Bekijk Volledige Versie : Michael Chertoff

28-12-08, 20:41
Michael Chertoff, the new head of the Department of Homeland Security, was approved in a 98-0 vote in the U.S. Senate without the question of his Israeli roots – and nationality – even being raised.

On February 15, 2005, Michael Chertoff, an apparent dual national with Israeli roots, was sworn in as the second Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The new "homeland security czar," who oversees the U.S. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services, seems to be hiding his own dual-national status – with the cooperation of the controlled press.

Although the media scrutinized Bernard Kerik, President George W. Bush's first choice to head DHS, and uncovered embarrassing details about his mother, there was no discussion of Chertoff's mother, who played a noteworthy role in the creation of the Zionist state in Palestine.

The omission of Chertoff's mother's Zionist past suggests that there is an effort by the media to conceal his ties to Israel and his status as a "de jure" Israeli national, by birth.

Under Israeli law, a child born to an Israeli citizen, including children born outside of Israel as first generation out of Israel, is considered an Israeli citizen. The child remains an Israeli national until he or she formally renounces their Israeli nationality.

Chertoff was born on November 28, 1953 in Elizabeth, New Jersey, to the New York-born Rabbi Gershon Baruch Chertoff and Livia Eisen, the first hostess for El Al, Israel's state-owned airlines, founded in 1948.


"The son of a rabbi," The Star-Ledger of Newark, New Jersey, reported on February 16, "Chertoff was born in Elizabeth, graduated from Harvard University in 1975, and received his law degree from Harvard Law School in 1978."

The Star-Ledger, Chertoff's hometown newspaper, however, seems to have omitted mentioning his mother to avoid discussing that Livia [Eisen] Chertoff lived and worked in Israel and was apparently an Israeli national.

The Star-Ledger is well aware of Livia's Israeli roots. Six years ago, in her obituary of December 21, 1998, the paper reported her role in the founding of Israel. "She [Livia Chertoff] was the first airline hostess for El Al airlines and participated in Operation Magic Carpet, the famous airlift of Yemenite Jews to Israel," it reported.

Even in 1998, however, The Star-Ledger was vague about Livia's nationality. "Born in Poland, Mrs. Chertoff lived in Palestine and Elizabeth before moving to Florida several years ago," it wrote.

Israel's citizenship law of 1952 says: "Any Jew who immigrated to Israel before July 14, 1952, was granted citizenship after declaring a desire to reside permanently in Israel." As El Al's first hostess, Livia probably held Israeli citizenship.

Furthermore, a "child born on or after July 14, 1952," is an Israeli citizen if "at least one of whose parents is a citizen of Israel, regardless of the child’s country of birth."


Secretary Chertoff was evasive when American Free Press asked about his mother's nationality, which if Israeli, would make him an Israeli national.

A "national" is defined as a citizen of a particular nation, while formal citizenship status confers specific rights, duties, and privileges on the citizen.

Asked about the status of Chertoff's mother's nationality, DHS spokesman Brian Roehrkasse provided an evasive answer: "He does not hold, nor has he ever held, dual citizenship."

"While his mother did reside in Israel, he [Chertoff] does not believe she ever held Israeli citizenship," Roehrkasse said. She resided there during the British mandate period (prior to the creation of the state of Israel), later lived in the UK, and he believes she may have held British citizenship at the time she worked for El Al."

Livia reportedly participated in Operation Magic Carpet, the top-secret airlift of some 45,000 Yemenite Jews to Israel from June 1949 to September 1950. Livia's connection with El Al and the secret airlift operations run by Israeli intelligence, indicate she was involved with Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad.

Operation Magic Carpet was so secret it wasn't even revealed to the press until months after the last of the 380 flights from Yemen had arrived in Israel in late 1950.

Chertoff's children have attended Jewish private schools, and his wife, Meryl Justin, was a co-chair of the regional Anti-Defamation League's (ADL) civil rights committee.

Chertoff is secretive about his childhood, perhaps to avoid discussing the intense Talmudic and Zionist upbringing he received in a family in which all the men were rabbis and scholars of the Talmud.

"My childhood was...average...Nothing stands out. It all kind of blends into the murky past," he told The Star Ledger in March 2001. Pressed for more details, Chertoff "reclined in his chair" and said, "I'll take the Fifth."

Michael's father, Gershon, was the first child of Paul Chertoff from Russia, and Esther Barish, from "Roumania," according to the 1930 U.S. Census. Gershon graduated as a teacher of the Talmud at age 20, in May 1935.

In 1930, the immigrant couple lived in a $90 rented apartment in Brooklyn and had three children, Gershon, Naomi, and Mordecai. Imbued in the Talmud, the Chertoff children became ardent Zionists.

Chertoff's father, Gershon, was a rabbi and teacher of the Talmud, as was his uncle Mordecai. Their father, Paul, was a "teacher" of the Talmud at the Jewish Institute (yeshiva) in New York. When the elder Chertoff died in 1966, he was described as an "Ex-professor of Talmud" in the New York Times.

Naomi also studied the Talmud and was serving her fourth term as national president of the Young Women's Zionist Organization of America when she married in 1946. Naomi had attended Hebrew University in Palestine before Israel became a state on May 16, 1948.

While there are published reports of Chertoff family weddings in New York and London there are no reports in the New York press about the marriage of Chertoff's mother and father.

Because Livia came from Israel and worked for the state owned airlines, it seems probable they were married in Israel.

Given his mother's role in the founding of the Israeli state and the intense Zionist character of his family, it seems likely that Chertoff spent time in Israel as a child.

"My religious and spiritual beliefs are pretty much what I want them to be," he said. Given his background, this suggests he is a Talmudic Jew.

The Talmud is the body of rabbinical law that most American and Israeli Jews follow. The Talmud, however, re-interprets and negates much of the Torah and contains some anti-Christian sentiments. [For a better understanding of the anti-Christian aspects of the Talmud, read Israel Shahak's "Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3,000 Years"]


Unlike other Bush nominees, there was no opposition in the Senate to Chertoff heading DHS. The Senate voted 98-0 to approve Chertoff on February 15. Chertoff, 51, took the oath of office that night in "a private ceremony at the White House."

DHS has a $32 billion budget, 180,000 employees, and jurisdiction over immigration, customs and transportation security, the Coast Guard, the Secret Service and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The question of Chertoff's dual-nationality doesn't seem to have concerned a single U.S. senator.

"I applaud President Bush for this outstanding choice," said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.). "We are proud to have a man of his caliber and talent serving and protecting the American people."

"Our country is very fortunate to have someone with the background, experience, the intellect, the qualifications and the integrity of Judge Chertoff," Senator Susan Collins (R – Maine), chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, said.

After six hours of debate, Collins urged the Senate to act quickly on Chertoff's nomination.

During the period before and after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, Chertoff headed the criminal division at the Department of Justice where he "helped trace the 9/11 terrorist attacks to the al-Qaida network."

Chertoff became Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, by a vote of 95-1 on May 24, 2001. The dissenting vote came from Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D – N.Y.).

In this position Chertoff was architect of some of the most controversial elements of the Bush administration's domestic war on terrorism and played a central role in formulating the Bush administration's "anti-terrorism policy." He defended the administration's decisions to hold military tribunals for non-U.S. suspect terrorists and to monitor phone conversations between attorneys and their clients.

Chertoff oversaw the detention of 762 foreign nationals for minor immigration violations, although none was charged with a terrorism-related crime. The detention of hundreds of people was necessary to detect "sleeper cells" of terrorists, he said.

"Chertoff headed the Justice Department's criminal division when hundreds of foreigners were swept up on minor charges and held for an average of 80 days," The Washington Post reported. "Some detainees were denied their right to see a lawyer, were not told of the charges against them, or were physically abused."

At the same time, Chertoff allowed scores of suspected Israeli terrorists and spies to quietly return to Israel. In several cases, Israeli suspects working for phoney moving companies, such as Urban Moving Systems from Weehawken, N.J., were caught driving moving vans which tested positive for explosives. On September 14, Dominic Suter, the owner of the moving company, which was found to be a Mossad front company, fled to Israel after FBI agents requested a second interview.

One group of 5 Israelis was seen on the roof of Urban Moving Systems videotaping and celebrating the destruction of the World Trade Center. These Israeli agents were returned to Israel on visa violations.

These Israeli suspects, and others, who had apparently transported explosives in the New York area, were allowed to return to Israel without being properly interrogated or their presence and activities in the United States having been vigorously investigated.

28-12-08, 20:44
Op 15 februari 2005 werd Chertoff bevestigd door het Amerikaanse Congres als de nieuwe minister van het departement van Binnenlandse Veiligheid, in Amerika het Department of Homeland Security genoemd. Vanwege de terroristische aanslagen door extremistische moslims op 11 september 2001 werd dit ministerie in het jaar 2002 in het leven geroepen. Het functioneert als een soort superministerie waar tal van overheidsdiensten onder vallen.

Chertoff is de zoon van een rabbijn. Hij en Michael Mukasey zijn de enige Joodse ministers in de regering van George W. Bush. Na zijn rechtenstudie was hij van 1980 tot 1983 advocaat en van 1983 tot 1994 openbaar aanklager; in die laatste hoedanigheid hield hij zich onder andere bezig met rechtszaken tegen de maffia. Hij was destijds assistent van openbaar aanklager Rudy Giuliani, de latere burgemeester van New York City. Opmerkelijk was dat president Bill Clinton bij zijn aantreden alle federale aanklagers ontsloeg behalve Chertoff.

Van 1994 tot 2001 was hij weer als advocaat actief. In die periode hield hij zich in 1995 en 1996 namens de Republikeinse Senaatsfractie ook bezig met het onderzoek in het zogeheten Whitewater-affaire waarin president Clinton verzeild was geraakt. Eveneens onderzocht hij de zelfmoord van een van Clintons medewerkers.

Van 2001 tot 2003, tijdens de bovengenoemde aanslagen, bekleedde hij op het ministerie van Justitie de functie van directeur van de afdeling Criminaliteit. Hij was de aanklager van de zogenoemde 'twintigste kaper' van de aanslagen van 11 september, Zacarias Moussaoui. Op grond van zijn functie als directeur zette hij zich intensief in bij het regeringsonderzoek naar de aanslagen van 11 september. Hierbij richtte hij zich met name op nieuwe wetgeving op het gebied van de bestrijding van terreur.

De Patriot Act, een antiterrorismewet die opsporingsambtenaren grote bevoegheid geeft om het privéleven van burgers te onderzoeken, was mede zijn verdienste. Vanwege de verreikendheid van deze wet is die tamelijk omstreden. Chertoff hanteerde in dat kader de werkwijze om verdachten als kroongetuigen aan te merken, een methode die hij eerder had toegepast in de strijd tegen de maffia. Hierdoor kon hij ze opsluiten zonder ze eerst in staat van beschuldiging te hoeven stellen. Het was een werkwijze die zowel kritiek als bewondering opriep.

Op senator Hillary Clinton na, stemde de Senaat in 2003 met zijn beëdiging als federale rechter in de stad Philadelphia in.

President George W. Bush die tot zijn bewonderaars behoort, beval hem in 2005 als minister aan door erop te wijzen dat Chertoff de verbinding zou hebben gelegd tussen de terroristen van 11 september en het Al Qaida-netwerk en tevens dat Chertoff zich direct na deze aanslagen zou hebben gerealiseerd dat het antiterreurbeleid op preventie gericht zou moeten zijn.

28-12-08, 20:49
Als mijn algemene kennis me niet in de steek laat is Lurian Kabbalah afkomstig van de Lurian Chassiden, een vrij fanatieke, bijna extremistische joodse sekte uit aanvankelijk Polen waarvan tegenwoordig het centrum in New York zit. Het is een vrij logisch mystiek systeem, maar gestoeld op verkeerde, of tenminste zeer betwistbare en dogmatische aannames. Heb er kortom geen goed woord voor over maar als je meer wil weten, google leverde deze link op:



28-12-08, 21:06
Waar rook is … is Michael Chertoff

Het lijkt wel literatuur van Jerzy Kosinsky. In ‘blind date’ is Kosinskys hoofdpersoon aanwezig bij alle belangrijke gebeurtenissen uit de recente geschiedenis. Maar de werkelijkheid blijkt nog fantastischer. Bij Kosinsky is de toevallige aanwezige slechts toeschouwer. Michael Chertoff is echter nooit toevallig aanwezig en hij speelt bovendien de hoofdrol.
Voor zover ik het nu heb opgeduikeld begint het bij de Cosa Nostra. In 1986 krijgt Chertoff de leiding in de ‘La Cosa Nostra Commission trials’. In 1990 wordt het door H.W. Bush benoemd tot procureur generaal in New Jersey. In latere jaren blijkt hij een trouwe hulp bij campagnefinanciering van de Bush dynastie.

Met de Whitewater affaire (1994) duikt Chertoff plotseling op in Washington. Een man vindt een gewelddadige dood, en een duistere zaak komt aan het rollen waarin Bill en Hillary Clinton een hoofdrol spelen. Michael Chertoff is hoofdonderzoeker in het Republikeinse kamp. 40 miljoen wordt er op ingezet om democraat Clinton uit het Witte Huis te werken. Het mag niet baten. Diverse personen worden vervolgd, maar Bill en zijn vrouw ontspringen ‘bij gebrek aan bewijs’ de dans.

Als op 9/11 de WTC-torens bij bosjes neervallen is Chertoff eerstgeroepene om de zaak te onderzoeken. Vanuit het FBI kantoor leidt hij het justitieel onderzoek. Lokale autoriteiten worden aan de kant gezet. De inmiddels gearresteerde ‘dansende Israëliërs’ worden snel vrijgelaten en naar Israël gevlogen. Bewijsmateriaal wordt afgevoerd en vernietigd. Wel worden wonderlijk ongehavende paspoorten gevonden temidden van verpulverde gebouwen. De daders zijn gevonden! Justitieel onderzoek is verder niet nodig. Amerika is nu in staat van oorlog.

Chertoff verlegt zijn aandacht en regisseert de heksenjacht op moslims. 750 worden er zonder enige aanklacht vastgezet. Eén van hen lijkt uiteindelijk met 9/11 in verband te kunnen worden gebracht: Zacarias Moussaoui. Chertoff voert de regie over het proces dat volgt.

Dan begint de Enron fraude zaak te rollen (2002). En wie krijgt de leiding? Michael Chertoff. Plotseling maakt hij nu ook de dienst uit in Texas. Van puinruimen in New York naar financiële malversaties in Texas is geen voor de hand liggende stap. Maar wel voor Michael Chertoff.

En dat is niet zijn enige klus. Want Amerika wordt bedreigd. Ook van binnenuit en Chertoff schrijft ijverig aan de Patriot Act. Hij wordt soms zelfs genoemd als de hoofdauteur.

