Bekijk Volledige Versie : Iran declares itself "nuclear state "

12-02-10, 18:42
Iran declares itself "nuclear state "

source : national Post on line, Feb . , 11 , 2010 :


...."......The Islamic republic was now a nuclear state .

.....Any attempt by israel to launch a military strike against Iran's nuclear program should be met with israel's destruction..."

Quote : from the same above mentioned source !

Great , sounds like sweet music to my ears ! :lol:

Die schurk apartheid racistisch terroristisch war crimineel ...usurpator evil "staatje" mag niet meer anderen aanvallen ...met impuniteit !

In this Darwinian world where the rich & strong seem to think that "Might is right" , well, only might can be a persuasive desuasive "argument" to protect one's interests , independence , sovereingty ....against western & israeli paternalism, imperialism ....

Tell me 'bout it indeed !

Thanks !


12-02-10, 20:15

13-02-10, 11:42

offtopic !

13-02-10, 11:55
Iran declares itself "nuclear state "

source : national Post on line, Feb . , 11 , 2010 :


...."......The Islamic republic was now a nuclear state .

.....Any attempt by israel to launch a military strike against Iran's nuclear program should be met with israel's destruction..."

Quote : from the same above mentioned source !

Great , sounds like sweet music to my ears ! :lol:

Die schurk apartheid racistisch terroristisch war crimineel ...usurpator evil "staatje" mag niet meer anderen aanvallen ...met impuniteit !

In this Darwinian world where the rich & strong seem to think that "Might is right" , well, only might can be a persuasive desuasive "argument" to protect one's interests , independence , sovereingty ....against western & israeli paternalism, imperialism ....

Tell me 'bout it indeed !

Thanks !


Je gaat dus mee met de 'darwinistische' machtswellustelingen waar je zo tegen gekant bent.

Je bent geen haar beter!

13-02-10, 12:16
Je gaat dus mee met de 'darwinistische' machtswellustelingen waar je zo tegen gekant bent.

Je bent geen haar beter!


u don't understand nothing as usual :

i said something like :

: the only way to protect one's interests , sovereignty, independence, freedom ...against western, israeli ...imperialism paternalism ...Eurocentrism = see my topic 'bout the latter = Eurocentrism ...under this darwinistic western world where "might is right" seems to be THE core "value" of the west, the only way is to get power ... :

well, poor weak ....& other developping nations gotta get power to create a kindda balance of power ...

read what i had to say ...

13-02-10, 13:22

u don't understand nothing as usual :

i said something like :

: the only way to protect one's interests , sovereignty, independence, freedom ...against western, israeli ...imperialism paternalism ...Eurocentrism = see my topic 'bout the latter = Eurocentrism ...under this darwinistic western world where "might is right" seems to be THE core "value" of the west, the only way is to get power ... :

well, poor weak ....& other developping nations gotta get power to create a kindda balance of power ...

read what i had to say ...

Volgens jou moet dus iedereen precies hetzelfde doen als 'het westen' volgens jou doet, namelijk het verzamelen van macht. Daarmee ben jij zelf de grootste fan van deze beweerde 'westerse' houding.

13-02-10, 18:12
Volgens jou moet dus iedereen precies hetzelfde doen als 'het westen' volgens jou doet, namelijk het verzamelen van macht. Daarmee ben jij zelf de grootste fan van deze beweerde 'westerse' houding.

nee, dat heet :

machtsverhoudingnen in evenwicht brengen om de eigen belangen , rechten, & die van de arme zwakke ......naties te kunnen verdedigen = da's het grootste verschil met het westen die de eigen belangen als DE eerst prioriteit stelt boven & ten koste van die van de rest als ze geen echt macht zouden hebben om dat te kunnen tegen gaan & daarmee het westen zouden kunnen dwingen om hun eigen belangen & rechten te moeten respecteren & rekening mee te houden ...als ze over de vereiste macht zouden beschikken tenminste :

je kan jou belangen , rechten ...niet laten respecteren & rekening mee houden als je geen politiek economisch of militair macht zou hebben in deze darwinistisch wereld :

Palestina , Gaza ...zijn DE voorbeelden voor dat feit ...

