Bekijk Volledige Versie : De dokters willen zwaarlijvigheidshelpline op kleren

22-12-06, 01:06

'Put obesity number on clothes'

LARGE-sized clothing should carry tags with an obesity helpline number, a British Medical Journal report has said.

The report, compiled by a group of public health professionals, has recommended the phone numbers be placed on tags on women's garments sized 16 and above, and on those with a waist measurement of more than 100 centimetres for men.

Clothes with waist measurements of more than 92cm for boys and 79cm for girls should also have the helpline number, the report has said.

The report has warned that rising levels of obesity could bankrupt Britain's National Health Service (NHS) if left unchecked.

Obesity treatment accounts for 9 per cent of the NHS budget.

Other measures recommended by the report to combat the problem include banning the placement of sweets near shop checkouts and at children's eye level, taxing processed foods high in sugar or saturated fat and allowing new urban roads only if they include cycle lanes.

"Medical practice must adapt to the current epidemic of obesity and nutrition-related diseases," the report has said.

"The profession must unite the forces of public health and acute services to generate sustainable changes in food and lifestyles: matters at the heart of our cultural identities."


From The Daily Telegraph:

LARGE-sized clothing should carry tags with an obesity helpline number, a British Medical Journal report has said.

The report, compiled by a group of public health professionals, has recommended the phone numbers be placed on tags on women’s garments sized 16 and above, and on those with a waist measurement of more than 100 centimetres for men.

This is an excellent idea, chubby women will be reminded they need help everytime they struggle to get into their designer jeans.

The large-sized jeans should also have a large sign in the rear end that reads: If you see me at McDonald’s or Burger King please call 800-FAT-COPS to report me.

Plus-size apparel should also be equipped with a gizmo that beeps everytime the rotund person backs up.

Instead of a cool designer logo, clothes for big people should have a trademark depicting Rosie O’Donnell munching on a hamburger.

And it wouldn’t be a bad idea to make all clothing for the horizontally-challenged in red only. That way we would see them coming from a distance, and be prepared to give them a wide berth.

Finally, pants for the obese should be rigged to emit a “farting” noise whenever the overweight individual bends over

I’m just kidding. I’m just trying to show what a ridiculous idea the British came up with. Stout persons aren’t children, they don’t need clothing with a name tag, or with an obesity helpline number. .

:haha: :haha: western lifestyle