Bekijk Volledige Versie : Realiteit of fictie? Is de Arabische Lente alleen aanloop tot Arabische Slachting?

15-11-11, 11:51
Volgens Imran Hossein, de afgestuurde Geschiedkundige en autodidact in Islam is de Arabische Lente slechts een aanloop naar de Arabische slachting? Hij noemt het zelf een thesis gebaseerd op uitspraken van Hadiths, Eindtijd en geostrategische ontwikkelingen.

Wat hem enigzins geloofwaardigheid geeft is dat hij al 15 jaar geleden al de voorspelling van het ten ondergaan van de dollar en al vanaf 2003 al een opstand verwachte van de Arabieren. Maar hij gaat verder dan dat... Hij ziet al deze gebeurtenissen als gecalculeerde en gecontroleerde ontwikkelingen die hij kon voorzien en dus de controlerende partijen ook...

Op basis van dezelfde thesis als in 2003 voorziet hij dan ook dat de voorziene thesis zich ontwikkeld zoals verwacht...

Hij verwacht dat het Globale Zionisme de Arabische Lente in het verlengde van de zogenaamde War on Terror zal aangrijpen om angst en haat te zaaien en de "Westerse Wereld" zal mobiliseren om een slachtpartij aan te richten onder de Arabieren... Dit is volgens Imram Hossein een agenda die tot doel heeft om als onderdeel van een agenda de VS in de komende grote oorlog in een vergelijkbare rol als de voormalige wereldmacht Verenigd Koninkrijk te manouvreren om publiekelijk haar rol als wereldmacht over te dragen naar de nieuw wereldmacht Israel... Zoals het Verenigd Koninkrijk in de 2e wereldoorlog haar gezag en macht overdraagde in de 2e Wereld Oorlog aan de VS.

15-11-11, 12:00
Joden zitten overal achter, zoveel is duidelijk!

15-11-11, 12:18
Joden zitten overal achter, zoveel is duidelijk!

Zionisten zijn niet allemaal Joden. Het is een bonte stoet van mensen met dezelfde wereldbeeld.

15-11-11, 12:33
naar de nieuw wereldmacht Israel...

Die man is ziende blind. Achter de schermen trekt Liechtenstein aan de touwtjes, dat weet iedereen.

15-11-11, 12:38
autodicact in Islam

En dat haalt ie allemaal uit de ahadith en de Qur`an? En je denkt niet dat ie een ietsepietsie verdwaald is? Autodiekakt ja.

15-11-11, 12:42
, de afgestuurde Geschiedkundige .

Hij weet nog meer over de toekomst dan over het verleden, moet wel een superuniversiteit geweest zijn,

15-11-11, 13:00
Ik zie dat jullie heel skeptisch staan tegenover deze meneer... How come dan dat hij de Arabische lente voorzag al ergens in 2003... Alsmede 15 jaar geleden toen we nog in de hoogtijdagen van de internet Bubble zaten dat hij voorzag dat de Dollar onderuit zou gaan?
En hoe zit het het met de skepsis dat Israel de volgende wereldmacht wordt?

Hij heeft met een theologische onderbouwing aangegeven dat de rol van wereldmacht m.b.t. Groot Brittanie, VS en hierna Israel is ingegeven door het feit dat de Dajjaal eerst verbleef in Groot Brittanie, vervolgens zich heeft verplaatst naar de VS en nu met een grote waarschijnlijkheid zetelt in Israel?

De Dajjaal zal namelijk zijn volgelingen niet kunnen overtuigen dat hij de (valse) Messias is tot dat Israel een wereldmacht is met de zetel Jeruzalem?

Hij (De Dajjaal) is de ultieme deceptie... Dit zal hem gelukken... Maar eerst moeten al deze plannen worden vervuld...

15-11-11, 13:13
Maar eerst moeten al deze plannen worden vervuld...

Ik zou er niet op rekenen.

Je üppiger die Pläne blühen, um so verzwickter wird die Tat. Man nimmt sich vor, sich zu bemühen, und schließlich hat man den Salat!

15-11-11, 13:23
Ik zie dat jullie heel skeptisch staan tegenover deze meneer... How come dan dat hij de Arabische lente voorzag al ergens in 2003... Alsmede 15 jaar geleden toen we nog in de hoogtijdagen van de internet Bubble zaten dat hij voorzag dat de Dollar onderuit zou gaan?

Goh. Ik ben diep onder de indruk. Ik voorspel dat er ergens de komende 20 jaar ergens een verwoestende aardbeving zal zijn. Mijn water zegt....Turkije...Iran...Californië...

De Dajjal in Engeland maar liefst.

Echt, je bent zo gestoord dat je bijna een kafir bent.

15-11-11, 13:30
Goh. Ik ben diep onder de indruk. Ik voorspel dat er ergens de komende 20 jaar ergens een verwoestende aardbeving zal zijn. Mijn water zegt....Turkije...Iran...Californië...

De Dajjal in Engeland maar liefst.

Echt, je bent zo gestoord dat je bijna een kafir bent.

Geeft niet Mark je kunt er zelf niets aan doen... Maar effe serieus... Geloof je niet dat Israel weleens de volgende grootmacht zou kunnen worden? Achter de schermen zijn ze het al... Maar ik bedoel voor de schermen?

Waarom ik dat geloof? Ze hebben het IMF en het financiele systeem in handen... Ze hebben de media in handen... Ze hebben de grootste Army in handen van US Frankenstein en Co... Ze hebben minimaal 400 nukes in stock... Het IMF heeft vandaag wannebee supermacht China nog even op de vingers getikt? Of ze niet uit willen kijken dat zij ook niet een Financiele crisis aan hun broek krijgen? M.a.w. kijk uit want als we willen... Blazen we jullie economie op...

15-11-11, 14:21
Ik kan me wel voorstellen dat een autodikaktische geschiedkundige wordt afgestuurd.

15-11-11, 14:33
Ik zie dat jullie heel skeptisch staan tegenover deze meneer... How come dan dat hij de Arabische lente voorzag al ergens in 2003... Alsmede 15 jaar geleden toen we nog in de hoogtijdagen van de internet Bubble zaten dat hij voorzag dat de Dollar onderuit zou gaan?
En hoe zit het het met de skepsis dat Israel de volgende wereldmacht wordt?

Hij heeft met een theologische onderbouwing aangegeven dat de rol van wereldmacht m.b.t. Groot Brittanie, VS en hierna Israel is ingegeven door het feit dat de Dajjaal eerst verbleef in Groot Brittanie, vervolgens zich heeft verplaatst naar de VS en nu met een grote waarschijnlijkheid zetelt in Israel?

De Dajjaal zal namelijk zijn volgelingen niet kunnen overtuigen dat hij de (valse) Messias is tot dat Israel een wereldmacht is met de zetel Jeruzalem?

Hij (De Dajjaal) is de ultieme deceptie... Dit zal hem gelukken... Maar eerst moeten al deze plannen worden vervuld...


Echt waar, je bent rijp voor het gesticht. :maf:

15-11-11, 14:36
Nou ja, er is in ieder geval een persoon die gelooft in de Dajjaal. Nou ja, twee.

15-11-11, 14:41

Echt waar, je bent rijp voor het gesticht. :maf:

Ach een genocide meer of minder op de Arabieren dat zal jou vast niet boeien... Dat is oud nieuws...

15-11-11, 14:44
Nee, het is nieuw nieuws, als we jou mogen geloven. Het nieuws van de nabije toekomst.

15-11-11, 14:46
Ach een genocide meer of minder op de Arabieren dat zal jou vast niet boeien... Dat is oud nieuws...

Nou, ik kan je wel voorspellen dat er nog vele zullen volgen. Daar zorgen de Arabieren namelijk zelf wel voor.

15-11-11, 14:48
Nou, ik kan je wel voorspellen dat er nog vele zullen volgen. Daar zorgen de Arabieren namelijk zelf wel voor.

M.a.w. je bent het toch met me eens... Zij we allebei zo gek als een deur...

15-11-11, 14:50
M.a.w. je bent het toch met me eens... Zij we allebei zo gek als een deur...