9/11 nabestaanden en burgerrechten organisaties beginnen zich te roeren. Iemand moet die zaken op federaal niveau kunnen afvangen. Wie gaat dat doen? Je raadt het al: Michael Chertoff stapt moeiteloos over van staande naar zittende magistratuur. Hij wordt snel federaal beroepsrechter. Sinds hij zelf de bewijzen zoek heeft gemaakt, weet hij perfect welke vragen hij moet negeren, en welke rookgordijnen hij moet opwerpen.

En nu is Chertoff minister van de binnenlandse veiligheid. Dat hij hoogstwaarschijnlijk beschikt over een dubbel paspoort is geen issue. Chertoff is Israelier, en opgevoed in de geest van het zionisme, de Mossad (zijn moeder) en de Talmud (zijn vader).

Is er enige lijn te ontdekken in de zaken waarbij dit fantastische figuur met de neus vooraan mocht staan? Inhoudelijk hebben de zaken weinig met elkaar te maken. En de Amerikanen hebben vast geschiktere mensen in hun midden die deze zaken (wel) tot een goed einde hadden kunnen brengen.

In mijn analyse is er inderdaad enige samenhang. Competentie was niet gevraagd, en al helemaal niet een grondig onderzoek. Kom niet aan de maffia, de business dealings van de marjonet-president, de endemische fraude in de ‘haute finance’ of de valse vlag operaties die oorlog en totalitaire controle moeten rechtvaardigen.

Wanneer een geruchtmakende zaak niet moet worden onderzocht, de schuldigen vrijuit moeten gaan, en onschuldige bijstanders moeten boeten, dan bel je Michael Chertoff, specialist in duistere zaken, schijnonderzoeken en nepverhalen waarmee wordt rechtgepraat wat krom is. Alleen zo kan ik deze zaken rijmen. Heel goed zelfs. Veel puzzelstukjes vallen plotsklaps op hun plaats.

En mocht je Chertoff ergens voor nodig hebben. Zijn nummer hoef je niet te weten. Als baas van Homeland Security weet-ie wat je op je lever hebt. En indien nodig weet-ie je te vinden. Ik vraag me af of Jerzy Kosinsky zo’n ongelofelijk verhaal als ‘Michael Chertoff’ had durven verzinnen.

Nog een kleine toegift. Chertoff was de eigenlijke eindverantwoordelijke voor het Katrina debakel. En niet alleen voor het falen, maar ook voor de eigenaardige omstandigheid, dat geen hulp werd gezonden. Maar wel huurlingen, van bureau Blackwater, die getooid met overheidsbatch en machinegeweren mochten schieten op weerloze burgers. Is dit wat Chertoff verstaat onder ‘binnenlandse veiligheid’?

02-01-09, 00:45
The "War of Terror" –
a Zionist deception to control America
by Christopher Bollyn
10 April 2007

The "war on terror" is a fraud and dangerous threat to the American people and republic.
It is nothing more than a Zionist deception that has been used to manipulate the U.S. military to wage war on Israel's behalf while imposing a centralized police command under the guise of "homeland security" throughout the United States.

Democrats and Republicans in Congress have been bickering recently about using the phrase "global war on terror" in the 2008 budget for expenditures of untold billions of dollars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.
"Tell Bush and Blair that our marketing tests showed that 92% of Goys react favorably to the phrase War on Terror, whereas War on Al-Qaeda and Defend the Motherland were nearly useless."

Democrats say they are tired of the Bush administration's use of the blanket term "war on terror" to justify huge budgets for non-specific military operations.
Erin Conaton, the Democratic staff director of the House Armed Services Committee, urged aides in a March 27 memo to "avoid using colloquialisms," such as the term "global war on terrorism." The staff was directed to be more specific when preparing the 2008 defense authorization bill.

The "global war on terror," a phrase first used by President George W. Bush shortly after the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, should not be used, the memo said.

Staff members were directed to use specific references, such as "the war in Iraq," the "war in Afghanistan, "operations in the Horn of Africa," or "ongoing military operations throughout the world."

"This is a philosophical and political question," the GOP aide told the Military Times. "Republicans generally believe that by fighting the war on terror in Iraq, we are preventing terrorists from spreading elsewhere and are keeping them engaged so they are not attacking us at home."

Rep. Ike Skelton (D-Mo.), the committee chairman, defended banning the terms saying in a statement that the Republicans' "objections to our efforts to clarify legislative language represent the typical Republican leadership attempt to tie together the misadventure in Iraq and the overall war against terrorists.

"The Iraq war is separate and distinct from the war against terrorists, who have their genesis in Afghanistan and who attacked us on 9/11, and the American people understand this," Skelton said.


Although it's hard to say what the "American people" understand, it is very clear that Skelton does not understand who is really behind 9/11 and the "war on terror."

What the "American people" understand about the nebulous and fraudulent "war on terror" is difficult to gauge, but judging from the disinformation provided by the mass media, it appears that there is widespread ignorance about what it is and who is behind it.

