Bekijk Volledige Versie : Veel moslimmeisjes mishandeld

June 5, 1967
13-02-03, 08:35
In Nederland worden steeds meer allochtone meisjes tussen 12 en 18 jaar mishandeld. Het aantal meldingen bij de hulpverlening en op middelbare scholen stijgt explosief; zo kreeg het Meldpunt Veilig Huis in Utrecht de afgelopen twee jaar tijd tien keer zoveel vragen om hulp van allochtone meiden.

Volgens verklaringen van diverse opvanginstellingen vinden de mishandelingen plaats binnen familie verband. Met geweld proberen vaders en broers de meisjes in het gareel te dwingen en te kiezen voor de eigen cultuur. Vooral de te westerse houding van de moslimmeisjes stuit veel mannen tegen de borst.

Het tv-programma Nova besteedde afgelopen dinsdag in een uitzending ook aandacht aan deze kwestie. De hulpverlening aan de meisjes zou enorm te kort schieten vanwege de lange wachtlijsten. Bovendien heeft iedere regio zijn eigen aanpak.

Bron: fok & nova


MokroMike II
13-02-03, 08:40

Enquiry into domestic violence among ethnic minorities

According to an enquiry carried out by Intomart into Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese, Antilleans and Arubans living in the Netherlands, domestic violence is a common problem among ethnic minorities as well. The enquiry was commissioned by the Ministry of Justice and reveals that the level of domestic violence practised in the ethnic minority population is disturbingly high, but that it is reported less frequently than demonstrated by the equivalent enquiry into families of Dutch origin. Closer analysis of the data emerging from the enquiry, combined with investigators’ experiences and discussions with minority experts, reveal that in all probability violence was underreported for the enquiry. Investigators say this is connected with the sensitivity of the subject as well as the fact that it is little talked about.

In 1997 the Ministry of Justice commissioned a quantitative enquiry into domestic violence among families of Dutch origin. In order to gain a clearer picture of the full nature and extent of domestic violence, it was decided (following a feasibility study in 2000) to carry out another enquiry, set up in the same way, into ethnic minorities. This enquiry shows that 1 in 4 of the 849 respondents is a victim (or has been one) of domestic violence. The 1997 enquiry into families of Dutch origin revealed that over 40% of people have been victims at least once in their lives. In view of the indications that people are reluctant to discuss the subject, investigators conclude that the figures established by the enquiry constitute a lower limit. Thus the extent of domestic violence cannot be determined precisely. Furthermore, the groups investigated reported incidents of violence in varying degrees. Antilleans and Surinamese report more domestic violence than Moroccans and Turks.

At the advice of the monitoring committee, the Ministry of Justice has decided to take the results as a point of departure for further discussions with minority organizations. It will look into the question whether agreement exists as to suspicions of underreporting, and determine whether ethnic minorities would like to see specific action taken. The object is to establish an approach that conforms to the government policy document "Private Violence – Public Issue" (April 2002).