13-02-10, 18:20
nee, dat heet :

machtsverhoudingnen in evenwicht brengen om de eigen belangen , rechten, & die van de arme zwakke ......naties te kunnen verdedigen = da's het grootste verschil met het westen die de eigen belangen als DE eerst prioriteit stelt boven & ten koste van die van de rest als ze geen echt macht zouden hebben om dat te kunnen tegen gaan & daarmee het westen zouden kunnen dwingen om hun eigen belangen & rechten te moeten respecteren & rekening mee te houden ...als ze over de vereiste macht zouden beschikken tenminste :

je kan jou belangen , rechten ...niet laten respecteren & rekening mee houden als je geen politiek economisch of militair macht zou hebben in deze darwinistisch wereld :

Palestina , Gaza ...zijn DE voorbeelden voor dat feit ...

Might is right, dus.

13-02-10, 19:37
Might is right, dus.

According to the west, israel, Russia, China..., yes :

No, might is necessary to protect one's rights , interests , .....& those of the weak, poor ...according to us at least !

Even the "truth" needs might to protect itself from its enemies ...= but the "truth" doesn't impose itself on others , like the west does when it comes to his ideologies, "values , norms, principles , interests, .....so_called democracy ", as covers for power & dominations = see Irak , Afghanistan, Palestina .....Checheneya, Goergia & Russia ...= elementary facts !

13-02-10, 19:47
According to the west, israel, Russia, China..., yes :

No, might is necessary to protect one's rights , interests , .....& those of the weak, poor ...according to us at least !

Even the "truth" needs might to protect itself from its enemies ...= but the "truth" doesn't impose itself on others , like the west does when it comes to his ideologies, "values , norms, principles , interests, .....so_called democracy ", as covers for power & dominations = see Irak , Afghanistan, Palestina .....Checheneya, Goergia & Russia ...= elementary facts !

Is dit nu werkelijk het enige dat je kunt inzetten tegen onrecht en onderdrukking? Wat een armoedig, ongeïnspireerd gedachtengoed! Het enige dat het zal opleveren is meer onrecht en nieuwe onderdrukking.

13-02-10, 20:08
Is dit nu werkelijk het enige dat je kunt inzetten tegen onrecht en onderdrukking? Wat een armoedig, ongeïnspireerd gedachtengoed! Het enige dat het zal opleveren is meer onrecht en nieuwe onderdrukking.


wat ??? ongeloofelijk, zeg :

macht in het breedste zin betekent niet alleen militair macht, maar ook materieel, wetenshappelijk, technologisch, economisch , sociaal , cultureel , kunst, literatuur .... ...macht = niet tegen wie of wat dan ook bedoeld = gewoon om de eigen belangen , rechten, geloof, normen, waarden, beginselen ... ...te verdedigen & solidair te zijjn met onderdrukten , zwakkeren, armen ...overaal in de wereld ...

is that too difficult for u to understand ???

or are ur mind, soul , psyche ...so messed up by all those racist imperialistic paternalistic Eurocentric western materialistic pragmatic machiavellistic hypocrit utilitarian "norms, values, principles ..." that u can't see how unfair , unjust , disgusting , criminal , anti_nature ...this darwinian criminal world is, thanks to the west, israel , mainly ....... ???

13-02-10, 20:35

wat ??? ongeloofelijk, zeg :

macht in het breedste zin betekent niet alleen militair macht, maar ook materieel, wetenshappelijk, technologisch, economisch , sociaal , cultureel , kunst, literatuur .... ...macht = niet tegen wie of wat dan ook bedoeld = gewoon om de eigen belangen , rechten, geloof, normen, waarden, beginselen ... ...te verdedigen & solidair te zijjn met onderdrukten , zwakkeren, armen ...overaal in de wereld ...

is that too difficult for u to understand ???

or are ur mind, soul , psyche ...so messed up by all those racist imperialistic paternalistic Eurocentric western materialistic pragmatic machiavellistic hypocrit utilitarian "norms, values, principles ..." that u can't see how unfair , unjust , disgusting , criminal , anti_nature ...this darwinian criminal world is, thanks to the west, israel , mainly ....... ???

Van al die hooggestemde idealen die je hier noemt, zie je dus juist helemaal niets bij de nucleaire, islamitische staat Iran. Integendeel, kijk maar naar de gebeurtenissen van het afgelopen jaar. Talloze demonstranten werden vermoord door het regime en duizenden worden nog gefolterd in de gevangenissen. Het enige wat overblijft is botte machtspolitiek, zowel binnenlands als buitenlands. Machtspolitiek, gesteund door een ontwikkelingsprogramma voor kernwapens. Might is right voor Iran, maar dan wel de macht die komt uit de loop van een geweer. Over 'darwinian' gesproken...