Although 9/11 and the subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have drastically changed the way Americans live and think, there is no evidence, in the media or elsewhere, to suggest that "the American people" understand what the "war on terror" is, against whom or how its being fought, or who provides the information that decision makers like Rep. Skelton rely on.

The incredible scenes of destruction at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, witnessed by millions of television viewers, profoundly affected the sense of peace and security that Americans have long enjoyed.

Creating a radical change in how Americans viewed the world was clearly one of the goals, perhaps the ultimate purpose, of the architectural-level planners of the 9/11 attacks. "Interpreting" what 9/11 meant to Americans is where Israeli "experts" on terrorism and the Zionist-controlled media played the key roles.

One month after 9/11, for example, Newsweek's Arlene Getz interviewed Shabtai Shavit, the former director of Israel's Mossad. "It may sound dramatic," Shavit said, "but life in America is not going to be the same as it used to be before Sept. 11."

Getz had asked Shavit what advice he would give to Americans who, after 9/11, faced "the kind of uncertainty that Israelis have lived with for years?"

"That’s a good question," Shavit said. "It has to do with how you convince your people and how you educate them to an entirely new situation [in] the United States. It may sound dramatic, but life in America is not going to be the same as it used to be before Sept. 11. In order to be able to go on living, you have to be aware of the fact that you are going to have to give up some of your formal liberties, and you have to be ready to give up some of your pleasantries and conveniences."

Shavit, who joined the Mossad in 1964, is the chairman of the Institute for Counter-Terrorism at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya, Israel. The IDC is "Mossad University" where colleges and programs are named after wealthy U.S. Zionists like Samuel Zell, Ronald Lauder, and Marc Rich who sponsor and fund the university tied to Israeli intelligence.

Link - https://www.idc.ac.il/eng/default.asp

Marc Rich was born Marc David Reich.
An Israeli politician helped pressure President Clinton into pardoning Marc Rich, as explained in this Washington Post article.

Lewis "Scooter" Libby also helped protect him, as explained in this Washington Post article.

Sam Zell, for example, the new owner of Wrigley Field and the Chicago Cubs, The Chicago Tribune, The Los Angeles Times, and a host of mass media properties, sponsors the Zell Entrepreneurship Program for 20 specially chosen Israeli students at the IDC.
Link: http://pow.idc.ac.il/pls/portal/url/page/EN_PROGRAM_ENG/EC_ZELL_PROGRAM

Shavit's prediction has indeed become reality. Burdened with two costly and disastrous wars and an increasingly intrusive Department of Homeland Security, it is safe to say that most Americans would prefer a return to the way things used to be rather than to continue to live under the constant fear and insecurity the mass media has subjected the nation to since 9/11.
Shabtai Shavit was Director General of the Mossad from 1989 to 1996.
He is now a member of the New York City Fire Department Task Force for Future Preparedness Against Terrorism, among other programs, as mentioned here.

Shavit and senior level officers in the Mossad and Israeli military intelligence clearly had prior knowledge of the events of 9/11:

Link - Bollyn-mossad-911.html


In order to liberate our nation from the burdensome "war of terror," which has been the main focus and preoccupation of the Bush administration, it is essential that we understand what this "war" really is and who is actually behind it.

To free ourselves from the tyranny of the "war on terror," we need to do more than eliminate it as a phrase in the defense budget; we need to inform ourselves and understand the falsehoods and deception upon which this fraud is based.

Exposing the fraud behind the "war on terror" is much more than an academic exercise; this is a matter of vital importance for the citizens – and the future of the republic. The American way of life and our constitutional freedoms are threatened by the "homeland security" apparatus that was established as a response to 9/11 and which continues to grow in size and power.


The so-called "war on terror" is a false and artificial construct that has been designed by Zionist right-wing extremists from the highest levels of the Israeli government and military. It is based on a series of "false flag" terror attacks which began in the 1990s, including the first bombing of the World Trade Center, the bombing of the Oklahoma federal building, and attacks on U.S. targets abroad.

A brief video introduction to false flag operation is at the top of this page:

The "war on terror" concept is the cornerstone of an agenda that has been actively promoted and articulated since the mid-1980s by Benjamin Netanyahu, the former right-wing prime minister of Israel.

The "war on terror" is, in fact, the Israeli-designed war for the United States to engage in as a response to a string of "false flag" terror attacks that culminated with the destruction of the twin towers of the World Trade Center. It is meant to create fear and hatred for Islam and bring the armies of the western "democracies" into the Middle East to defeat and control the enemies of Israel.

• Bollyn-Evidence-of-Conspiracy.html
• Bollyn-Balkanize_Iraq.html

Today, Americans are unduly burdened with this fraudulent "war on terror," which has been foisted on the nation by Mr. Netanyahu and a network of Israeli right-wing extremists and their sponsors and supporters in the United States.

Both the U.S.-led military invasions overseas and domestic security state apparatus were planned long before 9/11. These radical changes have been "interpreted" and explained to the American people by the Zionist-controlled media.

