Bekijk Volledige Versie : New boss is determined to keep the faith at al-Jazeera English

08-06-08, 12:50
08 June 2008 09:25

Tony Burman, the new boss of al-Jazeera English, turns 60 on Friday, but he may choose to keep the champagne on ice for a while. There is little to celebrate at the international offshoot of the controversial Arabic network, which is struggling to match the global influence and political clout of its parent more than a year after it launched.

After a 35-year career at Canadian state broadcaster CBC, Burman, appointed managing director last month, will have to restore morale at the network, whose ambitious aim of beaming an Arabic perspective on the world to American living rooms has been dented by a failure to secure airtime in the United States.

"I share the frustration of my colleagues that the channel is not being distributed everywhere we think it should be," Burman says. "It's a natural response given the missionary zeal of those of us at al-Jazeera as we try to build bridges through the power of information. It's also very hard work, and people at al-Jazeera can get frustrated that their work is being kept off certain cable systems. But this is a marathon, not a sprint, and it's one that we feel we'll eventually win."

From its Doha head office in the heart of the Qatari desert, to its state-of-the-art bureau in the centre of Washington DC, al-Jazeera English has a global presence to match that of CNN or the BBC. Measured by reach and personnel -- 1 200 staff and 600 reporters in 50 countries and 25 bureaux -- it is far larger than rival news channels like Sky News or Sky's hugely successful American sister station Fox.

But insiders claim its attempt to establish a presence in the West, where it is regarded with suspicion by some viewers, and open hostility by many governments, has exposed tensions at the top of an organisation that likes to think of itself as the voice of the "Arab Street".

Al-Jazeera English finally launched in September 2006, over a year late, with a whimper rather than a bang. Despite recruiting some journalistic heavyweights, most notably David Frost, viewing figures in Europe are believed to be unspectacular; tellingly, perhaps, the broadcaster doesn't supply audience numbers, although it claims that it is available in 110-million households worldwide.

More seriously, insiders say there is a crisis of confidence in the organisation, with staff at its international arm in Doha clashing with local producers and technicians, and an atmosphere of mutual suspicion poisoning relations between al-Jazeera English and its Arabic parent. Western journalists who were paid big money to set up the English language network in the belief that it would be independent complain that its Arabic counterpart is exerting greater editorial control over its output. Perhaps most worrying of all, they fear that no one is watching, despite the huge sums invested in the channel by the Emir of Qatar, the network's billionaire benefactor.

"Al-Jazeera has gone from being a great idea to a wasted opportunity," one staffer says. "This is a channel that has no financial restrictions and a good talent pool but we have little or no profile outside the Middle East, staff morale is at rock bottom and people are leaving in droves."

Every news organisation has its whingers, but that is not a minority view, particularly among expats; the frustrations voiced by a few seem to reflect widespread disillusionment at the channel.

Burman flatly denies charges of editorial interference from the Arabic channel, insisting: "The moment that happened I'd be on the first plane out. I don't think there is a remote chance that this will be attempted. It has never come up in any discussions I have ever had, and would be impossible to pull off. Anyone who knows my track record would realise that I'd have zero tolerance for that kind of stuff.

"However, I do think that we on the English channel can take better advantage of the insight and knowledge that our Arabic colleagues have about the Middle East. And that's what we're trying to do. I think that first-rate coverage of the Middle East is something our viewers would expect on an al-Jazeera channel, and that kind of open-minded, collaborative thinking is exciting for those of us who work here.'

There are rumours that Wadah Khanfar, the powerful director-general of the al-Jazeera network, wants the English incarnation to pursue a more openly Arabic agenda, and feels that the international operation is not as aggressive or hard-hitting as its Arabic counterpart.

"The controversial and provocative journalism of al-Jazeera is something I embrace," Burman insists. "Our coverage of the Chinese earthquake, Myanmar [Burma] tsunami and Zimbabwe have been extraordinary." That may be true, but for reporters, there is nothing more demoralising than risking life and limb to file reports that few people watch. Insiders concede there is huge frustration that more money hasn't been made available for marketing and promotion.

Burman stresses that it will take years to do in the developed world what his colleagues in the Middle East have already achieved and says that critics -- and staff -- should be patient.