14-02-10, 19:11
Van al die hooggestemde idealen die je hier noemt, zie je dus juist helemaal niets bij de nucleaire, islamitische staat Iran. Integendeel, kijk maar naar de gebeurtenissen van het afgelopen jaar. Talloze demonstranten werden vermoord door het regime en duizenden worden nog gefolterd in de gevangenissen. Het enige wat overblijft is botte machtspolitiek, zowel binnenlands als buitenlands. Machtspolitiek, gesteund door een ontwikkelingsprogramma voor kernwapens. Might is right voor Iran, maar dan wel de macht die komt uit de loop van een geweer. Over 'darwinian' gesproken...

ongenuanceerd flauwekul :

It's all 'bout Geo_politics : politics, economy ....

zie hoe in de VS zgn groot democratie anti_Vietnam war students were killed in the 70's ....i can give u many many examples of the western massacre of civilians at home at many occasions ....

I don't know exactly what's going on in Iran : not 100 % anyway = nobody does, but the Iraniers at home :

fact is that Iran has been confronting a dirty cold war since its revolution for more than 30 years now , a cold war waged by the west, israel ....

some of the Iranian protestors have dubious hostile foreign agendas to undermine the republic :

some of them are communists or marxists , others are secularists driven by the west ....

Iran acts to protect its national security as every country in the world does :

imagine some extreme far right movements in the west trying to topple ...democracy : it's the same thing !

those protestors should have realised they should have choosed more civilised protests & measures in order not to undermine Iran's efforts to cope with the western & israeli cold wars ...= national security & Iran's geo_politics, interests ........go first ...

Iran has been having enough hard time with the imperialistic west , with israel ...so ...

see the liquidations of those 2 Iranian nuclear scientists by israel or by the west ...

we do see only the top of the iceberg , u know...

see how China crushed the Tibetans, .....


Iran has the right to have strong political, social, economical, peaceful nuclear & even military nuclear , scientific, cultural, material ,technological ...might as India & china have been doing for example :

u don't know much 'bout economics, politics, foreign politics, political science, Geo_politics ....

I advise u to read this great book i just finished reading 'bout the rise of China & India : how they did it , making use of the so_called world economy which makes the whole world almost a free market with mutual interdependences between nations while the west is calling the shots, to some extent at least :

India & china are becoming superpowers diminishing western domination :

then u w'd understand the current China _US economical interdependence or mutual dependence ,even though china is a communist country ...

The US depends on china economically, & vice versa ...

the second depends more on the first , but in the coming years, China will be the equal of the US ...economically at least ....

any real conflict between the 2 can ruin the both of them ...& the world economy in the process ...

the communist Chinese regime had realised that communism doesn't worl really after Mao :

instead of rejecting communism ,they borrowed free market ideas from capitalism while the communist government continue to monitor the economy ....

Long stroy ...

" The elephant & the dragon : the rise of India & China & what it means for all of us " By Robyn Meredith : !

China is now the fastest growing economy in the world , India comes right after china .

China had launched its ambitious economic reforms program just in the late 70's when the communist so_called cultural revolution of Mao had driven the country into poverty, hunger , misery ...

1 visionary guy from the communist party saw it was time for change :

there's an anecdote 'bout the man that goes like this :

he was asked by his chauffeur whether he should go right or left when the latter had reached a cross_road :

the right says : capitalism; the left : communism :

he said to the chauffeur : go right & signale for left as if u were going left ... :lol: = very pragmatic lad !

Iran 's Islam is not the point in comparison to china's communism:

but political reforms must be done ....+ economic & other ones ...

but he conflict with the west, israel .....makes it difficult for Iran to accomplish all its intended domestic reforms & progress ...

That book was published in 2007 & had predicted the current global economical _financial crisis & gives its predictions 'bout Obama's measures & reforms in foreign politics, economy ...

Great, great book really : very accurate & fascinating written by a top pro ...via many research on the field ...a lots of experience, expertise ..

14-02-10, 19:39
ongenuanceerd flauwekul :

It's all 'bout Geo_politics : politics, economy ....

zie hoe in de VS zgn groot democratie anti_Vietnam war students were killed in the 70's ....i can give u many many examples of the western massacre of civilians at home at many occasions ....

I don't know exactly what's going on in Iran : not 100 % anyway = nobody does, but the Iraniers at home :

fact is that Iran has been confronting a dirty cold war since its revolution for more than 30 years now , a cold war waged by the west, israel ....

some of the Iranian protestors have dubious hostile foreign agendas to undermine the republic :

some of them are communists or marxists , others are secularists driven by the west ....

Iran acts to protect its national security as every country in the world does :

imagine some extreme far right movements in the west trying to topple ...democracy : it's the same thing !

those protestors should have realised they should have choosed more civilised protests & measures in order not to undermine Iran's efforts to cope with the western & israeli cold wars ...= national security & Iran's geo_politics, interests ........go first ...

Iran has been having enough hard time with the imperialistic west , with israel ...so ...

see the liquidations of those 2 Iranian nuclear scientists by israel or by the west ...

we do see only the top of the iceberg , u know...

see how China crushed the Tibetans, .....


Iran has the right to have strong political, social, economical, peaceful nuclear & even military nuclear , scientific, cultural, material ,technological ...might as India & china have been doing for example :

u don't know much 'bout economics, politics, foreign politics, political science, Geo_politics ....

I advise u to read this great book i just finished reading 'bout the rise of China & India : how they did it , making use of the so_called world economy which makes the whole world almost a free market with mutual interdependences between nations while the west is calling the shots, to some extent at least :

India & china are becoming superpowers diminishing western domination :

then u w'd understand the current China _US economical interdependence or mutual dependence ,even though china is a communist country ...

The US depends on china economically, & vice versa ...

the second depends more on the first , but in the coming years, China will be the equal of the US ...economically at least ....

any real conflict between the 2 can ruin the both of them ...& the world economy in the process ...

the communist Chinese regime had realised that communism doesn't worl really after Mao :

instead of rejecting communism ,they borrowed free market ideas from capitalism while the communist government continue to monitor the economy ....

Long stroy ...

" The elephant & the dragon : the rise of India & China & what it means for all of us " By Robyn Meredith : !

China is now the fastest growing economy in the world , India comes right after china .

China had launched its ambitious economic reforms program just in the late 70's when the communist so_called cultural revolution of Mao had driven the country into poverty, hunger , misery ...

1 visionary guy from the communist party saw it was time for change :

there's an anecdote 'bout the man that goes like this :

he was asked by his chauffeur whether he should go right or left when the latter had reached a cross_road :

the right says : capitalism; the left : communism :

he said to the chauffeur : go right & signale for left as if u were going left ... :lol: = very pragmatic lad !

Iran 's Islam is not the point in comparison to china's communism:

but political reforms must be done ....+ economic & other ones ...

but he conflict with the west, israel .....makes it difficult for Iran to accomplish all its intended domestic reforms & progress ...

That book was published in 2007 & had predicted the current global economical _financial crisis & gives its predictions 'bout Obama's measures & reforms in foreign politics, economy ...

Great, great book really : very accurate & fascinating written by a top pro ...via many research on the field ...a lots of experience, expertise ..

Al je mooie woorden zijn waardeloos want je steunt een wicked, evil, darwinistisch, machiavellistisch regime dat zijn eigen burgers vermoordt.
Might is right.

14-02-10, 19:59
Al je mooie woorden zijn waardeloos want je steunt een wicked, evil, darwinistisch, machiavellistisch regime dat zijn eigen burgers vermoordt.
Might is right.

self_defeating non_sense : & western israeli ...political correct propaganda :

It's much more complicated than that :

u just say that 'cause u don't like Iran's hostility toawads ur beloved israel :

u can't think "objectively" , reasonably : when RU gonna learn to tell the facts even against ur friends & enemies : be real & try to think in real politik terms at least : :tover:

machiavellism , pragmatism utiltarianism , sophisticated darwinistic morality , logics, psychology, mentality ...are western products , ironically enough, silly boy :

Herlees wat ik zei :

ik denk niet dat je mijn post goed gelezen had :

well, that's ur subjective ideological political ...opinion which has nothing to do with reality :

ideology doesn't play much of a rol in nowadays politics, geo_politics, economy ...

Besides :
even so_called democracies do crush protestors when needed & when necessary ...

in the world of today : evil is the one who stands up to the west trying to achieve political,geo_political, economical , ideological ...freedom , independene, sovereingty ...rights :

ideology doesn't come in the first place though according to the west :

it doesn't in geo_politics, economy ...

otherwise had the US ,& the rest of the west not cooperated with the chinese economy :

even though china is a communist country ...

= it's all 'bout geo_politics, politics, economy ....

China & India had succeeded in realising what Iran wishes to do : its own right !

but Iran fights for justice for the palestinians against evil israeli oppressions, occupation, war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocides ...& fights against western paternalistic imperialistic Eurocentrism too , otherwise the west w'dn't had a hostile attitude towards Iran : even though Iran calls itself an islamic republic :

the US & the west w'd even make deals with the so_called muslim extremists if that w'd benefit the western interests :

The west w'd make deals even with the devil in person if the latter (as is the case with communist china !) w'd agree to play with the western neo_liberalists ' free market rules ,to some extent at least ,when it comes to trade at least , which Iran doesn't agree with , to some extent at least ....

