Bekijk Volledige Versie : "What is a True Islamic Republic ???" By Melody Moezzi

Harts intelligentie
23-02-11, 19:20
"What is a True Islamic Republic ??? " by Melody Moezzi

Source : The Huffington Post, 02/23/2011 :

IslamiCity.com - What is a True Islamic Republic? (http://www.islamicity.com/articles/Articles.asp?ref=HP1102-4524)

If Western nations understood what a true Islamic republic looked like, I expect that they wouldn't be nearly as jarred or frightened by the recent wave of popular protests spreading across the Middle East.

What is a True Islamic Republic?
2/23/2011 - Political Religious Opinion -

Recent events in the Middle East have many commentators frantically speculating about what the future holds for Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Yemen, Iran, Bahrain, Libya, Syria and any other country whose citizens are choosing to rise up in protest. Across the region, people are bravely standing up, with many common demands - chiefly, social and economic reforms, as well as an end to rampant corruption and human rights abuses. Who could find fault with that? Unfortunately, a whole lot of people.

Among Western nations and their respective media outlets, an intense fear has been perpetuated as a result of these protests: namely, that of an "Islamized" (whatever that means) Middle East. In this case, world leaders and commentators seem to be on the same page. They are terrified that more regimes will go the way of post-revolutionary Iran and become Islamic Republics as well. Stop there.

Is Iran really an Islamic Republic? No. The mullahs and ayatollahs have created a brutal dictatorship that is about as legitimately Islamic in nature as the Ku Klux Klan is Christian. In fact, the protests in Iran (both in 2009 after the fraudulent election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and more recently this week) have shown the world that even the Iranian people aren't moving in the direction of Iran circa 1979. Far from it.

But does that mean that Iranians are turning away from their Islamic roots? Again, no. In fact, they are turning toward a more Islamic republic, or better put, a true Islamic republic. So too, others across the Middle East (whether they recognize it or not) are turning toward more genuinely Islamic states.

If Western nations understood what a true Islamic republic looked like, I expect that they wouldn't be nearly as jarred or frightened by the recent wave of popular protests spreading across the Middle East. A bona fide Islamic republic is one that respects the rights of ethnic and religious minorities, one that doesn't torture, one that eschews institutionalized sexism and honors human rights. But above all, an authentic Islamic republic is one that is both democratic and secular.

The Holy Quran, the only uncontested source of revelation for all Muslims, explicitly states that there should be "no compulsion in religion" (2:256). Key to all Islamic belief and practice is the concept of niyyat or "intention." And no full, pure and independent intention can be achieved under a theocratic regime, especially (as is the case in Iran) when that regime is trying to force its adulterated interpretation of Islam down its people's throats.

Thus, the phrase "Islamic republic" is an inherently misleading one, for a theocratic state is, by definition, an un-Islamic state -- not merely because it interferes with the establishment of the pure intentions necessary to practice Islam, but also because it assumes the impossible. To become a Muslim, one must make the following proclamation of faith, or shahada: "I bear witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is His messenger."

As much as the leaders of the "Islamic" Republic of Iran would like us to believe that the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, is the voice of God on earth, they are sorely mistaken. Why? Because la ilaha ilallah. Translation: There is no god but God. For Muslims, God speaks through the Holy Quran, which teaches that God is as close to any human being as his or her jugular vein (50:16). As such, Muslims seeking union with the Divine possess no need for an intermediary -- no ayatollahs or mullahs or even imams.

Muslims around the Middle East are demanding their rights today -- not just as granted by their constitutions or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They are demanding the rights guaranteed to them by the Holy Quran itself: rights to freedom, democracy, independence and yes, secular rule.

Source: The Huffington Post - Melody Moezzi

Harts intelligentie
23-02-11, 19:28
Islam wordt niet opgelegd aan mensen ; ook niet aan moslims :

de laatsten moeten zelf kiezen tussen Islam & ander politiek sociaal economisch ...systemen :

Islam respecteert de stem van de meerderheid :

maar feit is :

islam kent juist geen scheiding tussen kerk & staat :

hoe de politiek systeem van Tunisia, Egypte, libya & van ander bevrijd Arabisch landen eruit zal zien is een kwestie van speculeren & afwachten : maar dat gaat al richting een soort "democratie" die zich moet aanpassen aan de locale Arabisch maatschappijen of andersom juist ...

P.S.: Iran is daarentegen geen totalitarisme , wel een soort religieus "democratisch " maatschappij ...

Ayatollahs beweren nooit dat ze de "stem" van God op aarde zouden representeren ...

