Bekijk Volledige Versie : Woede over bouwwerkzaamheden bij Tempelberg

07-02-07, 11:27
Woede over bouwwerkzaamheden bij Tempelberg

JERUZALEM/CAIRO - Arabische landen en islamitische leiders hebben dinsdag hun woede geuit over het begin van Israëlische bouwwerkzaamheden bij de Tempelberg in Oost-Jeruzalem. Deze controversiële religieuze plek is voor zowel moslims als Joden heilig.

Israëlische archeologen begonnen dinsdag onder zware politiebewaking met archeologische opgravingen bij de Tempelberg, voorafgaand aan de aanleg van een nieuwe loopbrug. De brug moet een oude wal vervangen die enkele jaren geleden beschadigd raakte.

Moslims zijn bang dat de bouwactiviteiten schade zullen toebrengen aan de fundamenten van de al-Aqsa-moskee op de Tempelberg. De Arabische Liga sprak dinsdag in een verklaring van een „misdadig besluit” en heeft Israël opgeroepen de werkzaamheden onmiddellijk te staken. Ook Palestijnse leiders en vooraanstaande moslimorganisaties hebben het project scherp veroordeeld. Palestijnen demonstreerden tegen de werkzaamheden en op verscheidene plaatsen kwam het tot onregelmatigheden. Israëlische politiemannen zetten traangas in om de menigte uiteen te drijven.

In het verleden hebben zich bij de Tempelberg, ook de plaats waar de Romeinen in 70 na Christus de oude tempel vernietigden, herhaaldelijk gewelddadigheden voorgedaan tussen Israël en Palestijnen. In 2000 ontketende een bezoek van de Israëlische oud-premier Ariel Sharon, toen nog oppositieleider, een golf van Palestijnse protest. Het was het begin van de tweede intifada.


07-02-07, 12:46
is er een paar jaar geleden niet een grote ondergrondse gebedsruimte in de tempelberg aangelegd (waarbij de afgegraven grond niet eens bekeken is op archeologische vondsten )

archeologen beschadigen niets dus dat is zowiezo al onzin

en of een brug nu tot schade aan een berg kan leiden, het lijkt me dat een wal die weggehaald wordt dat wel zou kunnen, belangrijkste is waterafvoer

08-02-07, 04:46
Met groot geschut zitten ze daar onder te hakken en te breken...tonnen cement bedekt de oudheidkundige laag, 1500 ton "archeologisch puin" is er naar buiten gesleept, de oostelijke kant is aan het instorten vanwege het hakken, breken en bouwen onder de El Aksa....en nu gillen ze moord en brand over archeologen en een bruggetje? Moeten joden onder de Kaab gaan doen omdat naar zeggen van de Koran Abraham daar zou zijn geweest. Chotspe.

The Arabs Continue to Destroy the Remains on the Temple Mount


The PLO representatives on the Temple Mount continue to destroy the remains of the First and Second Temples while building mosques in their place. The destruction has been going on for years. We have reported about these activities on a number of occasions. In addition, we have petitioned the Israeli Supreme Court and held demonstrations in an attempt to stop these criminal and evil activities. The goal of the Arabs is to destroy all the evidence of the First and Second Temples while making the site completely Islamic so as to turn it into one big mosque. The Moslems are trying in this way to say that the Temple Mount was never the site of the Jewish Temple and for the past 1363 years of Islamic occupation of Jerusalem it has always been the site of a mosque.
For hundreds of years the Moslems have used lies in an attempt to change the history of the world. Throughout their occupation of the Middle East, North Africa and parts of Europe and Asia, the Moslems destroyed the holy places of the nations they occupied and built mosques in their place. An important example is the church of Ayah Sofia in Constantinople, once the center of Eastern Christianity. Today this church is one of the largest mosques in the world. It is very sad today that due to materialistic and political reasons, the Western world is blinded to their goal of placing the entire world under Islamic domination. I hope that they will wake up before it is too late. We in Israel feel the terrible pressure of the Islamic world; we are in the front-line of the battle. The Western world, including the United States, is beginning to feel this pressure in many ways. According to some demographic experts there are already between twelve to twenty million Moslems living in the U.S. That figure is growing daily. Moslems already feel strong enough to threaten people, organizations and groups that do not agree with their ideology. Mosques are springing up all over the country. Moslem clerics give Anti-American, anti-Western and anti-Israeli speeches in many of them. Underground groups have started to use violence and have even dared to bomb buildings like the Twin Towers in New York. We warn the Western world to wake up before it is too late.

