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02-02-09, 20:04
"Turkey's turn from the West "

by Soner Cagaptay : what a crazy _fucky name ! :lol:

bron: The Washington Post , Feb o2, 2009 :


& How Turkey is turning away from the West :

Erdogan 's clash with war criminal Peres is one of the episodes of that soap :

read this article that tries to explain Turkey's political motivations against israel from that silly Damocles' sword point of view = antisemitism , on a serious news source !!! :kotsen2:

Turkije moet zich gaan verzoenen met haar Islamitich wortels,zich gaan meer bemoeien met Islamitisch zaken , een Islamitisch coalitie vormen met Iran bijv. tegen deze onrechtvaardig Westen ...., uit de NAVO stappen, politiek & ander banden met de zionazis verbreken + die gemilitariseerd gek secularisme omvormen tot een pluralistisch democratie.....

spannend !!!!!


02-02-09, 20:22
"Turkey's turn from the West "

by Soner Cagaptay : what a crazy _fucky name ! :lol:

Wat een domme racistische opmerking. Wat ben je toch een kleuter.

Sallahddin, what a crazy _fucky name :lol:

:moe: Word jij nou nooit moe van je eigen stompzinnige racisme? En dan over anderen klagen.

Wat is er gek aan die naam? Hij is verkeerd gespeld, de man heet Soner Çağatay [son-er tsjaataj]. De Çagatay zijn een roemrucht volk uit Centraal-Azie.

Je hebt het artikel blijkbaar niet gelezen:

The erosion of Turkey's liberalism under the AKP is alienating Turkey from the West. If Turkish foreign policy is based on solidarity with Islamist regimes or causes, Ankara cannot hope to be considered a serious NATO ally. Likewise, if the AKP discriminates against women, forgoes normal relations with Israel, curbs media freedoms or loses interest in joining Europe, it will hardly endear itself to the United States. And if Erdogan's AKP keeps serving a menu of illiberalism at home and religion in foreign policy, Turkey will no longer be special -- and that would be unfortunate.

03-02-09, 12:49
Wat een domme racistische opmerking. Wat ben je toch een kleuter.

Sallahddin, what a crazy _fucky name :lol:

:moe: Word jij nou nooit moe van je eigen stompzinnige racisme? En dan over anderen klagen.

Wat is er gek aan die naam? Hij is verkeerd gespeld, de man heet Soner Çağatay [son-er tsjaataj]. De Çagatay zijn een roemrucht volk uit Centraal-Azie.

Je hebt het artikel blijkbaar niet gelezen:

The erosion of Turkey's liberalism under the AKP is alienating Turkey from the West. If Turkish foreign policy is based on solidarity with Islamist regimes or causes, Ankara cannot hope to be considered a serious NATO ally. Likewise, if the AKP discriminates against women, forgoes normal relations with Israel, curbs media freedoms or loses interest in joining Europe, it will hardly endear itself to the United States. And if Erdogan's AKP keeps serving a menu of illiberalism at home and religion in foreign policy, Turkey will no longer be special -- and that would be unfortunate.

Listen up : that was an ironic reaction : i've found the name just fucky funny : :lol:

others w'd find my nick funny or not too indeed, so what ???

so what's ur problem ,calling me a racist : u can call me many things but not that , dummy !

& yes, i had read the article ,otherwise i w'd not have brought it in here !

the writer of the article was puting too much emphasis on that so_called antisemitism : what a shame :

everyone against israeli crimes ...is an antisemit , thus , is driven by antisemistic motivations , come on ! :kotsen2:

what's wrong 'bout the fact that Turkey w'd get involved in Islamic matters ,even though it's a so_called liberal democracy :

u can't just ignore ur identity just 'cause u do seem to belong to a so_called liberal democracy :

well, democracy had not stopped the official West to stand behind israel unconditionally ,don't u think ???

zag je die Westerse hypocriet selectief moraal ????

03-02-09, 19:21
Condemning war crimes, crimes against humanity ...imperialism ,injustice, oppressions .....are not only an Islamic thing , but also a human one :

Turkey can be a liberal democracy & still speak up against injustices ....

Turkey cannot ignore its muslim identity too , as the case is with the west which cannot ignore its secular materialistic or other identities :

liberal democracy did not stop the West from standing 100% behind israeli evil_injustices :

this hypocrit West whose materialistic hypocrit values w'd not fool anybody , not anymore after the war on Gaza, Irak, Afghanistan...

while liberal democratic Turkey stands behind the oppressed palestinians for example .....& do oppress the Kurds unfortunately :lol: :

see the difference ???

03-02-09, 19:22
crazy fucky

03-02-09, 19:29
crazy fucky


u're getting more eloquent ,subtle, graceful, elegant ....polite...inspiring, challenging, ..........everyday !!! :lol:

what's so fucky crazy 'bout the above mentioned stuff ??? :cola: