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30-05-03, 23:41
The World's No.1 Science & Technology News Service
Stem cell 'immortality' gene found
18:28 30 May 03
NewScientist.com news service

The key gene that keeps embryonic stem cells in a state of youthful immortality has been discovered.

The breakthrough may one day contribute to turning ordinary adult cells into those with the properties of human ESCs. This would end the need to destroy embryos to harvest the cells for new medical treatments.

ESCs are unique as they are "pluripotent" - capable of differentiating into the different cells in the body - and hold great potential for treating damaged or diseased organs. But until now scientists did not know how a stem cell renews itself or develops into an new kind of cell.

The gene found in mouse ESCs and some human equivalents appears to be the "master gene", co-ordinating other genes to allow stem cells to multiply limitlessly while still retaining their ability to differentiate. It has been christened Nanog after the land in Celtic myth called Tir nan Og, whose inhabitants remain forever young.

"Nanog seems to be a master gene that makes ESCs grow in the laboratory," says Ian Chambers, one of the team at the Institute for Stem Cell Research (ISCR), Edinburgh, Scotland. "In effect this makes stem cells immortal."

"This discovery is very exciting," says Austin Smith, who led the ISCR team. "If Nanog has the same effect in humans as we have found in mice, this will be a key step in the developing embryonic stem cells for medical treatments."

Exclusive expression

Smith's team isolated Nanog by screening a DNA library of mouse ESCs and then carried out a series of experiments. Importantly, the master gene appears to be expressed in ESCs only, they say.

This discovery was also made independently by another team in Japan, led by Shinya Yamanaka, at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology. The Scottish and Japanese teams published side-by-side papers in the journal Cell.

In one experiment, the addition of Nanog prevented mouse ESCs from specialising, even though they were subjected to conditions under which they would normally have been forced to become a mature cell.

Nanog is likely to direct the process of ESCs renewing themselves by switching on and off other genes, says the team. The pattern of gene activity co-ordinated by this master gene is typically seen in human ESCs about the fourth or fifth day of development, when the cells have not yet been committed to becoming any particular type of cell.

No slave

However, it probably does not act alone, Smith told New Scientist. It is likely to act with another known key gene called Oct4. "But all the evidence indicates that Nanog is really a central player - it's not a slave, it's a master component," he says.

Smith cautions that reprogramming ordinary adult cells to become safe and usable ESCs is a long way off: "That's an aspiration and something we are keen to investigate, but it's not going to be simple."

He says a more immediate use of the key gene would be to enable the medical profession to grow "millions and billions" of ESCs from existing samples. These could then more safely be used in humans, as they would not have been exposed to the "cocktail" of chemicals currently needed.

Journal reference: Cell (vol 113, p 643)

Shaoni Bhattacharya


:lol: @ Boldfaced... STUPID MULES :( :wat?!: :rolleyes:

31-05-03, 02:45
Wat heeft dit met "highlander"te maken? :confused:

31-05-03, 18:47
Heeft het eeuwige leven...

01-06-03, 12:44
Bief snapt het...

"Tried to give you warning but everyone ignores me
Told you everything loud and clear
But nobody’s listening
Called to you so clearly but you don’t want to hear me
Told you everything loud and clear
But nobody’s listening"


01-06-03, 12:55
MRZ, vertel.....

Wat voorzie je?

Gaat er een kaste in de mensheid ontstaan die het eeuwige leven heeft?

01-06-03, 13:41
Die bestaat al. Dat zijn de zogenaamde eeuwige kinderen. Die alleen na heeeel veel wikken en wegen verantwoordelijkheden (kunnen) nemen, omdat ze te slim te lief te goed te wijs te hard te mad zijn of in veel gevallen dus zo verwaarloosd/doodgeknuffeld/beschadigd door chemicals of gewoon te vroeg volwassen dat ze geen enkele reden zien wat van hun leven te maken en een plek in de wereld te veroveren of op normale manier plek in wereld hebben.