The very deep digging by the Arabs on the Temple Mount at the entrance to "Solomon's Stables" which destroyed very important remains from the First and Second Temples.

The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement has made the decision to trust in G-d's covenant promises to Israel. What especially broke our hearts was that the Moslems are now digging on the very holy site of the First and Second Temple, very close to the Holy of Holies. In these diggings they are destroying the remains of the First and Second Temples using tractors and mechanical shovels. They have removed many thousands of cubic meters of holy artifacts mixed with earth into a garbage dump in the Kidron Valley and many other places. The Arabs do not allow Israeli archaeologists to go up on the Temple Mount to check their activities. The Israeli authorities, unfortunately, are too weak to force the Arabs to allow entry to the archaeologists.

This is not only a terrible crime against G-d and His holy site but it is also against Israeli and international law. It is also a crime against science and archaeology. As the Moslems destroy the most holy remains on the Temple Mount, they are also destroying the most important archaeological remains in the world.

One of the steps taken by the Temple Mount Faithful Movement was to present a petition to the Israeli Supreme Court. In this petition we asked the Supreme Court to order the Israeli Government, the Israeli Antiquities Authority, the commander of police in Jerusalem, the mayor of Jerusalem, and the Islamic Waqf on the Temple Mount to enforce Israeli law concerning the maintenance of holy places. We also asked that the site be returned to the state that it was in prior to the commencement of these activities. We noted that in a previous petition, made in 1993, the Supreme Court ruled that from that time forward the authorities of Israel should exercise substantial control over what the Arabs do on the Temple Mount to ensure that they respect the laws relating to the antiquities. We also pointed out that despite this previous ruling, the Arabs continued to undertake their barbaric destruction and that the authorities are not fulfilling their duties to prevent them. We asked that the activities be stopped before it was too late and the damage irreparable.

The petition was discussed on 1 February 2001 before a three-judge panel. The interim decision of the judges was:

The committee set up by the Prime Minister of Israel should immediately investigate these Arab activities on the Temple Mount and should present their conclusions to the Supreme Court. This committee would include archaeologists from the Israeli Antiquities Authority.
The committee would hear the complaints of The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement concerning these activities.
The committee should physically check on the situation on the Temple Mount and report back to the Supreme Court.
All the investigations and checks were to be done within ten days.
The Supreme Court would sit again after ten days to discuss the petition of The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement and render a final decision.

The Arabs on the Temple Mount loading ancient stones and other remains from the First and Second Temple ages that they had dug up during their excavations onto a trailer.

We were very concerned that during the 10-day period the Arabs would intensify their criminal activities and it might be too late to stop them. Our concerns were justified. Unfortunately the Supreme Court was not brave enough to order the cessation of activities immediately. They explained that they could not do so before the committee had presented all the facts. The Israeli authorities do not force the Arabs to allow checks to be made because of the reasons that we mentioned above.

The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement will continue this campaign. We will not be silent until we have liberated the holy mountain of G-d from the barbaric Arabs. There is no doubt that this is a prophetic, end-time battle.

To the Arab enemies of the G-d and people of Israel we say: “Stop your criminal, barbaric activities! Who can fight against the G-d of Israel? You have lost the battle even before you started! Learn the historical lesson of those who tried to do so throughout history. Only the G-d of Israel controls the destiny of His holy site on the Temple Mount.”

We thank G-d that the Temple Mount has become the focal point in Israel. Individuals and groups have arisen to join in the fight of the Temple Mount Faithful Movement. One of these important groups that has formed in Israel over the last few months is a group of leaders, archaeologists, authors, poets, rabbis, ex-judges and others called the Council for the Prevention of the Destruction of Antiquities on the Temple Mount. Members of the group include Teddy Kolleck, former mayor of Jerusalem, and Meir Shamgar, past president of the Supreme Court. We always knew that we would not be alone in this battle for long.

