Bekijk Volledige Versie : Comprehensive Secularism, Materialism & Immanence Unfolded

22-07-07, 18:34

Olive Yao
22-07-07, 23:28
He Reporter,

Heb je het zelf eigenlijk helemaal aandachtig gelezen? En interesseert het je?
Anders ga ik nl. ook niet de moeite nemen om het analyserend te lezen en te reageren.

23-07-07, 00:52
Geplaatst door The_Reporter
Ik heb het inderdaad helemaal gelezen (en deels aangepast), maar ik ben denk ik niet in staat om te reageren, we zien wel.

Da's jammer, Bilal.
Ik heb alleen wat fragmenten gelezen want het is nogal een zwaar stuk.
Te zwaar zou ik zeggen. Uiteindelijke moeten alle dingen simpel gezegd kunnen worden.Veel van dit soort schrijvers willen blijkbaar heel erudiet en wijs overkomen, halen er allerlei idee-elementen van erkende westerse filosofen bij en brouwen daar een onleesbaar stuk uit.

De beste truc om een idee te krijgen is dan om alleen de laatste alinea te lezen want daar verwacht je de conclusie.

Geplaatst door The_Reporter
Materialistic (cosmic, naturalistic) monism, the reduction of everything, including man, to one natural law immanent in matter, is the epistemological basis for a process of neutralisation, depersonalisation, and desanctification, not only of nature but also of man. Reduced to the level of undifferentiated matter, everything in this way becomes more amenable to measurement, quantification, instrumentalisation, utilisation, planning, technocratic engineering, programming, in brief more amenable to value-free rationalisation, that is, rationalisation that takes place within the context of a metaphysics of immanence that denies transcendence.

Is maar gedeeltelijk een beschrijving van onze moderne maatschappij denk ik. Beschrijft meer het toenmalige communistische oostblok en China.
Maar oke, bij de ongebreidelde westers consumptie-drift , het oppervlakkige materialisme, vele normen en waarden en de ecologische schade zijn idd. de nodige kanttekeningen te maken.
Big problems, maar wie wil er terug naar de middeleeuwen ?

Wie is de schrijver ?

24-07-07, 10:29
Geplaatst door The_Reporter
Professor Abdelwahab Elmessiri. (http://www.elmessiri.com)

Dank voor het plaatsen, zo was ik al op zijn website terecht gekomen. Ik zit al een paar dagen stukjes van de man te lezen. Ik kende hem niet. Hij is enorm lang van stof, moet ik zeggen en vaak strand ik ergens halverwege. Deze tekst vind ik op zijn website wat makkelijker te lezen. Tip voor anderen?

Toch staan er genoeg interessante gedachten in om te blijven skimmen en misschien lees ik het nog wel helemaal uit.

Ik zag dat hij veel in Al-Ahram geschreven had en vond daar volgende alinea's:

In the Encyclopaedia of Jews, Judaism and Zionism (*) I have sought to humanise the Jews through an attempt to explain the phenomenon of anti-Semitism. I tried to elucidate the intellectual and mental processes by which anti-Semites oversimplify human realities, divest their victims of any concrete human traits and subtleties and create some amorphous human entity as the embodiment of a core image of their own devising. Pure fabrication and lies have been the traditional tools of racial propagandists, but since the age of positivist science dawned it has become increasingly common for them to attempt to rest their cases on "hard" evidence, to focus on some aspect of reality, then to over-generalise and over-simplify, for example by concentrating exclusively on the wrongdoings perpetrated by some and applying this to the whole. For this process to work, though, the propagandists must also deny Jewish heterogeneity and emphasise cohesion and unity of purpose, divorce the Jews as individuals and communities from their social and historical context and disassociate ideological drives, such as Zionism, from the greater movements and developments in which they were born, as though the Jews were compelled by some malignant impulse rather than the panoply of motives that combine to shape all men's actions and aspirations.

I included in the encyclopaedia a lengthy entry on anti-Jewish racism in Arab rhetoric, a phenomenon I sought to explain -- though not to justify -- in order to highlight its dangers. I made use of the notion of the "functional group," a body of people brought in from abroad or created within society to fulfil a specific function. Moneylenders, warrior castes and mercenaries have figured prominently among such groups, viewed in terms of their role, not in terms of the humanity of their constituent elements. I further demonstrated that anti-Semitism is a form of racism and xenophobia, which are manifestations of the fear of the unfamiliar and the Other, and thus have the potential to surface in any society. Simultaneously, all societies contain individuals unable to content themselves with the wealth they already possess and, therefore, covet the property of others, especially that of minorities who generally do not enjoy the same immunities and privileges as the members of the majority. Generally these attitudes and motives remain latent, surfacing only in individual instances of overt violence and hatred, as long as societies remain stable and all members of society know their function. At times of flux, however, when functional groups lose their functions, these opportunistic motives acquire greater force, and individual instances of overt hatred and violence proliferate to the extent as to create a full-blown social phenomenon. This is what occurred since the Renaissance in Europe. The Jewish functional groups gradually lost their functions, engendering the Jewish question, which grew increasingly acute in the 19th century and led to increasingly rabid anti-Semitism and the emergence of Zionism as a solution to the problem of the functional group divested of its function.

(*) Die Encyclopaedia of Jews, Judaism and Zionism functioneert helaas nog niet op z'n website. Zoals meer daar nog niet goed gaat. Jammer.