Those who point to the global clout of CNN forget that it remained a laughing stock long after it was established in 1980, he says, when critics dubbed it Chicken Noodle News. "CNN started in 1980 but it didn't make a breakthrough until the early 1990s and the first Gulf War. It was derided for years." Even now, Burman points out, CNN's audience rarely exceeds a few hundred thousand, a tiny fraction of the US population.

In the meantime, al-Jazeera English has established a leading position in many African countries as an alternative voice, and while it stops short of positioning itself as champion of the poor and oppressed, it argues that it sees world events from the perspective of the Southern Hemisphere. That viewpoint, married with journalism that its competitors concede is hard to fault, should give it an audience far beyond the relatively small number of Westerners who are simply curious to get a different take on world events.

Burman points out that only 20% of the world's billion or so Muslims are Arabs, which suggests there is a huge potential audience beyond the Middle East. The International Herald Tribune, once read mainly by American expats, has found a wider readership by targeting foreign professionals who speak English as a second language.

Al-Jazeera English has a huge presence in the US, with 120 journalists in its Washington bureau, but how does he explain the reluctance of cable companies to carry the channel? Are they unwilling to make space on crowded platforms for a news channel few will watch, or do broadcasters fear a political backlash?

"I think it's a bit of both," Burman says. "It is seen by some people as being a network that is sympathetic to interests that are hostile to the US. But I think it will change as the administration changes. The al-Jazeera brand is hugely respected in most parts of the world. There is a problem in the US. That is a the challenge and it is being confronted head on."

In Burlington, New England, where a tiny city-owned broadcaster with a few thousand subscribers carries al-Jazeera, complaints from locals prompted the company to announce that it will be taken off air, but a local Republican representative is supporting its continued presence, Burman claims, and that decision could be reversed.

Larger battles are being fought and won elsewhere, he adds: "We are hopeful there will be a breakthrough in the American carriage situation soon."

That may not happen until the post-Bush era, but Burman argues that it would enable al-Jazeera English to take advantage of a hunger for foreign news, which has been gradually downgraded by the big networks, partly because it is so expensive to produce. "At a time when many news organisation are downsizing there will be an increase in our coverage of the world, more investigative journalism and new bureaux," he promises.

Many newsrooms already turn to al-Jazeera English for coverage of events in the Muslim world, including the assassination of Benazir Bhutto last year, because its contacts give it an insight -- and some scoops -- that Western rivals may lack. It could be that a promotional push will take place once it has established a foothold in America, but for that to happen Burman must wait for the US electorate to delivers "regime change" in the market it most covets. - guardian.co.uk © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2008


Kan iemand in Nederland Al-Jazeera English ontvangen? Ik betwijfel of het op enige kabel zit.

Tis ergens een vorm van censuur, Casema of UPC die bepaalt wat wij wel en niet mogen zien.

08-06-08, 12:54
Ow kijk nou:

Protest tegen Al Jazeera in Nederland

woensdag 28 november 2007
Arabische Nederlanders zijn een actie begonnen tegen Al Jazeera. Ze vinden het kabelmonopolie van de Arabische nieuwszender zender niet acceptabel en zeggen openlijk Al Jazeera een verschrikkelijke zender te vinden.
Initiatiefnemer van de actie is de in Nederland wonende Irakese journalist Mohammed Mousa. Mousa vindt dat Al Jazeera een beeld geeft van de Arabische wereld dat niet objectief en representatief genoemd kan worden. Volgens Mousa wakkert de Arabische nieuwszender extreme ideeën aan over de Arabische wereld. Dit versterkt vooroordelen en werkt niet mee aan een dialoog.
Als voorbeeld noemt Mousa het religieuze programma dat elke vrijdag wordt uitgezonden. Hierin zouden beledigende woorden worden gebruikt om christenen te omschrijven. Daarnaast zou de kijker via de zender openbaar worden opgeroepen niet te integreren in de samenleving buiten de Arabische wereld.

Volgens Mousa is Al Jazeera bij de kabelmaatschappijen voor vele Arabieren de enige keuze om te kunnen kijken naar televisie uit hun regio van herkomst. Zo geeft de grootste kabelexploitant van Nederland, UPC, Al Jazeera als enige Arabische zender door in het digitale zenderpakket.

UPC is inmiddels via een brief, met daarbij gesloten zeshonderd handtekeningen, gevraagd voor een alternatief voor de Qataarse nieuwszender. UPC heeft volgens de actiegroep nog niet op dit schrijven gereageerd.

