Bekijk Volledige Versie : AEL gaat JDL te lijf !!!!

21-09-03, 14:24
Joodse terroristische organisatie aktief in Nederland
(Zondag 21 September 2003 8:43:17)

In de tijden dat Palestijnse liefdadigheidsinstellingen in Europa worden verboden en dat de zoveelste Amerikaanse veto de terreur van de zionistische bezetters laat doorgaan, vestigt zich een extreem gevaarlijke terreur organisatie genaamd Jewish Defense League (JDL) in Nederland.

De AEL waarschuwt de Nederlandse regering voor deze zéér gevaarlijke groepering die zichzelf in het verleden heeft bewezen als zijnde een terroristische organisatie met misdadige wortels.

Meir Kahane, oprichter van JDL, vestigde de ideologie van zijn organisatie op een wrange leer dat geweld tegen niet-joden aanmoedigt, legitimeert en verheerlijkt. Niet-joden worden beschouwd als minderwaardig en onmenselijk (goyyim).
Leden van JDL werden aangespoord tot het plegen van geweldadige akties wat ertoe leidde volgens rapporten van de Amerikaanse veiligheidsdiensten F.B.I. en C.I.A. tot meer dan 37 terroristische aanslagen op o.a. anti-racisme organisaties, banken en moskeen. Een groot aantal leden van JDL is in de jaren tachtig veroordeeld wegens het beramen en plegen van afschuwelijke terreurdaden.
Twee jaar geleden werd voormalig voorzitter Irv Rubin, op heterdaad betrapt tijdens het beramen en uitvoeren van een aanslag op een moskee.
Hij pleegde, in afwachting van zijn berechting, zelfmoord.
In maart 2003 heeft de Amerikaanse F.B.I. vastgesteld dat JDL de tweede meest aktieve terreur netwerk is in de Verenigde Staten.

JDL-Holland zal in de lijn van de internationale JDL handelen, aldus de huidige voorzitter Bill Maniaci vanuit Los Angeles. Philip Awuy, oprichter van JDL-Holland, heeft verklaard geweld niet te schuwen. Dit is zéér zorgwekkend en onacceptabel. Een eerder gedane uitspraak luidde: ?Laten we vandaag alle moslims vermoorden en laat Allah de goeden daaruit sorteren?. Soortgelijke geweldadige en racistische denkbeelden zijn in Nederland ontoelaatbaar!

Niemand is gebaat bij terreur en anarchie en daar is JDL op uit.
De Nederlandse overheid dient onmiddelijk haar verantwoordelijkheid te nemen om de burgers en de samenleving te beschermen. Tegen zionistische terreur-organisaties dient kordaat en met gepaste maatregelen opgetreden te worden. Hierin tekortschieten is hypocriet en onverantwoord.

AEL Nederland

"JDL - The zionist terror network"

21-09-03, 15:43
Two JDL leaders charged in bomb plot
December 13, 2001 Posted: 5:58 AM EST (1058 GMT)




LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Federal authorities Wednesday charged two leaders of the Jewish Defense League with conspiring to blow up Arab and Muslim institutions in southern California, including the offices of Arab-American congressman Rep. Darrell Issa.

Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel were taken into federal custody following late Tuesday raids by members of an antiterrorism task force, said Thom Mrozek, a spokesman for U.S. Attorney John S. Gordon.

"When you target innocents based on religious or political affiliation or belief, we consider that terrorist activity," Gordon said.

"Their primary motivation was to send a 'wake-up call' or terrorize Muslims or Arabs and alert the local, if not national, community to the JDL's commitment to attack those targets."

Targets included the office of the Muslim Public Affairs Council in Los Angeles, the King Fahad mosque in Culver City and the offices of Issa, who represents a district along the coast between Los Angeles and San Diego, according to Gordon.

Issa, a first-term Republican and Christian of Arab-American descent, serves on a House subcommittee that deals with Middle Eastern affairs.

The phone message at JDL's Los Angeles headquarters strongly criticizes Issa for his recent trip to the region.

"This is shocking news to receive," Issa said at a news conference Wednesday, flanked by several prominent Jewish members of Congress. "This was an unusual act by a small band of criminals, in all likelihood."

Another JDL associate, invited to participate in the conspiracy in October, foiled the suspected plot when he cooperated with the FBI, said Ron Iden, assistant director in charge of the FBI's Los Angeles office.

Rubin, the group's chairman and a resident of Monrovia, and Krugel were arrested after the informant delivered the final component needed to make pipe bombs -- five pounds of explosive powder -- to Krugel's house in Reseda, Iden said.

Both men were charged with conspiring to destroy a building with an explosive device and possessing a destructive device in connection with a violent crime, Gordon said. The first charge carries a prison sentence of up to five years, the second a mandatory 30-year sentence.

The Jewish Defense League is a militant Los Angeles-based group that advocates the return of all Jews to Israel and the use of "all necessary means -- even strength, force and violence" -- to defend the interests of Jews, according to its Web site. Its logo contains a silhouette of a clenched fist over the Star of David.

Rabbi Meir Kahane founded the organization to mount armed response to anti-Semitic acts in New York. The group gained notoriety when its members were linked to bombings, most of them aimed at Soviet targets in retaliation for the treatment of Jews in Russia.

Kahane left the group and moved to Israel. He was assassinated in New York in 1990. El Sayyid Nosair, 36, an Egyptian-born Muslim, was convicted in connection with the shooting.

21-09-03, 16:19
http://www.ihr.org/books/ztn.html[/url] [/B]

Wat is dit toch weer een overduidelijke manier van retorisch uiten van 's mensen eigen projectie. Schijnheiligen.
Ze moeten zich in Den Haag toch wel slap lachen van dit geleuter.

21-09-03, 16:20
Jewish militants held over 'mosque plot'

Rubin (left) denies the charges

By the BBC's Steve Kingston in Washington
In the United States the leader of a militant Jewish group has been charged with plotting to blow up buildings used by Muslims.

Irving Rubin, who leads the Jewish Defence League, was arrested along with one of its members, Earl Krugel, at a house in Los Angeles.

The FBI say they had just taken delivery of a quantity of high explosives.

Bomb-making equipment and guns were also found in the house.


The two men are accused of planning to bomb The King Fahd mosque in Culver City, part of greater Los Angeles, as well as the offices of Darrell Issa, an Arab-American congressman from southern California.

The authorities were acting on a tip-off from a third participant in the alleged plot, which was described by an FBI spokesman as a "planned act of violent hatred".

The Jewish Defence League was founded in the late 1960s and has been controversial in promoting the Jewish cause.

Mr Rubin denies the charges.

His lawyer says the arrests are part of an over-reaction to the events of 11 September.