Bekijk Volledige Versie : De Waarheid achter Ghandi

26-11-06, 13:35
Geschreven door een Indiase historicus die een hoop onderzoek heeft verricht naar de persoon Ghandi.

The Myth of Mahatma Ghandi

Written By: Velu Annamalai, Ph.D.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. might have heard the word of non-violence from Gandhi, but it is certain that Dr. King did not know the true colors of Mr. Gandhi. From the beginning to the end, M.K. Gandhi was loyal to imperialism. The Western news media and their Indian allies by a massive propaganda exercise created the illusion of sainthood around Gandhi and made people believe that he fought Apartheid in South Africa, and in the process of doing so developed a new method of non-violent struggle called satyagraha. Nothing is farther from the truth. Gandhi, for the major part of his life, worshipped British imperialism and too often proudly proclaimed himself a lover of the Empire. He was Kipling's Gunga Din in flesh and blood.

To understand Gandhi's politics in South Africa, it is essential to note the three fundamental trends which all along persisted underneath all his activities. They were:

(1) his loyalty to the British Empire,
(2) his apathy with regard to the Indian "lower castes", India's indigenous population, and
(3) his virulent anti-African racism.

Gandhi was once thrown out of a train compartment which was reserved exclusively for the Whites. It was not that Gandhi was fighting on behalf of the local Africans that he broke the rule in getting into a Whites' compartment. No! that was not the reason. Gandhi was so furious that he and his merchant caste Indians (Banias) were treated on par with the local Africans. This is the real reason for his fighting race discrimination in South Africa, and he had absolutely no concern about the pitiable way the Africans were treated by the Whites.

On June 2, 1906 he commented in the Indian Opinion that "Thanks to the Court's decision, only clean Indians (meaning upper caste Hindu Indians) or colored people other than Kaffirs, can now travel in the trains."

During the `Kaffir Wars' in South Africa he was a regular Gunga Din, who volunteered to organize a brigade of Indians to put down the Zulu uprising and was decorated himself for valor under fire.

Gandhi said on September 26, 1896 about the African people: "Ours is one continued struggle sought to be inflicted upon us by the Europeans, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir, whose occupation is hunting and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife, and then pass his life in indolence and nakedness."

Again in an editorial on the Natal Municipal Corporation Bill, in the Indian Opinion of March 18, 1905, Gandhi wrote: "Clause 200 makes provision for registration of persons belonging to uncivilized races (meaning the local Africans), resident and employed within the Borough.

One can understand the necessity of registration of Kaffirs who will not work, but why should registration be required for indentured Indians...?" Again on September 9, 1905, Gandhi wrote about the local Africans as: "in the majority of cases it compels the native to work for at least a few days a year" (meaning that the locals are lazy).

Nothing could be farther from the truth that Gandhi fought against Apartheid, which many propagandists in later years wanted people to believe.

He was all in favor of continuation of White domination and the oppression of Blacks in South Africa.

In the Indian Opinion of March 25, 1905, Gandhi wrote on a Bill regulating fire-arms: "In the instance of fire-arms, the Asiatic has been most improperly bracketed with the natives. The British Indian does not need any such restrictions as are imposed by the Bill on the natives regarding the carrying of fire-arms. The prominent race can remain so by preventing the native from arming himself. Is there the slightest vestige of justification for so preventing the British Indians?"
Gandhi always advised Indians not to align with other political groups in either colored or African communities. He was strongly opposed to the commingling of races.

In the Indian Opinion of September 4, 1904, Gandhi wrote: "Under my suggestion, the Town Council (of Johannesburg) must withdraw the Kaffirs from the Location. About this mixing of the Kaffirs with the Indians I must confess I feel most strongly. It think it is very unfair to the Indian population, and it is an undue tax on even the proverbial patience of my countrymen."

In the Indian Opinion of September 24, 1903, Gandhi said: "We believe as much in the purity of races as we think they (the Whites) do... by advocating the purity of all races."

Again on December 24, 1903, in the Indian Opinion Gandhi stated that: "so far as British Indians are concerned, such a thing is particularly unknown. If there is one thing which the Indian cherishes more than any other, it is purity of type."

When he was fighting on behalf of Indians, he was not fighting for all the Indians, but only for his rich merchant class upper caste Hindus!

In the Anglo-Boer War of 1899, Gandhi, in spite of his own belief that truth was on the side of the Boers, formed an ambulance unit in support of the British forces. He was very earnest about taking up arms and laying down his life for his beloved Queen. He led his men on to the battlefield and received a War Medal.

Gandhi joined in the orgy of Zulu slaughter when the Bambata Rebellion broke out. One needs to read the entire history of Bambata Rebellion to place Gandhi's nazi war crimes


27-11-06, 17:51
Geplaatst door Ansari
Geschreven door een Indiase historicus die een hoop onderzoek heeft verricht naar de persoon Ghandi.

The Myth of Mahatma Ghandi

Written By: Velu Annamalai, Ph.D.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. might have heard the word of non-violence from Gandhi, but it is certain that Dr. King did not know the true colors of Mr. Gandhi. From the beginning to the end, M.K. Gandhi was loyal to imperialism. The Western news media and their Indian allies by a massive propaganda exercise created the illusion of sainthood around Gandhi and made people believe that he fought Apartheid in South Africa, and in the process of doing so developed a new method of non-violent struggle called satyagraha. Nothing is farther from the truth. Gandhi, for the major part of his life, worshipped British imperialism and too often proudly proclaimed himself a lover of the Empire. He was Kipling's Gunga Din in flesh and blood.

To understand Gandhi's politics in South Africa, it is essential to note the three fundamental trends which all along persisted underneath all his activities. They were:

(1) his loyalty to the British Empire,
(2) his apathy with regard to the Indian "lower castes", India's indigenous population, and
(3) his virulent anti-African racism.

Gandhi was once thrown out of a train compartment which was reserved exclusively for the Whites. It was not that Gandhi was fighting on behalf of the local Africans that he broke the rule in getting into a Whites' compartment. No! that was not the reason. Gandhi was so furious that he and his merchant caste Indians (Banias) were treated on par with the local Africans. This is the real reason for his fighting race discrimination in South Africa, and he had absolutely no concern about the pitiable way the Africans were treated by the Whites.

On June 2, 1906 he commented in the Indian Opinion that "Thanks to the Court's decision, only clean Indians (meaning upper caste Hindu Indians) or colored people other than Kaffirs, can now travel in the trains."

During the `Kaffir Wars' in South Africa he was a regular Gunga Din, who volunteered to organize a brigade of Indians to put down the Zulu uprising and was decorated himself for valor under fire.

Gandhi said on September 26, 1896 about the African people: "Ours is one continued struggle sought to be inflicted upon us by the Europeans, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir, whose occupation is hunting and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife, and then pass his life in indolence and nakedness."

Again in an editorial on the Natal Municipal Corporation Bill, in the Indian Opinion of March 18, 1905, Gandhi wrote: "Clause 200 makes provision for registration of persons belonging to uncivilized races (meaning the local Africans), resident and employed within the Borough.

One can understand the necessity of registration of Kaffirs who will not work, but why should registration be required for indentured Indians...?" Again on September 9, 1905, Gandhi wrote about the local Africans as: "in the majority of cases it compels the native to work for at least a few days a year" (meaning that the locals are lazy).

Nothing could be farther from the truth that Gandhi fought against Apartheid, which many propagandists in later years wanted people to believe.

He was all in favor of continuation of White domination and the oppression of Blacks in South Africa.

In the Indian Opinion of March 25, 1905, Gandhi wrote on a Bill regulating fire-arms: "In the instance of fire-arms, the Asiatic has been most improperly bracketed with the natives. The British Indian does not need any such restrictions as are imposed by the Bill on the natives regarding the carrying of fire-arms. The prominent race can remain so by preventing the native from arming himself. Is there the slightest vestige of justification for so preventing the British Indians?"
Gandhi always advised Indians not to align with other political groups in either colored or African communities. He was strongly opposed to the commingling of races.

In the Indian Opinion of September 4, 1904, Gandhi wrote: "Under my suggestion, the Town Council (of Johannesburg) must withdraw the Kaffirs from the Location. About this mixing of the Kaffirs with the Indians I must confess I feel most strongly. It think it is very unfair to the Indian population, and it is an undue tax on even the proverbial patience of my countrymen."

In the Indian Opinion of September 24, 1903, Gandhi said: "We believe as much in the purity of races as we think they (the Whites) do... by advocating the purity of all races."

