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06-01-03, 22:40
India Plans Legislation to Curb Madrasahs, Mosques

New Delhi, January 6 (IslamOnline) – India’s federal government is planning legislation to curb madrasahs, mosques and other religious institutions, claiming such institutions are likely to be used for what it calls “subversive activities.”

The move is to be initiated following a long, but largely unconvincing, propaganda campaign by the anti-Muslim BJP-led government targeting madrasahs for unsubstantiated calumny. At a later stage, a vicious campaign against mosques too was included in the larger program.

The BJP and allied organizations of “Sangh family” are ideologically committed to destroy Muslim identity while at the same time building a network of their own schools. These Sangh family schools are called Shishu Vihars (children’s garden) and Bal Vidya Mandir (children’s educational temples). Reportedly, over thirty thousand such private schools have sprung up all over the country during the last few years.

The Indian government has never been able, however, to substantiate BJP’s and it’s allied organization’s charges against Muslim madrasahs and mosques.

Even after trying for nearly four years to bring a “White Paper” putting the madrasahs in the dock, the federal home ministry failed to produce a convincing document. Still the central government in News Delhi has insisted that in the coastal and border areas such institutions have “grown to threaten national security”.

Forced by Muslim leaders either to show proof or remain silent, a high government official could only manage to say that there was some risk from madrasahs on the “Nepalese territory” across the border.

This has not prevented government from raiding major madrasahs all over India, without getting a shred of evidence against any one of them. All that the campaign has done is vilification of Islam and Muslims, thus undermining the country’ s emotional integrity.

In his efforts to indict madrasahs, the federal Home Minister and Deputy Prime Minister LK Advani formed a “group of ministers” headed by himself. In a report compiled by the committee, the group claimed that the exponential growth of madrasahs teaching “fundamentalist ideology is detrimental to the country’s communal harmony.”

India’s Muslim leadership has expressed dissatisfaction with the vague, slanderous tone of the report, which made insinuations without giving any proof against a single madrasah being “misused” by agents of Pakistan’s Inter Service Intelligence (ISI).

The new legislation is meant to curb madrasahs, mosques and Muslim monasteries. Similar laws already exist in some Indian states like Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh.

Though such curbs will in principle also apply to Hindu institutions, organizations running them generally belong to the “Sangh family”, which does not have much regard for the law, and law-enforcment agencies have never seriously investigated their activities and accounts. Ultimately, it will be the Muslims (and to some extent, Christians) who have to suffer.

Lately, the federal government has been saying that it would be “regulating” madrasahs by keeping a watch on them and introducing “modern” subjects in the curricula.

Muslims generally accept the need for such improvement, but resent the unsubstantiated calumny, which has increased under the Hindu nationalist BJP regime.
