Bekijk Volledige Versie : Geen Zar-Kiwi Maar Toch Steeds Nieuw Record Bommetjes

Coolassprov MC
18-08-06, 06:22


Bombs Aimed at G.I.’s in Iraq Are Increasing
Ceerwan Aziz/Reuters
A recent bombing in Baghdad. Most of the roadside bombs are directed at American-led forces, officials say.

WASHINGTON, Aug. 16 — The number of roadside bombs planted in Iraq rose in July to the highest monthly total of the war, offering more evidence that the anti-American insurgency has continued to strengthen despite the killing of the terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

Along with a sharp increase in sectarian attacks, the number of daily strikes against American and Iraqi security forces has doubled since January. The deadliest means of attack, roadside bombs, made up much of that increase. In July, of 2,625 explosive devices, 1,666 exploded and 959 were discovered before they went off. In January, 1,454 bombs exploded or were found.

The bomb statistics — compiled by American military authorities in Baghdad and made available at the request of The New York Times — are part of a growing body of data and intelligence analysis about the violence in Iraq that has produced somber public assessments from military commanders, administration officials and lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

“The insurgency has gotten worse by almost all measures, with insurgent attacks at historically high levels,” said a senior Defense Department official who agreed to discuss the issue only on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak for attribution. “The insurgency has more public support and is demonstrably more capable in numbers of people active and in its ability to direct violence than at any point in time.”

A separate, classified report by the Defense Intelligence Agency, dated Aug. 3, details worsening security conditions inside the country and describes how Iraq risks sliding toward civil war, according to several officials who have read the document or who have received a briefing on its contents.

The nine-page D.I.A. study, titled “Iraq Update,” compiles the most recent empirical data on the number of attacks, bombings, murders and other violent acts, as well as diagrams of the groups carrying out insurgent and sectarian attacks, the officials said.

The report’s contents are being widely discussed among Pentagon officials, military commanders and, in particular, on Capitol Hill, where concern among senior lawmakers of both parties is growing over a troubling dichotomy: even as Iraq takes important steps toward democracy — including the election of a permanent government this spring — the violence has gotten worse.

Senior Bush administration officials reject the idea that Iraq is on the verge of civil war, and state with unwavering confidence that the broad American strategy in Iraq remains on course. But American commanders in Iraq have shifted thousands of soldiers from outlying provinces to Baghdad to combat increased violence in the Iraqi capital.

The increased attacks have taken their toll. While the number of Americans killed in action per month has declined slightly — to 38 killed in action in July, from 42 in January, in part reflecting improvements in armor and other defenses — the number of Americans wounded has soared, to 518 in July from 287 in January. Explosive devices accounted for slightly more than half the deaths.

An analysis of the 1,666 bombs that exploded in July shows that 70 percent were directed against the American-led military force, according to a spokesman for the military command in Baghdad. Twenty percent struck Iraqi security forces, up from 9 percent in 2005. And 10 percent of the blasts struck civilians, twice the rate from last year.

Taken together, the new assessments by the military and the intelligence community provide evidence that violence in Iraq is at its highest level yet. And they describe twin dangers facing the country: insurgent violence against Americans and Iraqi security forces, which has continued to increase since the killing on June 7 of Mr. Zarqawi, the leader of the insurgent group Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, and the primarily sectarian violence seen in Iraqi-on-Iraqi attacks being aimed at civilians.

Iraq is now locked in a cycle in which strikes by Sunni Arab militants have prompted the rise of Shiite militias, which have in turn aggravated Sunni fears. Beyond that, many Sunnis say they believe that the new Shiite-dominated government has not made sufficient efforts to create a genuine unity government. As a result, Sunni attitudes appear to have hardened.

As the politics in Iraq have grown more polarized since the elections in December, in which many Sunni Arabs voted, attacks have soared, including sectarian clashes that have killed an average of more than 100 Iraqi civilians per day over the past two months.

In addition to bombs, attacks with mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and small-caliber weapons against American and Iraqi military forces have also increased, according to American military officials. But the number of roadside bombs — or improvised explosive devices as they are known by the military — is an especially important indicator of enemy activity. Bomb attacks are the largest killer of American troops. They also require a network: a bomb maker; financiers to pay for the effort; and operatives to dig holes in the road, plant the explosives, watch for approaching American and Iraqi forces and set off the blast when troops approach.


18-08-06, 06:34
Aantal bomaanslagen in Irak bijna verdubbeld


BAGDAD - Het aantal bomaanslagen gericht tegen Iraakse en Amerikaanse troepen is de afgelopen maanden sterk gestegen. Dat hebben Amerikaanse functionarissen, die anoniem wensen te blijven, donderdag gezegd.

De functionarissen bevestigden een bericht in de New York Times dat het aantal bomaanslagen op Iraakse en Amerikaanse soldaten sinds januari bijna is verdubbeld. Het lijkt erop dat de opstand in Irak heviger is dan ooit, ondanks de recente dood van de leider van Al-Qaida in Irak, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

In juli zijn volgens de functionarissen in Irak in totaal 2.625 bommen geëxplodeerd of ontdekt voor ze tot ontploffing werden gebracht. In januari waren dat er 'slechts' 1.454. Van de in juli daadwerkelijk ontplofte bommen - 1.666 - was zo'n 70 procent gericht tegen Amerikaanse troepen, 20 procent tegen Iraakse troepen en 10 procent tegen burgers.

Zo'n 3.500 Irakezen kwamen in juli om bij gewelddadigheden; het hoogste aantal in één maand sinds maart 2003, zei de Iraakse onderminister van volksgezondheid Adel Muhsin woensdag. In de regio Bagdad alleen al vielen in juli 1.500 doden. De Verenigde Staten hebben bijna twaalfduizend Amerikaanse en Iraakse soldaten extra naar de hoofdstad gestuurd. Ondanks het toenemende geweld zei de Iraakse premier Nouri al-Maliki dat regeringstroepen in staat zijn om in het grootste deel van het land de orde te handhaven.

Een geparkeerde auto in de shi'itische wijk Sadr City in Bagdad explodeerde donderdag rond het middaguur. Er vielen zeven doden en vijftien gewonden, meldde de politie. De auto stond in de buurt van een markt, maar omdat veel Irakezen vroeg boodschappen hadden gedaan om de voorspelde middaghitte te ontlopen, vielen er volgens de politie relatief weinig slachtoffers. De vermoedelijke daders zijn soennitische opstandelingen.

Een tweede autobom miste een politiepatrouille in Bagdad en doodde drie voorgangers en verwondde er een. Iraakse soldaten vielen twee dorpen ten westen van Kirkuk binnen en pakten vijftig veronderstelde opstandelingen op. Tientallen wapens en explosieven werden in beslag genomen.