Again on December 24, 1903, in the Indian Opinion Gandhi stated that: "so far as British Indians are concerned, such a thing is particularly unknown. If there is one thing which the Indian cherishes more than any other, it is purity of type."

When he was fighting on behalf of Indians, he was not fighting for all the Indians, but only for his rich merchant class upper caste Hindus!

In the Anglo-Boer War of 1899, Gandhi, in spite of his own belief that truth was on the side of the Boers, formed an ambulance unit in support of the British forces. He was very earnest about taking up arms and laying down his life for his beloved Queen. He led his men on to the battlefield and received a War Medal.

Gandhi joined in the orgy of Zulu slaughter when the Bambata Rebellion broke out. One needs to read the entire history of Bambata Rebellion to place Gandhi's nazi war crimes


What 'bout : de bron ?: integer ,objectief , niet Ideologish of ander gemotiveerd ...?

This is serious stuff & allegations : ik had altijd "suspicions" over de onnatuurlijk & onmenselijk(tegen de natuur van de mens!) doctrine & filosofie van Ghandi :also " too beautiful to be true"!

This can change many conceptions & ideas ,if it's true!

Ik kan andere "cults of persons" die werden door het imperialistish Westen tot "mythen" & "saints" verheffen voor "obvious" politieke en imperialistishe doeleinden :
Attaturk van Turkij .(de "founding father" of seculair republic of Turky)
Jamal Abdelnasser van Egypte .(Socialisme & Arabish nationalisme !)

& many many others !

Anderzijds ,zijn er veel grote leiders & vrijheidsstrijders die door diezelfde imperialistish Westen werden "gedemoniseerd & zwart gemaakt!).

P.S.: Kortom :niet alles is wat het lijkt :
wat betreft de "officieel" geschiedenis bijv.: veel blaadzijden moeten herschreven worden!

27-11-06, 18:15
Bekend verhaal. Vooral populair in extreem-rechtse kringen. Google ook op 'Koenraad Elst'.

Hoewel Gandhi een 'Brahmaan' was was hij tegen het kaste-systeem. Die 'natuurlijke orde der dingen' volgens sommigen. Met z'n gelijkheidsdenken en geweldloosheid schopte hij tegen heel wat heilige huisjes. Ook tegen die van hen hen waarvoor hij leek op te komen.

Critici van hem gooiden (gooien) het dan ook over die boeg.

Het kaste-systeem is voor mij gelijk aan het nationaal-socialisme, of wat mij betreft het wahabisme / salafisme. Geïnstitutionaliseerde ongelijkheid gebaseerd op etnische of religieuze gronden.

27-11-06, 18:39
Ook interessante lectuur in dezer:

'Hindu fascism - Hinduism, Hitlers' mother?'

Bron (http://www.bharatvani.org/books/ayodhya/ch14.htm)

28-11-06, 13:35
Geplaatst door Man_Ray
Bekend verhaal. Vooral populair in extreem-rechtse kringen. Google ook op 'Koenraad Elst'.

Hoewel Gandhi een 'Brahmaan' was was hij tegen het kaste-systeem. Die 'natuurlijke orde der dingen' volgens sommigen. Met z'n gelijkheidsdenken en geweldloosheid schopte hij tegen heel wat heilige huisjes. Ook tegen die van hen hen waarvoor hij leek op te komen.

Critici van hem gooiden (gooien) het dan ook over die boeg.
heb het ook uit andere bronnen gehoord en je zou zeggen die kranteartikelen ed zijn te verifieren

was geen brahmaan banias maar goed

28-11-06, 13:48
Het is een algemeen bekend feit dat Ghandi en moeder Theresa uit waren op World domination. Maarten Luther King en Nelson Mandela hebben daar -maar dat zijn geruchten- ook nog aan mee gewerkt.

28-11-06, 19:49
Geplaatst door Tomas
Het is een algemeen bekend feit dat Ghandi en moeder Theresa uit waren op World domination. Maarten Luther King en Nelson Mandela hebben daar -maar dat zijn geruchten- ook nog aan mee gewerkt. over moeder theresa is ook een veel genuanceerder portret te maken

zo ging meer dan de helft van het geld wat ze inzamelde naar doelen om mensen te bekeren niet om mensen te helpen

bovendien hing ze een hele enge denkwijze aan namelijk dat de pijn van iemand die stervende was hem of haar dichter bij god zou brengen

over haar valt ook wel een boekje open te doen