Bekijk Volledige Versie : Pleidoo: Publicaties met opzettelijk beledigen van religeuze symbolen en personen strafbaar stellen

16-09-12, 23:42
Hezbollah leader calls for ban on attacks on religious symbols

Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah speaks via a video link at a ceremony in Beirut, Lebanon, on February 7, 2012.

Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:31PM GMT

There should be resolutions adopted in top international institutions, which are binding on all states and governments in the world, to forbid the defamation of religions.”

Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah

Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah has called for the adoption of an international law to criminalize all forms of attacks against Islam and other religions.

In a speech broadcast on closed-circuit television in Lebanon on Sunday, Nasrallah said, “There should be resolutions adopted in top international institutions, which are binding on all states and governments in the world, to forbid the defamation of religions.”

He was speaking in reaction to a low-budget film recently made in the United States that insults Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

“Those who write or draw or make such a film would know that they would be punished wherever they are and they would not feel protected,” the Hezbollah secretary general stated.

He called on the Muslims across the world to protest against the anti-Islam film, which he described as “the worst attack ever on Islam, worse than the Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie, the burning of the Qur’an in Afghanistan, and the cartoons in the European media.”

“The whole world needs to see your anger on your faces, in your fists and your shouts… The whole world should know that the Prophet (PBUH) has followers who will not be silent in the face of humiliation,” he added.

Anti-US demonstrations, which began on September 11 over the anti-Islam film, have been held across the Muslim world, with protesters storming US embassies and torching US flags.

Muslims in Iran, Turkey, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Kashmir, Pakistan, India, Iraq, Gaza, Morocco, Syria, Kuwait, Nigeria, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Australia, Britain, the United States, France, Belgium, and some other countries have held many demonstrations to condemn the movie.

Nasrallah called on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to hold an extraordinary meeting on the issue. The Hezbollah chief also demanded an urgent Arab League session to discuss future moves against the sacrilegious film.

He also criticized the double standards practiced by European states and the US. Nasrallah referred to laws that impose heavy fines and even jail terms on anyone who questions the Holocaust or the Israeli occupation and atrocities.

The Hezbollah chief called on the US to hold those behind the movie accountable and prevent a possible screening of the entire two-hour video. He called for weeklong protests in Lebanon to condemn the provocative film.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Nasrallah urged Muslims to know the hidden goals of the people who produced the sacrilegious movie, and cautioned them to be vigilant.

“Those who made the movie knew that Muslims would be enraged by it, and attributed it to Christians to cause strife between Muslims and Christians. Israel wants to watch Muslims killing Christians and burning their churches.”

“Yet, Muslims released their anger on the US and Israel, and not on Christians, which is a positive sign,” Nasrallah noted.

17-09-12, 06:18
Waarom niet uitbreiden tot alle personen en symbolen en niet alleen religieuze symbolen en personen? Het zijn niet alleen de niet gelovigen die gelovigen beledigen. Andersom komt netzogoed voor!

17-09-12, 06:35
Waarom niet uitbreiden tot alle personen en symbolen en niet alleen religieuze symbolen en personen? Het zijn niet alleen de niet gelovigen die gelovigen beledigen. Andersom komt netzogoed voor!

Waarom niet gewoon je schouders ophalen over gelovingen die zichzelf zo special vinden dat er speciale wetten om ze te beschermen tegen de grote boze buiten-wereld voor ze moeten komen. Als die godjes van ze echt bestonden hadden ze die bescherming natuurlijk niet nodig. Het feit dat ze die bescherming nodig denken te hebben geeft aan dat ze of geen vertrouwen in hun eigen 'almachtige' gold hebben of dat die god gewoon niet bestaat. Een religie met een god die onmachtig is, of helemaal niet bestaat, is natuurlijk een valse religie en verdient geen bescherming.

18-09-12, 19:18
Why can't you people just respect other beliefs and their prophets ,even though you do not believe in them ?

Is that so difficult to grasp ?

Why do you feel the need or urge to insult , demonize , discriminate against , hate , exclude , ridicule ...them ?

Those who do just the latter gotta ask themselves why they do just that ?

There is a huge world of difference between healthy legetimate criticism and insults, demonizations, ....though

Why can't u see the difference ?

Is that so difficult to understand ?

See my signature here below : you do not seem to get this simplest thing

Why should we respect your cultures or democracies , western thought ...if u do not respect our belief and our prophet ?

P.S.: There gotta be something seriously wrong with people individuals, cultures, civilizations, societies ....that allow and practice the denigration, demonization, discrimination against , ... other beliefs and their prophets

18-09-12, 19:25
Why can'y people just respect other beliefs and their prophets ,even though they do not believe in them ?

Why do they feel the need or urge to insult , demonize , discriminate against , hate , exclude , ridicule ...them ?

Those who do just the latter gotta ask themselves why they do just that ?

There is a big difference between healthy legetimate criticism and insults, demonizations, ....though

Why can't u see the difference ?

Why should we respect your cultures or democracies , westrn thought ...if u do not respect our belief and our prophet ?

Kan niet, de waarheid moet gezegd worden!

18-09-12, 19:27
Why can'y people just respect other beliefs and their prophets ,even though they do not believe in them ?

Why do they feel the need or urge to insult , demonize , discriminate against , hate , exclude , ridicule ...them ?

Those who do just the latter gotta ask themselves why they do just that ?

There is a big difference between healthy legetimate criticism and insults, demonizations, ....though

Why can't u see the difference ?

Why should we respect your cultures or democracies , westrn thought ...if u do not respect our belief and our prophet ?

Blijf het altijd weer opvallend vinden dat gelovigen roepen dat anderen respect moeten tonen voor hun religie. Gemakshalve wordt maar even vergeten dat vanuit de verschillende religies er niet altijd respectvol wordt gesproken over homo's, vrouwen, niet gelovigen etc.

18-09-12, 19:34
Frans weekblad publiceert Mohammed-prenten

PARIJS - Midden in de crisis rond de anti-islamfilm Onschuld van moslims gooit Charlie Hebdo olie op het vuur.

Het Franse satirische weekblad publiceert woensdag karikaturen van de profeet Mohammed. ''De beelden zullen degenen choqueren die gechoqueerd willen worden'', aldus de hoofdredacteur.


18-09-12, 19:41
Kan niet, de waarheid moet gezegd worden!

wat waarheid ?

De waarheid is geen synoniem van ordinaire gescheld, demonizatie, discriminatie, haatzaaien, ordinaire belediging , propaganda ...........

18-09-12, 19:45
wat waarheid ?

De waarheid is geen synoniem van ordinaire gescheld, demonizatie, discriminatie, haatzaaien, ordinaire belediging , propaganda ...........

Welke waarheid? De ongemakkelijke feiten over de zogenaamde profeet Mohammed.

18-09-12, 19:45
Blijf het altijd weer opvallend vinden dat gelovigen roepen dat anderen respect moeten tonen voor hun religie. Gemakshalve wordt maar even vergeten dat vanuit de verschillende religies er niet altijd respectvol wordt gesproken over homo's, vrouwen, niet gelovigen etc.

Je verwaart religieus kritiek en vrijheid van geloof met beledigingnen joh

18-09-12, 19:49
Welke waarheid? De ongemakkelijke feiten over de zogenaamde profeet Mohammed.

Je mag wel geloven in wat je wilt , das jouw eigen aan je Godgegeven recht en vrijheid ,maar zonder ordinaire beledigingnen , demonizaties, discriminatie, haatzaaien .......

Is dat zo moelijk te snappen of kan je het verschil niet zien of weet je niet wat respect zou inhouden ?

18-09-12, 20:00
Frans weekblad publiceert Mohammed-prenten

PARIJS - Midden in de crisis rond de anti-islamfilm Onschuld van moslims gooit Charlie Hebdo olie op het vuur.

Het Franse satirische weekblad publiceert woensdag karikaturen van de profeet Mohammed. ''De beelden zullen degenen choqueren die gechoqueerd willen worden'', aldus de hoofdredacteur.


A French court had forbidden the illegal publication of the topless photos of the duchess of the UK....

Meten met 2 maten dus

18-09-12, 20:08
Je mag wel geloven in wat je wilt , das jouw eigen aan je Godgegeven recht en vrijheid ,maar zonder ordinaire beledigingnen , demonizaties, discriminatie, haatzaaien .......

Is dat zo moelijk te snappen of kan je het verschil niet zien of weet je niet wat respect zou inhouden ?

Als ik het mag geloven mag ik het ook zeggen. Maar het gaat hier niet om geloof, maar om een wetenschappelijk discours over Mohammed. Zoals ik al zei, freedom of speech.

18-09-12, 20:10
A French court had forbidden the illegal publication of the topless photos of the duchess of the UK....

Meten met 2 maten dus

Vergelijking slaat nergens op en getuigt van fundamenteel onbegrip.

18-09-12, 20:29
Als ik het mag geloven mag ik het ook zeggen. Maar het gaat hier niet om geloof, maar om een wetenschappelijk discours over Mohammed. Zoals ik al zei, freedom of speech.

wetenschappelijk discourse ? haha wat grappig en belachelijk pretentieus : echt iets typisch Slinger


Ik ga verder kijken naar Real vs Manchester city : heb ik wat meer aan


18-09-12, 20:33
Vergelijking slaat nergens op en getuigt van fundamenteel onbegrip.

