Bekijk Volledige Versie : Mr. Rourchid : my deepest & genuine_sincere apologies !

05-05-09, 18:54
Mr. Rourchid : my deepest & sincere_genuine apologies :

In real life , i w'dn't make that mistake :

i w'd know for sure who i'm talking to :

it's just when it comes to internet u never know who u're talking to anyway :

+ many so called Islam specialists mislead people so deliberately under many forms of guises , that i had become suspicious : pathologically suspicious :

i shouldn't : that's unIslamic :

but at the other hand , i had no excuses whatsoever to treat u the way i did :

to "crucify" u like that en public :

that's not part of our belief , may God forgive me , my conscience has been killing me lately : u've no idea :

these sort of confessions , "crucifications" in private or en public + that public guilt_display are not onlty not part of our belief , these 're more Paulinistic influences of this western culture w've been living under :

i must admit , i'm getting aware of this astonishing fact :

even i wasn't immuun for these Paulinistic influences, psychology, morality ...

we neither "crucify or lynch " anyone en public nore in private :

I had to talk to u in private or try to confront u with arguments (not that i was right per definition !) instead of that stupid way :

so, i had to try to undo that public injustice in relation to ur person ....publically:

our christian lady friend here = Reallife, made me think too ,when she has said that i should have confronted u with arguments ,instead of doing what i had done :

she was right : that had suprisignly nothing to do with her Paulinism ,ironically enough , showing that people from different beliefs, ideologies .....can be right of course even when it comes to even our own individual behaviours as muslims or as humans :

even though no one is the muslim authority : only Qu'ran & Hadiths are :

I'm aware of the fact that i stand far away from the Islamic principles .... = Paulinsim again ! :lol:

we should do our best to deserve this greatest faith ever, this God given precious gift & God's mercy = Islam !

My sincere apologies for what i've done to u , may God forgive me too :

who i'm a to judge u anyway ??? no false pretences or false modesty :

I'll leave it at that , otherwise : i'm gonna continue making blunder after blunder ! :lol:

silence is the best guarantee not to make mistakes, sometimes ...but silence can be many things ,silence can be very eloquent sometimes, can be gold sometimes, can be also criminal, eloquently criminal sometimes,..........or silence can be even the highest form of communication sometimes indeed, among other things !

I hope u w'd find enough forgiveness in ur heart to forgive me :

may God forgive me too !

Thanks !


05-05-09, 19:23
May God forgive us all! :duim: :wink:

05-05-09, 19:34
May God forgive us all! :duim: :wink:

Jou vooral!

05-05-09, 19:39
Jou vooral!

Bij jou is het nog de vraag of Hij je saved!

05-05-09, 19:56
Ach ja, als je dronken bent doe je soms gekke dingen. Komt eens in je leven voor.

05-05-09, 20:06
Goed zo. Nu de rest nog.

05-05-09, 20:07
Ach ja, als je dronken bent doe je soms gekke dingen. Komt eens in je leven voor.

spreek voor jezelf , idioot !:fplet:

05-05-09, 20:10
May God forgive us all! :duim: :wink:

Thanks :

we shouldn't be talking 'bout Islam here of in name of Islam , i guess :

most of none _muslim public here is too ordinary,stupid , narrow minded ....for that :

we must question also our own knowledge of Islam & the fact that we stand far away from Islam itself indeed, i must admit !

just ignore Islam haters, racists , ordinary fools , idiots , ignorants, jerks, homos ...........

they just drag u down with them , in their fantasies at least !


05-05-09, 20:31
Goed zo. Nu de rest nog.

wat rest ???

thanks !


05-05-09, 20:55
Altijd die lichte teleurstelling als ik NVDD open en de meeste recente bijdragen van DNA afkomstig blijken. Zoals zojuist.
Misschien eens een topic beginnen met favoriete prikkers? Open je een topic, alleen maar omdat je ziet dat de meest recente post van prikker X afkomstig is? Kan ook negatief zijn; even zien wat hij/zij nu weer voor idioots heeft gepost. Slinger trek ik meestal wel open omdat ik 'm vaak grappig vind.

May God forgive us all! :duim: :wink:Jou vooral!

05-05-09, 23:03
Mr. Rourchid : my deepest & sincere_genuine apologies :

Hi Sallah,

Ik heb veel bewondering en respect voor je actie.

Een hartelijke groet. :)

05-05-09, 23:04
Goed zo. Nu de rest nog.
Idd !