Corrupt or gullible government officials have been spoon-fed the fraudulent Zionist explanations and agenda, which are based on an utterly false "interpretation" of 9/11. Senior government and military officials have accepted this foreign agenda without even demanding to see the evidence or putting it through a critical examination.

While there is abundant evidence that Israeli intelligence agencies were involved in the terror attacks of 9/11, this line of investigation is taboo in the Zionist-controlled mainstream media and so-called "truth movement."

Rather than calling for a rigorous and independent investigation of the facts and evidence, senior government officials and the controlled media have accepted and promoted an unproven fairy tale in which the culprits are all Arabs and Moslems.

Five years later, the same Israeli politicians and intelligence officials who interpreted 9/11 for the U.S. government and media are now controlling the discussion about how the United States should respond to future threats of terrorism.

Shabtai Shavit, for example, and senior Israeli military intelligence officers are still informing and guiding the U.S. response, the so-called "war on terror."

"Step this way to
the War on Terror!"


The recent "Report of the Future of Terrorism Task Force" to Michael Chertoff, the Israeli-American Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), illustrates how the agenda of Israel's military intelligence agencies has effectively become the agenda of the United States government. The report, which took 5 months to produce, was published on January 25, 2007.

Link to the PDF file:

When it comes to the Middle East, the U.S. military and intelligence agencies have depended on Israeli information for decades. The Future of Terrorism Task Force, part of the Homeland Security Advisory Council, is no different.

The task force consults with and is informed by "key subject matter experts." The most obvious heavy hitters among the terrorism "experts" are two Israeli generals, namely Yosef "Yossi" Kuperwasser and Yisrael Ziv of something called Comprehensive Security Transformation or "CST International."

CST is apparently an informal troika of Kuperwasser, Ziv, and Brigadier General Amos Ben-Avraham, a veteran of the army's elite Sayeret Matkal unit. CST provides "unique, comprehensive and tailored responses to evolving terror threats," according to its webpage.

Link - http://www.melinks.biz/alliances.html

Oddly enough, although more than 3,200 American soldiers have died in Iraq in the so-called "war on terror," not one U.S. military official participated in the production of this report.

The key "finding" of the "Future of Terrorism" report is that "there is every indication that the number and magnitude of attacks on the United States, its interests and its allies will likely increase." Everything else in the report follows from this dire assumption.


Brigadier General Yossi Kuperwasser is the former deputy chief of the intelligence branch of the Israeli military (AMAN) and former head of its research department, which serves as the national assessor of intelligence.

The Israeli military's research department works closely with the Mossad (foreign) and Shabak (internal) intelligence agencies. Currently he is a Charles Bronfman fellow at the Haim Saban Center at the Brookings Institute.

Kuperwasser headed the research department for the Israeli military from June 2001 until June 2006. He was responsible for strategic intelligence and shaping the way that Israel understood regional developments. Most importantly, Kuperwasser was responsible for how developments were communicated to U.S. officials.

A brief sample of his work reveals how Kuperwasser has a history of providing false or misleading information to U.S. officials:

In January 2002, Kuperwasser headed the Israeli delegation that briefed the U.S. on its findings regarding an alleged Iranian-Palestinian weapons deal involving a ship in the Red Sea. Large amounts of Iranian weapons were supposedly bound for the Gaza Strip.
In April 2003, when no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq, Kuperwasser suggested that they had all been moved to Syria. This ridiculous idea was widely broadcast in the U.S. controlled media.

In November 2006, Kuperwasser told Canadian media that Iran would be able to produce a nuclear weapon by March 2007. For good measure he compared Iran with Nazi Germany.

In December 2006, Kuperwasser told Benny Avni of the New York Sun that the Lebanese Shi'ite movement Hezbollah "tolerates some Al Qaida presence in Lebanon and even cooperates with it." He went on to say that "everybody in Lebanon" knows that Hezbollah is "operating on behalf of Iran."


Major General Yisrael Ziv has hands-on experience with terrorism.
Ziv, as commander of Israeli forces in Gaza, has a documented record of planting bombs in civilian neighborhoods and blowing up apartment houses.

In November 2001, the Jerusalem Post reported that Ziv had "been behind the decision to lay the bomb" that killed five Palestinian schoolboys in Khan Yunis in the occupied Gaza Strip. Israeli special forces under Ziv's command had laid the bomb in a civilian area the night before.

The Jerusalem Post article is gone, but the unformatted text is reproduced at the bottom of this page. Other articles about it are still online, such as here at oznik.com and here at Haaretz.com

In October 2002, his forces fired a missile into a crowd on a dirt road in Khan Yunis, killing at least 13 civilians. Ziv called it "a very important operation that once again shows that there is no terror bastion that is safe from our troops."

In September 2003, Ziv planned to kill Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the paraplegic spiritual leader of Hamas, by dropping a 1,100 lb. bomb on a three-story building in Gaza. Rather than arrest the sheikh, Ziv decided to bomb the building he lived in. This attempt failed to kill Yassin.
On March 22, 2004, Israel fired three Hellfire missiles at the sheikh in his wheelchair, after he exited a mosque from his morning prayers.
The missiles killed Yassin, his bodyguards, and 8 innocent bystanders.

