Bekijk Volledige Versie : Tientallen slachtoffers bij aanslagen Israel

super ick
18-08-11, 14:21
Bij een serie aanslagen in het zuiden van Israël zijn zeker vijf doden en tientallen gewonden gevallen. Twee tot vier terroristen die bij de aanslagen betrokken waren, zijn inmiddels gedood.

De eerste aanslag was op een touringcar van busbedrijf Egged die van Eilat op weg naar het noorden was. De terroristen namen de bus vanuit een auto onder vuur. Israëlische militairen raakten vervolgens in gevecht met de terroristen. Daarbij zouden de plegers van de aanslag bermbommen en een raketwerper hebben ingezet. Ze werden bovendien ondersteund met mortierbeschietingen vanuit de Sinaï. Tegelijkertijd werd even verderop een ander voertuig onder vuur genomen door de terroristen.

Volgens de Israëlische minister van Defensie Ehud Barak tonen de aanslagen aan dat Egypte de controle over de Sinaï aan het verliezen is. De gouverneur van de provincie Zuid-Sinaï ontkent echter dat er vanaf Egyptisch grondgebied zou zijn geschoten. Barak vermoedt dat de terroristen Hamas-strijders uit de Gazastrook zijn.

PowNed : Tientallen slachtoffers bij aanslagen in Israël (http://www.powned.tv/nieuws/buitenland/2011/08/israel_3.html#)

super ick
18-08-11, 14:22
Afleiding voor de hoogoplopende spanning in Syrie.
Iran, Syrie, Hezbollah, Hamas.........

18-08-11, 14:26
Haha komt ie met Pownedberichten van hooguit vier zinnen :lol:

Even een serieuze bron:

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr id="trHeadline"><td class="articleTitle" valign="top">Deadly attacks across southern Israel </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="Tmp_hSpace10">
</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Israeli media and officials say at least five killed in three attacks on Israeli vehicles near Red Sea city of Eilat.

</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="tdTextContent" class="DetailedSummary">
Assailants have carried out at least three attacks in southern Israel, killing at least five and injuring at least 10 people, reports and officials said.

An Israeli ambulance service spokesman confirmed to Al Jazeera that five people in a vehicle were killed by a missile hit about 30km north of the Red Sea resort of Eilat.
A police spokesperson said an anti-tank missile had been launched at a private car.

The attack occurred shortly after up to 10 passengers were wounded when three gunmen in a car opened fired at a bus travelling from Beer Sheva to Eilat, an Israeli police spokesperson confirmed to Al Jazeera.

Several minutes later, a number of bombs went off as an army patrol travelled along the border with Egypt, Israeli media including Army Radio and Channel 2 News reported.
The Israeli army said fighting between Israeli forces and gunmen was continuing.

The bus attack occurred as it was passing through the Netafim checkpoint located 12km north of Eilat, police said.
Hospital spokespersons said approximately 10 people - six "light" and four "medium" - were wounded in the attack.
An Israeli female soldier who was on the bus told Israeli Army Radio that the bus halted when the car swerved in front, screams were heard, and gunshots were fired for half a minute.

Reports said most of the passengers on the bus were Israeli soldiers who are residents of Eilat and were on their way home from their respective bases for the weekend.
The second attack was on an Israeli military vehicle which triggered a roadside bomb. Police said casualty numbers and the condition of the injured were unknown.

'Hunt down' perpetrators
Ehud Barak, the Israeli defence minister, said the Israeli army was assessing the security situation in the area and vowed to "hunt down" the perpetrators of Thursday's attack, according to Army Radio.

Barak held Gazans responsible for Thursday's attacks, prompting military analysts to expect a harsh Israeli military reaction against the occupied Gaza Strip, reports said.
Yoav Mordechai, the Israeli army spokesman, said that Israeli forces were "in control of the situation and enforcing order".
Ahmad Yousef, a senior Hamas leader in Gaza, denied the group's responsibility for the Eilat attacks, though he said Hamas "praises the attack since it attacked [Israeli] soldiers and came in the right time while Israel is attacking Gaza almost every day".

"Since the whole political process is frozen, military escalation is the logical development," Yousef replied to Barak's threat against Gaza.

Eilat is "a tactical choice for attacks because the resistance groups look for suitable places and times for their attacks," he told Al Jazeera, on why southern Israel may have been the target.
</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="Tmp_hSpace10">
</td> </tr> <tr id="cphBody_rwSource" class="SourceBarTitle"> <td valign="middle"> Source: (http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/08/201181893519247218.html)
(http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/08/201181893519247218.html) Agencies and Al Jazeera (http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/08/201181893519247218.html)

super ick
18-08-11, 16:00
Haha komt ie met Pownedberichten van hooguit vier zinnen :lol:

Haha, komt met Al JAzeera. De 'onafhankelijke' zender van het M.O. zonder standplaats in S.A.