06-05-09, 00:49
Zo, een publiekelijke spijtbetuiging....De hele goegemeente mag er van meegenieten.
Look me, having regret

Je brengt Rourchid nog in verlegenheid

Je bent een dolend kind van deze tijd, Sallah.Veel westerser dan je wilt.
Bevrijd exhibitionisme, mogelijk gemaakt door internet.

06-05-09, 03:43
Mr. Rourchid : my deepest & sincere_genuine apologies :

In real life , i w'dn't make that mistake :

i w'd know for sure who i'm talking to :

it's just when it comes to internet u never know who u're talking to anyway :

+ many so called Islam specialists mislead people so deliberately under many forms of guises , that i had become suspicious : pathologically suspicious :

i shouldn't : that's unIslamic :

but at the other hand , i had no excuses whatsoever to treat u the way i did :

to "crucify" u like that en public :

that's not part of our belief , may God forgive me , my conscience has been killing me lately : u've no idea :

these sort of confessions , "crucifications" in private or en public + that public guilt_display are not onlty not part of our belief , these 're more Paulinistic influences of this western culture w've been living under :

i must admit , i'm getting aware of this astonishing fact :

even i wasn't immuun for these Paulinistic influences, psychology, morality ...

we neither "crucify or lynch " anyone en public nore in private
It never felt like a crucification, more like an Moroccan conversation:
"In my few months in Morocco, I'd become accustomed to the abrupt fury of locals, which can be burst into a conversation like a clap of thunder, then--as you brace for the storm--dissolve just as quickly into a grumble and a friendly pat on the back."
vii, No god but God, Reza Aslan

even though no one is the muslim authority : only Qu'ran & Hadiths are :
One of my dearest friends happens to be a political refugee from Iran.
He wholeheartedly supports the view on al-Ghayb (= The Unkown) as can be found on selefie publications but still consider himself as a Sji'ite.
To put it with a Southern USA expression: victory hides in darkest places.

My sincere apologies for what i've done to u , may God forgive me too :

who i'm a to judge u anyway ??? no false pretences or false modesty :

I'll leave it at that , otherwise : i'm gonna continue making blunder after blunder ! :lol:
As I already have written in another thread that there is no need for apologize. But anyway: accepted!
Recently, a fair advice to you was given by Orakel who described you as being forced in a role of mirroring Ron Haleber.
Today it's exactly 7 years ago that the politician Pim Fortuyn was murdered. One of his slogans was 'Het woord als wapen' (The word as a weapon).
Indeed words are used as firepower in a war against Islam. And keeping in mind that the Dutch vocabulary for expressing religion has stucked to the Medieval Ages, it is logical that there are tendencies of witchhunting on this forum.
So you better not lower your guard :)

06-05-09, 03:44
May God forgive us all! :duim: :wink:

06-05-09, 07:19
Bij jou is het nog de vraag of Hij je saved!

Gelukkig ga jij daar niet over.

06-05-09, 07:20
Altijd die lichte teleurstelling als ik NVDD open en de meeste recente bijdragen van DNA afkomstig blijken. Zoals zojuist.
Misschien eens een topic beginnen met favoriete prikkers? Open je een topic, alleen maar omdat je ziet dat de meest recente post van prikker X afkomstig is? Kan ook negatief zijn; even zien wat hij/zij nu weer voor idioots heeft gepost. Slinger trek ik meestal wel open omdat ik 'm vaak grappig vind.


06-05-09, 08:02
Ik haat paulinistisch-materialistische excuses :jammer:

06-05-09, 08:23
Ik haat paulinistisch-materialistische excuses :jammer:

Paulus is een watje.
Niets voor Echte Mannen.

06-05-09, 09:14
Paulus is een watje.
Niets voor Echte Mannen.
niet-reductief determinisme (http://groups.google.com/group/nl.filosofie/browse_thread/thread/c6292a6922aa24ee#)

06-05-09, 09:22
Rourchid in aktie:

06-05-09, 09:24
Rourchid in aktie:
YouTube - TOMMY COOPER (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Faul8yGM2hg&feature=related)

06-05-09, 15:40

Ben je nou wel of geen moslim?

06-05-09, 16:38
Gelukkig ga jij daar niet over.

Overbodig antwoord, iedereen weet dat ik daar niet over ga.