23-02-11, 19:31
Islam wordt niet opgelegd aan mensen ; ook niet aan moslims

Hier ga je al meteen de fout in, laat staan de rest:

YouTube - Vrijheid van Godsdienst NL-Shaykh Fawzan

Teveel naar melodies geluisterd?

23-02-11, 19:31
"What is a True Islamic Republic ??? " by Melody Moezzi

Source : The Huffington Post, 02/23/2011 :

IslamiCity.com - What is a True Islamic Republic? (http://www.islamicity.com/articles/Articles.asp?ref=HP1102-4524)

If Western nations understood what a true Islamic republic looked like, I expect that they wouldn't be nearly as jarred or frightened by the recent wave of popular protests spreading across the Middle East.

What is a True Islamic Republic?
2/23/2011 - Political Religious Opinion -

Recent events in the Middle East have many commentators frantically speculating about what the future holds for Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Yemen, Iran, Bahrain, Libya, Syria and any other country whose citizens are choosing to rise up in protest. Across the region, people are bravely standing up, with many common demands - chiefly, social and economic reforms, as well as an end to rampant corruption and human rights abuses. Who could find fault with that? Unfortunately, a whole lot of people.

Among Western nations and their respective media outlets, an intense fear has been perpetuated as a result of these protests: namely, that of an "Islamized" (whatever that means) Middle East. In this case, world leaders and commentators seem to be on the same page. They are terrified that more regimes will go the way of post-revolutionary Iran and become Islamic Republics as well. Stop there.

Is Iran really an Islamic Republic? No. The mullahs and ayatollahs have created a brutal dictatorship that is about as legitimately Islamic in nature as the Ku Klux Klan is Christian. In fact, the protests in Iran (both in 2009 after the fraudulent election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and more recently this week) have shown the world that even the Iranian people aren't moving in the direction of Iran circa 1979. Far from it.

But does that mean that Iranians are turning away from their Islamic roots? Again, no. In fact, they are turning toward a more Islamic republic, or better put, a true Islamic republic. So too, others across the Middle East (whether they recognize it or not) are turning toward more genuinely Islamic states.

If Western nations understood what a true Islamic republic looked like, I expect that they wouldn't be nearly as jarred or frightened by the recent wave of popular protests spreading across the Middle East. A bona fide Islamic republic is one that respects the rights of ethnic and religious minorities, one that doesn't torture, one that eschews institutionalized sexism and honors human rights. But above all, an authentic Islamic republic is one that is both democratic and secular.

The Holy Quran, the only uncontested source of revelation for all Muslims, explicitly states that there should be "no compulsion in religion" (2:256). Key to all Islamic belief and practice is the concept of niyyat or "intention." And no full, pure and independent intention can be achieved under a theocratic regime, especially (as is the case in Iran) when that regime is trying to force its adulterated interpretation of Islam down its people's throats.

Thus, the phrase "Islamic republic" is an inherently misleading one, for a theocratic state is, by definition, an un-Islamic state -- not merely because it interferes with the establishment of the pure intentions necessary to practice Islam, but also because it assumes the impossible. To become a Muslim, one must make the following proclamation of faith, or shahada: "I bear witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is His messenger."

As much as the leaders of the "Islamic" Republic of Iran would like us to believe that the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, is the voice of God on earth, they are sorely mistaken. Why? Because la ilaha ilallah. Translation: There is no god but God. For Muslims, God speaks through the Holy Quran, which teaches that God is as close to any human being as his or her jugular vein (50:16). As such, Muslims seeking union with the Divine possess no need for an intermediary -- no ayatollahs or mullahs or even imams.

Muslims around the Middle East are demanding their rights today -- not just as granted by their constitutions or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They are demanding the rights guaranteed to them by the Holy Quran itself: rights to freedom, democracy, independence and yes, secular rule.

Source: The Huffington Post - Melody Moezzi

Goed stuk, vooral het gedeelte over Iran. Met de laatste alinea is ook niets mis, behalve dan dat het recht op vrijheid, democratie, onafhankelijkheid en een seculiere regering echt niet in de koran te vinden is.

Harts intelligentie
23-02-11, 19:32
"These are Secular Popular Revolts , yet Everyone is Blaming religion" by Robert Fisk :


Harts intelligentie
23-02-11, 19:39
Hier ga je al meteen de fout in, laat staan de rest:

YouTube - Vrijheid van Godsdienst NL-Shaykh Fawzan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1d-Zu1K3D5w)

Teveel naar melodies geluisterd?