Als mogelijke alternatieven noemt Mousa de zenders Al Hurrah en Al Arabiya. De eerste wordt gefinancierd met Amerikaans geld, het Saoedische Al Arabiya staat in de Arabische wereld als niet erg objectief te boek.


08-06-08, 12:56
Al-Jazeera bekroont Nederlandse documentaire
ANP | Gepubliceerd op 30 april 2008, 02:49
Laatst bijgewerkt op 30 april 2008, 06:11
158x bekeken
DOHA - De Nederlandse documentaire Fighting The Silence is in Qatar bekroond als beste film op het al-Jazeera International Documentary Film Festival. Dat heeft producent IF Productions dinsdag bekendgemaakt.
De jury toonde zich erg getroffen door de film van regisseurs Ilse en Femke van Velzen over de ingrijpende gevolgen van seksueel geweld tegen vrouwen in de oorlog in de Democratische Republiek Congo.

In de film vertellen de slachtoffers zonder schroom voor de camera over wat hen is overkomen. Dat is heel bijzonder, want op verkrachting rust in veel Afrikaanse landen een taboe. Veel vrouwen verzwijgen de misdaad uit angst door de gemeenschap verstoten te worden. Tijdens de oorlogen die tussen 1996 en 2002 woedden in het Afrikaanse land werden meer dan 80.000 vrouwen en meisjes slachtoffer van seksueel geweld.

Fighting The Silence beleefde in december zijn wereldpremière op het International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam.


08-06-08, 12:58
Al Jazeera
Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie

Al Jazeera (الجزيرة (al-Ǧazīrä); Arabisch: "het schiereiland") is een Arabisch televisienetwerk, gevestigd in Qatar. Naast de nieuwszender is er ook nog een Al Jazeera Sports, Al Jazeera Live, Al Jazeera Children's Channel en een Engelstalige variant Al Jazeera English.

Al Jazeera zegt zelf "de enige politiek-onafhankelijke televisiezender van het Midden-Oosten te zijn". Het begon zijn uitzendingen eind 1996, nadat in april van dat jaar de Arabische uitzendingen van BBC World te maken kregen met censuur van de regering van Saoedi-Arabië.

Het televisiestation kon van start gaan dankzij een gift van $150 miljoen van de emir van Qatar. Het doel was om zelfstandig voldoende financiering te kunnen vinden, maar het televisiestation is er nog niet in geslaagd om dit doel te behalen. De emir draagt nog steeds geld bij.

Programmering en redactie
Ten tijde van de Irakoorlog was Al Jazeera een belangrijke nieuwsbron, omdat zij een verslaggever in Irak had zitten. Deze verslaggever is tijdens een beschieting van het kantoorgebouw van Al Jazeera doodgeschoten gedurende deze oorlog.

Osama bin Laden heeft via Al Jazeera meerdere videoboodschappen verspreid, onder andere de boodschap dat de terroristische aanslagen op 11 september 2001 "nog succesvoller waren, dan hij vooraf dacht". Het uitzenden van de verschillende boodschappen leidde tot veelvoudige kritieken van de Amerikaanse regering.

De voor Al Jazeera werkende Syrisch-Spaanse journalist Tayssir Alouni is in Spanje tot zeven jaar cel veroordeeld, omdat hij voor geld getransporteerd zou hebben namens Al Qaida. Alouni interviewde bin Laden diverse keren namens het televisiestation. Alouni zelf ontkent de beschuldigingen en pleit dat hij onschuldig is.

In november 2002 werd tijdens de oorlog in Afghanistan het kantoor van Al Jazeera getroffen door een Amerikaanse raket. De Amerikanen verklaarden dat zij niet wisten dat dit gebouw het kantoor van de zender was.

In april 2003 werd tijdens de Irakoorlog het kantoor van Al Jazeera wederom getroffen tijdens een bombardement. De Amerikanen verklaarden dat het een ongeluk was.

In november 2005 dook een bericht op in The Daily Mirror, een Brits tabloid, waarin de krant schreef dat een memo zou zijn uitgelekt, waarin president George W. Bush zou hebben verklaard dat hij het kantoor van Al Jazeera in Qatar zou willen bombarderen. Hierin verklaarde Bush dat hij zich ergerde aan de verslaggeving van Al Jazeera.

