Bekijk Volledige Versie : Israel - Nederlandstalige boeken. (en Engelse)

12-01-08, 14:42
www.unitedcivilians.nl is een erg leesbare en zeer informatieve site over de Israëlische kwestie. Boeken, artikelen, rapporten, behoorlijk uitvoerig, en voor de afwisseling een keer in het Nederlands, wel zo prettig.
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50 jaar Israël: Vergeten aspecten, pijnlijke feiten, Soeterink, R. (red.) (1998)
Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken. Jaarverslag 2005, AIV (2005)
Dagboek Betlehem 2000-2004, Teeffelen, T. (2004)
De andere kant van Israël, Nathan, S. (2005)
De grote beschavingsoorlog. De verovering van het Midden-Oosten, Fisk, R. (2005)
De historie van Palestijnen in Vlaardingen, Assenberg, F.W. (2006)
De rol van NGO's en bedrijven in internationale organisaties, AIV (2006)
De tweede intifada, Meulenbelt, A. (2001)
"De vier Verdragen van Geneve en de drie Aanvullende Protocollen. Instrumenten van
humanitair oorlogsrecht". Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis (2006)
Discussie over internationale veiligheid. Notitie April 2004. CDA Buitenland Commissie (2004)
Drinkend uit de zee van Gaza. Hass, A. (2002)
Een bijzondere relatie. Het conflict Israël-Palestina nader bekeken 1897-1993, Talens,
E. (2005)
Een Arabier uit Israël, EI-Asmar. F. (1985)
Een spiegel liegt niet. Andere stemmen uit Israël, Meulenbelt, A. (2002)
Habibi Habibi, Gaza-dagboek. Meulenbelt, A. (2004)
Het beloofde land, het beroofde land. De SP en het conflict tussen Israël en de Palestijnen,
Bommel. H. van, Meulenbelt, A. (2007)
Het beroofde land. Palestijnen en Israël, Meulenbelt, A. (2000)
Het Huis begroet de nieuwe morgen. Palestijnse vrouwen over hun leven, Ruis, A., R.M.
Het zijn net mensen, Luyendijk, J. (2006)
Israël. Palestina - waarheden over een conflict, Gresh. A. (2003)
Jaarboek Vrede en Veiligheid 2003. Internationale veiligheidsvraagstukken in het Nederlands
perspectief. CICAM (2003)
Jaarboek Vrede en Veiligheid 2006. Internationale veiligheidsvraagstukken in het Nederlands
perspectief. CICAM (2006)
Kritische opvattingen over Israël. Een ander joods geluid, Anstadt, M. (2003)
Muren, Albons, B., D. Boström (2005)
Neef aan de overkant, Rabbani, M, G. Soesman (2006)
Onder Palestijnen - De Intifada in beeld, Sacco, J. (2005)
Palestina. Land zonder vrede, Kuitert, H.. M. Rabbani (2004)
Prisma van de Mensenrechten, Amnesty International (1992)
Sharon en mijn schoonmoeder. Oorlogsdagboek uit Ramallah. Amiry, S. (2005)
Tranen van Hagar - Moslims in Mokum, Wessels, A. (2002)
Verdreven Palestijnen, Aurangzeb. N. (2005)
VN Forum 2004/3 Special. De Verenigde Naties van de toekomst: Globalisering met een
menselijk gezicht, Genugten. W. van, K. Homan, N. Schrijver. P. de Waart (2004)
Weerzien met Ramallah, Barghoeti, M. (2000)
Zand erover - de ongrijpbare vrede van Israël en de Palestijnen. Elzen. S. van (2004)

12-01-08, 14:43

A False Dawn: Palestinian Health and Human Rights Under Siege in the Peace Process,
A Human Rights Review on the EU and Israël. Mainstreaming or Selectively Extinguishing
Human Rights? 2004-2005, EMHRN (2005)
A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern
Middle East, Fromkin, D. (2001)
A Wall in Jerusalem: Obstacles to Human Rights in the Holy City, B’Tselem (2006)
A Woman's view on the Law. The Palestinian Constitution and Election Law From a Feminist
Perspective, Issa, H. (2005)
Aid, diplomacy and facts on the ground. The case of Palestine, Keating, M., A. Le More, R.