06-05-09, 18:45
Paulus is een watje.
Niets voor Echte Mannen.


je slaat de spijker op de kop inderdaad :

had ik altijd zo gedacht over paulus met diens moraal voor slaven & zwakkeren _watjes :lol:

paulus is een watje met zijn slaven moraal_psychologie inderdaad ....:

hypocrit public display of guilt , confessions ...

vandaar , onder ander, dat ik het nodig vond te benadrukken dat ik afstand had genomen van die Paulinistisch nare invloeden waar wij allemaal bloot aan staan :

die invloeden zijn bovendien ONIslamitisch notabene :

ik weet niet of ik een echt man zou zijn :lol: , hangt af van de definitie ervan natuurlijk :

maar ik ben zeker geen watje !

public display of guilt, confessions , & de rest ....

06-05-09, 18:47
Zo, een publiekelijke spijtbetuiging....De hele goegemeente mag er van meegenieten.
Look me, having regret

Je brengt Rourchid nog in verlegenheid

Je bent een dolend kind van deze tijd, Sallah.Veel westerser dan je wilt.
Bevrijd exhibitionisme, mogelijk gemaakt door internet.

u wish ! :lol:

read my post here again !

06-05-09, 19:00
It never felt like a crucification, more like an Moroccan conversation:
"In my few months in Morocco, I'd become accustomed to the abrupt fury of locals, which can be burst into a conversation like a clap of thunder, then--as you brace for the storm--dissolve just as quickly into a grumble and a friendly pat on the back."
vii, No god but God, Reza Aslan

One of my dearest friends happens to be a political refugee from Iran.
He wholeheartedly supports the view on al-Ghayb (= The Unkown) as can be found on selefie publications but still consider himself as a Sji'ite.
To put it with a Southern USA expression: victory hides in darkest places.

As I already have written in another thread that there is no need for apologize. But anyway: accepted!
Recently, a fair advice to you was given by Orakel who described you as being forced in a role of mirroring Ron Haleber.
Today it's exactly 7 years ago that the politician Pim Fortuyn was murdered. One of his slogans was 'Het woord als wapen' (The word as a weapon).
Indeed words are used as firepower in a war against Islam. And keeping in mind that the Dutch vocabulary for expressing religion has stucked to the Medieval Ages, it is logical that there are tendencies of witchhunting on this forum.
So you better not lower your guard :)

yes, the Moroccan stormy & afterwards quickly forgiving mentality as if nothing has ever happened indeed :

i agree : thanks :

well, Orakel (i wish he w'd choose another nick : makes him look very pretentious with that Greek mythical figure !) was cetrtainly wrong by comparing me to the so_called mirroring of that silly anti_Islam hater Haleber =

no way , God :fplet:........ I feel deeply insulted by orakel that way ! :lol: :

i'm certainly the total opposite of that freak , thanks God :

I'm not a fan of Fortyuin either = haleber looks more like that deceased narrow minded homo Islam _hater indeed !

why RU so "fascinated" by Fortyuin anyway ??? : i've always hated_despised his guts, i musdt admit :

the guy used to take his infos 'bout Islam from populist anti_Islam propaganda novels, .....

Thanks again!

have fun !

I'm gonna watch the game : very exciting :

Chelsea _Barça:

Let's support the first !


06-05-09, 19:02
Look me, having regret


I made a mistake en public , i had to undo it en public !

06-05-09, 21:29
Ben je nou wel of geen moslim?
Op zich kan het woord 'Mohammed' in de sjahada (=Isl. geloofsgetuigenis) uitgelegd worden als 'hij die vervuld van zegen is' en 'hij die zegen brengt' en daardoor op de Schrift(en) duiden. 'Mohammed' kan dus ook geduid worden als de H.Tora, het H. Evangelie en de H. Koran.

Gebruik is echter dat in het Arabisch, Joden 'Mohammed' vervangen door Moesa (vzmh) en Christenen 'Mohammed' vervangen door 'Isa (vzmh).
Voor mijzelf is 'Mohammed' de Laatste Boodschapper genaamd Mohammed (vrede en zegeningen zij met hem) en de Koran is voor mij het laatste neergedaalde ongeschapen Woord van Allah (Heilig, zonder tekortkomingen en de Meest Verhevene) : ík ben Moslim alhamdolillah.

