Bekijk Volledige Versie : Israelisch gesanctioneerde Libanese slachters-millitie nu ook in bezet Irak

Coolassprov MC
06-04-07, 10:21
Al-Akhbar newspaper is reporting that former members of the South Lebanon Army (the notorious torturing militia created, financed, trained, and controlled by the Israeli military during the long years of Israeli occupation of South Lebanon before 2000) are now active as mercenaries and security personnel in occupied Iraq.


Coolassprov MC
07-04-07, 10:54
Regarding my post about the presence of SLA thugs in Iraq, an American correspondent in Iraq wrote this: "i've met quite a few who were out of the lebanese forces. some private security companies like hiring lebanese as middle level guys in the business, because they can speak english and are more 'western,' and hence better employees, but also speak arabic and deal with the iraqis. so they get paid more than iraqis and less than white people."

07-04-07, 12:50
goede morgen....die waren er als eerste.Veel van die "beveilgings" bedrijven worden gerund door Libanezen.De europese en de Amerikaanse klaagden dat ze de markt voor hun hebben verpest.