15-11-11, 14:53
De slachting waaraan je refereert is natuurlijk al heel lang gaande, door de handen van de machthebbers. Met zulke leiders (Assad, Khadaffi, Hassan II die eigenlijk vooral Berbers vermoordde) heb je geen vijanden nodig.
En nu proberen ze de Arabische massa's bang te maken met dit soort verhalen. Vraag vooral niet om vrijheid en rechten, anders komt de Dajjaal je afslachten.

15-11-11, 14:54
M.a.w. je bent het toch met me eens... Zij we allebei zo gek als een deur...

Zullen we samen een sekte oprichten?

15-11-11, 14:55
De slachting waaraan je refereert is natuurlijk al heel lang gaande, door de handen van de machthebbers. Met zulke leiders (Assad, Khadaffi, Hassan II die eigenlijk vooral Berbers vermoordde) heb je geen vijanden nodig.
En nu proberen ze de Arabische massa's bang te maken met dit soort verhalen. Vraag vooral niet om vrijheid en rechten, anders komt de Dajjaal je afslachten.

De Dajjaal heet niet voor niets "The Great Deception"... Het is waarlijk een grote beproeving voor elke gelovige...

15-11-11, 15:07
De Dajjaal heet niet voor niets "The Great Deception"... Het is waarlijk een grote beproeving voor elke gelovige...

Reageer eens op die Arabische slachtingen. die Arabieren hebben geen Dajjal nodig, die slachten elkaar wel af. Resultaten behaald in het verleden leveren een redelijk zekere verwachting voor de toekomst op.

15-11-11, 15:16
Reageer eens op die Arabische slachtingen. die Arabieren hebben geen Dajjal nodig, die slachten elkaar wel af. Resultaten behaald in het verleden leveren een redelijk zekere verwachting voor de toekomst op.

De Irakese slachting was aan de handen van Dictator Saddam Hoessein... Saddam was een CIA manneke... Er is geen slachting of je kunt een link leggen naar de wortel van het kwaad... Dat is toch treurig...

Dat het arme en niet geinformeerde volk daar tegen aanloopt kun je ze voor een deel kwalijke nemen maar voor een deel ook niet...

Wat je ze kwalijk kunt nemen is dat ze niet kritisch genoeg zijn... Dat ze niet geinformeerd zijn is deels door eigen schuld... Deels door de aard van het kwaad waar ze tegen aan lopen... Het aard van het kwaad is namelijk dat er een geheim plicht is...

Door deze geheim plicht kun je ongestoord agenda's vastleggen en koehandel plegen zonder dat het volk dat in de gaten heeft...

Vertrouwen is een basis... Als blijkt dat mensen die trouw zweren aan hun volk verraders zijn dan is dat niet het volk aan te rekenen...

Mubarak was een verrader... Saddam was een verrader... Zo kan ik er nog wel een rits opnoemen maar dat heeft geen zin...

15-11-11, 15:24
De Irakese slachting was aan de handen van Dictator Saddam Hoessein... Saddam was een CIA manneke... Er is geen slachting of je kunt een link leggen naar de wortel van het kwaad... Dat is toch treurig...

Dat het arme en niet geinformeerde volk daar tegen aanloopt kun je ze voor een deel kwalijke nemen maar voor een deel ook niet...

Wat je ze kwalijk kunt nemen is dat ze niet kritisch genoeg zijn... Dat ze niet geinformeerd zijn is deels door eigen schuld... Deels door de aard van het kwaad waar ze tegen aan lopen... Het aard van het kwaad is namelijk dat er een geheim plicht is...

Door deze geheim plicht kun je ongestoord agenda's vastleggen en koehandel plegen zonder dat het volk dat in de gaten heeft...

Vertrouwen is een basis... Als blijkt dat mensen die trouw zweren aan hun volk verraders zijn dan is dat niet het volk aan te rekenen...

Mubarak was een verrader... Saddam was een verrader... Zo kan ik er nog wel een rits opnoemen maar dat heeft geen zin...

En Assad en Khadaffi? Echte Arabieren lijkt me, net als Mubarak en Saddam. En wat dacht je van Al Basheer?

15-11-11, 15:32
En Assad en Khadaffi? Echte Arabieren lijkt me, net als Mubarak en Saddam. En wat dacht je van Al Basheer?

Ik noem alleen de personen waar ik verifieerbaar kan aantonen dat het verraders waren door hun ondergrondse connecties...

15-11-11, 16:54
Ik noem alleen de personen waar ik verifieerbaar kan aantonen dat het verraders waren door hun ondergrondse connecties...

Ze zijn sowieso alle vijf verraders van de menselijkheid.

15-11-11, 17:20
Ze zijn sowieso alle vijf verraders van de menselijkheid.

Aan jouw waardeoordeel hecht ik geen enkele waarde... Jou kompas draait rond in het wild...

15-11-11, 17:50
Aan jouw waardeoordeel hecht ik geen enkele waarde... Jou kompas draait rond in het wild...

Nou, ik weet waar het westen is...

16-11-11, 20:52

16-11-11, 21:13

17-11-11, 18:31
De zgn Arabisch "lente " werd wel gepland & ontketend door het westen+ israel om de weg vrij te maken voor de secularisatie protestantisatie individualisatie liberalisatie .....van islam a la protestaantse reformatie , de laatste die werd fundamenteel beinvloed door islam , ironisch genoeg = de wereld op z'n kop dus

dat allemaal om liberaal seculaire "democratie " a la Turkse in de arabisch & in de rest van de zgn islamistisch wereld te verspreiden & wel als geraffineerd dekmantel voor westerse - israeli dominatie , "democratie" in de arabisch wereld in de zin van verdeel & heers = zie hoe zelfs al die zgn islamistisch partijen , bewegingnen,zoals Al Nahda in Tunesia , de moslim broedres in Egypte, de moslim broeders in Syria......worden benaderd door de VS in dat verband ; deze zgn islamistisch bewegingnen die bijna allemaal verklaren dat ze de Turkse model zouden na streven = seculaire democratie , waar het leger het laatst woord heeft , rare soort democratie dus = een dekmantel voor westerse -israeli macht & doominatie

Note : de huidige Turkse islamitisch regerend partij in Turkije = justice & development ,werd geinspireerd door de boeken & werk van de leider van de Tunesisch Al Nahda , ironisch genoeg

P.S.: dat israel die is gedoemd te verdwijnen op kort of lang termijn, de volgende supermacht zou kunnen worden , israel die kan niet eens overleven , laat staan bestaan , zonder hulp van de VS met name , is een echt ...lachertje .

17-11-11, 18:44
After that , it will be the turn of Russia & China ( not to mention Iran that had experienced some effects of that western -israeli master plan for a new ME or a new world order during & after the latest presidential elections there , & still has ) , That's why both of these countries are so reluctant to support the NATO interventions in those arab countries , that's why both china & Russia have been vetoing any UN serious condamnation of Syria for example , that's why both countries " support " iran now & then in relation to Iran's so-called nuclear file according to their own interests

Note that china has also been experiencing some pro-democracy dissident movements that have been crashed by the government , china that had been forced to allow some forms of capitalism within its communist regime , otherwise china would not have been an economic giant ,note that china has been also becoming more of a materialistic consumption society culture every day = it will be only a matter of time before china will be abandoning its dead & defeated communism , so = china is just trying to buy some time by trying so desperately to prevent the inevitable

Will secular liberal democracy & its economic wing = capitalism, will they become " the end of history " = their final victory ? as had "predicted " that Japanese -US "thinker " political scientist ?

well, only time will tell then : the inevitable collapse of capitalism might change all the facts , might change the geo-politics & balance of power in the world paving the way for God knows what next

Note that the global capitalism or the globalisation = Americanisation are the best way to spread the materialistic values, norms, principles ....to spread the western style materialistic consumption cultures as sophisticated covers for ...western domination & power

Those materialistic western values, human rights , democracy ........are in fact just covers for power & domination because in fact , they do hide the fact that it's all about balance of power, geo-politics & interests , not about values , the latters are just secondary products of the first , even democracy itself as a big lie or myth because " the people rule " is a proven myth , democracy thus is just a secondary product of the ...market

So, do the "math "

17-11-11, 18:47
De zgn Arabisch "lente " werd wel gepland & ontketend door het westen+ israel om de weg vrij te maken voor de secularisatie protestantisatie individualisatie liberalisatie .....van islam a la protestaantse reformatie

Als ik het goed begrijp zeg je dat die mensen in al die Arabische landen de straat op gaan en zich laten martelen en doodschieten omdat wij in het westen dat willen. En sterker nog: we zitten ook achter de andere kant: die dictators die hun eigen mensen afslachten doen dat ook omdat het westen het wil. En dan nog wel speciaal de protestanten. Wat een macht hebben we toch!