Terecht vergelijking juist : het is een belediging voor de duchess om haar prive topless fotos te publiceren : schending van haar privacy ook wel ,onder ander

Belediging van de profeet is wat erger dus

18-09-12, 20:39
Terecht vergelijking juist : het is een belediging voor de duchess om haar prive topless fotos te publiceren : schending van haar privacy ook wel ,onder ander

Belediging van de profeet is wat erger dus

Het gaat inderdaad niet over belediging, maar over schending van haar privacy. Andere kwestie.

18-09-12, 20:40
wetenschappelijk discourse ? haha wat grappig en belachelijk pretentieus : echt iets typisch Slinger


Ik ga verder kijken naar Real vs Manchester city : heb ik wat meer aan


En ik naar Dortmund - Ajax. Topwedstrijd.

18-09-12, 22:19
Vergelijking slaat nergens op en getuigt van fundamenteel onbegrip.Nee, ze laat zien dat Verlicht een internet troll is die heel goed weet wat hij doet en dat die idioot, die steeds nodeloos engels gebruikt, er alleen maar op uit is om mensen hier te treiteren moge wel duidelijk zijn.

18-09-12, 23:32
Waarom alleen religieuze symbolen en personen? Wat maakt die beter dan andere?

Nasrallah mag eerst wel es ophouden met het vermoorden van Syriërs.

Het lef dat dat varken heeft.

18-09-12, 23:35
Why can't you people just respect other beliefs and their prophets ,even though you do not believe in them ?

Waarom wil jij mensen vermoorden die niemand aangeraakt hebben?

19-09-12, 08:06
Why can't you people just respect other beliefs and their prophets ,even though you do not believe in them ?

Omdat die zogenaamde profeet mijn respect niet heeft verdient -- en zich daar persoonlijk ook niet druk om schijnt te maken.

Wat mij verbaasd is dat er mensen zijn die zich druk maken of ik hun profeet, godje en religie respecteer. Wat kan jou dat schelen?

Good Kahuna
19-09-12, 08:12
Alleen mensen zijn te beledigen. Levende mensen. Met de rest kun je hooguit spotten. En wat mij betreft is niets boven spot verheven.

19-09-12, 11:27
Nee, ze laat zien dat Verlicht een internet troll is die heel goed weet wat hij doet en dat die idioot, er alleen maar op uit is om mensen hier te treiteren moge wel duidelijk zijn.

je projecteert te veel

19-09-12, 11:40
Why can't you people just respect other beliefs and their prophets ,even though you do not believe in them ?

Is that so difficult to grasp ?

Why do you feel the need or urge to insult , demonize , discriminate against , hate , exclude , ridicule ...them ?

Very true.

Unfortunately, that's what hatred can lead to.

19-09-12, 12:24
Je mag wel geloven in wat je wilt , das jouw eigen aan je Godgegeven recht en vrijheid ,maar zonder ordinaire beledigingnen , demonizaties, discriminatie, haatzaaien .......

Is dat zo moelijk te snappen of kan je het verschil niet zien of weet je niet wat respect zou inhouden ?

God bestaat wat mij betreft niet, mijn vrijheid heb ik dus niet aan God te danken, echter wel aan mensen die hebben gevochten voor de vrijheid welke ik nu ervaar in Nederland.

Waarom moet ik respect hebben voor een religie? Voor alle duidelijkheid, ik respecteer zowel het christendom als de islam NIET! Religies die anderen beknotten in hun vrijheid (bijv. homo's, vrouwen, niet gelovigen etc). hebben mijn respect NIET. Religies die slavernij toestaan, hebben mijn respect NIET!
En dat heeft niets te maken met de context waarin ik eea moet lezen. Slavernij is verwerpelijk, zowel nu als in het verleden. Wat moet ik met een god die kennelijk 2000 en 1400 jaar geleden heeft besloten dat slavernij wel kon?

Hiermee is niet gezegd dat ik gelovigen niet respecteer. Ik respecteer mensen op grond van hun gedragingen ed, hun eventuele geloof vind ik verder in het geheel niet belangrijk. Ik zal dus nooit mensen respecteren vanwege hun geloof, wel vanwege hun gedrag en voor dit laatset maakt het niet uit of en wat iemand gelooft.

19-09-12, 12:44
P.S.: There gotta be something seriously wrong with people individuals, cultures, civilizations, societies ....that allow and practice the denigration, demonization, discrimination against , ... other beliefs and their prophets

Of mensen in het algemeen. Waarom doe jij dat dan? Jij wil Rushdie dood hebben. Wie is hier nou de griezel?

