Bekijk Volledige Versie : Math Can Predict Insurgent Attacks, Physicist Says

Harts intelligentie
01-08-11, 20:41
"Math Can Predict Insurgent Attacks, Physicist Says"

Source: npr.com, July 31 , 2011

IslamiCity.com (http://www.islamicity.com/m/news_frame.asp?Frame=1&referenceID=59264)

Harts intelligentie
01-08-11, 20:43
we are no determined machines

Harts intelligentie
02-08-11, 14:41
a methematical equation can predict human behaviour as if humans are some sort of determined machines or Pavlov's dogs = too unnuanced because we do have preidtable & unpredictable sides

behaviour patterns can be changed ...ach....

that materialistic mechanical 'newtonian -cartesian " paradigm dies hard indeed