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26-11-09, 22:08
Irish church and police covered up child sex abuse, says report

Devastating report on abuse of children by clergy from 1975 to 2004 accuses church and Garda of colluding to cover up scandal

Ireland's police colluded with the Catholic church in covering up clerical child abuse in Dublin on a huge scale, according to a damning report on decades of sex crimes committed by priests.

The devastating report on the sexual and physical abuse of children by the clergy in Ireland's capital from 1975 to 2004 accuses four former archbishops, a host of clergy and senior members of the Garda Síochána of a cover-up.

The three-volume report found that the "maintenance of secrecy, the avoidance of scandal, the protection of the reputation of the church and the preservation of its assets" was more important than justice for the victims.

Four former archbishops in Dublin – John Charles McQuaid, who died in 1973, Dermot Ryan, who died in 1984, Kevin McNamara, who died in 1987, and retired Cardinal Desmond Connell – were found to have failed to report their knowledge of child sexual abuse to the Garda from the 1960s to the 1980s. But the report added that all the archbishops of the diocese in the period were aware of complaints.

The report, launched today by the Irish justice minister, Dermot Ahern, also concluded that the vast majority of priests turned a "blind eye" to abuse, although some individuals did bring complaints to superiors, which were not acted upon.

The report, commissioned by the government, strongly criticises the Garda and says senior members of the force regarded priests as being outside their investigative remit. The relationship between some senior gardai and priests and bishops in Dublin was described as "inappropriate".

Rather than investigate complaints from children, gardai simply reported the matter to the Dublin Catholic diocese, the report says. The Garda Síochána is accused of connivance with the church in stifling at least one complaint of abuse and letting the alleged perpetrator flee the country.

Ahern said there should be no hiding place for abusers. "The persons who committed these dreadful crimes will continue to be pursued. They must come to know that there is no hiding place. That justice – even where it may have been delayed – will not be denied," he said.

He told a press conference: "I read the report as justice minister. But on a human level – as a father and as a member of this community – I felt a growing sense of revulsion and anger at the horrible, evil acts committed against children."

The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre welcomed the report, saying it was "another acknowledgment of the abject failure of our society to take care of our children".

The report states that senior clerical figures covered up the abuse over nearly 30 years and that the structures and rules of the church facilitated that cover-up. It says that state authorities facilitated the cover-up by allowing the church to be beyond the reach of the law.

The Murphy Commission of Inquiry into the abuse of children in Dublin identified 320 people who complained of child sexual abuse between 1975 and 2004. It also stated that since May 2004, 130 complaints against priests operating in the Dublin archdiocese had been made.

The report details the cases of 46 priests guilty of abuse as a representative sample of 102 priests within its remit. But it concludes that there was no evidence of an organised paedophile ring in the Dublin archdiocese, although it says there were worrying connections. One priest admitted abusing more than 100 children. Another said he had committed abuse every two weeks for more than 25 years.

The report highlights the case of a Father Carney and Father McCarthy who it claims in one case both abused the same child. The abuse by Carney often occurred at swimming pools, sometimes when he was accompanied by another priest.

The report states that it was not until 1995 that the archdiocese began to notify civil authorities of complaints of abuse. The commission concludes that in the light of this and other facts, every bishop's primary loyalty was to the church itself.

A move by the archdiocese to take out insurance against potential compensation claims arising from abuse, according to the report, proved knowledge of child sexual abuse as a potential major cost.

The Garda Síochána's current commissioner, Fachtna Murphy, said the report made for "difficult and disturbing reading, detailing many instances of sexual abuse and failure … to protect victims."

Pope Benedict was urged today to go to Ireland and apologise for his clergy's behaviour. John Kelly, of Irish Survivors of Child Abuse, said only a papal visit would exonerate the worldwide church in the abuse scandals.

Bron: guerdian.cu (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/nov/26/ireland-church-sex-abuse)

27-11-09, 09:01
Kindermisbruik Ierse priesters jarenlang in de doofpot

Londen - De toch al beschadigde reputatie van de rooms-katholieke kerk is in Ierland verder aangetast door een schandaal dat het land sinds donderdag vervult met gevoelens van walging, schaamte en woede.

De kerk in het overgrote meerderheid katholieke Ierland blijkt kindermisbruik door priesters jaren in de doofpot te hebben gestopt. Bisschoppen vonden het kerkelijke imago belangrijker dan bescherming van kinderen.

Dit staat in een rapport dat gisteren is vrijgegeven.

In het onderzoek, waaraan jaren is gewerkt, is bekeken hoe de kerk beschuldigingen heeft afgehandeld tegen 46 priesters in Dublin. Zij waren door de commissie geselecteerd uit een grotere groep geestelijken in de hoofdstad die in verband zijn gebracht met aanranding en verkrachting. Het betreft 320 jongens en meisjes; de commissie beperkt zich tot de jaren 1975-2004.

'De commissie heeft er geen twijfel over dat seksueel misbruik van kinderen is toegedekt door het aartsbisdom Dublin', stelt het rapport. Vier aartsbisschoppen die op de hoogte waren, besloten meestal geen actie te ondernemen of plaatsten priesters slechts over naar een andere parochie. De kerk sloot niettemin verzekeringspolissen af om zich in te dekken tegen schadeclaims.

Met bevende stem bood de huidige aartsbisschop, Diarmuid Martin, gisteren zijn excuses aan, 'hoewel ik besef dat geen woord ooit genoeg zal zijn'. Minister Dermot Ahern van justitie beloofde dat de daders zullen worden vervolgd.

Als de politie al onderzoek deed, betoonde ze veel respect voor de machtige kerk, waardoor deze in feite boven de wet stond. Soms duurde het twintig jaar voor justitie een besluit nam over vervolging. En priester gaf toe meer dan honderd kinderen te hebben misbruikt. Van de 46 priesters zijn er tot dusver elf veroordeeld.

In mei verscheen er al een dik rapport over katholieke scholen en kindertehuizen, waar priesters en nonnen kinderen op grote schaal misbruikten en mishandelden. (Volkskrant)

De congregatie 'Christelijke Broeders' heeft ondertussen maar liefst 161 miljoen euro uitgetrokken voor bestrijding van reputatieschade.
Dertig miljoen gaat er naar een overheidsfonds. Vier miljoen voor professionele hulp, al zeggen ze er niet bij geloof ik of dat voor de slachtoffers is of voor de daders en de rest, 157 miljoen gaat naar het speelterreinen en scholen.

161 miljoen, en dat voor één congregatie? Die moeten wel goed bij de slappe was zitten. Maar hoe komen die aan zoveel geld?
En met die vervolging schiet het dus nog steeds geen moer op.

28-11-09, 09:00
Het is nep. 127 miljoen is de door de Broeders zelf geschatte waarde van de speeltuinen die ze aan de overheid overdragen. Ze komen met 34 miljoen harde euro's over de brug.

Er is welgeteld ooit één zo'n pastoor vervolgd; die pleegde zelfmoord voordat er een uitspraak was in hoger beroep. End of story. De katholieke kerk is onaantastbaar, een staat in de staat. Geen functionaris wordt ooit aangepakt, in Ierland.

Nou Mars vertel nog es wat stichtelijks. Zonder te liegen graag.