Bekijk Volledige Versie : Why Not Train Israelis in the Art of Decolonization?

29-12-02, 21:46
"The Arabs may need to learn what democracy is all about but the Israeli need to learn some basic lessons in humanity is far greater .."


29-12-02, 21:58
Writing in English does not make a statement more interesting or more valid.

My good advice to you, write it down in Dutch first, read it, if it looks like like crap in Dutch do NOT translate it. It will stay crap.

29-12-02, 22:33
Geplaatst door Onno25
Writing in English does not make a statement more interesting or more valid.

My good advice to you, write it down in Dutch first, read it, if it looks like like crap in Dutch do NOT translate it. It will stay crap.


29-12-02, 22:38
Ohja die walgelijke foto.

Het IOF komt graag bij de mensen thuis!

Nu voor onder de kerstboom, een levensechte IOF pop, terroristen blijven gegarandeerd buiten.

30-12-02, 22:31
toevallig ben ik niet degene die de tekst heeft geschreven.........dat even terzijde!