Bekijk Volledige Versie : Panda lijkt genetisch op hond

13-12-09, 19:24
PEKING - Chinese wetenschappers hebben het erfelijke materiaal van de pandabeer in kaart gebracht. Het dier blijkt genetisch erg op de hond te lijken. Hoe dat kan, is niet bekend.

Dat meldde het Chinese staatspersbureau Xinhua zondag. De onderzoekers hopen in het dna-materiaal van de panda onder meer aanwijzingen te vinden voor hun lage paringsdrift. Daardoor is het moeilijk om de dieren te fokken en ze zo voor uitsterven te behoeden. Zelfs pandaporno wordt gebruikt om de dieren in de juiste stemming te krijgen.

Mens lijkt genetisch op varken...

13-12-09, 22:31

13-12-09, 22:34

Artikel van de Telegraaf

13-12-09, 22:46
Dan wachten we maar op een serieuze bron die ons de details geeft.

13-12-09, 22:54
Dan wachten we maar op een serieuze bron die ons de details geeft.

Chinese unlock panda's genome
San Diego-based Illumina aids analysis
By Terri Somers

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 2 a.m.

Jingjing, the 2008 Beijing Olympics mascot, played at the Chengdu Panda Breeding Research Center in China last March. Chinese scientists have mapped the panda's genetic information. (Liu Jin / Getty Images)
Why are pandas able to survive on a bamboo diet? Why do they have six fingers? Of the 200 giant pandas in captivity, which are the most genetically diverse so they can be bred together to create a stronger animal?

Scientists hoping to save the endangered panda now have the genetic information that should help them answer some of those questions. China's Beijing Genomics Institute in Shenzhen announced that it has mapped the entire genetic code for the giant panda using analysis equipment from San Diego-based Illumina.

“With this genetic information, scientists can begin to get answers about this endangered species that they might not ever be able to obtain through hours of behavioral observation,” said Oliver Ryder, associate director of genetics at the San Diego Zoo's Conservation and Research for Endangered Species program.

It took about a month and $200,000 for the Chinese researchers to do what longtime conservationist Ryder never thought would be accomplished in his lifetime because it was previously too expensive, and it served no direct benefit to humans.

“Little did I know we'd see so much progress in this field,” Ryder said.

It's been a hot couple of years for genomics, the study of the long chain of chemicals that determines the hereditary information in a person's DNA, including hair and eye color and propensity for disease.

First, the Human Genome Project mapped the entire human genome, a chain of 3 billion chemicals, giving scientists a template for comparing the genetic makeup of all individuals.

Subsequent advances have led to machines that read samples of genes, allowing scientists to uncover more than 100 genetic links to disease. Ultimately, their goal is personalized medicine – finding specific therapies that work for each individual.

The biggest technological advance in genetics analysis has been in gene sequencing, which is determining the order of the genes on a genome and identifying mutations, like BGI did with the panda genome.

It is not the first time scientists have used this technology on animals. They have mapped the genome of plants and animals that are food sources in hopes of learning how to improve their production.

“The panda is the first project of this magnitude dedicated to applying scientific information to conserve an endangered species,” Ryder said.

The San Diego Zoo, its pandas and scientists were not involved in this discovery. But Ryder was there to congratulate the Chinese and Illumina scientific teams Monday night at a reception at the zoo.

The panda at the center of this discovery is Jingjing, who lives in China's Chengdu Panda Breeding Research Center and was the mascot for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

The Beijing Genomic Institute, which employs about 1,000 people, has decided to dedicate half its research to humans and half to what it calls the tree of life, meaning animals and plants.

It chose the giant panda as the lead project for its tree of life because it symbolizes China, it has a genome that is about as complex as a human's and it's cute and therefore able to capture the public's attention, said Jun Wang, the institute's associate director and professor.

The institute then had to decide which equipment would be best to tackle the job, Wang said. It owns the latest genetics analysis equipment from the world's top three producers, including Roche, Illumina and Life Technologies, formerly known as Invitrogen and based in Carlsbad.

Illumina's equipment was able to do the job 10 times faster and more thoroughly and accurately than the other technologies, Wang said. And the cost was about 100 times cheaper than it would have been just two years ago, he said.

“The technology in this field is evolving at a rate that is many multiples a year and presenting opportunities in science that were inaccessible for so long,” said Tristan Orpin, Illumina's senior vice president of commercial operations.

In China, the panda's genome sequencing was ranked by the Chinese government as one of the top 10 technology achievements of the year, right up there with the nation's space shuttle and the completion of the Tibetan railway.