Het gaat er juist om de moed te kunnen hebben dood te durven gaan als het je tijd is omdat je weet dat men van je houdt en niet de zionistische lafhartigheid de eeuwige jeugd te willen hebben/ontwikkelen...(en dan heb ik het dus ook over de ouders van deze eeuwige kindertjes ja) of te geloven in de leugen die instrumentalism heet.


01-06-03, 13:50
Helemaal eens.

Maar volgens mij weet jij wel veel van genentechnologie enzo. Denk je dat het mogelijk is dat ze het menselijk lichaam zo veranderen dat je onstervelijk wordt?

En hoe lang gaat dat nog duren, voordat die technologie er is?

En is dat aleen op 'nieuwe babies' toepasbaar, of ook op mensen die nu al leven?

Dat soort vragen......

(En nee, ik wil mezelf niet opgeven als proefpersoon.)

01-06-03, 14:06
Helemaal eens.

Maar volgens mij weet jij wel veel van genentechnologie enzo. Denk je dat het mogelijk is dat ze het menselijk lichaam zo veranderen dat je onstervelijk wordt?

Hehe nou als je Harry Mulisch kent die zegt ook altijd dat ie eeuwige leven denkt te moeten hebben he? :P Zo zijn er meer die hardnekkig geloven in de verkeerde dingen. :(
En ik weet niks joh alleen dat ik erfelijk belast ben met een hypocrisie waar het nederlandse rechtssysteem niet tegen opgewassen is blijkbaar.

Snap al die feministen die op gegeven moment wel doorhebben dat het onzinnig is te geloven in de leugen dat vrouw slimmer moet zijn dan de man maar al te goed. Ik bedoel ze zeggen het zelf haha nou deze man heeft lekker een eigen interpretatie van het vernietigen van de misvatting van de doodknuffelverzorgingsstaat...

02-06-03, 20:02
Geplaatst door mrz
[B]Die bestaat al. Dat zijn de zogenaamde eeuwige kinderen. Die alleen na heeeel veel wikken en wegen verantwoordelijkheden (kunnen) nemen, omdat ze te slim te lief te goed te wijs te hard te mad zijn of in veel gevallen dus zo verwaarloosd/doodgeknuffeld/beschadigd door chemicals of gewoon te vroeg volwassen dat ze geen enkele reden zien wat van hun leven te maken en een plek in de wereld te veroveren of op normale manier plek in wereld hebben.

:knipoog: Er is altijd een reden om wat van je leven te maken.

Het gaat er juist om de moed te kunnen hebben dood te durven gaan..

Dood gaan is geen kunst. Leven wel en het vergt veel moed om juist dat bewust te doen.

02-06-03, 22:14
Ja je hebt gelijk ik was niet helemaal scherp heh.

Ik bedoelde te zeggen het vergt moed geen hele of halve zelfmoordpogingen te doen vanwege oude haat of wrokgevoelens jegens ouders of wie dan ook maar de wereld zelf de moeite waard te maken. :moe:

02-06-03, 22:40
Geplaatst door Donna
Helemaal eens.

Maar volgens mij weet jij wel veel van genentechnologie enzo. Denk je dat het mogelijk is dat ze het menselijk lichaam zo veranderen dat je onstervelijk wordt?

En hoe lang gaat dat nog duren, voordat die technologie er is?

En is dat aleen op 'nieuwe babies' toepasbaar, of ook op mensen die nu al leven?

Dat soort vragen......

(En nee, ik wil mezelf niet opgeven als proefpersoon.)

