Bekijk Volledige Versie : US steunt terreur groep

30-04-03, 15:57
Iran slams US ceasefire deal with terrorist group
30-04-2003, 12:57

Iran's former president, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said on Wednesday that the cooperation of the US army commander in Iraq with Iraq-based Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) indicates Washington's hypocrisy in the international campaign against terrorism.

Rafsanjani said that with the signing of an agreement with the MKO terrorist organization in Iraq, the Americans showed their insincerity in the international campaign against terrorism.

It should be noted that the United States lists MKO as a terrorist organization. The decision to cease hostilities with the MKO, an armed group of secular Iranian dissidents that has been fighting Tehran’s regime from inside Iraq for more than 20 years, is the first accord between the US and a listed terrorist organization.

He described the ceasefire agreement between the US Army and MKO as a great scandal and said that in the wake of the terrorist attacks in the United States, Washington was portraying itself as anti-terrorist, but, it entered into a deal with the terrorist group which they have nurtured and gave it a safe haven in Washington.
The US has signed cooperation agreement with the terrorist group that planted bombs at the Friday Prayers congregation, the Iranian leader said.

The MKO was formed in the 1960s and was expelled from Iran after the Islamic revolution in 1979. It formed an alliance with Saddam Hussein, who backed the group.

Only two weeks ago, US forces in northern Iraq bombed the MKO’s main base along the Iranian border, killing scores of fighters and destroying tanks and artillery.

MKO had a history of violence against Americans. It supported the takeover of the US Embassy in Tehran in 1979 and killed several US military and civilian officials in the 1970s. (Albawaba.com)


The United States is committed to holding terrorists and those who harbor them accountable for past attacks, regardless of when the acts occurred. The United States has a long memory and will not simply expunge a terrorist's record because time has passed. The states that choose to harbor terrorists are similar to accomplices who provide shelter for criminals--and the United States will hold them accountable for their "guests'" actions. International terrorists should know before they contemplate a crime that they cannot hunker down afterward in a safehaven and be absolved of their crimes.The United States is committed firmly to removing countries from the state sponsor list once they have taken necessary steps to end their link to terrorism. In fact, the Department of State is engaged in ongoing discussions with state sponsors interested in being removed from the list.

Iraq provided bases, weapons, and protection to the MEK, an Iranian terrorist group that opposes the current Iranian regime. In 1999, MEK cadre based in Iraq assassinated or attempted to assassinate several high-ranking Iranian Government officials, including Brigadier General Ali Sayyad Shirazi, Deputy Chief of Iran's Joint Staff, who was killed in Tehran on 10 April.


Ron Haleber
30-04-03, 17:49
Geplaatst door lennart
Iran slams US ceasefire deal with terrorist group
30-04-2003, 12:57

Iran's former president, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said on Wednesday that the cooperation of the US army commander in Iraq with Iraq-based Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) indicates Washington's hypocrisy in the international campaign against terrorism.

The MKO was formed in the 1960s and was expelled from Iran after the Islamic revolution in 1979. It formed an alliance with Saddam Hussein, who backed the group.

Beste Lennart, dit is wel heel erg verwarrende informatie en maakt hutspot van de Iraanse Revolutie...!

Leg eens uit dat de Mujahedin Khalq met Ali Shari'ati als ideoloog van de Iraanse revolutie, een beweging was die de eerste jaren van die revolutie positief inspireerde en waarvan Khomeini het taalgebruik, de essentiële noties overnam.

En dat dit een totaal andere club was dan de huidige terroristische door de Amerikanen gesteunde revanchisten die daarna ontstonden...!


P.S. Ook de verniewer Farid Esaq - vaak op de NMO - nam deze noties over!

30-04-03, 17:57

Dat wijf daar is de leider van deze anti-islamitische organisatie dat zich "mujahedin-e-khalqh" noemt. De gozer.... zijn man.. is de 'commander' van het leger.

Deze communisten hebben zoveel mensen vermoord...(moslims/niet-moslims/noem maar op)..... (een soort van doorgedraaide SP groep is het) soort van NCPN, maar dan geweld gebruikend.... (bom aanslagen etc...)

De enige reden dat de Verenigde Satan heeft om de wapenstilstand te verklaren is omdat de MEK, anti-islamitisch is....

30-04-03, 18:06

Die Mujahedin Khalq groep lijkt mij persoonlijk best sympathiek, maar als de Amerikanen het zelf een terreurgroep noemen, dan lijkt het me enigzins dubbelzinnig wat ze daar aan het doen zijn.

Ik vind het PFLP ook een hele sympathieke organisatie.

Ron Haleber
30-04-03, 19:26
Geplaatst door lennart

Die Mujahedin Khalq groep lijkt mij persoonlijk best sympathiek, maar als de Amerikanen het zelf een terreurgroep noemen, dan lijkt het me enigzins dubbelzinnig wat ze daar aan het doen zijn.

Ik vind het PFLP ook een hele sympathieke organisatie.

Allereerst: die twee clubs PFPLP en MK hebben niets met elkaar te maken!

De oorspronkelijke MK is onder Rajavi en vrouw een terreurclub geworden die ook in Nederland Iraniërs bedreigt en van geld met chantage berooft.

Dit is echt een club revanchisten die veel Iraniërs in Europa vermoord hebben.