Ziv was also involved in scores of similar bombings and targeted extra-judicial killings in which hundreds of innocent Palestinian civilians were killed. When it comes to terrorism, Ziv certainly has experience.


The "future of terrorism" report to Secretary Michael Chertoff, an Israeli-American, begins, as one might expect, with a full-color page of the U.S. flag. The 13-page report, which took 5 months to produce, has three main objectives: to "assess future threats"; to "fine-tune processes to meet those threats"; and to "recommend how to better engage and prepare the American public for present and future challenges."

The 21-member task force, headed by Lee Hamilton, includes Elliott Broidy, the wealthy Zionist billionaire from Los Angeles. James Schlesinger of the MITRE Corp., the vice chair of the Homeland Security Advisory Council, is also on task force.

Elliot Broidy held a fundraiser for Republicans at his house in California in Oct 2006, and President Bush attended!
He also held a private dinner party for the American Ballet Theatre at his home. Click here to see photos of America's adorable "socialites".

James Schlesinger, born in 1929, got into US government in 1969 during the Nixon administration.
He spent time as CIA director, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Energy.

President Carter eventually got rid of him in 1979, and now he helps companies with ties to Zionism.

Schlesinger's MITRE technology is linked to the events of 9/11 in a number of significant ways.

• Bollyn-MITRE.html
• Bollyn-Ptech.html

"Based upon our work over the past five months," the report began, "members believe that there is every indication that the number and magnitude of attacks on the United States, its interests and its allies will likely increase. Like crime or disease, terrorism should be conceived as a chronic problem requiring a sustained and patient strategy, with ever evolving tactics."

While "it was not within the purview of the task force to undertake an exhaustive and in-depth examination of particular threats and the sources from which they emanate," the report goes on to say that "the most significant terrorist threat to the homeland today stems from a global movement, underpinned by a jihadist/Salafist ideology," which seeks to "overturn regimes considered to be apostate."

Why any home-grown Middle Eastern movement seeking to overthrow "apostate" regimes in the Middle East would attack the American "homeland" thousands of miles from the regimes they are supposedly fighting is not explained. Most Americans don't even know what is meant by a "jihadist/Salafist ideology."

"Have the marketing people try the phrases Islamo-Fascist, Muslo-Nazi, and Jihado-Terrorist"


The report promotes the centralization of the local police departments under the Dept. of Homeland Security. In order to defend the "homeland" the report calls for creating a national police force that coordinates state and local forces with DHS:

Although progress has been made in moving towards a goal of a seamless coordination capability between federal, state and local authorities to ensure homeland security, there are still gaps in this coordination that must be closed.
The Task Force was encouraged by the Director of Intelligence’s initiative to staff state fusion centers with DHS analysts. This program will prove to be valuable not only in information sharing, but educating state and local agencies on what they should be looking for and reporting.

The report calls for DHS Secretary [Michael Chertoff] to "work directly with state, local, private sector and community leaders to educate them on the threat of radicalization, the necessity of taking preventative action at the local level, and to facilitate the sharing of other nations’ and communities’ best practices.

"As part of these community-based efforts aimed at mutual understanding and elimination of conditions that allow extremist ideologies to take root, the Secretary should assume the role of "catalyst" in order to incentivize state and local authorities to proactively address the potential for radicalization before home-grown terrorism evolves.
Specifically, the Secretary should actively work directly with Mayors, Governors, and community [law enforcement] leaders to educate them on the threat of radicalization, and to share best practices information from communities and other nations that have aggressively engaged this threat."

Israel is clearly the first among the "other nations that have aggressively engaged this threat."
Sharing information with the DHS is "a priority" in the centralized police state. Local authorities will be denied "federal resources" if they refuse to share information with DHS:

State and local capability to gather, process and share information within local regions and with the federal government must remain a priority, and should be developed through an operational partnership with the federal government, ensuring that training, analytical capability, and resources are consistent and meet the overall national need.
The Secretary should continue efforts with state and local authorities to build regional operating capabilities and plans for prevention, protection and response by requiring DHS components to develop their plans and capabilities in concert with state and local authorities.

DHS should also make federal resources to state and local authorities contingent upon regional collaboration.

Americans will be forced to learn more about and prepare for terrorism:
It is critical that the American public become engaged in understanding and preparing for terrorism. Over the next five years, the public must learn about the choices faced by the nation, communities, families, and individuals. It must become a partner with its government, sharing the burden.
Even children and students in school will be taught about responses to terrorism and extremist threats to the "homeland":
In collaboration with the Department of Education and state and local partners, consideration should be given to implementing developmentally appropriate education at the elementary school, high school and college/university levels.
In order to bring this agenda into practice at a national security level, the report calls for Secretary Chertoff to be named to the National Security Council:
We therefore recommend that consideration be given to fully integrating the domestic security perspective in the work of the NSC by naming the Secretary of Homeland Security to the NSC.

