Bekijk Volledige Versie : Iraanse wetenschapper al 1 jaar illegaal in hechtenis in VS?

13-10-19, 15:11
Het begon met Guantanamo Bay en wordt steeds ridiculer... VS is een Jungle...


Iranian scientist imprisoned illegally in US for one year
Sun Oct 13, 2019 11:16AM [Updated: Sun Oct 13, 2019 11:31AM ]

Iranian stem cell scientist Dr. Masoud Soleimani
On October 25, 2018, an airplane carrying Iranian professor Masoud Soleimani heading to the United States on a research mission touched down at a Chicago airport. One year on, the stem cell scientist remains incarcerated without a fair trial.

The 49-year-old Iranian professor and biomedical researcher at Tehran's Tarbiat Modares University, who was traveling to the US with a visa issued upon an invitation by a US research center, was detained by the FBI upon arrival.

The Mayo Clinic in Minnesota had invited Soeimani to lead a research program on the treatment of stroke patients.

Prosecutors in Atlanta have accused Soleimani, who works in stem cell research, hematology and regenerative medicine, and two of his former students of conspiring and attempting to export biological materials from the US to Iran without authorization, in violation of American sanctions.

The two students were charged in a court and released after posting bail because they held US citizenship.

Federal prosecutors claim the attempted transport was illegal and secretly obtained an indictment against Soleimani in June 2018.

The undated photo shows Iranian stem cell scientist Dr. Masoud Soleimani (center front) among a group of students and colleagues.
During his sole court appearance on May 14, 2019, Soleimani was charged with trying to transfer to Iran via his students a few vials of growth hormone -- a substance readily available on the market and not subject to sanctions.

Academics and social media activists have launched an online campaign, calling for Soleimani's immediate release from US jail.
Soleimani is reportedly suffering from several health problems which have been aggravated during his incarceration.

Moreover, he has lost his mother during his time in jail, of which he remains uninformed.

Social media activists have launched a campaign with the hashtag #Free_Masoud_Soleimani to draw global attention to the case of the imprisoned Iranian scientist, one year on.

13-10-19, 15:50

Wizz, lees The Guardian eens na. Die krant is serieuzer dan Presstv.com.

De vraag is : werden nou de VS-sancties genegeerd door de wetenschappers OF....

quote : Lawyers for the three scientists say their clients did nothing wrong. They argue no specific license was required because the proteins are medical materials and that bringing them to Iran for noncommercial purposes does not amount to exporting goods.

Uitspraak volgt.

super ick
13-10-19, 16:28
Tja, advocaten ontkennen schuld. Dan weet je dus nog niets.

Weer een opvallend berichtje van hypocriet Wizje. Niets over het verhangen van homoseksuelen in Iran. Past niet in straatje. Als er omgedraaid misschien iets mis is dan direct aandacht vragen.

13-10-19, 16:51
Dr. Suleiman zit wel al 11 maanden in voorarrest.
Het is geen crimineel maar iemand die iets normaals deed (volgens mijn opvatting dan ;) ) : een stof die je nodig hebt voor je medische onderzoek goedkoper inkopen in de VS omdat het in je eigen land schreeuwend duur is.

Als het helder was geweest dat hij er 20 jaar cel voor zou kunnen krijgen had ie het niet gedaan. Zo duur was die stof nou ook weer niet, nog afgezien van het feit dat hij waarschijnlijk netje opgevoed is. (geen stoute dingen doen, Masoudje !)

Is die hechtenis-duur normaal ?