The genetic information from Jingjing is expected to be complemented in the future with genetic information from other pandas. The variations in the genome of the different pandas will also give scientists clues to the animals'history, health, biology and individual attributes.

For instance, scientists know that when a panda is conceived, it does not implant immediately in the mother's uterus, Orpin said. The panda's genetics may help scientists figure out the triggers, whether they're hormonal, environmental or something else, that prompt the implantation of the embryo, Orpin said.

The ultimate goal of panda conservation is preservation of the species in its habitat, Ryder said.

But the few giant bears that exist in the wild live in two separate and distinct populations, he said. There are no clues to their history and how they came to live apart, or whether they have traveled between groups, he said. Genetic information will answer some of those questions, he said.

14-12-09, 09:32
Mens lijkt genetisch op varken...

Dat kun je varkens niet aandoen. :traan1:

14-12-09, 09:33
Artikel van de Telegraaf

Telegraaf? :eek:

14-12-09, 09:44
Chinese unlock panda's genome
San Diego-based Illumina aids analysis
By Terri Somers

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 2 a.m.

Nergens in deze lap tekst is sprake van genetische gelijkenis met wat dan ook.

14-12-09, 11:53
genetische gelijkenis met

Panda lijkt op hond


14-12-09, 12:15
Panda lijkt op hond


nu.nl is tegenwoordig peer reviewed?

14-12-09, 12:38
Nog steeds geen echte bron.

14-12-09, 13:04
Nog steeds geen echte bron.

Zo dan:


Wel zelf zoeken.

14-12-09, 13:29
Zo dan:


Wel zelf zoeken.

Taxonomy and genetic studies indicate that the giant panda is most closely related to bears, not to raccoons as was once considered.

Hond?? Waar staat dat?

14-12-09, 13:39
Zo dan:

Wel zelf zoeken.

OK (http://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/post.cfm?id=giant-panda-genome-sequenced-explai-2009-12-13).

Het broodje aap is uit de mouw:

-Taxonomisch is een panda een beer en daarmee een carnivoor.
-Panda's leven vegetarisch; ze eten uitsluitend bamboe.
-Genetisch blijkt hij ook een carnivoor; alle daarvoor vereiste genetische informatie is voorhanden.
-Het mechanisme waarmee die carnivoren-aanleg wordt onderdrukt is door het onderzoek opgehelderd.
-De enige andere carnivoor, waarvan het genoom zo uitvoerig is onderzocht is de hond.
-Als deel van het onderzoek zijn hond- en pandagenoom derhalve uitvoerig net elkaar vergeleken.

14-12-09, 13:46
OK (http://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/post.cfm?id=giant-panda-genome-sequenced-explai-2009-12-13).

Het broodje aap is uit de mouw:

-Taxonomisch is een panda een beer en daarmee een carnivoor.
-Panda's leven vegetarisch; ze eten uitsluitend bamboe.
-Genetisch blijkt hij ook een carnivoor; alle daarvoor vereiste genetische informatie is voorhanden.
-Het mechanisme waarmee die carnivoren-aanleg wordt onderdrukt is door het onderzoek opgehelderd.
-De enige andere carnivoor, waarvan het genoom zo uitvoerig is onderzocht is de hond.
-Als deel van het onderzoek zijn hond- en pandagenoom derhalve uitvoerig net elkaar vergeleken.



14-12-09, 14:04
The research, published in Nature1, shows that pandas have about 21,000 genes packed into 21 pairs of chromosomes, including one pair of sex chromosomes. Of all the mammals that have been sequenced, pandas are most similar to dogs — with 80% similarity — and are only 68% similar to humans.

But the bear's genome has undergone fewer genetic changes over time than those of dogs and humans, suggesting that it evolved more slowly. The panda is often regarded as a 'living fossil' because its ancestors are thought to have lived in China more than eight million years ago.


14-12-09, 14:12
Of all the mammals that have been sequenced, pandas are most similar to dogs — with 80% similarity — and are only 68% similar to humans.

Van die 'other mammals' was de hond de enige vleeseter.
Qua aanleg is de panda dus geen herbivoor van huis uit maar omgebouwde vleeseter.
Benieuwd hoe dat bij menselijke vegetariërs zit; is dt ooit genetisch geanalyseerd :).

14-12-09, 14:17


Als die in je bankstel ligt zie hem er dan maar eens uit te krijgen.

14-12-09, 14:20
Als die in je bankstel ligt zie hem er dan maar eens uit te krijgen.

Worst voorhouden ?
Of een worteltje ?

14-12-09, 14:22
Worst voorhouden ?
Of een worteltje ?

Halal bierworstje?