17-11-11, 19:01
Als ik het goed begrijp zeg je dat die mensen in al die Arabische landen de straat op gaan en zich laten martelen en doodschieten omdat wij in het westen dat willen. En sterker nog: we zitten ook achter de andere kant: die dictators die hun eigen mensen afslachten doen dat ook omdat het westen het wil. En dan nog wel speciaal de protestanten. Wat een macht hebben we toch!

Dit was gisteren op de Israelische televisie te zien:

Lebanese Politicians' Debate on Syria Degenerates Into Brawl (http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/5825.htm)

Ook door Israel gedirigeerd voor het vermaak van het volk. :maf3: De conspiracy theory wordt steeds vermakelijker.

17-11-11, 19:32
Als ik het goed begrijp zeg je dat die mensen in al die Arabische landen de straat op gaan en zich laten martelen en doodschieten omdat wij in het westen dat willen. En sterker nog: we zitten ook achter de andere kant: die dictators die hun eigen mensen afslachten doen dat ook omdat het westen het wil. En dan nog wel speciaal de protestanten. Wat een macht hebben we toch!

use ur brain or what's left of it :

it's all about geo-politics, balance of power & interests

The US is the sole remaining superpower in the world after the fall of the Soviet Union, it's pretty logical to see the US as " the leader of the free world " trying to shape the world to its own image :

Americans for example think that all peoples are in fact Americans in their hearts & minds or will become just that = just a question of time

That's why the US & its western puppets + the israeli ones try to cope with the new arisen circumstances now & then with some more or less innovative solutions

Remember the " creative chaos " doctrine of Gondaleza Rice under Bush junior

in relation to their "new ME " that had failed to materialize thanks to Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hizbollah that had begun after the fabricated 9/11 & the invasion of irak, afghanistan

The US thought, well, if we get rid of Saddam , the irakls would welcome us with flowers & gratitude , the US troops were welcomed with armed resistance instead , the US that invaded Irak illegally & under false pretences & lies pretended to spread democracy in irak for power & domination purposes & just for ...oil

That forced "democracy " in irak was a relative failure , so , the US & the rest of the west realised that democracy cannot be forced from without but can be triggered from within = that's what u have been seeing happening in the arabic world lately

It all started with Bush Junior as one israeli media source said , so = makes sense

Long story u gotta make some efforts to grasp

P.S.: After the fall of the last islamic khaliphate , the arabic & the rest of the islamic world found themselves under direct physical military western occupation that shaped those countries which has paved the way for the installation of most of arab & "muslim " dictators in the region that served the western interests for the most part at least : those dictators who tried to threaten the western or israeli interests were dealth with via coups , via direct military intervention like in irak under Saddam, or were thrown by their own peoples lately with western help = kaddafi, Ali of Tunis, Mubarak of Egypt ....while the latters were some of the best allies of the west & israel at a given moment , except kaddafi , relatively speaking , kaddafi that had done all concessions possible for the west in his last years , ironically enough

But the times were changing under the global economiuc -financial crisis mainly , the balance of power was shifting from the west to china, Russia , india , also thanks to the resistance to the new ME of the west & israel displayed by iran , hamas , hizbollah, Syria , so, the west + israel had to react in order to reshape the region in the form of the new ME or new world order...again = new version , via the so-called Arabic spring that threaten to topple the regimes enemies of the west & israel = hamas , hizbollah, syria, iran & also threaten to topple the new gained balance of power of china, Russia mainly by exporting those arab uprisings to their own peoples in the process : those "protective US missile shields deployed in Turkey, Poland .....are yet another pre-emptive attempt to deal with the rise of china & especially ...Russia

Comprende ?

17-11-11, 20:10
The latest israeli war against lebanon in 2006 failed to eradicate Hizbollah

while that was one of its objectives

worse : israel was defeated in the ground war with hizbollah

The new ME of israel & the US failed to materialize as a result thanks to iran, syria, hamas, hizbollah

The israeli war on Gaza in 2008-2009 failed to eradicate Hamas from or at least topple hamas in Gaza while that one of the objectives of that war was

Syria & iran could not be made to change their anti-US & anti-israel positions even after all that western -israeli pressure in all forms & shapes

so, the hariri tribunal was invented to 'investigate " the assassination of hariri senior of all assassinations :

Syria was the first to be accused of that assassination, then ....hizbollah while the latter had presented detailed documented video-audio & other circumstancial evidence against ...israel in that regard

so, if u cannot defeat hizbollah militarily, just try to do it ...politically haha

The obstacles to the failed US-israeli - western ME were /are hamas, hizbollah, iran, syria :

The contagious arabic 'spring " would , hypothetically, take care of that problem = new version of the US-israeli ME or new world order ...........Long story

what an evil world we live in, full of lies, deceit, make -believe, distortions , plots ..................., God ............

almost nothing is what it seems to be in this world , truth is the main victim , try to dig in behind the news, guys : do no believe ur western -israeli propaganda or main-stream media = they are per definition full of lies, deceit, manipulation ...u name it

Good luck

17-11-11, 20:11
use ur brain or what's left of it :

it's all about geo-politics, balance of power & interests

The US is the sole remaining superpower in the world after the fall of the Soviet Union, it's pretty logical to see the US as " the leader of the free world " trying to shape the world to its own image :

Americans for example think that all peoples are in fact Americans in their hearts & minds or will become just that = just a question of time

That's why the US & its western puppets + the israeli ones try to cope with the new arisen circumstances now & then with some more or less innovative solutions

Remember the " creative chaos " doctrine of Gondaleza Rice under Bush junior

in relation to their "new ME " that had failed to materialize thanks to Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hizbollah that had begun after the fabricated 9/11 & the invasion of irak, afghanistan

The US thought, well, if we get rid of Saddam , the irakls would welcome us with flowers & gratitude , the US troops were welcomed with armed resistance instead , the US that invaded Irak illegally & under false pretences & lies pretended to spread democracy in irak for power & domination purposes & just for ...oil

That forced "democracy " in irak was a relative failure , so , the US & the rest of the west realised that democracy cannot be forced from without but can be triggered from within = that's what u have been seeing happening in the arabic world lately

It all started with Bush Junior as one israeli media source said , so = makes sense

Long story u gotta make some efforts to grasp

P.S.: After the fall of the last islamic khaliphate , the arabic & the rest of the islamic world found themselves under direct physical military western occupation that shaped those countries which has paved the way for the installation of most of arab & "muslim " dictators in the region that served the western interests for the most part at least : those dictators who tried to threaten the western or israeli interests were dealth with via coups , via direct military intervention like in irak under Saddam, or were thrown by their own peoples lately with western help = kaddafi, Ali of Tunis, Mubarak of Egypt ....while the latters were some of the best allies of the west & israel at a given moment , except kaddafi , relatively speaking , kaddafi that had done all concessions possible for the west in his last years , ironically enough

But the times were changing under the global economiuc -financial crisis mainly , the balance of power was shifting from the west to china, Russia , india , also thanks to the resistance to the new ME of the west & israel displayed by iran , hamas , hizbollah, Syria , so, the west + israel had to react in order to reshape the region in the form of the new ME or new world order...again = new version , via the so-called Arabic spring that threaten to topple the regimes enemies of the west & israel = hamas , hizbollah, syria, iran & also threaten to topple the new gained balance of power of china, Russia mainly by exporting those arab uprisings to their own peoples in the process : those "protective US missile shields deployed in Turkey, Poland .....are yet another pre-emptive attempt to deal with the rise of china & especially ...Russia

Comprende ?


