Bekijk Volledige Versie : nieuws Marokkaanse middelbare scholiere excelleert bij Franse schoolexamens

08-07-14, 23:52

Ook in Frankrijk zitten de schoolexamens erop en de resultaten zijn inmiddels bekend. Dit jaar is zijn de Franse schoolexamens het best gemaakt door Myriam Bourhail, een Française van Marokkaanse afkomst.

De Marokkaanse maakte haar schoolexamens bijna geheel foutloos. De enige vakken waar zij punten liet liggen waren sport, geschiedenis, aardrijkskunde en filosofie alhoewel zij daar ook ver boven het gemiddelde scoorde. Bij de andere vakken, Engels, Spaans, wiskunde, geologie en natuurkunde, haalde zij de maximale punten.

De vader van het meisje, Mohamed Bourhail, is apetrots. In zijn jonge jaren was de vader zelf begonnen aan een studie Wiskunde, maar deze moest hij helaas onderbreken. Het Marokkaanse meisje genoot de volle steun van haar Franse leraren, welke ook erg trots op haar prestatie zijn.

Ook de zus en broer van Myriam doen het goed. Zij studeren beiden Biologie aan een Franse universiteit. Myriam zelf heeft nu de universiteiten voor het uitkiezen, zelfs de grote namen waar je niet zo makkelijk binnen komt. Het meisje denkt er over na om geneeskunde te studeren.

Foto: Glaswerk (https://www.flickr.com/photos/48383090@N05/)

09-07-14, 19:12
France: Moroccan Student Gets the Highest Score on the Baccalaureate Exams

Scoring 21.03 out of 20 (799 points out of 760) Myriam surprised herself for having exceeded her own expectations.

Recently celebrating her 18th birthday, this young French-Moroccan’s efforts were rewarded after a year of devoted studying and hard work. Although Myriam was confident in her ability to score high, she did not expect to achieve such an amazing feat.

According to Union Press, Myriam’s lowest grades were 15/20 in sports, 18/20 in History and Geography, and 19/20 in Philosophy. Apart from these three “low” grades, Myriam scored 20 out of 20 in subjects including English, Spanish, physics, mathematics and SVT (Sciences of Life and Earth).

Thest udent thanked her teachers for their patience and dedication that enabled her to achieve this remarkable score. In turn, her teachers applauded her diligence and perseverance that led her to this noteworthy accomplishment.

Mohamed Bourhail, Myriam’s father, is a Franco-Moroccan worker who interrupted his studies after obtaining a degree in Mathematics and Natural Sciences to cope with the constraints of life. Still, he is committed to his children’s wellbeing and education and strives to provide them with opportunities he never had— continuing their studies and the luxury of choosing their own path.

The father’s mission is accomplished as Myriam’s elder sister recently earned her degree in the Sciences of Life and Earth (SVT) and plans to apply for a master’s program next year. Myriam’s second sister is about to test for her biology degree while her brother is studying towards his diploma.

Now, Myriam is considering higher education. She needs only choose as the most prestigious institutes and universities welcome her with open arms. Myriam has expressed interest in studying medicine.

France: Moroccan Student Gets the Highest Score on the Baccalaureate Exams | Morocco World News (http://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2014/07/134067/france-moroccan-student-gets-the-highest-score-on-the-baccalaureate-exams/)

09-07-14, 19:32
France: Moroccan Student Gets the Highest Score on the Baccalaureate Exams

Scoring 21.03 out of 20 (799 points out of 760) Myriam surprised herself for having exceeded her own expectations.

Recently celebrating her 18th birthday, this young French-Moroccan’s efforts were rewarded after a year of devoted studying and hard work. Although Myriam was confident in her ability to score high, she did not expect to achieve such an amazing feat.

According to Union Press, Myriam’s lowest grades were 15/20 in sports, 18/20 in History and Geography, and 19/20 in Philosophy. Apart from these three “low” grades, Myriam scored 20 out of 20 in subjects including English, Spanish, physics, mathematics and SVT (Sciences of Life and Earth).

Thest udent thanked her teachers for their patience and dedication that enabled her to achieve this remarkable score. In turn, her teachers applauded her diligence and perseverance that led her to this noteworthy accomplishment.

Mohamed Bourhail, Myriam’s father, is a Franco-Moroccan worker who interrupted his studies after obtaining a degree in Mathematics and Natural Sciences to cope with the constraints of life. Still, he is committed to his children’s wellbeing and education and strives to provide them with opportunities he never had— continuing their studies and the luxury of choosing their own path.

The father’s mission is accomplished as Myriam’s elder sister recently earned her degree in the Sciences of Life and Earth (SVT) and plans to apply for a master’s program next year. Myriam’s second sister is about to test for her biology degree while her brother is studying towards his diploma.

Now, Myriam is considering higher education. She needs only choose as the most prestigious institutes and universities welcome her with open arms. Myriam has expressed interest in studying medicine.

France: Moroccan Student Gets the Highest Score on the Baccalaureate Exams | Morocco World News (http://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2014/07/134067/france-moroccan-student-gets-the-highest-score-on-the-baccalaureate-exams/)

Een slimme meid....

draagt geen hoofddoekje!

09-07-14, 19:51
Mogelijk heeft deze moderne jonge vrouw , er niet bij stil gestaan dat je een hoofddoekje dient te dragen als vrouw !
Hopelijk krijgt ze niet dezelfde rechter als de Marokkaanse mannen die het waagden om een broodje te nuttigen tijdens de Ramadan .
Want dan kon het wel een s afgelopen zijn met haar studie ( ze zal toch maar een TE WIJS worden!


09-07-14, 19:58
France: Moroccan Student Gets the Highest Score on the Baccalaureate Exams

Scoring 21.03 out of 20 (799 points out of 760) Myriam surprised herself for having exceeded her own expectations.

Recently celebrating her 18th birthday, this young French-Moroccan’s efforts were rewarded after a year of devoted studying and hard work. Although Myriam was confident in her ability to score high, she did not expect to achieve such an amazing feat.

According to Union Press, Myriam’s lowest grades were 15/20 in sports, 18/20 in History and Geography, and 19/20 in Philosophy. Apart from these three “low” grades, Myriam scored 20 out of 20 in subjects including English, Spanish, physics, mathematics and SVT (Sciences of Life and Earth).

Thest udent thanked her teachers for their patience and dedication that enabled her to achieve this remarkable score. In turn, her teachers applauded her diligence and perseverance that led her to this noteworthy accomplishment.

Mohamed Bourhail, Myriam’s father, is a Franco-Moroccan worker who interrupted his studies after obtaining a degree in Mathematics and Natural Sciences to cope with the constraints of life. Still, he is committed to his children’s wellbeing and education and strives to provide them with opportunities he never had— continuing their studies and the luxury of choosing their own path.

The father’s mission is accomplished as Myriam’s elder sister recently earned her degree in the Sciences of Life and Earth (SVT) and plans to apply for a master’s program next year. Myriam’s second sister is about to test for her biology degree while her brother is studying towards his diploma.

Now, Myriam is considering higher education. She needs only choose as the most prestigious institutes and universities welcome her with open arms. Myriam has expressed interest in studying medicine.

France: Moroccan Student Gets the Highest Score on the Baccalaureate Exams | Morocco World News (http://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2014/07/134067/france-moroccan-student-gets-the-highest-score-on-the-baccalaureate-exams/)

Ben je niet super trots op deze moderne vrouw die schijt heeft aan een hoofddoekje ??

En gewoon zelf beslist wat ze wil ??
:zegniets: hoor want je gaat op je bek .