Bekijk Volledige Versie : BP vervaslt 'actiefoto's' ramp

22-07-10, 19:40

This week it came to light that BP had photoshopped—poorly—an official image of their crisis command center (http://gizmodo.com/5591777/bps-photoshopped-crisis-command-center-is-terrible-on-every-level). Apparently, that wasn't an isolated incident. Let's take a closer look at this view from a helicopter, shall we? UPDATED: The photo, sent in by a tipster and entitled "View of the MC 252 site from the cockpit of a PHI S-92 helicopter 26 June 2010," shows up here (http://www.bp.com/genericarticle.do?categoryId=9033571&contentId=7061902), a section of BP's website that hopes to explain their response effort through pictures. This one, sadly, is fabricated.