider the following Qur'anic verse:

"Verily WE created Man from a drop Of mingled sperm."

[AL-QUR'AN 76:2]

The Arabic word 'nutfatun amshaajin' means mingled liquids. According to some commentators of the QUR'AN, mingled liquids refers to the male or female agents or liquids. After mixture of male and female gamete, the zygote still remains 'nutfah'. Mingled liquids can also refer to spermatic fluid that is formed of various secretions that come from various glands. Therefore 'nutfatun amshaaj', i.e. a minute quantity of mingled fluids refers to the male and female gametes (germinal fluids or cells) and part of the surrounding fluids.


The sex of a foetus is determined by the nature of the sperm and not the ovum. The sex of the chil, whether female or male, depends on whether the 23rd pair of chromosomes is XX or XY respectively. Primarily sex determination occurs at fertilization and depends upon the type of sex chromosome in the sperm that fertilizes an ovum. If it is an 'X' bearing sperm that fertilizes the ovum, the foetus is a female and if it is a 'Y' bearing sperm then the foetus is a male.

"That HE did create In pairs---male and female, From a seed when lodged (In its place)."

[AL-QUR'AN 53:45-46]

The Arabic word 'nutfah' means a minute quantity of liquid and 'tumna' means ejaculated or planted. Therefore 'nutfah' specifically refers to sperm because it is ejaculated.

The QUR'AN says:

"Was he not a drop Of sperm emitted (In lowly form)? Then did he become A clinging clot; Then did (ALLAH) make And fashion (him) In due proportion. And of him HE made Two sexes, male And female."

[AL-QUR'AN 75:37-39]

Here again it is mentioned that a small quantity (drop) of sperm (indicated by the word 'nutfatan min maniyyin) which comes from the man is responsible for the sex of the foetus. Mothers-in-law in the Indian subcontinent, by and large prefer having male grandchildren and often blame their daughters-in-law if the child is not of the desired sex. If only they knew that the determining factor is the nature of the male sperm and not the female ovum! If they were to blame anybody, they should blame their sons and not their daughters-in-law since both the QUR'AN and Science hold that it is the male fluid that is responsible for the sex of the child!


"HE makes you, In the wombs of your mothers, In stages, one after another, In three veils of darkness."

[AL-QUR'AN 39:6]

According to Prof. Keith Moore these three veils of darkness in the QUR'AN refer to"
(a) anterior abdominal wall of the mother
(b)the uterine wall (c)the amnio-chorionoic membrane.


"Man WE did create From a quintessence (of clay); Then WE placed him As ( a drop of) sperm In a place of rest, firmly fixed; Then WE made the sperm Into a clot of congealed blood; Then of that clot WE made A (foetus) lump; then WE Made out of that lump Bones and clothed the bones With flesh; then WE developed Out of it another creature. So blessed be ALLAH, The Best to create!"

[AL-QUR'AN 23:12-14]

In this verse ALLAH states that man is created from a small quantity of liquid which is placed in a place of rest, firmly fixed(well established or lodged) for which the Arabic word 'qararin makin' is used. The uterus is well protected from the posterior by the spinal column supported firmly by the back muscles. The embryo is further protected by the amniotic sac containing the amniotic fluid. Thus the foetus has a well protected dwelling place. This small quantity of fluid is made into 'alaqah', meaning something which clings. It also means a leech-like substance. Both descriptions are scientifically acceptable as in the very early stages the foetus clings to the wall and also appears to resemble the leech in shape. It also behaves like a leech(blood sucker) and acquires its blood supply from the mother through the placenta. The third meaning of the word 'alaqah' is a blood clot. During this 'alaqah' stage, which spans the third and fourth week of pregnancy, the blood clots within closed vessels. Hence, the embryo acquires the appearance of a blood clot in addition to acquiring the appearance of a leech. In 1677, Hamm and Leeuwenhoek were the first scientists to observe human sperm cells(spermatozoa) using a microscope. They thought that a sperm cell contained a miniature human being which grew in the uterus to form a newborn. This was known as the perforation theory. When scientists discovered that the ovum was bigger than the sperm, it was thought by De Graf and others that the foetus existed in a miniature form in the ovum. Later, in the 18th century Maupertuis propagated the theory of biparental inheritence. The 'alaqah' is transformed into 'mudghah' which means 'something that is chewed(having teeth marks)' and also something that is tacky and small which can be put in the mouth like gum. Both these explanations are scientifically correct. Prof. Keith Moore took a piece of plaster seal and made it into the size and shape of the early stage of foetus and chewed it between the teeth to make it into a 'Mudgha'. He compared this with the photographs of the early stage of foetus. The teeth marks resembled the 'somites' which is the early formation of the spinal column. This 'mudghah' is transformed into bones (izam). The bones are clothed with intact flesh or muscles (lahm). Then ALLAH makes it into another creature.
Prof. Marshall Johnson is one of the leading scientists in US, and is the head of the Department of Anatomy and Director of the Daniel Institute at the Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia in US. He was asked to comment on the verses of the QUR'AN dealing with embryology. He said that the verses of the QUR'AN describing the embryological stages cannot be a coincidence. He said it was probable that MUHAMMAD---sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam--- had a powerful microscope. On being reminded that the QUR'AN was revealed 1400 years ago, and microscopes were invented centuries after the time of PROPHET MUHAMMAD---sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam---, Prof. Johnson laughed and admitted that the first microscope invented could not magnify more than 10 times and could not show a clear picture. Later he said: "I see nothing here in conflict with the concept that Divine intervention was involved when MUHAMMAD---sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam--- recited the QUR'AN."