In België en Nederland is het kanaal via satelliet-TV te ontvangen. De Nederlandse televisieaanbieders TV Home, UPC, (telenet) Casema en CAIWAY bieden de zender ook digitaal via de kabel aan.

[De Arabische dus]

Sinds 15 november 2006 zendt Al-Jazeera ook in het Engels uit.


08-06-08, 17:19
Al Jazeera

In België en Nederland is het kanaal via satelliet-TV te ontvangen. De Nederlandse televisieaanbieders TV Home, UPC, (telenet) Casema en CAIWAY bieden de zender ook digitaal via de kabel aan.

[De Arabische dus]

Nee hoor, ik kan hem in het Arabisch en het Engels zien bij Casema, wel via de decorder.

09-06-08, 22:26
08 June 2008 09:25

Tony Burman, the new boss of al-Jazeera English, turns 60 on Friday, but he may choose to keep the champagne on ice for a while. There is little to celebrate at the international offshoot of the controversial Arabic network, which is struggling to match the global influence and political clout of its parent more than a year after it launched.

After a 35-year career at Canadian state broadcaster CBC, Burman, appointed managing director last month, will have to restore morale at the network, whose ambitious aim of beaming an Arabic perspective on the world to American living rooms has been dented by a failure to secure airtime in the United States.

"I share the frustration of my colleagues that the channel is not being distributed everywhere we think it should be," Burman says. "It's a natural response given the missionary zeal of those of us at al-Jazeera as we try to build bridges through the power of information. It's also very hard work, and people at al-Jazeera can get frustrated that their work is being kept off certain cable systems. But this is a marathon, not a sprint, and it's one that we feel we'll eventually win."

From its Doha head office in the heart of the Qatari desert, to its state-of-the-art bureau in the centre of Washington DC, al-Jazeera English has a global presence to match that of CNN or the BBC. Measured by reach and personnel -- 1 200 staff and 600 reporters in 50 countries and 25 bureaux -- it is far larger than rival news channels like Sky News or Sky's hugely successful American sister station Fox.

But insiders claim its attempt to establish a presence in the West, where it is regarded with suspicion by some viewers, and open hostility by many governments, has exposed tensions at the top of an organisation that likes to think of itself as the voice of the "Arab Street".

Al-Jazeera English finally launched in September 2006, over a year late, with a whimper rather than a bang. Despite recruiting some journalistic heavyweights, most notably David Frost, viewing figures in Europe are believed to be unspectacular; tellingly, perhaps, the broadcaster doesn't supply audience numbers, although it claims that it is available in 110-million households worldwide.

More seriously, insiders say there is a crisis of confidence in the organisation, with staff at its international arm in Doha clashing with local producers and technicians, and an atmosphere of mutual suspicion poisoning relations between al-Jazeera English and its Arabic parent. Western journalists who were paid big money to set up the English language network in the belief that it would be independent complain that its Arabic counterpart is exerting greater editorial control over its output. Perhaps most worrying of all, they fear that no one is watching, despite the huge sums invested in the channel by the Emir of Qatar, the network's billionaire benefactor.

"Al-Jazeera has gone from being a great idea to a wasted opportunity," one staffer says. "This is a channel that has no financial restrictions and a good talent pool but we have little or no profile outside the Middle East, staff morale is at rock bottom and people are leaving in droves."

Every news organisation has its whingers, but that is not a minority view, particularly among expats; the frustrations voiced by a few seem to reflect widespread disillusionment at the channel.

Burman flatly denies charges of editorial interference from the Arabic channel, insisting: "The moment that happened I'd be on the first plane out. I don't think there is a remote chance that this will be attempted. It has never come up in any discussions I have ever had, and would be impossible to pull off. Anyone who knows my track record would realise that I'd have zero tolerance for that kind of stuff.

"However, I do think that we on the English channel can take better advantage of the insight and knowledge that our Arabic colleagues have about the Middle East. And that's what we're trying to do. I think that first-rate coverage of the Middle East is something our viewers would expect on an al-Jazeera channel, and that kind of open-minded, collaborative thinking is exciting for those of us who work here.'

There are rumours that Wadah Khanfar, the powerful director-general of the al-Jazeera network, wants the English incarnation to pursue a more openly Arabic agenda, and feels that the international operation is not as aggressive or hard-hitting as its Arabic counterpart.