17-11-11, 20:28
Dit was gisteren op de Israelische televisie te zien:

Lebanese Politicians' Debate on Syria Degenerates Into Brawl (http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/5825.htm)

Ook door Israel gedirigeerd voor het vermaak van het volk. :maf3: De conspiracy theory wordt steeds vermakelijker.

Well, Lebanon is known for the fact that it is made of pro-US traitors & those who have choosen the path of ...resistance for justice , dignity, independence, real liberty ....against US-israeli occupation, oppression , injustice ....:

all US-israeli efforts made at all levels, including the military & propaganda ones, have failed to defeat the resistance there , so

Do not worry : the days of those evil racist barbaric beasts terrorists war criminals zionazis , enemies of humanity, enemies of peace , enemies of the truth ...are numbered , together with those of their best ally ever = the US government

in the sense the American people themselves have been disovering how the zionists have been using the US for their own purposes against the very interests of the American people even , to mention just that fact , the rest will take care of itself : zionists are their worst own enemies = they have been digging their own graves themselves , they just do not know it yet, they do not need no more enemies , they are their own worst enemies , so

Just wait & see

17-11-11, 20:35

well, because u are either too stupid to understand those facts or u are just in denial thanks to ur blind love for zionists & thanks to ur blind hate for muslims : take ur pick = every " discussion " with u in that regard is not only fruitless but its results are also already determined in advance , so, why bother .....wasting any energy on u in that sense = a waste of time = very predictable indeed, so

17-11-11, 20:43
Well, Lebanon is known for the fact that it is made of pro-US traitors & those who have choosen the path of ...resistance for justice , dignity, independence, real liberty ....against US-israeli occupation, oppression , injustice ....:

all US-israeli efforts made at all levels, including the military & propaganda ones, have failed to defeat the resistance there , so

Do not worry : the days of those evil racist barbaric beasts terrorists war criminals zionazis , enemies of humanity, enemies of peace , enemies of the truth ...are numbered , together with those of their best ally ever = the US government

in the sense the American people themselves have been disovering how the zionists have been using the US for their own purposes against the very interests of the American people even , to mention just that fact , the rest will take care of itself : zionists are their worst own enemies = they have been digging their own graves themselves , they just do not know it yet, they do not need no more enemies , they are their own worst enemies , so

Just wait & see

"Love for Zionist" heeft in principe niets met "hate for Muslims" te maken. Dat probeer jij door te drammen en al die andere gekken die aan het hoofd van regeringen en religieuze groepen in het MO staan omdat jouw en hun psyche is ingesteld als van naar beneden trappers of naar boven likkers, die elkaars gebondenen zijn.
Verder is het inderdaad nog meer wartaal.

17-11-11, 20:52
well, because u are either too stupid to understand those facts or u are just in denial thanks to ur blind love for zionists & thanks to ur blind hate for muslims : take ur pick = every " discussion " with u in that regard is not only fruitless but its results are also already determined in advance , so, why bother .....wasting any energy on u in that sense = a waste of time = very predictable indeed, so

De kern van je verhaal is dat complotdenken van je. Alsof alles wat in de islamitische wereld gebeurt, de acties van alle partijen, wordt uitgebroed in het westen. Zeg nou zelf is dat niet een beetje erg belachelijk? En diskwalificeert het ook niet de Arabieren, alsof die zo stom zijn om altijd maar hun eigen glazen in te gooien.

Reageer daar eens op, ipv van verwarde verhalen neer te zetten.

17-11-11, 21:14
De kern van je verhaal is dat complotdenken van je. Alsof alles wat in de islamitische wereld gebeurt, de acties van alle partijen, wordt uitgebroed in het westen. Zeg nou zelf is dat niet een beetje erg belachelijk? En diskwalificeert het ook niet de Arabieren, alsof die zo stom zijn om altijd maar hun eigen glazen in te gooien.

Reageer daar eens op, ipv van verwarde verhalen neer te zetten.

U do not listen to reason, silly , for obvious reasons i mentioned above :

U are too naive & stupid or just playing games via this post of urs at least :

The US is the only remaining superpower , the best unconditional ally of israel ......the US is also the leader of the rest of the west ....The powerful = US ,pulls the strings , silly , to some extent at least :

The US is thus the world leader , to some extent at least

The US has its puppets too in the Arabic & so-called islamic world like those Gulf kingdoms.....

so, the powerful & strong pulls the strings , relatively speaking , there are counter-powers like the islamic resistance : Hamas , Hizbollah, Iran, like the secular Syria , like Russia, China ...........= balance of power

Do the math , otherwise , we would have been all Americans or israelis by now haha , God forbids

mee kan ik niet voor je doen, dus

17-11-11, 21:35
"Love for Zionist" heeft in principe niets met "hate for Muslims" te maken. Dat probeer jij door te drammen en al die andere gekken die aan het hoofd van regeringen en religieuze groepen in het MO staan omdat jouw en hun psyche is ingesteld als van naar beneden trappers of naar boven likkers, die elkaars gebondenen zijn.
Verder is het inderdaad nog meer wartaal.

Listen up, dummy :

leave the psychoanalysis to others : u are pathetic at that :

neuro-psychology might help u better , relatively speaking

try to auto-psycho-analyze ur own sick distorted jewish psyche first : after all those past persecutions of jews , u might have inherited that from ur jewish precedecessors, so ; who knows , no wonder that u always try to display that hypocrit jewish victim rol , that blaming the real victim morality, twisting distorting facts to ur own benefit , denying the obvious facts in the process,no matter what

a folks that had been persecuted for so long cannot have a healthy psyche, relatively speaking

not to mention the early jewish "playing games " with God = an understatement , trying to "fool " God even = fooling themselves = tragic -hilarious pathetic

Besides :

Love for zionists & hate for muslims are 2 things when it comes to Slinger & co at least : they are also inseparable in the minds & hearts of people like u guys , so , consciously or sub-consciously

worse : zionists & other jews are the worst enemies of muslims : just take a look at the present time, not to mention the past, ; just watch ur tv screen concerning news from israel , so

Do not play the smart guy, u are not, so

17-11-11, 22:08
Listen up, dummy :

leave the psychoanalysis to others : u are pathetic at that :

neuro-psychology might help u better , relatively speaking

try to auto-psycho-analyze ur own sick distorted jewish psyche first : after all those past persecutions of jews , u might have inherited that from ur jewish precedecessors, so ; who knows , no wonder that u always try to display that hypocrit jewish victim rol , that blaming the real victim morality, twisting distorting facts to ur own benefit , denying the obvious facts in the process,no matter what

a folks that had been persecuted for so long cannot have a healthy psyche, relatively speaking

not to mention the early jewish "playing games " with God = an understatement , trying to "fool " God even = fooling themselves = tragic -hilarious pathetic

Besides :

Love for zionists & hate for muslims are 2 things when it comes to Slinger & co at least : they are also inseparable in the minds & hearts of people like u guys , so , consciously or sub-consciously

worse : zionists & other jews are the worst enemies of muslims : just take a look at the present time, not to mention the past, ; just watch ur tv screen concerning news from israel , so

Do not play the smart guy, u are not, so

Wartaal. Sorry, ik kan er niet meer van maken. Ik zit nu in Israel en wat ik zie is precies het tegenover gestelde van wat jij hier uitkraamt.

18-11-11, 18:10
Wartaal. Sorry, ik kan er niet meer van maken. Ik zit nu in Israel en wat ik zie is precies het tegenover gestelde van wat jij hier uitkraamt.

das wat ik bedoel juist : je bent blind & doof

18-11-11, 22:48
Dit was gisteren op de Israelische televisie te zien:

Lebanese Politicians' Debate on Syria Degenerates Into Brawl (http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/5825.htm)

Ook door Israel gedirigeerd voor het vermaak van het volk. :maf3: De conspiracy theory wordt steeds vermakelijker.

Ja maar dat is heel normaal hoor , de schuld van het Westen ,

19-11-11, 20:41

20-11-11, 21:30
Strategy of Dajjal (Anti Chirst) by Sheikh Imran Hosein - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0_rY5Ovk-E)


20-11-11, 21:41
De zgn Arabisch "lente " werd wel gepland & ontketend door het westen+ israel om de weg vrij te maken voor de secularisatie protestantisatie individualisatie liberalisatie .....van islam a la protestaantse reformatie , de laatste die werd fundamenteel beinvloed door islam , ironisch genoeg = de wereld op z'n kop dus

dat allemaal om liberaal seculaire "democratie " a la Turkse in de arabisch & in de rest van de zgn islamistisch wereld te verspreiden & wel als geraffineerd dekmantel voor westerse - israeli dominatie , "democratie" in de arabisch wereld in de zin van verdeel & heers = zie hoe zelfs al die zgn islamistisch partijen , bewegingnen,zoals Al Nahda in Tunesia , de moslim broedres in Egypte, de moslim broeders in Syria......worden benaderd door de VS in dat verband ; deze zgn islamistisch bewegingnen die bijna allemaal verklaren dat ze de Turkse model zouden na streven = seculaire democratie , waar het leger het laatst woord heeft , rare soort democratie dus = een dekmantel voor westerse -israeli macht & doominatie

Note : de huidige Turkse islamitisch regerend partij in Turkije = justice & development ,werd geinspireerd door de boeken & werk van de leider van de Tunesisch Al Nahda , ironisch genoeg

P.S.: dat israel die is gedoemd te verdwijnen op kort of lang termijn, de volgende supermacht zou kunnen worden , israel die kan niet eens overleven , laat staan bestaan , zonder hulp van de VS met name , is een echt ...lachertje .

JA wat goed he dat de democratie nu heerst in Egypte !
Leger verjaagt betogers van Tahrirplein | nu.nl/algemeen | Het laatste nieuws het eerst op nu.nl (http://www.nu.nl/algemeen/2672908/leger-verjaagt-betogers-van-tahrirplein.html)

Maar ook hier zal het ,,Westen ,, wel weer er achter zitten het oppermachtige WESTEN kan zelfs Moslims zo kan pesten dat ze elkaar afmaken !
Zelf doe je overigens dapper aan mee want de voertaal van het ALMACHTIGE WESTEN is ENGELS en jij kan zelfs niet zonder deze wereldtaal waar je uit Koran citeerd wat de Profeet Mohammed geschreven heeft (blijkbaar in het Engels ).

super ick
21-11-11, 08:19
wat de Profeet Mohammed geschreven heeft

Die heeft helemaal niets geschreven.

Alles is 'van horen zeggen'.

02-12-11, 21:37
Britain role in Syrian/Iranian standoff

Fri Dec 2, 2011 3:10PM GMT

Before going into the United Kingdom's possible (inevitable) involvement in any conflict with Syria and Iran we need to look at the bigger picture.

Iran has ties with Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine and as these relationships strengthen you will see a vast tract of land become accessible to Iran reaching over to the Mediterranean Sea. Strategically and economically this is most valuable corridor as it would give Iran direct access to European markets bypassing the Persian Gulf and enhancing there “Geo Political Position.”

In the military sense, it is obvious that should the US, UK, Israel or any other NATO force become involved in a strike against Iran/Syria their allies would probably take up arms against those involved. One would assume that the attackers would prefer to take simultaneous action against all otherwise it would put Israel in a very precarious position.

We have seen Britain play a major supporting role in anything the Israel's do and also give British Government support in slicing up North Africa. Firm military action by Britain saw the demise of Libya where we stood side by side with the US and France to create what was only supposed to be a UN “No fly Zone.”

So what is Britain's stance with Syria and Iran and is there some other hidden agenda that could determine the UK's involvement in supporting any campaign with the US/Israel or any other NATO element?

We will in this article cover the political ties with Israel and reveal the mood of this country and the US in taking whatever action is required to support Israel (which in turn secures their own political future). It is widely known that Israel and many Zionist groups (Friends of Israel, AIPAC, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg etc) fund many leading politicians. One could go a stage further and say that up to and including President/Prime Minister (including their respective parties) are totally supported financially from Zionist sources.

I find it incredible offensive to listen to such people as Cameron, Clegg, Hague and Osborne and their counterparts in the US, Obama, Clinton etc swear allegiance towards Israel rather than their own country. It is clear that politics in the west (including Europe) is totally controlled by Zionist elements, which I guess all comes under the title of The New World Order.

Before moving on with our own governments approach towards Syria and Iran, we must fully understand that it is that same Zionist control that decides what we see on TV and what we read in our newspapers…..all of whom are highly censored, including the good old BBC.

Cameron, and his partner in crime Hague, would have to be two of the most dangerous political figures this country has ever seen, although the “Iron Lady”, Maggie Thatcher took some beating!!

We saw Cameron and Hague prodding continuously at the US, EU and United Nations to take action against Gadaffi with the other Zionist Sarkozy right alongside of them….not forgetting that unseen troublemaker Merkel!

Why you may ask did Britain, France and the US push so hard to brainwash the UN into this action? The answer is very simple….Gadaffi, despite what you may think, was not such a bad man but rather the opposite. He cared for his country and made Libya one of the most prosperous nations in Africa and he was about to nationalize the oil/gas industry which would have hit the pockets of the west in a very big way.

I have to again remind you all that this current state of affairs, what they call the “Arab Spring” and the current “Western Spring” is all part of a “Geo Political” master plan by the New World Order to secure its own agenda. I formerly revealed the three main themes of that plan, being:

· To control the world's natural resources.
· To control the markets for those resources.
· To control the sea-lanes, transit routes and pipeline routes for those resources.

What, you may ask, has this got to do with this country and our politicians? Well in case you didn't notice many of them are either Freemason, Zionist (both Christian and Jewish) or Avid supporters of Israel!

Every current and past leader has talked about the NEW WORLD ORDER, should you doubt its existence simply search the web and listen to them all talking about it, alternatively listen to them taking their stand in the support of Israel. Just monitor which one of them attends the annual Bilderberg meeting or how many of them regularly attend Chatham House in London, which is one of the NWO hubs!

I can also link many of the more senior politicians with massive fraud with direct links (in some cases) to that evil establishment called Rothschild's who play such a vital role in the carving up of the Middle East.

So what is David Cameron's stance and what is he saying about Syria or Iran?

We see the controlled media putting out headlines such as this one in The Telegraph:

“Call for David Cameron to lead action against Syria”

One simple paragraph summed up the entire situation:
Britain has been contacted directly and encouraged to act as a "team captain" to coordinate discussion of more robust action against President Bashar al-Assad, and to plan for what is regarded as his inevitable departure.

Can you see a repeat of the Libyan situation here in trying to force a “Regime Change”?

Before moving on did you know that the whole purpose (or so they tell us) was to save lives of innocent people in Libya……they gave an initial figure of around 6,000 dead at the time….all at the hands of Gadaffi…or so we are supposed to believe.

One thing is fact….the figures given did not come for the UN or any other source but came from the leader of the Trans National Council (TNC) and were totally inaccurate. However let's just assume he may have been correct (6,000 dead)…….by the time the US, UK and France had finished their campaign there were more than 50,000 dead with the added donation of NATO of total devastation of each and every city and more importantly the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) being used in the form of Depleted Uranium (DU) which has now totally contaminated Libya forever….it has attacked the genes of all Libyans …..The very DNA of life and can never be cleaned up (DU has a half life of 4.5 billion years)! It's only a matter of time before we see a huge hike in many forms of cancer's and birth defects etc, especially in the unborn fetus and young children….no doubt the people of Libya would be most thankful for our countries involvement!!

Cameron and Hague are “War Mongers” and in my opinion also “War Criminals” and it is very clear as to which side of the fence they stand.

So what can Britain do to help in yet another potential war/conflict?

Let's look at another censored report from The Guardian with headlines as follows:
“UK military steps up plans for Iran attack amid fresh nuclear fears”

The first paragraph says it all:
“Britain's armed forces are stepping up their contingency planning for potential military action against Iran amid mounting concern about Tehran's nuclear enrichment programme, the Guardian has learned.”