Om mijn verhaal geloofwaardig te doen zijn citeer ik uit socialistische niet-USA bron (de 4e Internationale):


... The birth of the People's Mujahedin. Young student members of Bazargan's Liberation Movement who rejected the tame attitude of the party leadership and who—as stated in later publications of the People's Mujahedin—admired Khomeini as a "national symbol", decided to take up "armed struggle", modeling themselves on the guerilla movements in Cuba, Algeria and Vietnam.

First, they developed their ideology in a discussion group. In doing so, they borrowed much from Marxism, but did not break with religion, attempting instead to re-interpret the Koran in a progressive manner.

"Genuine" Islam, they claimed, stood up for the exploited and the disfranchised and advocated a classless society and equal rights for women at all levels. All that was required to recognize this was to interpret the Koran in its correct historical context. The clergy represented a "false" Islam in the interests of feudalism and capitalism.

The concepts of the Mujahedin were similar in many ways to those of the popular intellectual Ali Shariati (1933—1977 ), who was close to them politically. Shariati's ideas were to play an important role in the revolution against the Shah. They were more suitable for recruiting the younger generation than those of Khomeini.

The combination of social demands and Islam attracted a particular social stratum: radicalized university and school students from the conservative, religious families of the traditional Persian middle classes, the small-and large-scale traders, artisans and merchants of the bazaar , whose material basis had been severely reduced by the White Revolution.

It was from these strata, which the People's Mujahedin initially considered to be the "progressive national bourgeoisie", that the clergy also drew its support. The Liberation Movement gathered financial aid there for the People's Mujahedin, and also provided journalistic support for the guerillas. [...]


The People's Mujahedin played an important and in many ways decisive role in consolidating the regime of the mullahs.

In February, the organization, which had been weakened by the 1975 split and unceasing persecution by the Shah's regime, reconstituted itself. In its new program—along with the old nationalist and social demands—it advocated democratic demands, which, unlike in the past, were very detailed. For the first time, the group also criticized the reactionary role of the bazaar merchants, but left its earlier criticism of the clergy unmentioned.

At first, this would seem a paradox—after all, the clergy represented the interests of exactly these bazaar merchants. But this was in line with the Mujahedin's strategy of transforming the mullahs' Islamic Republic into a Democratic Islamic Republic from within. Consequently, they avoided a direct challenge to the clergy and, in particular, to its leader Khomeini, while at the same time attacking the clergy's political instruments, the Islamic Republican Party (IRP), the Shari'ah courts and the militias.

Following a secret meeting of Mujahedin leader Masud Rajavi with Khomeini in February 1979, the Mujahedin generally condemned any resistance to the clergy and its henchmen and thugs up until November of that year, justifying this by claiming that such resistance only played into the hands of imperialism. And they let their radical image be used by the clergy without raising any objection—something the mullahs urgently needed, since most of them had, at best, taken a cowardly, if not openly supportive stance towards the Shah.

Ayatollah Beheshti, for instance, the famous supreme judge and close collaborator of Khomeini's, stated at this time: "The Islamic Revolution rested on three pillars: Imam Khomeini, Ali Shariati and the Mujahedin organization.”

[Dit toont dus de onzin aan van Victorys generaliserend statement hierboven.

Voor mijzelf is de Iraanse revolutie het belangrijkste en ingrijpendste Islam-evenement van de 20ste eeuw - Jammer dat Khomeini tenslotte de democratie nekte...

Jammer dat jonge moslims de geschiedenis van deze revolutie niet kennen. Ik heb er vroeger zelf over geschreven in Grenzeloos - blad van de 4e Intern.]

The media controlled by the clergy reported day in and day out on the heroic deeds and martyrs of the People's Mujahedin. Universities and high schools were named after them, governorships and other high-up government positions were given to their sympathizers. In return, the People's Mujahedin provided cover for "our Great Father Khomeini, the leader of the struggle against the monarchy", while Khomeini's people took over control of the army, the police, the judiciary, the state-run media and, not least of all, the extensive property of the Shah.

Although Khomeini's followers carried out the campaign for a referendum on the constitution of the Islamic Republic in December 1979 and the presidential elections in January 1980 with the methods of terror and intimidation, the People's Mujahedin declared that they "would always support the progressive clergy and, in particular, His Highness, the Great Khomeini".

Despite this, their candidates received a substantial number of votes, and in some cases even did better than well-known clerics from the IRP. But their presidential candidate Rajavi was excluded from the elections and the results of the parliamentary elections were annulled or manipulated so that none of the Mujahedin's candidates got a seat in parliament in May 1980.

Daarna werd de club totalitair en ging de club tenslotte een alliantie met Saddam aan.

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World Socialist Web Site
All rights reserved

30-04-03, 20:51
die ook in Nederland Iraniërs bedreigt en van geld met chantage berooft.

Ongeveer 5 jaar terug hadden ze in zweden een heel familie in hun huis snachts met hakbijlen afgemaakt.... ... ik weet niet wat de preciese reden was.... denk omdat hij anti-mek was...? :/

Zo zijn er veel meer verhalen.......

deze terroristen proberen in europese landen zoveel mogelijk iraniers met zich mee te krijgen om te vechten.... je ziet ze welis bij alberthein enzo staan met hun krantjes enzo.... en ze krijgen hiervoor alle ruimte van de europese regeringen.....