Update: The Arab Destruction on the Temple Mount Continues

Pillars which have been cut up during the Arab diggings on the Temple Mount and the power saw that was used to do it

On 6 June 2001, the Council for the Prevention of the Destruction of Antiquities on the Temple Mount revealed a series of pictures taken secretly on the Temple Mount. One of the pictures shows a large industrial electric saw used for cutting stones partly covered by a sack close to the area of the Dome of the Rock. Members of the Council stated that the Arabs on the Temple Mount are using this tool to cut up pillars and stones found on the Temple Mount. Using this tool, they cut up these ancient remains and use them as pavement slabs and building stones.

The terrible destruction and desecration of the holy mountain of G-d by the Arabs continues. They strive to destroy all Jewish identity on the Temple Mount. G-d will never forgive the weakness of the Israeli authorities in the face of this terrible, barbaric destruction. The Temple Mount Faithful Movement will continue to act against this with all the means that G-d has given us. We will not allow this terrible desecration of the Name of G-d and His holy mountain to continue. The judgment of G-d is soon to come. The enemies of G-d will never succeed in destroying the real identity of the Temple Mount. Soon they will lose the battle against G-d and the Third Temple will be built.



09-02-07, 11:18
Het verdrijven van al die Palestijnen uit Jeruzalem was natuurlijk geen punt (en vraag vooral niet hoe?),
maar als die Palestijnen wat joods erfgoed mollen, dan zijn het natuurllijk barbaren! :D
Een echt extremistische vorm van Eigen Volk Eerst daar.

Alsof die israeli's niet weten, dat een beetje klooien rond de Al Aqsa een neiuwe Intifada kan geven.
Het moet natuurlijk wel gewelddadig blijven daar, want voor je het weet moet er weer over "vrede" gepraat gaan worden, en DUS over de ontruiming van de Westbank.
En wat hadden ze nou voor verhaal? Stukje muur repareren? Steigertje?..

10-02-07, 22:21
Geplaatst door Maarten

maar als die Palestijnen wat joods erfgoed mollen, dan zijn het natuurllijk barbaren! :D

Er stond nergens dat het over Palestijnen ging.

11-02-07, 07:59
Het hele stuk van Ronald gaat er over.

super ick
11-02-07, 10:46
Geplaatst door Man_Ray
Er stond nergens dat het over Palestijnen ging.

Dat was er inderdaad niet in terug te vinden.
Dat is echter geen enkele beletsel. In dit stuk is het Palestijnenbruggetje nog redelijk makkelijk te slaan.
Maar begin maar eens een topic over een sprinkhanenplaag in Afrika en je ziet hier binnen twee antwoorden wederom in de Palestijnenproblematiek.

11-02-07, 11:37
Geplaatst door Man_Ray
Er stond nergens dat het over Palestijnen ging.

Nee inderdaad. Het gaat over de smurfen en Gargamel. Hoe komt hij aan de Palestijnen?

11-02-07, 12:34
Geplaatst door super ick
Dat was er inderdaad niet in terug te vinden.

Geplaatst door ronald
The PLO representatives on the Temple Mount continue to destroy the remains of the First and Second Temples while building mosques in their place. The destruction has been going on for years.

Super, jongen.. probeer voor iemand interessant te blijven, want het is absoluut hopeloos hoe jij steeds uit je stroop getrokken met worden. Probeer ergens over te gaan. Die geestelijke luiheid bij jou is echt erg.

12-02-07, 13:24
:tover: magisch droommoment: israelische en palestijnse archeologen verrichten gezamenlijk onderzoek aan de Tempelberg.

12-02-07, 14:49
Geplaatst door sater
:tover: magisch droommoment: israelische en palestijnse archeologen verrichten gezamenlijk onderzoek aan de Tempelberg.
Dat zal er nooit komen, omdat noch Israel noch het westen aan vrede werkt.
Waar die Palestijnen aan werken, dat interesseert helemaal niemand, en doet er ook niet toe. Die Westbankpolitiek wordt gesteund, dat is het enige wat er in praktijk toe doet. Dat is het enige wat echt het vredesproces bepaalt.