Please understand that from my perspective this has nothing to do with Iran's Nuclear Capability but rather the same old master plan by the New World Order to mold the outcome of their “Geo Politics” in the region. It is this same organization (NWO) that intentional collapsed the finances of the world and who are currently responsible for the second, (more severe) financial collapse of Europe.

Cameron, Hague and the MoD are planning behind the scenes to put in place UK hardware at strategic locations around the periphery of Iran and Syria……one of the most important tools to start off such an attack is by cruise missiles and that means British Naval vessels such as warships and submarines that can be positioned in the Eastern Mediterranean and also in the Persian Gulf.

The British owned territory in the North of the Indian Ocean (Diego Garcia) will yet again play a major role in US, UK and any other NATO intervention. It has been used so many times throughout the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia.

The question remains: Do we the British public want our country to continue of this aggressive path? Do we want our own military personnel to be contaminated with radiation? Do we want our country to focus on spending what little money we have on wars or to plough it back into our economy and stop these harsh austerity measures?

Peter Eyre - Middle East Consultant

02-12-11, 21:48
Israel seeks new friends to counter Islamism
12/02/2011 01:37

J'lem seeking allied blocs to help balance power as Islamists gain stronger footing amid Arab Spring.

Israel is actively looking for friends and allies further afield to counterbalance dramatic Islamic gains in the immediate neighborhood, a senior government official said this week as Islamists appeared to coast to a sweeping victory in Egypt’s parliamentary elections.

According to the official, the collapse of so many Arab regimes in the region – coupled with Iran and Turkey sitting on the sidelines waiting to exploit the situation for their own benefit – has Israel looking at three clusters of states as allies and possible counterweights.

The first is the eastern Mediterranean circle, made up of Greece, Cyprus, Romania and Bulgaria. These countries, historic rivals of Turkey, are concerned about Ankara’s widening reach and intentions, and this has brought them into a much closer relationship with Israel than existed in the past.

The second cluster is a number of countries in sub- Saharan Africa – Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Nigeria and South Sudan – whose concern about Islamic terrorism at home has led to growing political and security cooperation with Israel. This cooperation was evident in South Sudan’s opening diplomatic ties with Israel soon after it gained independence earlier this year, and the leaders of both Kenya and Uganda visiting here last month.

The third cluster includes countries in the region – as yet unnamed – that government officials say are in contact with Israel on issues regarding Iran and the sweeping changes in the region.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu recently made a couple of opaque references to ties with these countries, believed to be Persian Gulf countries. One official said the prime minister was signaling the Israeli public that despite the turmoil roiling the Middle East, there were some “points of light.”

And even as Israel is casting its eyes elsewhere for friends, it has not – one government official clarified on Thursday – closed the door on ties with Egypt.

“We haven’t given up on Egypt,” the official said. He added that the preliminary results in the Egyptian vote showing that the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists, who are even more radical, were poised to capture some 65 percent of the seats came as “no surprise to anyone.”

“It is quite possible we will be moving into a period in our relationship where we will not have the same intimacy, but hopefully the same fundamental interest of both parties will prevail,” the official said.

“Israel and Egypt fought a war in 1948, in 1956, 1967 and 1973. Thousands of people were killed. Is that what they want to go back to? Is that what they are proposing?” the official asked of the Islamists currently riding the wave in Egypt.

Formally Jerusalem had no comment on the Egyptian elections, with one diplomatic source explaining that anything said “could and would be used against us by the Egyptian media.”

He did say that Jerusalem’s short-term goal was to keep open the channels of communication with the Egyptians wherever possible, and to make sure not to intervene or be perceived as intervening in the Egyptian process.

Israel, the diplomatic source said, was currently trying to minimize any damage in ties with Cairo, but was definitely not “writing Egypt off,” especially since there were so many uncertainties regarding how the process there would play itself out.

“We are at the very beginning,” he said, pointing out that after the parliamentary elections, the Egyptians would still have to write a constitution and elect a president.

It will “take months before the picture becomes clear,” he said.

02-12-11, 22:34
Janzour neighbourhood is pictured November 29, 2011.

Credit: Reuters/Ismail Zitouny

By Christian Lowe

TRIPOLI | Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:41am EST

TRIPOLI (Reuters) - When night falls on the street outside Tripoli's Abdullah Eshaab mosque, theological discussions often break out. Lately, they have taken place at the point of a gun.

On three occasions this month, groups of ultra-purist Islamists have turned up at the mosque gates after dark, armed with Kalashnikov rifles, 106-mm anti-tank cannon and truck-mounted Grad rockets, according to a cleric at the mosque.

They want to demolish the tomb, inside the mosque, of Suleiman Al-Feituri, a 12th-century holy man, because they consider such tombs as idolatry.

Facing off against them are the mosque's own, more moderate worshippers backed up by a militia unit armed with automatic weapons and two pickup trucks with anti-aircraft guns mounted on the back.

"So far we've been trying to negotiate with them but if it does not work we will use force," said Omar Hajaj, a 30-year-old businessman who is also assistant to the cleric in charge of the mosque.

"They are a bunch of extremists who do not want this country to settle down," he said, as the mosque's security detail stood outside with the safety catch off on their weapons. "We warn everyone of the danger of these people."

Freed from Muammar Gaddafi's repressive 42-year rule, Libyans are now considering what kind of Islam they want and how big a role it should play in their everyday lives.

The process has turned into a contest between mainstream Muslims, on the one hand, and on the other, Islamists who follow a stricter interpretation of the faith and believe it should inform society's rules and government policy.

There's a huge amount at stake. Both sides have large quantities of weapons, and the outcome could also determine who ends up with political power in the new Libya.

So far the Islamists -- who are better organized and offer an ideology that appeals to the young and disenchanted -- are the ones filling the vacuum left by Gaddafi's fall.

"It is the law of physics," said Salah Ingab, a Libyan writer on Islam who is concerned about the rise of the Islamists. "An area of low pressure is filled from an area of high pressure. This is what is happening with Libya."


The resurgence of Islamist ideas has become a feature of the "Arab Spring" uprisings across the region. In Tunisia, a moderate Islamist party now leads a coalition government. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood is poised to do well in a parliamentary election.

In Libya too, Islamists have made their mark on the political landscape now taking shape.

Abdel Hakim Belhadj, a former Islamist militant who spent time with the Taliban in Afghanistan but now says he has renounced violence, heads one of the country's most powerful militias.

Mustafa Abdel Jalil, the head of the National Transitional Council, Libya's caretaker leadership, has said he wants the new order to be based on Islamic sharia law and that a ban on polygamy will be lifted.

The Islamists' political role is in flux. In a caretaker cabinet announced last week, there was only one minister, for religion, who is an acknowledged Islamist. The full extent of their influence may not become clear until an election is held, probably around the middle of next year.

But on the streets and in the mosques, there is no doubt that more hardline brands of Islam are gaining strength.

Men with long beards and white robes -- the trademark dress of Salafists, followers of a purist interpretation of Islam -- can now be seen on the streets.

Under Gaddafi, who waged a 15-year campaign to stamp out Islamists who he thought were trying to overthrow him, those outfits would have attracted the attention of domestic intelligence agents.

Many Salafists were jailed by Gaddafi and those not imprisoned spent years avoiding any outward manifestation of their beliefs.

The majority of Libyan women have long worn the hijab, or Islamic headscarf. Now some can be seen shopping at Tripoli markets in the burqa, a head to toe covering that masks the face.

At Friday prayers last week at Al Nafathy mosque, which until now has attracted followers of traditional, mainstream Islam, the sermon was given by a new cleric, who spoke of the evil arising from the free mixing of men and women in public, and railed against the spread of songs in general and Western music in particular.

Both are themes favored by Salafists, but until now unfamiliar to Libyans.

A meeting of senior Muslim clerics in a Tripoli hotel this week adopted a recommendation that anyone who drinks alcohol should be barred from senior government posts.

The sale of alcohol has been illegal in Libya for decades, though it is available on the black market.

"If he repents, it's not a problem," for someone to join the government, said one of the clerics.


