Bekijk Volledige Versie : Palestijnse onderhandelaren boden Israel vrijwel geheel Jerusalem

23-01-11, 20:25
YouTube - "The biggest Yerushalayim in Jewish history"

Qurei: This last proposition could help in the swap process. We proposed that Israel annexes all settlements in Jerusalem except Jabal Abu Ghneim (Har Homa). This is the first time in history that we make such a proposition; we refused to do so in Camp David.

Erekat: Israelis want the two-state solution but they don’t trust. They want it more than you think, sometimes more than Palestinians. What is in that paper gives them the biggest Yerushalaim in Jewish history, symbolic number of refugees return, demilitarised state… what more can I give?

Meer hier:
"The biggest Yerushalayim" - The Palestine Papers - Al Jazeera English (http://english.aljazeera.net/palestinepapers/2011/01/2011122112512844113.html)

23-01-11, 20:51
Introducing The Palestine Papers

Over the last several months, Al Jazeera has been given unhindered access to the largest-ever leak of confidential documents related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There are nearly 1,700 files, thousands of pages of diplomatic correspondence detailing the inner workings of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. These documents – memos, e-mails, maps, minutes from private meetings, accounts of high level exchanges, strategy papers and even power point presentations – date from 1999 to 2010.

The material is voluminous and detailed; it provides an unprecedented look inside the continuing negotiations involving high-level American, Israeli, and Palestinian Authority officials.

Al Jazeera will release the documents between January 23-26th, 2011. They will reveal new details about:

the Palestinian Authority’s willingness to concede illegal Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem, and to be “creative” about the status of the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount;
the compromises the Palestinian Authority was prepared to make on refugees and the right of return;
details of the PA’s security cooperation with Israel;
and private exchanges between Palestinian and American negotiators in late 2009, when the Goldstone Report was being discussed at the United Nations.
Because of the sensitive nature of these documents, Al Jazeera will not reveal the source(s) or detail how they came into our possession. We have taken great care over an extended period of time to assure ourselves of their authenticity.

We believe this material will prove to be of inestimable value to journalists, scholars, historians, policymakers and the general public.

We know that some of what is presented here will prove controversial, but it is our intention to inform, not harm, to spark debate and reflection – not dampen it. Our readers and viewers will note that we have provided a comments section in which to express opinions. In keeping with our editorial policies, we reserve the right to excise comments that we deem inappropriate, but all civil voices will be heard, all opinions respected.

We present these papers as a service to our viewers and readers as a reflection of our fundamental belief – that public debate and public policies grow, flourish and endure when given air and light.
Introducing The Palestine Papers - The Palestine Papers - Al Jazeera English (http://english.aljazeera.net/palestinepapers/2011/01/201112214310263628.html)

Link naar the Palestine paper:
The Palestine Papers - Al Jazeera English (http://english.aljazeera.net/palestinepapers/)

23-01-11, 20:55
Al-Jazeera heeft de documenten gedeeld met The Guardian:

Secret papers reveal slow death of Middle East peace process | World news | The Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jan/23/palestine-papers-expose-peace-concession#start-of-comments)

23-01-11, 21:07
Ja gasten van Abbas administratie staan er om bekend, liever voor snel zelfverrijking te kiezen nu het nog kan. Dan samen met het volk de ellende delen.

23-01-11, 21:27
Ja gasten van Abbas administratie staan er om bekend, liever voor snel zelfverrijking te kiezen nu het nog kan. Dan samen met het volk de ellende delen.

Kweenie, geeft meer aan dat de Palestijnen de ene na de andere voorstel deden aan de Israeli en dat Israel daar simpelweg niet op in ging. En dat de Amerikanen in feite de tweede onderhandelaren namens Israel waren...

23-01-11, 21:30
Ja gasten van Abbas administratie staan er om bekend, liever voor snel zelfverrijking te kiezen nu het nog kan. Dan samen met het volk de ellende delen.

Geld voor iedereen in deze gebieden.

23-01-11, 21:35
Kweenie, geeft meer aan dat de Palestijnen de ene na de andere voorstel deden aan de Israeli en dat Israel daar simpelweg niet op in ging. En dat de Amerikanen in feite de tweede onderhandelaren namens Israel waren...

De administratie van Abbas staat er om bekend liever de buik vol eten dan verhongeren. Dat israël daar geen geld in wil steken, is puur dat zakeninstinct dat de Palestijnse autoriteit beperkt is in haar bevoegdheden.

23-01-11, 21:37
Geld voor iedereen in deze gebieden.

Dacht het niet, want er heerst nog voldoende verzet.

23-01-11, 21:42
Dacht het niet, want er heerst nog voldoende verzet.

Ook hierin kun je hemels rijk worden Tanger, misschien wel juist hierin.

23-01-11, 21:44
Ook hierin kun je hemels rijk worden Tanger, misschien wel juist hierin.

Ja, de wapenhandelaren hebben het er maar druk mee.

23-01-11, 22:02
Ja, de wapenhandelaren hebben het er maar druk mee.

Inderdaad, geld des doods.