Ik heb die artikel alleen maar geintroduceerd ter discussie , meer niet : betekent niet dat ik het mee's zou zijn met wat in die artikel staat :

maar :

feit is : als de merderheid van moslims een ander politiek systeem willen kiezen, al zou dat fout zijn, neem ik aan : : dan wordt islam niet aan hun opgelegd :

zie bijv Tunisia, Egypte ....politiek daar bestaat uit communisten, atheisten, socialisten, marxisten, liberalen , islamisten ....hoe kan je dan Islam als politiek systeem althans daar opleggen aan al die denkstromingnen ???

zie hoe Hamas , de Egyptisch moslim broeders & Hizbollah, onder ander , akkoord gaan met democratie in hun landen of regios .... kan niet anders !

P.S.: het ideaalst is dat islam als zodanig gehanteerd behoort te worden daar in moslim landen althans : islam als politiek economisch sociaal systeem, niet alleen als religie : islam die allesomvattend is inderdaad : islam die geen scheiding tussen kerk & staat kent :

Laat die moslims maar die decadent "democratie" beproeven , dan zullen ze meer in staat zijn islam als zodanig te kunnen waarderen & vervolgens daar te installeren ..... om de verloren glorie van islam te herstellen ....Islam zal het laatst woord hebben, don't worry ....

23-02-11, 19:55
Ik heb die artikel alleen maar geintroduceerd ter discussie , meer niet : betekent niet dat ik het mee's zou zijn met wat in die artikel staat :

maar :

feit is : als de merderheid van moslims een ander politiek systeem willen kiezen, al zou dat fout zijn, neem ik aan : : dan wordt islam niet aan hun opgelegd :

zie bijv Tunisia, Egypte ....politiek daar bestaat uit communisten, atheisten, socialisten, marxisten, liberalen , islamisten ....hoe kan je dan Islam als politiek systeem althans daar opleggen aan al die denkstromingnen ???

zie hoe Hamas , de Egyptisch moslim broeders & Hizbollah, onder ander , akkoord gaan met democratie in hun landen of regios .... kan niet anders !

P.S.: het ideaalst is dat islam als zodanig gehanteerd behoort te worden daar in moslim landen althans : islam als politiek economisch sociaal systeem, niet alleen als religie : islam die allesomvattend is inderdaad : islam die geen scheiding tussen kerk & staat kent :

Laat die moslims maar die decadent "democratie" beproeven , dan zullen ze meer in staat zijn islam als zodanig te kunnen waarderen & vervolgens daar te installeren ..... om de verloren glorie van islam te herstellen ....Islam zal het laatst woord hebben, don't worry ....

see my signature below concerning the democraticly elected & toppled Hamas : see how the Algerian army had toppled that islamic party that had won the elections democratically in the 1990's :

it's very exciting & extremely interesting to monitor those Arab revolutions to see where they would be leading to !

P.S.: Besides:

Islam was the first ever to preach those equality principles extended to all humanity, freedom, individual freedom, human rights, religious tolerance , tolerance ,freedom of belief for non_muslims ...in the islamic sense :

The west had just turned those original islamic equality principles, norms & values into secular materialistic utilitarianist pragmatic contractarianist kantian ones :

see those materialistic secular "rational" liberal ethics without a heart or soul : kantian, contractarianist, utilitarianist , dominating in the world today , even globally between nations ....liberal ethics as THE source of most of this world's misery , imperialism, wars, oppression, hunger , injustices , destruction of the eco_systems, climate change .....together with that greedy monster : capitalist neo_liberalism's world economy or free markt economy : see those ethics of the markt too ....!

By the way :

see how individualistic holistic islamic Spain had triggered that individualistic protestant reformation & therefore had fundamentally influenced protestant John Locke's philosophical liberalism & empirism :

the latter that was also a muslim product ...

23-02-11, 20:04
later, folks :zwaai:

23-02-11, 20:13
later, folks :zwaai:

Ga je dan weer hetzelfde stukje plakken?

The Phoenix
24-02-11, 12:02
Ga je dan weer hetzelfde stukje plakken?

kan je het verschil opmerken ??? :lol: dacht van niet !

The Phoenix
24-02-11, 19:02
Hier ga je al meteen de fout in, laat staan de rest:

YouTube - Vrijheid van Godsdienst NL-Shaykh Fawzan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1d-Zu1K3D5w)

Teveel naar melodies geluisterd?



The Phoenix
27-02-11, 12:08
Ga je dan weer hetzelfde stukje plakken?

u're too stupid to see the difference ...so...

27-02-11, 12:16
Volkomen lulartikel. Melody kan beter gaan zingen.

The Phoenix
27-02-11, 12:19
Volkomen lulartikel. Melody kan beter gaan zingen.

Mee's : give us ur "enlightened " version of events ....thanks !

The Phoenix
27-02-11, 13:12
Later , folks :zwaai: