Bekijk Volledige Versie : Witte Huis werkt onderzoekers 11 september tegen

27-06-03, 00:44
Witte Huis werkt onderzoekers 11 september tegen
Witte Huis blijft zich verzetten tegen waarheid 911

Het gevecht van het Witte Huis om te voorkomen dat de waarheid over 11 september aan het licht komt, blijft voortduren. Bush's 9/11 coverup? is de vertwijfelde kop boven een uitgebreid artikel van Salon. Hieronder enkele citaten die je ervan zullen overtuigen dat het vraagteken in de kop kan worden vervangen door een uitroepteken.

'"We've been fighting for nearly 21 months -- fighting the administration, the White House," says Monica Gabrielle. Her husband, Richard, an insurance broker who worked for Aon Corp. on the 103rd floor of the World Trade Center's Tower 2, died during the attacks. "As soon as we started looking for answers we were blocked, put off and ignored at every stop of the way. We were shocked. The White House is just blocking everything."'

Bush deed er alles aan de onderzoeken tegen te houden
'Another 9/11 family advocate -- a former Bush supporter who requested anonymity -- was more blunt: "Bush has done everything in his power to squelch this [9/11] commission and prevent it from happening." Thus far, the administration has largely succeeded. Its stonewalling has gotten little news coverage, and there is scant evidence that the public is outraged. The national discussion has moved on -- to Iraq, to that country's still-missing weapons of mass destruction, to Laci Peterson.'

Telefoontje van Cheney om onderzoek te beperken
'In the face of today's public indifference, the victim activists have placed their faith in two investigations they hope will finally answer some key questions. Though the Sept. 11 attacks were arguably one of the decisive moments in U.S. history, both investigations appear mired in a deadly Beltway mixture of bureaucratic morass and political sniping. The first was a bipartisan joint inquiry conducted by the House and Senate examining intelligence and law-enforcement failures that led up to the Sept. 11 attack. Its relatively narrow scope came about after Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney personally phoned then-Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., in late January 2002, pressuring him to limit the congressional investigation surrounding Sept. 11.'

Nu het rapport klaar is, wordt het tegengehouden
'Despite budget restraints and complaints from Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., that the White House had "slow-walked and stonewalled" the joint inquiry, the panel's 900-page report was completed late last year. Today it remains stuck in national security limbo as the joint inquiry staff negotiates with the White House and its intelligence agencies over what portions can and cannot be released in the public version of the report. [...] "It appears the joint intelligence committee did too good of a job," quips [Kristin] Breitweiser [whose husband, Ronald, was killed when United Flight 175 slammed into Tower 1]. Indeed, last fall the New York Times reported that "the findings of a joint committee have been far more damaging than most officials at either agency expected when the panel's inquiry began [in early 2002]."'

Rapport is bedoeld voor groter onderzoek
'[... The] joint inquiry report is supposed to serve as a springboard for the independent 9/11 commission, which is charged with taking a much broader view of the terrorist attack -- everything from border security to immigration. [...] "It was upsetting to find out the White House was trying to block the independent commission's access to the joint inquiry information, when we all know the mandate that created the independent commission states clearly that the commission is to use the joint inquiry as a starting-off point," notes Breitweiser, who also voted for Bush in 2000. "So why would they be blocking access to that?"'

Oprichting tweede commissie ook gesaboteerd
Deze commissie was er bijna niet geweest. Het Witte Huis heeft op z'n kop gestaan 'm tegen te houden. 'Family advocates complain it was created virtually in spite of the White House; they point to the extraordinary game of hardball the administration practiced right on the eve of last year's midterm elections when it derailed a bipartisan congressional deal to form the commission, citing concerns with its potential scope and subpoena power. Members of both parties who had already scheduled a press conference to announce the panel were stunned by the turn of events. Weeks after the 2002 election, and following a candlelight vigil by 9/11 victim families held in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House, the independent commission was finally formed, more than a year after the terrorists attacked. "Bush begrudgingly signed [the commission] into law," complains one family advocate. "Since it was created, he's done everything to take the teeth out of it. His fingerprints and Karl Rove's are all over this."


De Rode Roos
27-06-03, 01:02
tja! Misschien is de complottheorie dat Bush en zijn sinistere club neoconservatieven 11 september hebben gebruikt om Moslimlanden aan te vallen en een kruistoch tegen Moslims te voeren toch niet zo achterhaald.

27-06-03, 01:08
Ach tjsa.

Adolf Hitler was also obsessed with the occult, in his case the Thule Society. The Jolly Roger, "der Todtenkopf" was an emblem of Hitler's SS. If the Nazis' occult lodges had been exposed and shut down, not treated as a taboo, millions of lives could have been saved. The second world war need never have happened. Unless you want this occult order running a totalitarian West and their 'New World Order' - please - do your bit to expose the George W. Bush and the bonesmen.


Witte Huis vecht tegen windmolens door het besef dat je met tegenwerken van alles op den duur vooral jezelf tegenwerkt. :moe:

27-06-03, 11:38
Wat deed Bush toen die hoorde dat een tweede vliegtuig was ingeslagen in het WTC en het duidelijk was dat er een aanval aan de gang was op de VS? Niets!
Hij is doorgegaan met het voorlezen aan kinderen, daarmee die kinderen in levensgevaar brengend, omdat het bezoek aan de school was aangekondigd en dus iedereen had kunnen weten dat om 9 uur Bush op die school zou zijn. "Terroristen" hadden dus makkelijk voor die ochtend een aanval kunnen plegen op die school. Maar wat deed de veiligsheiddienst? Niets!
