Bekijk Volledige Versie : "The idiots who rule america !" by top journalist : Chris Hedges

20-10-08, 19:47
"The idiots who rule America !"

by top journalist : Chris Hedges :

bron : truthdig.com, oct. 20, 2008 :


US Oligarchic class_experts_elite are the fundamental source _cause behind the economical , political, social ...disorder_ threatening collapse of America :

those are also the advisers of Obama & Mc Cain :

those are the real rulers that rule the US : they are now in power & will remain in power after the next elections ... no matter who w'd be the next president of the US :

quote :

(....their inhability to see the human as anymore than interst driven made it impossible for them to imagine an actively organised pool of desinterest called the "public good" ...) end quote : Chris Hedges :

Is democracy a secondary product of the free market ??? :

that's what this elite seems to think & do act upon :

is democracy 'bout self interest or self _sacrifice ???

& more inspiring analysis of the current American political , economical, social crisis ...

let me know 'bout ur opinions on the above mentionned matters!

Thanks !


21-10-08, 13:32
Well: RU afraid to discuss ur own systems , failures, make believe, fairy tales ...wrongdoings, crimes ... ??? :

RU afraid to look at urself in the mirror , scared of what u might see ???

of course : it's easier to judge & accuse others , it's easier for u to condemn others' crimes than your own ...

Do u really think u do live under a fair democracy ???

Do u think capitalism is compatible with democratic ideals_values ???



22-10-08, 19:46
Well ???? :

Lost ur tongues ??? :lol:

Beterschap dan !!!:cola:
