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15-04-10, 19:58
Serbs carved cross into my chest, Muslim tells Radovan Karadzic war crimes trial

A MUSLIM witness in a war crimes trial pulled opened his shirt in court to prove Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic wrong.

Ahmet Zulic told the court he was arrested and thrown in prison as part of a Serb clampdown on his village, in northwestern Bosnia, in June 1992.

He said that he was still haunted by nightmares of fellow Muslim prisoners dying beside him.

Mr Karadzic, who is defending himself against charges of genocide, accused Mr Zulic of lying, upon which Mr Zulic pulled open his shirt and pointed to his chest.

"Right here I have a cross carved in my skin. You can see the cross carved on my chest," he said.

Mr Karadzic's trial at the Hague had resumed today after a six-week delay.

Mr Zulic, 62, told the court he was held by Serb forces at two detention camps for five months, during which time he said he was severely beaten, starved and forced to witness the executions of fellow detainees.

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He lost 35kg in weight.

Answering Mr Karadzic with his eyes downcast, Mr Zulic told the court he had suffered permanent disabilities from having had seven vertebrae damaged, all his ribs fractured and a finger broken during the abuse.

He also has false teeth, having had his own knocked out when Serb soldiers put a gun in his mouth at a prisoner execution scene.

"I have nightmares very often," the witness told the court.

"I very frequently dream of people who were killed beside me or were dying beside me. I had one last night."

Mr Karadzic, 64, faces 11 counts of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide charges arising from

Bosnia's 1992-95 war in which 100,000 people were killed and 2.2 million left homeless.

He is charged as the supreme commander of a campaign of "ethnic cleansing" of Bosnian Muslims and Croats.


Is dit niet in NL? Raar dat het nieuws dan van het buitenland moet komen.

15-04-10, 20:13





Wat bedoel je? :)

15-04-10, 20:19





Wat bedoel je? :)

Oh ok. Ook een voorbeeld van genocide (http://www.maroc.nl/forums/showthread.php?p=4319195#post4319195) he.

16-04-10, 10:28
Oh ok. Ook een voorbeeld van genocide (http://www.maroc.nl/forums/showthread.php?p=4319195#post4319195) he.

Ik weet het niet Abu. Ik denk niet dat de meeste Serviërs alle Bosniërs wilden uitroeien. Ik denk dat ze een aantal wilden vermoorden opdat de rest zo bang zou worden dat ze zouden vluchten. Ethnic cleansing - etnische schoonmaak. Dat is meer terrorisme, eigenlijk. Volkomen immoreel en walgelijk is het sowieso.

16-04-10, 18:08
Serbs carved cross into my chest, Muslim tells Radovan Karadzic war crimes trial

He said that he was still haunted by nightmares of fellow Muslim prisoners dying beside him.

Where does this hatred against Muslims come from (Palestinians, Chechens, Bosnian for a large part, who’s next…?) Why did Europe wait so long to judge him? It seems that Muslims today are the Jews of the previous century. Scapegoats, cause of all society issues. I recently watched a documentary about the Srebrenica massacre, disgusting: people burnt alive, people having their throats slashed after diving their own graves, around 50 000 people living peacefully in a village killed in one single night…all these atrocities in the name of nationalism.

Fortunately, there is still many footage of this bloodshed. Hope this evil is gonna get life sentence for this genocide and will stay in confinment for the rest of his life, as should have Milosevic. One gets what one deserves!

When we see that today many parents educate their kids with hatred of other communities/religions, and the medias playing a large role in stigmatizing specific religions, I doubt the next generations will be more "human" than the previous ones.

16-04-10, 20:08
Where does this hatred against Muslims come from (Palestinians, Chechens, Bosnian for a large part, who’s next…?) Why did Europe wait so long to judge him? It seems that Muslims today are the Jews of the previous century. Scapegoats, cause of all society issues. I recently watched a documentary about the Srebrenica massacre, disgusting: people burnt alive, people having their throats slashed after diving their own graves, around 50 000 people living peacefully in a village killed in one single night…all these atrocities in the name of nationalism.

Fortunately, there is still many footage of this bloodshed. Hope this evil is gonna get life sentence for this genocide and will stay in confinment for the rest of his life, as should have Milosevic. One gets what one deserves!

When we see that today many parents educate their kids with hatred of other communities/religions, and the medias playing a large role in stigmatizing specific religions, I doubt the next generations will be more "human" than the previous ones.

