Bekijk Volledige Versie : Chinese generaal dreigt met WWIII als Iran wordt aangevallen...

04-12-11, 18:25
Chinese General Threatens US with World War 3 over Iran

Posted by EU Times on Dec 3rd, 2011 // 6 Comments


Chinese Major General Zhang Zhaozhong

US dispatches three more warships to Middle East.

A military General from the Chinese National Defense University says that China should not hesitate to protect Iran, even if it means launching world war three, as more US warships are dispatched to the region amidst heightening tensions.

According to NDTV, a Chinese news station based outside the country, in regard to recent speculation that Iran would be the target of a US-Israeli military assault, Major General Zhang Zhaozhong commented that, “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third world war,” remarks described as “puzzling to some”.

The news report also quotes Professor Xia Ming as paraphrasing Zhaozhong’s quote that, “not hesitating to fight a third world war would be entirely for domestic political needs.”

China has vehemently reaffirmed its alliance with Iran in recent weeks, most notably yesterday when it refused to criticize Iran for a raid on the British Embassy in Tehran launched by Iranian students earlier this week.

Both China and Russia have made it clear that they will veto any UN authorization of military action against Iran in the aftermath of claims that Iran is on the verge of developing a nuclear weapon.

“China has noted the tough reactions made by the relevant countries over this event and is concerned over the development of the situation,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei told reporters today.

“We hope relevant countries will keep calm and exercise restraint and avoid taking emotional actions that may rachet up the confrontation.”

Meanwhile, in a related development, three more US warships have been dispatched to join the USS John C. Stennis in the 5th fleet region.

With the Stennis, a Nimitz-class nuclear-powered supercarrier, already stationed just outside Iranian territorial waters, the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier has just been deployed from its home port to join the U.S. 5th Fleet AOR.

“In addition to the USS Carl Vinson’s departure, guided-missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill and guided-missile destroyer left in the morning, and the USS Halsey will depart at 2 p.m,” reports NBC SanDiego, adding that the ships are headed for the Middle East.

Fears of an imminent military assault on Syria were sparked when the USS George H.W. Bush left its usual theater of operations to position itself just off the Syrian coast, but the warship has now completed its mission and is sailing back to its home port in Norfolk Virginia.

04-12-11, 18:26
China Threatens World War Three If Anyone Attacks Iran 2011 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=l-3xeP7NFRE)

04-12-11, 18:30
Wat onchinees is dat.

Max Stirner
04-12-11, 22:44
Chinese General Threatens US with World War 3 over Iran

Posted by EU Times on Dec 3rd, 2011 // 6 Comments

China Threatens World War Three If Anyone Attacks Iran 2011 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=l-3xeP7NFRE)

Chinese Major General Zhang Zhaozhong

US dispatches three more warships to Middle East.

A military General from the Chinese National Defense University says that China should not hesitate to protect Iran, even if it means launching world war three, as more US warships are dispatched to the region amidst heightening tensions.

According to NDTV, a Chinese news station based outside the country, in regard to recent speculation that Iran would be the target of a US-Israeli military assault, Major General Zhang Zhaozhong commented that, “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third world war,” remarks described as “puzzling to some”.

The news report also quotes Professor Xia Ming as paraphrasing Zhaozhong’s quote that, “not hesitating to fight a third world war would be entirely for domestic political needs.”

China has vehemently reaffirmed its alliance with Iran in recent weeks, most notably yesterday when it refused to criticize Iran for a raid on the British Embassy in Tehran launched by Iranian students earlier this week.

Both China and Russia have made it clear that they will veto any UN authorization of military action against Iran in the aftermath of claims that Iran is on the verge of developing a nuclear weapon.

“China has noted the tough reactions made by the relevant countries over this event and is concerned over the development of the situation,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei told reporters today.

“We hope relevant countries will keep calm and exercise restraint and avoid taking emotional actions that may rachet up the confrontation.”

Meanwhile, in a related development, three more US warships have been dispatched to join the USS John C. Stennis in the 5th fleet region.

With the Stennis, a Nimitz-class nuclear-powered supercarrier, already stationed just outside Iranian territorial waters, the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier has just been deployed from its home port to join the U.S. 5th Fleet AOR.

“In addition to the USS Carl Vinson’s departure, guided-missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill and guided-missile destroyer left in the morning, and the USS Halsey will depart at 2 p.m,” reports NBC SanDiego, adding that the ships are headed for the Middle East.

Fears of an imminent military assault on Syria were sparked when the USS George H.W. Bush left its usual theater of operations to position itself just off the Syrian coast, but the warship has now completed its mission and is sailing back to its home port in Norfolk Virginia.

(De dictators van) Rusland en China hebben in Libië te lang een regime gesteund dat door de eigen bevolking gehaat werd en zij maken nu dezelfde fout in Iran en Syrië.

04-12-11, 23:45
(De dictators van) Rusland en China hebben in Libië te lang een regime gesteund dat door de eigen bevolking gehaat werd en zij maken nu dezelfde fout in Iran en Syrië.

zowel in iran als syrie kan de regering op veel steun rekenen van de bevolking.. inzake iran volg je mischien teveel de media van de oppositie?

04-12-11, 23:46
Chinese General Threatens US with World War 3 over Iran

Posted by EU Times on Dec 3rd, 2011 // 6 Comments

China Threatens World War Three If Anyone Attacks Iran 2011 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=l-3xeP7NFRE)

Chinese Major General Zhang Zhaozhong

US dispatches three more warships to Middle East.

A military General from the Chinese National Defense University says that China should not hesitate to protect Iran, even if it means launching world war three, as more US warships are dispatched to the region amidst heightening tensions.

According to NDTV, a Chinese news station based outside the country, in regard to recent speculation that Iran would be the target of a US-Israeli military assault, Major General Zhang Zhaozhong commented that, “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third world war,” remarks described as “puzzling to some”.

The news report also quotes Professor Xia Ming as paraphrasing Zhaozhong’s quote that, “not hesitating to fight a third world war would be entirely for domestic political needs.”

China has vehemently reaffirmed its alliance with Iran in recent weeks, most notably yesterday when it refused to criticize Iran for a raid on the British Embassy in Tehran launched by Iranian students earlier this week.

Both China and Russia have made it clear that they will veto any UN authorization of military action against Iran in the aftermath of claims that Iran is on the verge of developing a nuclear weapon.

“China has noted the tough reactions made by the relevant countries over this event and is concerned over the development of the situation,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei told reporters today.

“We hope relevant countries will keep calm and exercise restraint and avoid taking emotional actions that may rachet up the confrontation.”

Meanwhile, in a related development, three more US warships have been dispatched to join the USS John C. Stennis in the 5th fleet region.

With the Stennis, a Nimitz-class nuclear-powered supercarrier, already stationed just outside Iranian territorial waters, the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier has just been deployed from its home port to join the U.S. 5th Fleet AOR.

“In addition to the USS Carl Vinson’s departure, guided-missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill and guided-missile destroyer left in the morning, and the USS Halsey will depart at 2 p.m,” reports NBC SanDiego, adding that the ships are headed for the Middle East.

Fears of an imminent military assault on Syria were sparked when the USS George H.W. Bush left its usual theater of operations to position itself just off the Syrian coast, but the warship has now completed its mission and is sailing back to its home port in Norfolk Virginia.

Wat spreekt de Amerikaanse minister van buitenlandse zaken vloeiend Chinees he ?

05-12-11, 05:36
(De dictators van) Rusland en China hebben in Libië te lang een regime gesteund dat door de eigen bevolking gehaat werd en zij maken nu dezelfde fout in Iran en Syrië.

Libië was een sitting duck... En i.d.d. gehaat door eigen bevolking... Syrië is wat dat betreft ook een makkelijke prooi... Maar voor Iran geld dat zeker niet... Het Iraanse regime mag rekenen op steun van de meerderheid van de bevolking al is dat niet in het belang van de ZIONISTICHE politiek...

Max Stirner
05-12-11, 09:18
zowel in iran als syrie kan de regering op veel steun rekenen van de bevolking.. inzake iran volg je mischien teveel de media van de oppositie?

Volg ook wel eens Presstv, leuke zender is dat

05-12-11, 10:03
zowel in iran als syrie kan de regering op veel steun rekenen van de bevolking.. inzake iran volg je mischien teveel de media van de oppositie?

Wat Syrië betreft kunnen we dat dagelijks op de buis zien.

05-12-11, 10:05
Wat krijgen we na de griepepidemie en crisis................... oorlog. what is next?

mensen laat je niet zo in de gordijnen jagen door van alles en nog wat. Gewoon blijven ademhalen en positief blijven.

Hoe vaak ik de afgelopen weken wel niet heb gehoord dat ik gek ben om in deze tijd een eetwinkel te starten :D

05-12-11, 10:39
Wat krijgen we na de griepepidemie en crisis................... oorlog. what is next?

Hoe vaak ik de afgelopen weken wel niet heb gehoord dat ik gek ben om in deze tijd een eetwinkel te starten :D

Crisissen zijn juist heel handig om de hele boel weer eens grondig bij te sturen en bied weer volop kansen voor wie durft.

De benzine stroomt nog steeds de pomp uit zoveel we maar willen en is nog steeds niet op de bon. Autoloze zondagen hebben we ook al niet. Ons werkloosheidscijfer is nog steeds relatief zeer laag. Idem dito voor de rente op de kapitaalmarkt. De huizenprijzen dalen geleidelijk naar een reel bedrag. Wat wil je nog meer? Dat was in de jaren zeventig, met twee oliecrisissen en de benzine dan op de bon, en de jaren tachtig wel even anders. Werkloosheid die begon op te lopen tot meer dan 8 procent van de beroepsbevolking in 1983-1984, ofwel 639.000 over een periode langer dan 3 maanden en een hypotheekrente die steeg tot 13 procent.
Daarna, na alle genomen maatregelen, werden we er allemaal een hele tijd weer flink beter van.

Oké, het wordt hoog tijd dat er wat wordt gedaan aan die waanzinnig hoge nationale hypotheekschuld die steeds meer als een molensteen aan onze nek trekt, en ons steeds meer dreigt te verstikken.

Succes met de eettent.

05-12-11, 10:44
Wat krijgen we na de griepepidemie en crisis................... oorlog. what is next?

Heb je angst voor morgen
moet jevandaag gaan hangen. (http://www.songteksten.nl/songteksten/61477/robert-long/allemaal-angst.htm)

05-12-11, 11:41
Heb je angst voor morgen
moet jevandaag gaan hangen. (http://www.songteksten.nl/songteksten/61477/robert-long/allemaal-angst.htm)

Was het niet: en wie het bangst is die leeft het langst?

05-12-11, 12:59
Wat Syrië betreft kunnen we dat dagelijks op de buis zien.

ben bang dat we dagelijks getrakteerd worden op des- en misinformatie over de situatie in syrië..

05-12-11, 13:01
Volg ook wel eens Presstv, leuke zender is dat

vandaar dat je zo'n zwart-wit beeld hebt van de machthebbers in iran..

05-12-11, 13:09
ben bang dat we dagelijks getrakteerd worden op des- en misinformatie over de situatie in syrië..

Ongetwijfeld zolang er geen onpartijdige buitenlandse waarnemers worden toegelaten.

Max Stirner
05-12-11, 13:18
vandaar dat je zo'n zwart-wit beeld hebt van de machthebbers in iran..

Vanwege Presstv ?

05-12-11, 23:21
Ongetwijfeld zolang er geen onpartijdige buitenlandse waarnemers worden toegelaten.
