Bekijk Volledige Versie : Mensenhandelaren maken prostituees zwanger om hun babies te verkopen

20-07-03, 17:18
Human Traffickers Impregnating Prostitutes and Selling their Babies

The Guardian reports that human traffickers are selling the babies of prostitutes to boost their income. This is done by Albanian and Ukrainian gangs that operate chiefly in Italy. There are concerns that unadopted babies can become future beggars.
Cesare Lodeserto is a priest that helps women escape their enslavers. He says "Babies have become another product the criminals can sell. Crime groups are transporting women to use their uterus now, not just the outside of their bodies."
As prostitution has increased since the end of the Cold War, traffickers have tried to find different ways to profit from slavery. Besides selling babies, the gangs have also sold underage prostitutes and elderly housemaids.
Source: observer.guardian.co.uk

20-07-03, 17:19
what a wonderful world


20-07-03, 17:36
Geen woorden voor, behalve één; bah!

21-07-03, 17:04
Wie zijn de afnemers? Waarschijnlijk mensen die de adoptieregelingen willen omzeilen. Die zijn namelijk overal behoorlijk streng.
Maar hoe komen ze dan aan de adressen van die mensen? Ze mogen de databases bij de instellingen wel goed beveiligen.