Lowe (2005)
Arab Human Development Report 2002, UNDP/RBAS (2002)
Back to a routine of torture: Torture and ill-treatment of Palestinian detainees during arrest
detention and interrogation, PCATI (2003)
Bad news from Israël, Philo, G., M. Berry (2004)
Bethlehem Diary. Living under Siege and Occupation 2000-2002, Teeffelen, T. (2002)
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Finkelstein, N.G.
Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State, Cook, J. (2006)
Breaking the Silence. Testimonial booklet no.2, Breaking the Silence (2004)
Bridging the Divide. Peacebuidling in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Kaufman, E., W. Salem,
J.Verhoeven (2006)
Caged In. Life in Gaza during the Second Intifada, Arab Educational Institute (2004)
Children of the Second Intifada. An analysis of Human Rights Violations against Palestinian
Children, DCI-PS (2003)
Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armageddon?, Sizer, R.S. (2005)
Cleansing and Apartheid in Jerusalem: An alternative guide to Jerusalem, AIC (2004)
Costs of Conflict: The Changing Face of Bethlehem December 2004, UN - OCHA /
UNSCO (2004)
Daughter of the Olive Trees, Naser, S.F. (2003)
Defence for Children International - Palestine Section. Annual Report 2002, DCI-PS (2002)
Dictionary of Palestinian Political Terms, PASSIA (2004)
Dishonest Broker, Aruri. N.H. (2003)
Documenting the Facts. Fostering Debate. B’Tselem (2003)
Documents on Jerusalem. PASSIA (1996)
Elusive peace. How the holy land defeated America (accompanying the new BBC series
Israël and the Arabs'), Bregman, A. (2005)
Facts and Fables: The Arab-lsraeli Conflict, Wright, C.A. (1989)
Fateful Triangle. The United States, Israël & The Palestinians, Chomsky, N. (1999)
Geneva Initiative. A Model for Researching a Permanent Peace Agreement. PPC (2005)
Humanitarian Impact of the West Bank Barrier. Special Focus Crossing the Barrier:
Palestinian Access to Agricultural Land. January 2006, Update No. 6, UN-OCHA (2006)
Intifada hits the headlines, Dor, D. (2004)
Israël & Settler society, Veracini, L. (2006)
Israel/Palestine. How to End the 1948 War, Reinhart, T. (2002)
Israel's holocaust and the politics of nationhood, Zertal. l. (2005)
Jerusalem the contested city, Klein, M. (2001)
Land Grab. Israel's settlement policy in the West Bank, B’Tselem (2002)
Obstacles to Peace. A Re-Framing of the Palestinian-lsraeli Conflict. ICHAD-Second
Edition, Halper, J. (2004)
Obstacles to Peace. A Re-Framing of the Palestinian-lsraeli Conflict. ICHAD-Third Edition.
Halper, J. (2005)
Occupation in Hebron, AIC (2004)
Occupied Minds. A journey through the Israeli psyche, Neslen, A. (2006)
Occupied Voices. Stories of Loss and Longing from the Second Intifada, Pearlman, W. (2003)
One Palestine. complete, Segev, T. (2001)
Operation Defensive Shield. Soldiers' Testimonies, Palestinian Testimonies, B’Tselem (2002)
Palestine and Palestinians. Guidebook, AIG (2005)
Palestine. Peace not Apartheid, Carter, J. (2006)
Palestinian Chronicles - Trapped by War. Special Supplement to Messages. MSF (2002)
Palestinian Identity: The construction of modern national consciousness, Khalidi, R. (1997)
Palestinian-lsraeli impasse: Exploring Alternative Solutions to the Palestine-lsrael Conflict.