According to Dr. Keith Moore, the modern classification of embryonic development stages which is adopted throughout the world, is not easily comprehensible, since it identifies stages on a numerical basis i.e. stage 1, stage 2, etc. The divisions revealed in the QUR'AN are based on distinct and easily identifiable forms or shapes, which the embryo passes through. These are based on different phases of prenatal development and provide elegant scientific descriptions that are comprehensible and practical. Similar embryological stages of human development have been described in the following verse:

"Was he not a drop Of sperm emitted (In lowly form)? Then did he become A clinging clot; Then did (ALLAH) make And fashion (him) In due proportion. And of him HE made Two sexes, male And female."

[AL-QUR'AN 75:37-39]

"HIM WHO created thee, Fashioned thee in due proportion, And gave thee a just bias; In whatever Form HE wills, Does HE put thee together."

[AL-QUR'AN 82:7-8]


At the 'mugdhah' stage, if an incision is made in the embryo and the internal organ is dissected, it will be seen that most of them are formed while the others are not yet completely formed. According to Prof. Johnson, if we describe the embryo as a complete creation, then we are only describing that part which is already created.If we describe it as an incomplete creation, then we are only describing that part which is not yet created. So, is it a complete creation or an incomplete creation? There is no better description of this stage of embryogenesis than the Qur'anic description, 'partly formed and partly unformed', as in the following verse:

"WE created you Out of dust, then out of Sperm, then out of a leech-like Clot, then out of a morsel Of flesh, partly formed And partly unformed."

[AL-QUR'AN 22:5]

Scientifically we know that at this early stage of development there are some cells which are differentiated and there are some cells that are undifferentiated---some organs are formed and yet others unformed.


Thefirst sense to develop in a developing human embryo is hearing. The foetus can hear sounds after the 24th wek. Subsequently, the sense of sight is developed and by the 28th week, the retina becomes sensitive to light. Consider the following Qur'anic verses related to the development of the senses in the embryo:

"And HE gave You (the faculties of) hearing And sight and feeling (And understanding)."

[AL-QUR'AN 32:9]

"Verily WE created Man from a drop Of mingled sperm, In order to try him: So WE gave him (the gifts), Of Hearing and Sight."

[AL-QUR'AN 76:2]

"It is HE WHO has created For you (the faculties of) Hearing, sight, feeling And understanding: little thanks It is ye give!"

[AL-QUR'AN 23:78]

Knap dat iemand zonder kennis bovenstaande al 1400 jaar geleden in de SAHARA al had besproken.... Jij moet wel superwijsheid hebben omdat allemaal als achterlijkheid in de ban te doen....

Weet wel dat je een GROTE FOUT MAAKT... En dat ARROGANTIE BLIND MAAKT....

26-06-06, 23:23
Geplaatst door Wizdom
Ik vind het maar een enge kerel. Heeft de halve wereld laten branden voor 'zijn arrogante "waarheid" '.

Flauwekul... Er zijn geen tientallen interpretaties... Je kunt hooguit zeggen dat er strictere en mindere strictere interpretaties zijn daar waar er ruimte is voor de maat...