Why I want to be cloned

As a cult scientist claims to have cloned a human, French novelist Michel Houellebecq explains why he can't wait to duplicate himself

Wednesday January 1, 2003
The Guardian

I don't like myself. I only feel a touch of sympathy, and even less respect, for myself; what's more, I don't interest myself much. As a teenager, then as a young man, I was full of myself; this is no longer the case. The mere prospect of having to recount a personal anecdote plunges me into boredom verging on catalepsy. When I absolutely have to, I just lie.
Paradoxically, however, I have never regretted reproducing. You could even say that I love my son and I love him more each time I recognise in him the trace of my own flaws. I see them displayed over time with an implacable determinism, and I rejoice. I rejoice immodestly at seeing there repeated, even made permanent, personal characteristics which have nothing particularly estimable about them; characteristics which are quite often worthy of contempt and have, in reality, the sole merit of being mine. Moreover, they are not even exactly my own; I fully realise some have been lifted straight from the personality of that vile cunt, my father. But, strangely enough, that takes nothing away from the joy I feel. This joy is more than selfishness; it is deeper, more indisputable.

On the other hand, what saddens me about my son is seeing him display (Is it the influence of his mother? The different times we live in? Pure individuality?) features of an autonomous personality, in which I cannot recognise myself and which remains utterly foreign to me. Far from marvelling at this, I realise that I will have left only an incomplete and faded image of myself.

Western philosophy hardly favours the expression of these sentiments. Such feelings leave no space for freedom and individuality, they aim for nothing but eternal, idiotic repetition. There is nothing original about them; they are shared by almost all of mankind, and even by the majority of the animal kingdom; they are nothing but the living memory of an overwhelming biological instinct. Western philosophy is a long, patient and cruel training course whose objective is to persuade us that a few wrong ideas are right. The first idea is that we must respect our fellow man because he is different from us; the second is that we have something to gain at the moment of death.

Today, thanks to western technology, this veneer of proprieties is rapidly cracking. Of course I will have myself cloned as soon as I can; of course everyone will get themselves cloned as soon as they can. I will go to the Bahamas, New Zealand or the Canaries; I will pay the asking price (moral and financial demands have always counted for little next to the demand for reproduction). I will probably have two or three clones, as you have two or three children; between their births, I will allow for an adequate gap (not too narrow, not too wide); as an already mature man, I will behave like a responsible father. I will make sure my clones have a good education; then I will die. I will die without pleasure, because I do not wish for death. Through my clones, I will have reached a certain form of survival - not completely satisfying, but superior to the one which ordinary children would have brought me. For the time being, it is the most that western technology can offer.

As I write, it is impossible for me to foresee if my clones will be born outside a woman's womb. What appeared to the layman as technically straightforward (nutritional exchanges via the placenta are a priori less mysterious than the act of fertilisation) turns out to be more difficult to replicate. In a situation where techniques have sufficiently progressed, my future children, my clones, will spend the beginning of their existence in a jar; and that makes me a little sad. I like women's pussies, I like to be in their wombs, in the elastic suppleness of their vaginas. I understand the safety considerations, the technical requirements; I understand the reasons which will progressively lead to in vitro gestation; I merely allow myself, on this subject, a little hint of nostalgia. Will they, my little dears born so far from it, still have a taste for pussy? For their own sakes, I hope so. There are many sources of joy in this world, but few pleasures - and few of them are harmless.

If they have to develop in a jar, my clones clearly will be born without a navel. I do not know who was the first to use, in a pejorative sense, the term "navel-gazing literature"; but I know I have always been put off by this cliche. What interest would there be in a literature which pretended to talk about mankind by excluding all personal considerations? Human beings are, comically, much more similar than they let on; it is easier than you think to attain the universal by talking about yourself. And there we find a second paradox: talking about yourself is a tedious, even repellent activity; but to write about yourself is, in literature, the only thing worth doing, to such an extent that we measure - classically and rightly - the value of a book according to the author's capacity for personal involvement in it. You could call this grotesque, even insanely immodest, but that's the way it is.