19-09-12, 13:19
'Innocence Of Muslims' Protests: Egypt Issues Arrest Warrants For Terry Jones, 7 Coptic Christians

By SARAH EL DEEB 09/18/12 04:52 PM ET AP

CAIRO — Egypt's general prosecutor issued arrest warrants Tuesday for seven Egyptian Coptic Christians and a Florida-based American pastor and referred them to trial on charges linked to an anti-Islam film that has sparked riots across the Muslim world.

The case is largely symbolic since the seven men and one woman are believed to be outside of Egypt and unlikely to travel to the country to face the charges. Instead, the prosecutor's decision to take legal appears aimed at absorbing at least some of the public anger over the amateur film, which portrays the Prophet Muhammad as a fraud, womanizer and buffoon.

But some Christians and human rights groups expressed concern that trying people on charges of insulting religion, which also occurred to a degree under the secular-leaning regime of Hosni Mubarak, could only increase now that various strains of Islamists are gaining power. The arrest warrants were issued the same day that a Coptic teacher in southern Egypt received a prison sentence for Facebook postings deemed anti-Islamic, charges that predated the amateur film.

The prosecutor's office said in a statement that the eight accused, who include the film's alleged maker, face charges of harming national unity, insulting and publicly attacking Islam and spreading false information. The office said they could face the death penalty, if convicted.

Their case has been transferred to a criminal court, but no date for the trial has been set.

Among those charged is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, an Egyptian Copt living in southern California and believed to be behind the film. Florida-based Pastor Terry Jones, who has said he was contacted by the filmmaker to promote the video, as well as Morris Sadek, a conservative Coptic Christian in the U.S. who pushed the video on his website, are also among those charged.

The connection of the other five accused in the case to the film was not immediately clear. Most of them live in the United States. They include two who work with Sadek in a radical institute for Coptic Christians in the U.S. that has called for an independent Coptic state; a priest who hosts TV programs from the U.S., a lawyer who lives in Canada and who has previously sued the government for clashes in 2000 that left 21 Christians dead.

They also include a woman who had converted to Christianity from Islam years back and is a staunch critic of the religion.

"We are not going to respond to Egypt. We do not take that particular threat very seriously," Jones said.

He added he hoped the U.S. government "would take a radical stand" on the case "that carries a possible death penalty for a U.S. citizen for exercising his First Amendment rights."

Sadek's phone was switched off. The others could not be immediately reached for comment.

Ultraconservative Salafi lawyer Mamdouh Ismail praised the prosecutor's decision. While recognizing that the eight will be tried in absentia, Ismail said referring them to a court will help curb public anger.

"Now these are legal measures instead of angry reactions, whose consequences are undetermined," he said. "This would also set a deterrent for them and anyone else who may fall into this" offense.

The prosecutor's statement, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press, said that after studying the film investigators have determined that it contains scenes offensive to Islam and state institutions. It also says they questioned 10 plaintiffs before issuing the charges.

Nakoula, 55, told the AP in an interview last week outside Los Angeles that he was the manager of the company that produced "Innocence of Muslims." Jones also told AP that he was contacted by Nakoula to promote the movie.

Violence surrounding the film, clips of which appeared on YouTube, has included angry protests outside U.S. embassies worldwide and an attack on the American Consulate in Libya that killed the U.S. ambassador.

Both the Christians and rights groups say charges of insulting religion, vague in what constitutes an insult, are only pressed against offenses to Islam, and never to Christianity.

A Muslim preacher who tore the Bible in protest over the offensive film remains free without any charges. Another Coptic Christian who posted the film on his Facebook page and has posted other videos discussing the merits of atheism is currently under 15 days detention on accusations of insulting religion.

A Coptic teacher was sentenced Tuesday to six years for posting on his Facebook page drawings that were deemed to be insulting the Prophet, as well as comments considered an affront to the country's current president. The charges predate the amateur film, but anger was heightened outside the courtroom in southern Egypt, and many Islamists protested the sentence as too meager.

Medhat Klada, a Coptic Christian living in Switzerland, said the accused are referred to criminal trials without even interrogation.

"This is only to absorb public anger but there is no justice in Egypt," he said. "These charges are now used with force because of the rise of political Islam and the fierce fight" between the different strands among these groups.

Amr Gharbeia, a program director with the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, argued against the constitutionality of the charges.

"This is not a call for prosecuting those who insult Christians or Shiites, but if we are going to use this charge only in one direction (against insulting Islam), then we should just call it off," he said.

'Innocence Of Muslims' Protests: Egypt Issues Arrest Warrants For Terry Jones, 7 Coptic Christians (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/18/innocence-of-muslims-egypt-terry-jones_n_1893315.html)

19-09-12, 20:18
je projecteert te veelVerlicht is een internet troll. Dat is eenvoudig te zien.