Arrogantie... Het feit dat jij niet gelooft in wat je niet ziet is je eigen probleem... Gelovigen zijn nu eenmaal mensen die niet pretenderen alles te weten maar wel de logica kunnen opbrengen dat er meer is dan wat je ziet... Overigens is bovenstaande niet verkondigt door de eerste de beste maar door de Profeet Mohamed (VZMH).

Hier alweer voor de zoveelste keer een STERK STAALTJE BEWIJS:

Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson, Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, U.S.A., proclaims: "... these HADITHS, sayings of MUHAMMAD---sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam--- could not have been obtained on the basis of the scientific knowledge that was available at the time of the writer (7th century). It follows that not only is there no conflict between genetics and religion (ISLAM) but in fact religion (ISLAM) may guide science by adding revelation to some of the traditional scientific approaches... there exist statements in the QUR'AN shown centuries later to be valid which support knowledge in the QUR'AN having been derived from GOD."


"Now let man but think From what he is created! He is created from A drop emitted --- Proceeding from between The back bone and the ribs."

[AL-QUR'AN 86:5-7]

In embryonic stages, the reproductive organs of the male and female, i.e. the testicles and the ovaries, begin their development near the kidney between the spinal column and the eleventh and twelfth ribs. Later they descend; the female gonads(ovaries) stop in the pelvis while the male gonads(testicles) continue their descent before birth to reach the scrotum through the inguinal canal. Even in the adult after the descent of the reproductive organ, these organs receive their nerve supply and blood supply from the Abdominal Aorta, which is in the area between the back bone(spinal column) and the ribs. Even the lymphatic drainage and the venous return goes to the same area.

Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson, Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, U.S.A., proclaims: "... these HADITHS, sayings of MUHAMMAD---sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam--- could not have been obtained on the basis of the scientific knowledge that was available at the time of the writer (7th century). It follows that not only is there no conflict between genetics and religion (ISLAM) but in fact religion (ISLAM) may guide science by adding revelation to some of the traditional scientific approaches... there exist statements in the QUR'AN shown centuries later to be valid which support knowledge in the QUR'AN having been derived from GOD."


"Now let man but think From what he is created! He is created from A drop emitted --- Proceeding from between The back bone and the ribs."

[AL-QUR'AN 86:5-7]

In embryonic stages, the reproductive organs of the male and female, i.e. the testicles and the ovaries, begin their development near the kidney between the spinal column and the eleventh and twelfth ribs. Later they descend; the female gonads(ovaries) stop in the pelvis while the male gonads(testicles) continue their descent before birth to reach the scrotum through the inguinal canal. Even in the adult after the descent of the reproductive organ, these organs receive their nerve supply and blood supply from the Abdominal Aorta, which is in the area between the back bone(spinal column) and the ribs. Even the lymphatic drainage and the venous return goes to the same area.


The Glorious QUR'AN mentions no less than eleven times that the human being is created from 'nutfah', which means a minute quantity of liquid or a trickle of liquid which remains after emptying a cup. This is mentioned in several verses of the QUR'AN including 22:5 and 23:13. {The same is also mentioned in the QUR'AN in 16:4, 18:37, 35:11, 36:77, 40:67, 53:46, 75:37, 76:2 and 80:19} Science has confirmed in recent times that only one out of an average of three million sperms is required for fertilising the ovum. This means that only a 1/three millionth part or 0.00003% of the quantity of sperms that are emitted is required for fertilisation.

HUMAN BEINGS CREATED FROM SULALAH (quintessence of liquid)

"And made his progeny From a quintessence Of the nature of A fluid despised."

[AL-QUR'AN 32:8]

The Arabic word 'sulalah' means quintessence or the best part of a whole. We have come to know now that only one single spermatozoan that penetrates the ovum is required for fertilization, out of the several millions produced by man. That one spermatozoan out of several millions, is referred to in the QUR'AN as 'sulalah'. 'Sulalah' also means gentle extraction from a fluid.The fluid refers to both male and female germinal fluids containing gametes. Both ovum and sperm are gently extracted from their environments in the process of fertilization.


Consider the following Qur'anic verse:

"Verily WE created Man from a drop Of mingled sperm."

