Bekijk Volledige Versie : George, I called you because I had this incredible dream....

De Rode Roos
10-04-03, 21:12
Saddam called President Bush and said: "George, I called you because I
had this incredible dream last night. I could see all of America, and
it was beautiful and on top of every building, there was a flag."

Bush said:"Sadam, what was on the flag?"

Saddam said: "Allah is G-d, G-d is Allah".

Bush said: "You know, Saddam, I'm really glad you called because last
night I had a dream too. I could see all of Bagdad, and it was even more
beautiful than before the war, it had been completely rebuilt. And on
every building there was a flag."

Saddam said: "George, what was on the flag?"

Bush replied: "I really don't know, I can't read Hebrew!"