While writing these lines, I am gazing at my navel, literally and figuratively. I think about it rarely, and that's just as well. This fold of flesh carries the sign of a cut, a hastily tied knot; it is the memory of the scissors which, without any due process, threw me into the world and told me to look after myself. You, too, will not escape this memory; as an old man, even as a grand old man, you will preserve intact in your belly the trace of this cut. Through this badly closed hole, your most intimate organs could, at any moment, spill out into the atmosphere. At any moment, you could die like a fish you kill with a kick to the backbone. Remember the words of the poet:

God's body writhes
Before our eyes
Like an exhausted fish
We kick to death

You will soon be there, oh futile children. You will be like gods - and it won't be enough. Your clones may lack navels, but they will have a navel-gazing literature. You too will be navel-gazers. Your navel will be covered with dirt; earth will be cast on your face.

· This essay is from the collection, Lanzarote et autres textes, published by Librio. It appears in the current issue of Prospect magazine. Translated by Gavin Bowd.

© Michel Houellebecq 2003

03-06-03, 06:58
Ach ja Houellebecq :P

En ik al die tijd maar denken "hee wat doet die dot stof daar in mijn navel!". :D Dacht altijd dat dat was omdat ik me teveel shit aantrok in de wereld. :kotsen:

Human beings are, comically, much more similar than they let on; it is easier than you think to attain the universal by talking about yourself.

Ach ja ik kan er wel om lachen de naiviteit van zo'n Houellebecq. Als niemand meer uniek is dan zijn we wellicht allemaal zoals goden, allemaal eenheidsworst... Allemaal teveel van het goede of hetzelfde... 1 grote familie. Maar da's wel fucking B-O-R-I-N-G hoor... Gaaaap. :slaap:

Will they, my little dears born so far from it, still have a taste for pussy? For their own sakes, I hope so. There are many sources of joy in this world, but few pleasures - and few of them are harmless.

Haha nee dus. :ergleuk: Wat sukkel die denkt een god-wannabe te moeten willen zijn zeg die Houellebecq. :rolleyes:

03-06-03, 07:01
Geplaatst door mrz
Ach ja Houellebecq :P

En ik al die tijd maar denken "hee wat doet die dot stof daar in mijn navel!". :D Dacht altijd dat dat was omdat ik me teveel shit aantrok in de wereld. :kotsen:

Ach ja ik kan er wel om lachen de naiviteit van zo'n Houellebecq. Als niemand meer uniek is dan zijn we wellicht allemaal zoals goden, allemaal eenheidsworst... Allemaal teveel van het goede of hetzelfde... 1 grote familie. Maar da's wel fucking B-O-R-I-N-G hoor... Gaaaap. :slaap:

Haha nee dus. :ergleuk: Wat sukkel die denkt een god-wannabe te moeten willen zijn zeg die Houellebecq. :rolleyes:


03-06-03, 07:57
I know... :cheefbek:

Sorry dat ik je grote idool (?) zo verkracht maarja dat heb je nu eenmaal met kleine goden :rolleyes: Klonen was toch gewoon de zionistische symptoombestrijdingsoplossing voor al die miskramen die men heeft? Geen werkelijke oplossing dus behalve een chemische?



"There are the small gods, the gods of places where ant trails cross, the gods of the humidity down at grass roots, and they will forever stay that way. For what they lack is belief" T. Pratchett 1992

03-06-03, 08:07
Geplaatst door mrz
I know... :cheefbek:

Sorry dat ik je grote idool (?) zo verkracht maarja dat heb je nu eenmaal met kleine goden :rolleyes: Klonen was toch gewoon de zionistische symptoombestrijdingsoplossing voor al die miskramen die men heeft? Geen werkelijke oplossing dus behalve een chemische?



"There are the small gods, the gods of places where ant trails cross, the gods of the humidity down at grass roots, and they will forever stay that way. For what they lack is belief" T. Pratchett 1992

Hé, ik weet niets over zion zus zion zo. Dus heb het daar niet over. Okay?