"The controversial and provocative journalism of al-Jazeera is something I embrace," Burman insists. "Our coverage of the Chinese earthquake, Myanmar [Burma] tsunami and Zimbabwe have been extraordinary." That may be true, but for reporters, there is nothing more demoralising than risking life and limb to file reports that few people watch. Insiders concede there is huge frustration that more money hasn't been made available for marketing and promotion.

Burman stresses that it will take years to do in the developed world what his colleagues in the Middle East have already achieved and says that critics -- and staff -- should be patient.

Those who point to the global clout of CNN forget that it remained a laughing stock long after it was established in 1980, he says, when critics dubbed it Chicken Noodle News. "CNN started in 1980 but it didn't make a breakthrough until the early 1990s and the first Gulf War. It was derided for years." Even now, Burman points out, CNN's audience rarely exceeds a few hundred thousand, a tiny fraction of the US population.

In the meantime, al-Jazeera English has established a leading position in many African countries as an alternative voice, and while it stops short of positioning itself as champion of the poor and oppressed, it argues that it sees world events from the perspective of the Southern Hemisphere. That viewpoint, married with journalism that its competitors concede is hard to fault, should give it an audience far beyond the relatively small number of Westerners who are simply curious to get a different take on world events.

Burman points out that only 20% of the world's billion or so Muslims are Arabs, which suggests there is a huge potential audience beyond the Middle East. The International Herald Tribune, once read mainly by American expats, has found a wider readership by targeting foreign professionals who speak English as a second language.

Al-Jazeera English has a huge presence in the US, with 120 journalists in its Washington bureau, but how does he explain the reluctance of cable companies to carry the channel? Are they unwilling to make space on crowded platforms for a news channel few will watch, or do broadcasters fear a political backlash?

"I think it's a bit of both," Burman says. "It is seen by some people as being a network that is sympathetic to interests that are hostile to the US. But I think it will change as the administration changes. The al-Jazeera brand is hugely respected in most parts of the world. There is a problem in the US. That is a the challenge and it is being confronted head on."

In Burlington, New England, where a tiny city-owned broadcaster with a few thousand subscribers carries al-Jazeera, complaints from locals prompted the company to announce that it will be taken off air, but a local Republican representative is supporting its continued presence, Burman claims, and that decision could be reversed.

Larger battles are being fought and won elsewhere, he adds: "We are hopeful there will be a breakthrough in the American carriage situation soon."

That may not happen until the post-Bush era, but Burman argues that it would enable al-Jazeera English to take advantage of a hunger for foreign news, which has been gradually downgraded by the big networks, partly because it is so expensive to produce. "At a time when many news organisation are downsizing there will be an increase in our coverage of the world, more investigative journalism and new bureaux," he promises.

Many newsrooms already turn to al-Jazeera English for coverage of events in the Muslim world, including the assassination of Benazir Bhutto last year, because its contacts give it an insight -- and some scoops -- that Western rivals may lack. It could be that a promotional push will take place once it has established a foothold in America, but for that to happen Burman must wait for the US electorate to delivers "regime change" in the market it most covets. - guardian.co.uk © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2008


Kan iemand in Nederland Al-Jazeera English ontvangen? Ik betwijfel of het op enige kabel zit.

Tis ergens een vorm van censuur, Casema of UPC die bepaalt wat wij wel en niet mogen zien.

Het Westen moet nog leren wat vrijheid van meningsuiting is en wat verschillende inzichten zijn...

Het Westen heeft geen pacht op de WAARHEID... Maar denkt het wel te hebben... Het Westen heeft een vieze bril op die nodig moet worden gewassen... Helaas zijn sommige zo gewend aan die vieze bril dat een schone bril geen alternatief lijkt...

09-06-08, 23:51
Het Westen moet nog leren wat vrijheid van meningsuiting is en wat verschillende inzichten zijn...

Het Westen heeft geen pacht op de WAARHEID... Maar denkt het wel te hebben... Het Westen heeft een vieze bril op die nodig moet worden gewassen... Helaas zijn sommige zo gewend aan die vieze bril dat een schone bril geen alternatief lijkt...

Ik denk eerlijk gezegd dat het gewoon over geld gaat. Beperkte ruimte op de kabel, aantallen kijkers enzo.