Bekijk Volledige Versie : "Bad News From America's Top Spy" by Chris Hedges !

16-02-09, 19:57
"Bad News From America's Top Spy" by Chris Hedges !

bron: truthdig.com;Feb 16 ,2009 :


The threat of the consequences of the economic crisis ' Damocles' sword : its geo_political implications ....

This global economic crisis which could create political extremism,social instability & violence , populism ,instability, insecurity.....in the world...

"...Thursday when Washington's new director of national intelligence ,retired adm.Dennis Blair ,testified before the senate intelligence committee.He warned that the deepening economic crisis posed perhaps our gravest threat to stability and national security .It could trigger ,he said, a return to the "violent extremism" of the 1920s and 1930s...." quote : from the article !

Lees & huiver !

Thanks !

17-02-09, 13:13
Can't u face the music ,folks ??? :lol: