Bekijk Volledige Versie : Saving the universe by restricting research

16-04-03, 02:47
Saving the universe by restricting research
Astrophysicist says technology has potential to annihilate

Keay Davidson, Chronicle Science Writer Monday, April 14, 2003

History's worst technological catastrophes could kill millions or billions of people in this century, and to prevent them, society may need to consider restricting specific types of scientific research, a famed astrophysicist proposes in a new book.

The proposal by Sir Martin Rees, Britain's astronomer royal, is an unusually high-placed challenge to the scientific community's traditional belief in the value of research that is "pure," unrestricted and independent of public oversight.

Because of the growing sophistication and proliferation of biotechnology, computer technology and nanotechnology, civilization could be ravaged or destroyed by irrational or evil amateur scientists who operate alone or in small groups akin to the terrorists of Sept. 11, 2001, Rees warns in the book, "Our Final Hour," just published by Basic Books.

As a result, "I think the odds are no better than 50-50 that our present civilization on Earth will survive to the end of the present century," Rees says.

Doomsday books have appeared for centuries. But Rees' book is unique, and not only because of his fame as a Cambridge University professor who is not prone to making scary public statements. Rees is one of the world's leading authorities on black holes and the origins and evolution of the universe.

Another reason is that the book defies the scientific community's long- standing taboo on suggestions that humanity might be better off by not exploring certain avenues of science.

Only rarely have such suggestions been taken seriously in the scientific community, and never permanently. The most famous instance is the so-called Asilomar agreement of the 1970s, in which molecular biologists meeting at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove temporarily agreed to limit their research because of concerns about possible accidents that might damage the environment.

He considers, for example, speculation that scientists might invent micro- robots that could reproduce out of control and devour Earth's surface, or that physicists might accidentally generate black holes or "rips" in the space-time continuum that could destroy Earth.

"Some experiments could conceivably threaten the entire Earth," he writes. "How close to zero should the claimed risk be before such experiments are sanctioned?"

As a case study of such "extreme risks," Rees cites a controversial project that began in 2000 at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island. Physicists there have used a particle accelerator to try to create a "quark- gluon plasma," a soup of extremely hot, dense subatomic particles that mimic conditions of the "Big Bang" that spawned our cosmos 13.7 billion years ago.

Critics speculated that this high concentration of energy might have one of three undesirable results:

-- It could form a black hole -- an object with such immense gravitational pull that nothing could escape, not even light -- which would "suck in everything around it."

-- The quark particles might form a very compressed object called a strangelet, "far smaller than a single atom," that could "infect" surrounding matter and "transform the entire planet Earth into an inert hyperdense sphere about 100 meters across."

-- Space itself, an invisible froth of subatomic forces and short-lived particles, might undergo a "phase transition" like water molecules that freeze into ice. Such an event could "rip the fabric of space itself. The boundary of the new-style vacuum would spread like an expanding bubble," devouring Earth and, eventually, the entire universe beyond it.

Could such bizarre tragedies really happen? To reassure the residents of Long Island and critics beyond, Brookhaven physicists presented calculations indicating the answer was no. Indeed, independent evidence indicates that similar concentrations of energy occur naturally in the cosmos, because of the interaction of cosmic-ray particles, without tearing the fabric of space.

Although Rees finds such counterarguments "reassuring" and believes a catastrophe is "very, very improbable," he cautions that "we cannot be 100 percent sure what might actually happen."

Which triggers his core question: Even if the odds against such a cosmic disaster are vanishingly small -- one estimate is 1 in 50 million -- are the potential benefits of the experiment worth risking the worst-case outcome, namely the annihilation of Earth and the entire universe?

Speaking of science in general, he says: "No decision to go ahead with an experiment with a conceivable 'Doomsday downside' should be made unless the general public (or a representative group of them) is satisfied that the risk is below what they collectively regard as an acceptable threshold. It isn't good enough to make a slapdash estimate of even the tiniest risk of destroying the world."

Should financial support "be withdrawn from a line of 'pure' research, even if it is undeniably interesting, if there is reason to expect that the outcome will be misused? I think it should, especially since the present (funding) allocation among different sciences is itself the outcome of a complicated 'tension' between extraneous factors."

Rees also entertains the creepier risks of nanotechnology, one goal of which is the construction of super-small robots that replicate like viruses. "Nanobots" might have useful purposes -- for example, patrolling the body for cancer cells. But some, including two Bay Area figures, nanotech guru Eric Drexler and Bill Joy, chief scientist at Sun Microsystems, have speculated that they might race out of control, devouring all matter and reducing Earth's surface to a "gray goo."

Rees waffles on the question of whether such a weird threat is possible. "After 2020," he cautions, "nanobots could be a reality; indeed, so many people may try to make nanoreplicators that the chance of one attempt triggering disaster would become substantial. It is easier to conceive of extra threats than of effective antidotes."

Rees admits there are no easy answers to the futuristic crises he depicts. Restrictions on research could backfire, for example: "The same techniques that could lead to voracious 'nanobots' might also be needed to create the nanotech analogue of vaccines that could immunize against them," he writes.

"I wouldn't characterize myself as being unrelievedly gloomy," Rees said in a recent phone interview. "It's just that the more I have followed science and its potential, the more I have been aware of both the exciting hopes and the unintended downsides."

E-mail Keay Davidson at [email protected]

16-04-03, 07:56
man man man waar halen ze die achtelijke ludieten vandaan

-- It could form a black hole -- an object with such immense gravitational pull that nothing could escape, not even light -- which would "suck in everything around it." tuurlijk je hebt een zonsmassa nodig die paar keer zo groot is als die van onze zon maar he die heb je altijd in je burola liggen

natuulijk kunnen er gevolgen zijn van technologie, overigens is de mens als levend wezen verantwoordelijk voor meer dan welke tech ook

maar die gevolgen kunnen ook positief zijn

dit zijn de zelfde gedachten van type die dachten dat de trein met zijn 18 km per uurt gevaarlijk was je armen zouden er wel eens afkunnen vliegen

16-04-03, 08:24
Ludieten ahoi!

Wat een prachtig stukje: dit doet mij naar de tijd verlangen dat elk rijdend automobiel voorafgegaan werd door een immer stapvoets (!) loopende knecht die een roode vlag omhooghield om de menschen te waarschuwen voor het naderend gevaar! Of toen de boeren nog eisten dat de spoorlijnen van de Nederlandsche Spoorweegen met houten omheiningen werden omgeven, omdat ijzeren paarden den koeien zoo zeer zouden laten schrikken dat zij zeeker zure melk geven zouden!

16-04-03, 15:47
Hahahaha, lol. Ik moet misschien maar eens gaan lezen wat ik post. :o

16-04-03, 16:17
Geplaatst door mrz
Hahahaha, lol. Ik moet misschien maar eens gaan lezen wat ik post. :o



16-04-03, 23:55
Martin Rees (Institute of Astronomy / King's College )

Martin Rees is a Royal Society Research Professor and a fellow of King's College at the University of Cambridge. He holds the honorary title of Astronomer Royal and also Visiting Professor at Imperial College London and at Leicester University. After studying at the University of Cambridge, he held post-doctoral positions in the UK and the U.S., before becoming a professor at Sussex University. In 1973, he became Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy at Cambridge (continuing in that post until 1991) and served for ten years as director of Cambridge's Institute of Astronomy.

He is a foreign associate of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and is an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Pontifical Academy, and several other foreign academies. His awards include the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, the Balzan International Prize, the Bruce Medal of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, the Heinemann Prize for Astrophysics (AAS/AIP), the Bower Award for Science of the Franklin Institute, and the Cosmology Prize of the Peter Gruber Foundation.. He has been president of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (1994-95) and the Royal Astronomical Society (1992-94) and a trustee of the British Museum and NESTA. He is currently on the Board of Trustees of the Kennedy Memorial Trust, the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study and the Institute for Public Policy Research, and has served on many bodies connected with education, space research, arms control and international collaboration in science.

He is the author or co-author of nearly 500 research papers, mainly on astrophysics and cosmology, as well as six books (four for general readership), and numerous magazine and newspaper articles on scientific and general subjects. He has broadcast and lectured widely and held various visiting professorships, etc.

His main current research interests are

(i) High energy astrophysics -- especially gamma ray bursts, galactic nuclei, black hole formation and radiative processes (including gravitational waves).

(ii) Cosmic structure formation -- especially the early generation of stars and galaxies that formed at high redshifts at the end of the cosmic 'dark age'.

(iii) General cosmological issues.

Bron. (http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/IoA/staff/mjr/)

1) hoe kun je in hemelsnaam een tegenargument tegenover(?) zo iemand inbrengen ... ?

2) who da hell he thinks he is ! ..

maar seriously, kdenk wel dat ie een . heeft ,want toen ik de titel v/d thread voor het eerst las, moest ik gelijk denken aan een (bekende?)uitdrukking : "je bent pas vrij als je je grenzen kent" .... :alien:

16-04-03, 23:58
P.S. Rest ons nu nog het wachten op de onvermijdelijke opmerking over de gevaren van evolutietheorie op de moraal van de mensheid.

Moraal van de mensheid? Erm, if you fight love you're always the loser?

Ons rest alleen nog het besef dat genetische manipulatie inteelt is.
En vice versa.

Gaap. :slaap:

17-04-03, 21:44
Geplaatst door EdV
Terry Pratchet ook al gelezen, mrz?
Je stijgt in mijn achting.


Pratches, hitchhikers guide, startrek etc. allemaal ZWAAR het terrein van de nerds...dat weten jullie wel he :bril:

18-04-03, 12:35
Ik heb nog een oud boekje van Rees, in een bijna bespottelijk belerende stijl..
Toch heeft die man ergens een punt..

Leven stelt zich gewoon in op de gevaren die er zijn.
En sinds de mens de knots, het buskruit, en endemol uitvond, kon de mens zich óok daar op instellen.
Maar technologie ontwikkelt gewoon in hoog tempo nieuwe gevaren en bedreigingen, waarvan de ernst eigenlijk niet in te schatten is.
Het kan 1000x keer goed gaan, maar daarna misschien niet.

Het leven zelf lijkt een ingebouwde bescherming tegen gevaren te hebben. Maar zelfs dat is niet zeker. En die van technologische uitvindingen al helemaal niet.

Punt is dat je moeilijk kunt anticiperen. Je weet van tevoren echt niet waar het gevaar zit, of wat eenvoudig te misbruiken zal zijn. Dus heb je ook geen criteria om onderzoek te schrappen, of je moet op voorhand heel veel schrappen. Dat is natuurlijk geen doen. Maar Rees heeft wel gelijk met zijn angst, ook al lijkt me zijn voorbeeld niet realistisch.
Je weet echt niet wat de homo sapiens kan gaan vellen.

Zou de mens wel het beste idee zijn, wat het leven kon verzinnen? It máy change it's mind, you know?..