P.S.: u call Iran evil : i see Iran as a nation trying to protect its geo_political, political, economical ...interests & freedom, independence sovereingty while fighting for justice for the oppressed, the weak , the occuppied against western Eurocentric paternalistic imperialism & israeli imperialism ..

I see the real evil in the person of israel & in those imperialistic capitalist neo_liberalisme's world economy measures which make the poor poorer & the rich richer ...

Islam & iran are strongly against that greedy imperialistic capitalism & neo_liberalism for example ,but can live with them if the west w'd respect Iran's & muslims ' rights, interests, independence,freedom ....as Iran works with communist china on the economical & other levels , even though communism is a more deadly enemy of religion, silly boy !

see the trade growth between china & Iran : oil & the rest : see Iran & Russia 's relations too ....

Iran puts religious ideological matters aside too when it comes to foreign economical political, geo_political relations when Iran's choices are respected though ...

It's all geo_politics, politics, economy ...

when RU gonna understand this simple fact ???

14-02-10, 23:15
It's all geo_politics, politics, economy ...

when RU gonna understand this simple fact ???

..en militaire suprematie, vergeet je te zeggen, middels kernwapens nog wel, ik snap het heel goed. En op dat altaar worden rechtvaardigheid, waarheid en mensenrechten geofferd, en de straten van Teheran gevuld met bloed.

15-02-10, 10:04
Mooi voor ze, als ze nou maar geen lekke band krijgen....


15-02-10, 19:00
Mooi voor ze, als ze nou maar geen lekke band krijgen....



I'm afraid u probably are not gonna surpass that pizzaman phase or stadium ! :

so, stick to what u do best ;pizzaman :

I'll call u later on to bring me a ...pizza ! :lol:

15-02-10, 19:08
..en militaire suprematie, vergeet je te zeggen, middels kernwapens nog wel, ik snap het heel goed. En op dat altaar worden rechtvaardigheid, waarheid en mensenrechten geofferd, en de straten van Teheran gevuld met bloed.

ok, hypocriet moraal ridder :

Look at the western & israeli mirrors first : see Gaza, Irak, Afghanistan ...

see the histories of those so_called western democracies with their neo_imperialism as the current stage ! :

see the "glorious" history of the church ...

I don't have to elaborate on that ...

well, it's really a pity that u 're mentally ,psychologically ...morally not capable of talking "objectively" , reasonably, with some nuances, perspectives ...& u had already made up ur mind 'bout ur enemy = Iran ;so...

that makes u not only bias , but that cloud ur judgement too : & u don't like it any other way : no matter what arguments i could use :

so, what's the point of this discussion then if u're not ready to change ur mind when confronted with arguments , insights, ....

It's all 'bout Geo_politics, politics, economy , ....dummy :

Eind betoog : je krijgt geen reactie meer van me op deze topic althans : zinloos !

15-02-10, 19:22
so, [SIZE="3"]what's the point of this discussion then if u're not ready to change ur mind when confronted with arguments , insights, ....

Dat geldt in ieder geval voor jou.


15-02-10, 20:34
Dat geldt in ieder geval voor jou.




zie je wel ???

je bevestigt wat ik zei !

je reageert alleen maar op die dummy ding ! :lol: = waste of my time, energy ...

well, read the posts here , urs & mine & see who's the real dummy !

Voortaan sta je op negeer : je bent niet de moeite waard :

je kan niet's "objectief" denken ...= wordt gedreven door jou subjectief ideologisch ....haat, basic instincts , reflexes, emoties .....

je kan niet redelijk, logisch, consistent .... denken ....

talking to Pavlov's dogs w'd be a more interesting thing to do indeed !


15-02-10, 20:42
well, read the posts here , urs & mine & see who's the real dummy !

Die van jou zijn sowieso onleesbaar.


15-02-10, 22:45

I'm afraid u probably are not gonna surpass that pizzaman phase or stadium ! :

so, stick to what u do best ;pizzaman :

I'll call u later on to bring me a ...pizza ! :lol:

I'd rather be a Pizzaman in a free world than King in an unfree world. :engel:

BTW, do you want it oven-baked, or just NUKED... :hihi:

17-02-10, 09:00
Bericht van Eldorado, 16 februari 2010

I'm warning you for the last time, you idiot.
u better stop responding to my posts ! -
I'm not gonna warn u again : just stop respondig to my posts