[AL-QUR'AN 76:2]

The Arabic word 'nutfatun amshaajin' means mingled liquids. According to some commentators of the QUR'AN, mingled liquids refers to the male or female agents or liquids. After mixture of male and female gamete, the zygote still remains 'nutfah'. Mingled liquids can also refer to spermatic fluid that is formed of various secretions that come from various glands. Therefore 'nutfatun amshaaj', i.e. a minute quantity of mingled fluids refers to the male and female gametes (germinal fluids or cells) and part of the surrounding fluids.


The sex of a foetus is determined by the nature of the sperm and not the ovum. The sex of the chil, whether female or male, depends on whether the 23rd pair of chromosomes is XX or XY respectively. Primarily sex determination occurs at fertilization and depends upon the type of sex chromosome in the sperm that fertilizes an ovum. If it is an 'X' bearing sperm that fertilizes the ovum, the foetus is a female and if it is a 'Y' bearing sperm then the foetus is a male.

"That HE did create In pairs---male and female, From a seed when lodged (In its place)."

[AL-QUR'AN 53:45-46]

The Arabic word 'nutfah' means a minute quantity of liquid and 'tumna' means ejaculated or planted. Therefore 'nutfah' specifically refers to sperm because it is ejaculated.

The QUR'AN says:

"Was he not a drop Of sperm emitted (In lowly form)? Then did he become A clinging clot; Then did (ALLAH) make And fashion (him) In due proportion. And of him HE made Two sexes, male And female."

[AL-QUR'AN 75:37-39]

Here again it is mentioned that a small quantity (drop) of sperm (indicated by the word 'nutfatan min maniyyin) which comes from the man is responsible for the sex of the foetus. Mothers-in-law in the Indian subcontinent, by and large prefer having male grandchildren and often blame their daughters-in-law if the child is not of the desired sex. If only they knew that the determining factor is the nature of the male sperm and not the female ovum! If they were to blame anybody, they should blame their sons and not their daughters-in-law since both the QUR'AN and Science hold that it is the male fluid that is responsible for the sex of the child!


"HE makes you, In the wombs of your mothers, In stages, one after another, In three veils of darkness."

[AL-QUR'AN 39:6]

According to Prof. Keith Moore these three veils of darkness in the QUR'AN refer to"
(a) anterior abdominal wall of the mother
(b)the uterine wall (c)the amnio-chorionoic membrane.


"Man WE did create From a quintessence (of clay); Then WE placed him As ( a drop of) sperm In a place of rest, firmly fixed; Then WE made the sperm Into a clot of congealed blood; Then of that clot WE made A (foetus) lump; then WE Made out of that lump Bones and clothed the bones With flesh; then WE developed Out of it another creature. So blessed be ALLAH, The Best to create!"

[AL-QUR'AN 23:12-14]

In this verse ALLAH states that man is created from a small quantity of liquid which is placed in a place of rest, firmly fixed(well established or lodged) for which the Arabic word 'qararin makin' is used. The uterus is well protected from the posterior by the spinal column supported firmly by the back muscles. The embryo is further protected by the amniotic sac containing the amniotic fluid. Thus the foetus has a well protected dwelling place. This small quantity of fluid is made into 'alaqah', meaning something which clings. It also means a leech-like substance. Both descriptions are scientifically acceptable as in the very early stages the foetus clings to the wall and also appears to resemble the leech in shape. It also behaves like a leech(blood sucker) and acquires its blood supply from the mother through the placenta. The third meaning of the word 'alaqah' is a blood clot. During this 'alaqah' stage, which spans the third and fourth week of pregnancy, the blood clots within closed vessels. Hence, the embryo acquires the appearance of a blood clot in addition to acquiring the appearance of a leech. In 1677, Hamm and Leeuwenhoek were the first scientists to observe human sperm cells(spermatozoa) using a microscope. They thought that a sperm cell contained a miniature human being which grew in the uterus to form a newborn. This was known as the perforation theory. When scientists discovered that the ovum was bigger than the sperm, it was thought by De Graf and others that the foetus existed in a miniature form in the ovum. Later, in the 18th century Maupertuis propagated the theory of biparental inheritence. The 'alaqah' is transformed into 'mudghah' which means 'something that is chewed(having teeth marks)' and also something that is tacky and small which can be put in the mouth like gum. Both these explanations are scientifically correct. Prof. Keith Moore took a piece of plaster seal and made it into the size and shape of the early stage of foetus and chewed it between the teeth to make it into a 'Mudgha'. He compared this with the photographs of the early stage of foetus. The teeth marks resembled the 'somites' which is the early formation of the spinal column. This 'mudghah' is transformed into bones (izam). The bones are clothed with intact flesh or muscles (lahm). Then ALLAH makes it into another creature.
Prof. Marshall Johnson is one of the leading scientists in US, and is the head of the Department of Anatomy and Director of the Daniel Institute at the Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia in US. He was asked to comment on the verses of the QUR'AN dealing with embryology. He said that the verses of the QUR'AN describing the embryological stages cannot be a coincidence. He said it was probable that MUHAMMAD---sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam--- had a powerful microscope. On being reminded that the QUR'AN was revealed 1400 years ago, and microscopes were invented centuries after the time of PROPHET MUHAMMAD---sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam---, Prof. Johnson laughed and admitted that the first microscope invented could not magnify more than 10 times and could not show a clear picture. Later he said: "I see nothing here in conflict with the concept that Divine intervention was involved when MUHAMMAD---sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam--- recited the QUR'AN."