Christopher Bollyn and his family are MIA

My response is here

Note: I don't know what happens if you donate money or order books from Bollyn! He was providing his articles for free and depending on sales of his ABC book for children, and on donations. His charming ABC book is here.

Please pass links to his articles, and try to find more people to join us in our struggle to expose corruption. Don't let "them" get all of us! Show some concern!

This is the text
from the Jerusalem Post news
article about IDF booby-trap bombs


Paper: Jerusalem Post, The (Israel)
Title: IDF booby trap caused deaths of 5 Gaza children
Date: November 25, 2001

IDF forces laid the bomb that accidentally killed five Palestinian schoolboys in Khan Yunis on Thursday, the army announced last night.

The IDF had remained silent over the cause of Thursday's deadly explosion except to say no tank had fired a shell in that sector. OC Gaza Strip Brig.-Gen. Yisrael Ziv is participating in the inquiry, but he himself may have been behind the decision to lay the bomb.

It was the first public announcement by the IDF since the deaths of Muhammad al-Astal, 14, his brother Akram, six, and their cousins Omer, 14, Annis, 10, and Ahmed, 10. The five children were walking to the nearby UN elementary school on Thursday morning when one of them apparently kicked the device, triggering the explosion.

The five were buried in Khan Yunis on Friday in a funeral attended by more than 10,000 people.

The bodies, wrapped in Palestinian flags and strapped to stretchers, were carried side-by-side in a procession as gunmen fired in the air. Children carried pictures of their dead classmates. Masked men wrote slogans on the walls of a mosque, threatening Israel with revenge.

Idress al-Astal, father of two of the dead children, said no investigation could bring back his sons. "God will grant me revenge," he said, breaking down in tears.

Military sources said that an IDF special force, acting on instructions from senior commanders, slipped into area A and laid the bomb. The idea was to set a trap in an area from which Palestinian gunmen had been repeatedly attacking Jewish settlements and IDF outposts.

It was a classic anti-guerrilla tactic, but it failed to take into account the possibility that others - such as children on their way to school - would venture into the area with tragic results.

"From the moment of the explosion an operational inquiry started examining the incident," an IDF statement said. "From an initial inquiry by OC Southern Command Maj.- Gen. Doron Almog, the possibility arises that the children were killed as a result of playing with a bomb which an IDF force had set in a sandbagged position that had been used to shoot at and attack our forces." It noted that the position was not inside any urban area, but in an open field.

"The inquiry is not yet completed, and when it is all the necessary operational lessons will be drawn," the statement said.

"The IDF Spokesman stresses that the action in the open area was intended against terrorists and it expresses its regret for the death of the children," the statement said.

Both Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer and the IDF issued official statements expressing regret for the boys' deaths.

While Ben-Eliezer was sorry for the "human tragedy that took the lives of innocents," he stopped short of taking actual responsibility for the explosive device. The defense minister said the explosion was being investigated.

Israel Radio quoted a high-ranking officer as saying the order to investigate the affair was a "grave mistake."

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Police chief in Gaza, Brig. Gen. Abdel Razek Majaida, said the boys appeared to have been killed by a bomb planted by Israeli forces, who had been seen operating in the area the night before the blast.

"Shrapnel we collected from the area shows that the explosion was caused by an explosive device," he said.

"Our investigation continues, but it looks as if the device was booby-trapped and when one of the children kicked it, it exploded."

"We urge an international investigative committee to look into the murder of innocent children and to determine Israel's responsibility," he added.

On Friday Transportation Minister Ephraim Sneh called on the army to launch a proper and fair inquiry of the incident, declaring the army's integrity is at stake.

"Someone may have to be punished if he acted improperly or acted with negligence," Sneh told Israel Radio, but added that the context of the tragedy is that "there is a terrorism and guerrilla war being waged against Israel."

Opposition leader Yossi Sarid called on the army to carry out an investigation and submit its findings this week to determine what was the cause and if action needs to be taken if misconduct is found. Speaking on Channel 1, he said: "Someone high up in the army will have to pay with his head. Children killed, whether on our side or theirs, is not something to be ignored."

Minister without Portfolio Dan Meridor took a similar view.

"If we really made a mistake, I hope we'll tell the truth about it," he said. "The truth is better than any excuse."

US State Department spokesman Philip Reeker said of the incident: "The United States deeply regrets the tragic accidental deaths of five Palestinian children... when they came in contact with unexploded ordnance. It was a terrible tragedy."

"We understand that the Israeli army has begun an investigation into the circumstances of these deaths and we expect that investigation will thoroughly determine what happened. This incident... is a strong reminder of why both sides should do all they can to end the violence, reduce tensions, and resume negotiations," he added.

Copyright, 2001, The Jerusalem Post, All Rights Reserved.
Author: ARIEH O'SULLIVAN and MARGOT DUDKEVITCH, Janine Zacharia and news agencies contributed to this report

Section: News
Page: 01
Copyright, 2001, The Jerusalem Post, All Rights Reserved.