Passia, Hadi, M.A. (ed.) (2005)
People building peace II. Successful stories of civil society, Tongeren, P. van, M. Brenk, M.
Hellema. J.Verhoeven (eds.) (2005)
Perceptions of Palestine: Their Influence on U.S. Middle East Policy, Christison, K. (2001)
Reporting from Ramallah. An Israeli journalist in an occupied land, Hass, A. (2003)
Righteous victims a history of the zionist-arab conflict. 1881-1999, Morris, B. (2001)
Sanctity Denied - The destruction and abuse of Muslim and Christian holy places in
Israël. HRA(2004)
Sawahreh - Against the Wall. The struggle of a Palestinian village. Fata. L. (ed.) (2005)
Scars of war, wounds of peace. The Israeli-Arab tragedy. Ben Ami, S. (2006)
Separate and Unequal. The History of Arab Labour in pre-1948 Palestine and Israël, Sawt El-
Amel (2006)
Sharing the land of Canaan: Human Rights and the Israeli-Palestinian Struggle. Qumsiyeh,
M.B. (2004)
State formation in Palestine, Khan, M.H., G. Giacaman, l. Amundsen (2004)
Stolen Youth, Cook. C., A. Hanieh, A. Kay (2006)
Survey of Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, Badil Resource Center
The assassination policy of the State of Israël November 2000 - January 2002, PCATI / LAW
The Barrier in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Protection of Private Property under
International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law, Hilwig, E.B. (2005)
The Economy of the Occupation Part 1 - Foreign Aid to Palestine / Israël (Second edition).
Hever, S. (2006)
The Economy of the Occupation Part 2 - The Settlements: Economic Costs to Israël, Hever,
The Economy of the Occupation - Part 3 - Divide and Conquer: Inequality and Discrimination,
Hever, S. (2005)
The Economy of the Occupation - Part 4 & 5 - The Gaza Withdrawal: Winners and
Losers. Hever, S. (2005)
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, Pappe, l. (2007)
The Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace. Annual Report 2004,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2004)
The Iron Wall. Israël and the Arab world, Shlaim, A. (2001)
The Israël - Palestine Conflict. One hundred years of war. Gelvin. J. L. (2005)
The Morning After - Nablus and Jenin residents talk about their devastation in the wake of the
Israeli incursions March-April 2002, UCP. team 2 (2002)
The Other Israël: Voices of Refusal and Dissent, Segev, T. (2004)
The Palestine Question in Maps 1878-2002. PASSIA (2002)
The Palestinians. An analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and CA/ICCO policy guidelines
for the period 1996-2000, CA/ICCO (1996)
The Politics of Anti-Semitism. Cockburn, A. (2003)
The road map to nowhere. Israel/Palestine since 2003, Reinhart, T. (2006)
The role of ngos and the private sector in international relations, AIV (2006)
The status of Palestinian Refugees in international law, Takkenberg, L. (1998)
The struggle for sovereignty. Palestine and Israël 1993-2005, Beinin, J , R.L Stein (2006)
The Wall in Palestine. Facts, testimonies, Analysis and Call to Action. PENGON (2003)
They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby, Findley, P. (2003)
Under the Guise of security. Routing the separation barrier to enable the expansion of Israeli
settlements in the West Bank. B’Tselem/BIMKOM (2005)
Victim hood and Beyond: The Bethlehem Encounter October 1999, Adwan, S., D. Bar-On
Water, power & politics in the Middle East. The other Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Selby. J.
Working on Peace-Building and Conflict Prevention: Experiences and dilemmas of Dutch
NGO's. Schennink. B . G van der Haar (eds.) (2006)
You can't think Palestinian students talk about University life under occupation, CPT / EAPPI /
QPSW / UCP (2002)
Zion's Christian Soldiers, Sizer, R S. (2004)

12-01-08, 14:46
PS: De uitdaging van maroc.nl is vooral om er weg te blijven, anders kom je helemaal nergens meer toe.. :D
Maar ik laat m'n kop nog maar eens een keer zien, want ik kan het toch niet laten..