Waar komt deze haat vandaan ? Dat's een goede vraag, want heel lang leefden de Serven vreedzaam naast de Bosnische Moslims in dezelfde buurt.Misschien een opflikkering van het nationalistisch gevoel van bepaalde Serven ? Of oude rancuneuze gevoelens door vroegere conflicten ?

Niet alleen de leiders zijn strafbaar, ook zo'n dombo die al z'n dierlijke driften botviert op z'n tegenstander. Eigenlijk moet je oorlog an sich strafbaar stellen.
Die is niet meer te vergelijken met de 2 groepjes mannen met knotsen die oorspronkelijk tegenover elkaar stonden.

17-04-10, 10:45
Where does this hatred against Muslims come from (Palestinians, Chechens, Bosnian for a large part, who’s next…?)

Jammer voor jou, het heeft niets met islam te maken. Zijn Georgiërs moslims? Als de Palestijnen en Bosniërs boeddhisten waren geweest was het resultaat precies hetzelfde. Zionisten en Serviërs willen ze weg hebben, dat is alles.

17-04-10, 10:50
Waar komt deze haat vandaan ? Dat's een goede vraag, want heel lang leefden de Serven vreedzaam naast de Bosnische Moslims in dezelfde buurt.Misschien een opflikkering van het nationalistisch gevoel van bepaalde Serven ? Of oude rancuneuze gevoelens door vroegere conflicten ?

Veel Serviërs zijn extreme nationalisten, die zich door de geschiedenis achtergesteld voelen. Nationalisten kijken altijd naar het verleden. Het grote Servische verhaal is dat 'de moslims' hen in 1389 versloegen en hen sindsdien onderdrukten. Het gaat dan over Osmanen, niet over Bosniërs. Bosniërs zijn (Zuid-)Slaven die gaandeweg moslim zijn geworden, zoals dat ging destijds. Er was de Habsburgse 'zone', waar men katholiek werd (Kroaten en Slovenen), de 'Russische zone' waar men orthodox werd, en daarna de Osmaanse zone waar veel mensen moslim werden.

In het Joegoslavië van Tito voelden de Serviërs zich nog steeds achtergesteld, omdat ze armer waren dan de rest. Dat kwam voornamelijk door de ligging van Servië, en misschien ook wel door een zekere lamlendigheid.

In any case wilden de nationalisten wraak voor de geschiedenis. Tis absurd maar nationalisme is nou eenmaal absurd.

17-04-10, 19:36
And still he dares to say genocide against Muslims was a myth...:kotsen2:

Radovan Karadzic: genocide atrocities are Muslim myths
David Charter, Europe Correspondent

Radovan Karadzic set out a defence strategy of denial yesterday by telling judges that the two atrocities for which he faces charges of genocide were in fact myths concocted by Muslims.

In the eyes of the former Bosnian Serb leader the 44-month siege of Sarajevo — in which 10,000 people died — was staged, while the Srebrenica massacre of more than 8,000 Muslims was exaggerated, with bodies brought in to swell the numbers of the dead.

Dr Karadzic, 64, faces 11 charges of war crimes arising from the conflict of 1992-95, including two of genocide at Sarajevo and Srebrenica. He won a minor victory at his trial in The Hague when the judges agreed to an indefinite adjournment rather than starting the prosecution case today, allowing Dr Karadzic more time to prepare.

“They shelled their own people and killed their own people with snipers,” he said of the Sarajevo siege in the second day of his opening remarks.

UN representatives knew about the tactic of “planting of bodies throughout Sarajevo with a view to accusing the Serb side for that,” he said. Showing the court a photograph of a shrine at Srebrenica engraved with the figure of 8,372 victims, he said that Muslim corpses had been brought from 60 miles (100 kilometres) away to augment the numbers. “What they created there is a place of worship. It is a myth again,” he said. “We know graves are being exhumed in Bosnia so that somebody could be buried in Srebrenica.”

During a rambling testimony he said that no more than 2,000 or 3,000 Bosnian Muslims could have been killed. “Of course the death of a single person is significant, but why exaggerate?”

Dr Karadzic attempted to portray himself as a man seeking the truth. “I want to establish the truth concerning Srebrenica. Let us see whether there was any unlawful killing, how did it happen and the extent of it, if any.”

He said that far from being the author of ethnic cleansing that history had painted him, he sought a multiethnic state and the Muslims were the main aggressors. “The Serbs’ hand was forced. We have to react to what they do otherwise we would go down the drain.”

The UN court has a high threshold for proving genocide and only one general, Radislav Krstic, has been convicted of the crime — for the killings at Srebrenica in 1995.