According to Dr. Keith Moore, the modern classification of embryonic development stages which is adopted throughout the world, is not easily comprehensible, since it identifies stages on a numerical basis i.e. stage 1, stage 2, etc. The divisions revealed in the QUR'AN are based on distinct and easily identifiable forms or shapes, which the embryo passes through. These are based on different phases of prenatal development and provide elegant scientific descriptions that are comprehensible and practical. Similar embryological stages of human development have been described in the following verse:

"Was he not a drop Of sperm emitted (In lowly form)? Then did he become A clinging clot; Then did (ALLAH) make And fashion (him) In due proportion. And of him HE made Two sexes, male And female."

[AL-QUR'AN 75:37-39]

"HIM WHO created thee, Fashioned thee in due proportion, And gave thee a just bias; In whatever Form HE wills, Does HE put thee together."

[AL-QUR'AN 82:7-8]


At the 'mugdhah' stage, if an incision is made in the embryo and the internal organ is dissected, it will be seen that most of them are formed while the others are not yet completely formed. According to Prof. Johnson, if we describe the embryo as a complete creation, then we are only describing that part which is already created.If we describe it as an incomplete creation, then we are only describing that part which is not yet created. So, is it a complete creation or an incomplete creation? There is no better description of this stage of embryogenesis than the Qur'anic description, 'partly formed and partly unformed', as in the following verse:

"WE created you Out of dust, then out of Sperm, then out of a leech-like Clot, then out of a morsel Of flesh, partly formed And partly unformed."

[AL-QUR'AN 22:5]

Scientifically we know that at this early stage of development there are some cells which are differentiated and there are some cells that are undifferentiated---some organs are formed and yet others unformed.


Thefirst sense to develop in a developing human embryo is hearing. The foetus can hear sounds after the 24th wek. Subsequently, the sense of sight is developed and by the 28th week, the retina becomes sensitive to light. Consider the following Qur'anic verses related to the development of the senses in the embryo:

"And HE gave You (the faculties of) hearing And sight and feeling (And understanding)."

[AL-QUR'AN 32:9]

"Verily WE created Man from a drop Of mingled sperm, In order to try him: So WE gave him (the gifts), Of Hearing and Sight."

[AL-QUR'AN 76:2]

"It is HE WHO has created For you (the faculties of) Hearing, sight, feeling And understanding: little thanks It is ye give!"

[AL-QUR'AN 23:78]

Knap dat iemand zonder kennis bovenstaande al 1400 jaar geleden in de SAHARA al had besproken.... Jij moet wel superwijsheid hebben omdat allemaal als achterlijkheid in de ban te doen....

Weet wel dat je een GROTE FOUT MAAKT... En dat ARROGANTIE BLIND MAAKT....
Die wijsheid hadden ze ook al eeuwen tevoren op Kos uitgevonden.
Zaadje eitje enz...
Je hoeft geen licht te zijn om conclussies te trekken. Die kwak die uit je pik komt als je dat lekkere gevoel krijgt moet toch ergens voor dienen.
En engelen die leven inblazen.....tstststststs.
Ik neem niet eens meer de moeite om de bijbelse en koraanse wijsheden te lezen. Die argumenten maken geen indruk op me. Het is waar omdat vers zoveel bla, bla,bla.
Of je nou een jehova getuige of een andere gelovige hoort. Allemaal hetzelfde.
En de Deense premier heeft niet de halve wereld in brand gestoken maar een stelletje op hun pik getrapte en opgehitste moslims.
Dank u.