Many Libyans say the freedom to worship as they choose is one of the benefits of the revolution.

"During Gaddafi's time, people who came to dawn prayers were arrested," said a muezzin, who pronounces the call to prayer, at a mosque in Tripoli's old city.

"The police thought they were too religious and people were afraid to come, they were tortured. All the religious people were afraid to come to the mosque," said the man, who did not want to give his name.

"Now more people are coming. There is complete freedom."

For many, the new piety takes some getting used to.

"Many are dressed like people from Kandahar," he said, referring to the Afghan city where the extremist influence of the Taliban is strong.

Some people are sanguine.

"I am not afraid of Islamists in Libya. This is a moderate country and even if there is a small element of radicals, they won't be able to push their way through," said Houda, a 21-year-old engineering student.

"Abdel Jalil was wrong to talk about polygamy ... but we see it as a mistake and we forgive him," she said.

Others are very worried.

Ingab, the writer on Islam, says he is a devout Muslim who prays five times a day. But he says there is nothing in the Koran to say that woman should wear veils or that governments should impose Islamic laws.

The ring tone on his mobile phone is a song by American singer-songwriter Bob Dylan.

"My friend said to me: 'He is a Jew.' I said I don't care. That is his problem. I do not care if he worships a cow. I love Bob Dylan."

He pulls out a manuscript he wrote challenging the Islamists' interpretation of the Koran.

"The time is not right to publish this because I will be killed on sight," he said. "It contains loads of things they disagree with. The Salafists are just ignorant people."


In the courtyard at Abdullah Eshaab mosque, Hajaj, the deputy imam, gets out his laptop. With the mosque's armed guards standing nearby, he scrolls through photographs showing tombs that hardline Islamists have managed to destroy.

Some Islamists believe that tombs are a corruption of Islam's teachings because they turn graves into shrines and distract from the worship of God.

One image showed a small building in Misrata, 200 km (125 miles) east of Tripoli, in ruins. Hajaj said that was all that was left of the 400-year-old tomb of holy man Sidi Hamed al-Bikr, after the attackers fired anti-tank guns at it.

In Derna, near Libya's border with Egypt, he said Salafists had demolished the tomb of Sidi Nasr Aziz. He was a sheikh, or holy man, reputed to have been a companion of the Prophet Mohammed.

On the other side of Tripoli were more wrecked tombs. Attackers broke into the Sidi Nasr mosque at night, when no-one was there, said the head cleric there, Omran Ali Dayek.

They destroyed two tombs: one to a holy man who died in around 1760, and another to a sheikh who died 15 years ago. They removed the body from the more recent grave, and were about to dig up the second when they were disturbed and fled.

"We went to all the graveyards in the area looking for the body but we could not find it. His family came here crying, asking where the body is," said Dayek.

In the room where the tombs used to be, there are fresh concrete slabs where workers have covered up the graves.

Mosque-goers say the new authorities seem reluctant to take on the radical Islamists.

They point across the road at the offices of the state oil company, where a security camera points at the entrance of the mosque. They say it must have recorded the attack, but that the oil company will not surrender the tape.

"Lots of people have come here to ask questions and take photographs, but nobody does anything," said Dayek.

(Additional reporting by Ali Shuaib, Taha Zargoun, Marie-Louise Gumuchian and Oliver Holmes in Tripoli; Editing by Sonya Hepinstall)

De ZIONISTISCHE media draait overuren... Het publiek moet klaar worden gestoomt voor de slachting van de Arabieren...

02-12-11, 22:42
Q126. How should the graves be in Islam? What should be done on visiting the graveyard? (http://www.allaahuakbar.net/misconceptions/126.htm)

03-12-11, 17:03
France concerned over Islam influence
Sat Dec 3, 2011 3:54PM

French Youth and Association Junior Minister Jeannette Bougrab
A French minister has expressed concerns over the election successes of Islamic parties in several Arab countries in the North African region.

French Youth and Association Junior Minister Jeannette Bougrab, told the Le Parisien newspaper that the success of Islamic parties in nations like Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia are very worrying, AFP reported.

Bougrab added that legislation based on Islamic sharia law imposes restrictions on rights and freedoms.

The French minister also voiced that she was shocked to see that the 30 percent of Tunisians living in France, “who have the rights and freedoms here gave their votes” to the Ennahda party as well.

This is while the Islamic parties gained the votes of people arguing that the Islamic Sharia would help them gain their rights and freedoms that have been violated under authoritarian rules for decades.

Over the past few weeks, the Ennahda party won in Tunisia, the Justice and Development Party in Morocco, and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

A wave of popular uprisings and revolutions swept through North Africa and the Middle East in the last days of 2010, leading to the ouster of several long-ruling dictators.

03-12-11, 17:16
Egypt Islamists widen poll lead Many devout Egyptians gave their votes to Islamist parties

Latest results from the Egyptian elections indicate that Islamist parties are likely to have a strong majority in the new parliament.

The political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood and a more conservative Salafist Islamist party are leading, while secular liberals are behind.

However, most candidates will have to go through to two further rounds of voting over the next six weeks.

The Muslim Brotherhood called for the will of the people to be respected.

Salafists second

The BBC's Jon Leyne, in Cairo, says this is arguably the first fully free and fair election in Egyptian history.

Continue reading the main story

Jon Leyne

BBC News, Cairo

This is the first chance to see the strength of the Islamists, who look likely to win at least half of the seats in the new parliament. There are two very different sets of Islamists, and it is not at all certain that they will work together.

The Muslim Brotherhood look set to win the most votes. They have been keen to stress they are moderate and pragmatic.

By contrast, the Salafists, who could take second place, have made no attempt to soften their uncompromising views. They want to ban alcohol, segregate men and women, impose full shariah law, and are openly contemptuous of democracy.

Turnout was 62% in the vote, the first election since ex-President Hosni Mubarak was toppled in February.

Preliminary results show the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, is in the lead.

The Brotherhood - which led the opposition to Mr Mubarak during his 30 years in power - was until this year officially banned. In practice, it was tolerated as long as it remained at the margins of politics.

Its rivals accused the FJP of handing out food and medicine as a way of winning votes.

"We call upon everyone, and all those who associate themselves with democracy, to respect the will of the people and accept their choice," the Brotherhood said in a statement.

The early results put the ultra-conservative Salafist al-Nour Party in second place, followed closely by the coalition of liberal parties known as the Egyptian bloc.

Salafists call for a return to the way Islam was practised during the time of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions, in the 7th Century.

The voting on 28 and 29 November covered nine out of 27 provinces, which will elect about 30% of the 498-seat lower house of parliament.

Two further rounds are scheduled over the next six weeks.

The upper house will then be elected in another three stages

03-12-11, 17:20
France concerned over Islam influence
Sat Dec 3, 2011 3:54PM

French Youth and Association Junior Minister Jeannette Bougrab
A French minister has expressed concerns over the election successes of Islamic parties in several Arab countries in the North African region.

French Youth and Association Junior Minister Jeannette Bougrab, told the Le Parisien newspaper that the success of Islamic parties in nations like Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia are very worrying, AFP reported.

Bougrab added that legislation based on Islamic sharia law imposes restrictions on rights and freedoms.

The French minister also voiced that she was shocked to see that the 30 percent of Tunisians living in France, “who have the rights and freedoms here gave their votes” to the Ennahda party as well.

This is while the Islamic parties gained the votes of people arguing that the Islamic Sharia would help them gain their rights and freedoms that have been violated under authoritarian rules for decades.

Over the past few weeks, the Ennahda party won in Tunisia, the Justice and Development Party in Morocco, and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

A wave of popular uprisings and revolutions swept through North Africa and the Middle East in the last days of 2010, leading to the ouster of several long-ruling dictators.

Dit artikel doet de suggestie wekken dat de Moslimwereld beloont wordt voor haar opstanden tegen de voormalige regeringen.

Feit is echter dat de geschiedenis leert dat het reilen en zeilen van de dag na een revolutie niet tot verbetering heeft gezorgd ten opzichte van wat daaraan vooraf ging, ook al heeft zo'n revolutie bloed gekost.