06-05-09, 21:32
yes, the Moroccan stormy & afterwards quickly forgiving mentality as if nothing has ever happened indeed :

i agree : thanks :

well, Orakel (i wish he w'd choose another nick : makes him look very pretentious with that Greek mythical figure !) was cetrtainly wrong by comparing me to the so_called mirroring of that silly anti_Islam hater Haleber =

no way , God :fplet:........ I feel deeply insulted by orakel that way ! :lol: :

i'm certainly the total opposite of that freak , thanks God :

That was not his intention, but he describes how the Islam-bashers could rebuild you as an opposite Ron Haleber.
The latter, Islam-expert in his own words, pretends to be also an expert in 'Arabic rethorics'; which of course he isn't: he is a Islam-basher.
Your artistic style of writing is without any doubt the real thing (Arabic rethorics) but in discourses on this forum the Islam-bashers put you in a linguistic framework/strayjacket in which you are the fake Ron Haleber (your Arabic rethorics are fake) and Ron Haleber is "ofcourse" your future.
Underdetermination is the keyword of Islam-bashers while reading your posts and this underdetermination stems from the prejudice that Islam terminates any form thinking.
After being categorized as moron and such, the next move is oftentimes "psychiatric diagnosis": stupid mind fucks from a fucking past :duivel:

I'm not a fan of Fortyuin either = haleber looks more like that deceased narrow minded homo Islam _hater indeed !

why RU so "fascinated" by Fortyuin anyway ??? : i've always hated_despised his guts, i musdt admit :

the guy used to take his infos 'bout Islam from populist anti_Islam propaganda novels, .....

Thanks again!

have fun !
Just studying their tactics and the weaknesses in their structures :stout:

I'm gonna watch the game : very exciting :

Chelsea _Barça:

Let's support the first !

Enjoy and may the best win :duim:

07-05-09, 19:42
That was not his intention, but he describes how the Islam-bashers could rebuild you as an opposite Ron Haleber.
The latter, Islam-expert in his own words, pretends to be also an expert in 'Arabic rethorics'; which of course he isn't: he is a Islam-basher.
Your artistic style of writing is without any doubt the real thing (Arabic rethorics) but in discourses on this forum the Islam-bashers put you in a linguistic framework/strayjacket in which you are the fake Ron Haleber (your Arabic rethorics are fake) and Ron Haleber is "ofcourse" your future.
Underdetermination is the keyword of Islam-bashers while reading your posts and this underdetermination stems from the prejudice that Islam terminates any form thinking.
After being categorized as moron and such, the next move is oftentimes "psychiatric diagnosis": stupid mind fucks from a fucking past :duivel:

Just studying their tactics and the weaknesses in their structures :stout:

Enjoy and may the best win :duim:


Intellectually , i see that Islam bashers here at least can "rebuild" no one to their own disgusting western image :lol: = yet another ironic choc therapy for them : '(they may achieve some "victories" on others here or elsewhere , but not on me : qua success of their manipulations or "reeducation" at least !) :

i'm a differentely a whole other person if u knew me in real life :

i just use many psychological mental tactics & provocations to get them out of their fences_fortresses and sand castles to the open fields where i can "sniper_target" them at ease : :lol:

mentally mind freaking tactics & "psychological mental war fare":

(Haleber is too a main_stream simple minded open book to induce any intern change in me !) + too intellectually, psychologically, spiritually ..."inferior" with no back bones or real structure & tactics :

just a silly copy cat : not really original :

I "terrorised " the guy ! :lol:

those Islam haters here at least :

just silly childish populistic main_stream tactics they use !:

I had learned from the "best" = from their orientalists & western so _called Islam specialists_ bosses :

they're just silly students , their arrogance & sense of "superiority" are just tactics to camouflage their inferiority complex ...

their main idiotic capital fundamental error is to understimate the opponent of course by thinking we're retarted people who have eventually to evolve on their foot steps ! :lol:

Every time i try to test some tactics of theirs on them , i'm every time astonished by the fact that they're so predictable & can be easily beaten on their own grounds !

let them fantasy & dream 'bout their idiotic "victories" :

I do have a lots of fun here , to be honnest ! :lol: :

I learn a lot more 'bout myself & 'bout the power of the truth of Islam :

Omar Ibn Al Khatab , radia Allah alai'h , said once :

no one can really know Islam without knowing Al Jahilia !

I''l leave it at that indeed ! :lol:

P.S.: unfortunately enough Chelsea had lost the game in the very last mn of the match :

due to their lowered guard & too much self confidence , i guess :

Barça did certainely not deserve to win !

in the "upper " world here on earth :lol: , an intelligent muslim should never underestimate his/her enemies , should never have too much confidence or too much self esteem = too a big ego :

the latters make people loose & are also UNIslamic !

Thanks !