De gevolgtrekking van deze wetenswaardigheid is dat een regeringswissel geen verandering teweeg kan brengen als de verandering niet breed in de maatschappij te zien is in hun handelen, doen en denken.

Revoluties zijn niet de juiste manier voor het teweeg brengen van verbetering.

Dit artikel doet alsof dit wel het geval is, met heel snikie een bezorgde Franse politicus.

De waarheid is niet verkiesbaar, derhalve zijn ook verkiezingen geen juist middel tot het teweeg brengen van verbetering.

Ook al kunnen de mensen goede dingen doen na verkozen te zijn, dan maakt dit een verkiezing nog niet als beste middel voor de aanloop daar naartoe.

Opstanden zoals die we in de Islamitische landen gezien hebben, zijn helaas niets anders dan de manieren die bekend staan bij de opstanden voor het teweeg brengen van communisme/socialisme.

De Islam leert zijn mensen om zakaat te heffen over bepaalde bezittingen en niet dat men moet kiezen tussen dictatuur en democratie - wat de twee uitersten zijn.

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/197885_171385706243698_100001168108004_338704_6910 076_n.jpg

03-12-11, 22:56
Die heeft helemaal niets geschreven.

Alles is 'van horen zeggen'.

O sorry dat was ik ff vergeten , het was toch een engel ?
Net zo als bij vader Abraham.

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03-12-11, 23:02
Strategy of Dajjal (Anti Chirst) by Sheikh Imran Hosein - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0_rY5Ovk-E)

Lijkt Sinterklaas wel ,moet ie alleen nog een mijter opzetten.
Vraag me af wat deze man gedronken heeft? gezien zijn lallende taal.
Zoek voortaan een minder aan het belachelijk toe grenzende bewijs.

04-12-11, 09:48
Djallaal-gelovigen zijn de islamvariant op de christelijke apocalipsaanhangers. Beide groepen zijn weliswaar volslagen idioot, maar wel vermakelijk hoor.

04-12-11, 12:34
Je kan wel lacherig doen over doemdenkers. Maar ik durf te wedden dat er in de komend 5 miljard jaar vast een keer de laatste woorden van een doemdenker, "I told you so." zijn. En dan heb je mooi ff geen stom laatste woord terug te zeggen.

04-12-11, 14:37
Je kan wel lacherig doen over doemdenkers. Maar ik durf te wedden dat er in de komend 5 miljard jaar vast een keer de laatste woorden van een doemdenker, "I told you so." zijn. En dan heb je mooi ff geen stom laatste woord terug te zeggen.

Voor elke "I told you so" zijn er 999 die een smoesje moeten verzinnen waarom hun voorspellingen niet zijn uitgekomen.

04-12-11, 17:16
Cairo (CNN) -- Islamist parties made dramatic advances in Egypt's parliamentary elections during the first round of voting for lawmakers this week, a result reflecting a growing embrace of religious-oriented sentiment across turbulent North Africa.

"We accept the results of the elections in any case because it's the will of the people, and our rivals should embrace it too because this is the true democracy we fought for and we wish our liberal brothers better results in the next two rounds," Mahmoud Ghozlan, spokesman of the relatively moderate Muslim Brotherhood, whose Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) won 40% of the vote.

Al Noor Salafi Movement, a hard-line Muslim group, had the second-highest total, 20%, in the first round of voting for the lower house of parliament, according to Yousri Abdel Kareem, head of the executive office of the Higher Judicial Election Council.

In the first election after the toppling of President Hosni Mubarak, the tallies reflected similar results in Morocco and Tunisia. Moderate Islamists in those North African nations prevailed in recent elections amid the wave of political discontent across the Arabic-speaking world this year.

Most Egyptians voted this week

Egypt's election results are in Secularists weren't surprised at the result but they were stunned that some longtime secular groups performed poorly.

"The strong showing of the Islamists should serve to mobilize more support for secular candidate," said Mohamed Ghoneim, speaking for the liberal Egyptian Bloc that garnered 15% of the vote. "We need to build on that and we are going for it."

Ghoneim said voters were turned off by some secular candidates because they come from Mubarak's old National Democratic Party.

The Muslim Brotherhood is entrenched in mainstream Egyptian politics. Most are highly educated -- doctors, lawyers, engineers, professors and businessmen -- and come from solidly middle-class backgrounds.

Al Noor Salafi is the first Salafist group to register as a political party in Egypt. Salafis are conservative, religious purists and have been accused of stoking sectarian strife against Egypt's Christian minority and of plotting to undermine the country's fledgling democracy.

This week's voting in Egypt marked the initial part of a complex, multi-step process that will first pick members of the lower house of parliament.

Voters had to cast three votes, two for independent candidates and one for a party or coalition. Four independent candidates won but runoff elections for those who didn't win clear majorities will be held Monday and Tuesday. One of the four is Amr Hamzawy, once a research director at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and a spokesman of the "Board of Wise Men," which worked to foster negotiations between the government and protesters.

Presidential elections will be held by June, according to the military, which has rulied the country since Mubarak's fall.

"The success of Islamist parties will make it much more difficult, if not impossible, for the Egyptian military to prolong its political control and to recreate a political system along the lines of Hosni Mubarak, as it appeared intent on doing." Marina Ottaway, a senior associate of Carnegie's Middle East program, said in an analysis on Friday.

Voter turnout was initially reported by the country's election board at 62%, but the board said it would recalculate the figure after reporters raised questions about the number of registered voters used in the calculation, suggesting the true figure was lower.

Abdel Moez Ibrahim, head of the judicial election committee said problems arose during the polling that will be addressed in the next round of voting. They include campaigning on the days of the elections, long lines and the late arrival of a limited number of ballots. Ibrahim said sending vehicles to pick up judges and handing out paper ballots the night before elections are among solutions to problems.

Ibrahim said the process has been triumphant for Egyptian democracy.

"The winner of these elections is the Egyptian people," he said.

As for the future, the Carnegie analysis says "the response of the military and secular parties, and the political acumen of the FJP" will determine whether the future government will be "dominated by Islamists, including hard-line Salafis, or a less threatening alliance of the FJP and secular parties," Ottaway said.

04-12-11, 18:15
Voor elke "I told you so" zijn er 999 die een smoesje moeten verzinnen waarom hun voorspellingen niet zijn uitgekomen.

Is dat zo.

04-12-11, 23:09
Voor elke "I told you so" zijn er 999 die een smoesje moeten verzinnen waarom hun voorspellingen niet zijn uitgekomen.

Ik ben bang dat het gros van die doem-voorspellende-leiders eerder een Jim Jones-truukje uithalen. Alles liever dan moeten uitleggen wat er mis gegaan is....

05-12-11, 05:43
Je kan wel lacherig doen over doemdenkers. Maar ik durf te wedden dat er in de komend 5 miljard jaar vast een keer de laatste woorden van een doemdenker, "I told you so." zijn. En dan heb je mooi ff geen stom laatste woord terug te zeggen.

Het ergste is dat het geen rocket science is en dat je zelf als je de moeite had genomen om je even "uit de waan van de dag" te onttrekken het misschien wel zelf had kunnen bedenken.

De meesten zijn echter te lui...

05-12-11, 09:07
Is dat zo.

Soort van. Zou jij deze (http://www.imranhosein.org/articles/signs-of-the-last-day/76-ten-major-signs-of-the-last-day-has-one-just-occurred.html) dan niet naar die 999 verschuiven? Waar is jou "I told you so"?

05-12-11, 10:40
Het ergste is dat het geen rocket science is en dat je zelf als je de moeite had genomen om je even "uit de waan van de dag" te onttrekken het misschien wel zelf had kunnen bedenken.

De meesten zijn echter te lui...

Overgave aan de waan van gisteren is niet beter.

05-12-11, 15:19
Soort van. Zou jij deze (http://www.imranhosein.org/articles/signs-of-the-last-day/76-ten-major-signs-of-the-last-day-has-one-just-occurred.html) dan niet naar die 999 verschuiven? Waar is jou "I told you so"?

Dat heb ik toch al gezegd: de laatste.