Bekijk Volledige Versie : steniging gaat door?!!

25-09-03, 09:29
Mag ik uw aandacht vestigen op onderstaand bericht van Amnesty

De steniging van Amina Lawal is bevestigd !!!
Er werden te weinig handtekeningen TEGEN haar steniging
bijeengekregen. Het "Supreme Court" van Nigeria heeft enkel maar de
steniging verlaat met 2 maanden opdat ze afscheid zou kunnen nemen
van haar baby. Na deze termijn, zal ze tot aan haar nek begraven
worden en nadien gestenigd. BEHALVE, indien een hele hoop
handtekeningen de Nigeriaanse regering van mening zou kunnen doen
veranderen. Amnesty International vraagt om enkel een petitie te
ondertekenen op hun website. Dankzij een campagne van Handtekeningen
werd een andere vrouw een tijdje geleden gered. Haar naam: Safiya.
Gelieve dus het nodige te doen op
http://www.amnesty.org.au/e-card/petition.asp (http://)

Denk niet dat uw handtekening niet uitmaakt !
Stuur deze boodschap door !!

25-09-03, 09:37
Amina Lawal case: Please Stop the Protest Letter Campaigns

Report by BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights

BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights has been closely involved with defending the
rights of women, men and children in Muslim, customary and secular laws and
in particular of those convicted under the new Sharia Criminal legislation
acts passed in Nigeria since 2000. In fact, BAOBAB was the first (and for
several months the only) NGO with members from the Muslim community, who
were willing to speak publicly against retrogressive versions of Muslim laws
and to work on changing the dominant conservative understanding of the
rights of women in enacted Sharia (Muslim religious laws), as well as in
customary and secular laws. BAOBAB was also the first, and again for some
time the only NGO to actually find the victims and support their appeals,
raising funds for the costs and putting together a strategy team of women's
and human rights activists, lawyers and Islamic scholars contributing their
expertise and time voluntarily. BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights was the 2002
recipient of the John Humphrey Freedom Award for this work. BAOBAB's work
was also recently cited by the Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women
as an example of best practice.

2 May 2003

Dear friends,

There has been a whole host of petitions and letter writing campaigns about
Amina Lawal (sentenced to stoning to death for adultery in August 2002).
Many of these are inaccurate and ineffective and may even be damaging to her
case and those of others in similar situations. The information currently
circulated is inaccurate, and the situation in Nigeria, being volatile, will
not be helped by such campaigns. At the end of this letter, we indicate ways
in which you can help us and we hope we can count on your continuing

Clarification of Facts

First, we would like to pass on some facts that hopefully will clarify the
situation somewhat. Contrary to information being widely circulated, Amina
Lawal's conviction has NOT been upheld by Nigeria's Supreme Court. Ms. Lawal
was originally convicted by an Upper Area Court in Katsina State in northern
Nigeria. Her appeal is currently before the Katsina State Sharia Court of
Appeal. However the next appeal hearing has now been set for June 3, 2003.
Should this appeal not succeed, Ms. Lawal would appeal to the (Nigerian
Federal) Sharia Court of Appeal. Only if unsuccessful at the federal appeal
court also would Ms. Lawal's case go to the Supreme Court of Nigeria. In
other words, the process is a long way from immediate stoning to death.
Although the stress on Ms. Lawal is obviously considerable and awful, she is
not in immediate danger of a judicial execution.

Furthermore, so far, not one appeal that has been taken up by BAOBAB and
supporting local NGOs in Nigeria has been lost. All the completed appeals
processes have been successful. Again, so far, all these appeals have been
won in local state Sharia courts - none have yet needed to go up to the
Federal Sharia Court of Appeal, from whence appeals would go to the Supreme
Court. (We do note, however, that there is still work to be done at this
level, as sometimes the judges have chosen to quash on technicalities, thus
avoiding the substantive grounds of the appeals. However, we note also that
historically, the State Sharia Courts of Appeal, and especially the Federal
Sharia Court of Appeal, have passed judgements that are more gender-fair in
marked contrast to the lower courts where all of these convictions were

Contrary to the statements in many of the internationally originated appeals
for petitions and protest letters, none of the victims received a pardon as
a result of international pressure. None of them has received a pardon at
all or needed to, so far.

None of the sentences of stoning to death have been carried out. Either the
appeals were successful or those convicted are still in the appeals process.

Dangers of Letter Writing Campaigns?

However, if there is an immediate physical danger to Ms. Lawal and others,
it is from vigilante and political further (over) reaction to international
attempts at pressure. This has happened already in the case of Bariya
Magazu, the unmarried teenager convicted of zina (extra-marital sex) and
sentenced to flogging in Zamfara in 1999. Ms. Magazu's sentence was quite
illegally brought forward with no notice, despite the earlier assurances of
the trial judge that the sentence would not be carried out for at least a
year. She was told the night before that it would be carried out very early
the next morning (and thus had no way of contacting anyone for help even if
this unschooled and poor rural teenager had access to a telephone or
organizing knowledge and experience), whilst the state bureaucracy had been
instructed to obstruct and was physically refusing to take the appeal papers
from BAOBAB' s lawyers. The extra-legal carrying out of the sentence was not
despite national and international pressure; it was deliberately to defy it.
The Governor of Zamfara State boasted of his resistance to these letters
from infidels even to sniggering over how many letters he had received.
Thus, we would like you to recognise that an international protest letter
campaign is not necessarily the most productive way to act in every
situation. On the contrary, women's rights defenders should assess potential
backlash effects before devising strategies.

Problems with Petitions based on Inaccurate Information

Even when protests are appropriate forms of action, when they are obviously
based on inaccuracies of fact they are easier to ignore. Circulating
protests and writing letters based on inaccurate information may further
damage the situation instead of helping and certainly damage the credibility
of the local activists, who are assumed to have supplied this information.
If we remember that it is local activists who most facilitate turning rights
principles into everyday reality for people, then reducing the ability and
potential of local activists to carry out women s and human rights promotion
and defence is a counter-productive mode of proceeding. Please check the
accuracy of the information with local activists, before further circulating
petitions or responding to them.

Re-Presenting negative stereotypes of Islam and Muslims

Dominant colonialist discourses and the mainstream international media have
presented Islam (and Africa) as the barbaric and savage Other. Please do not
buy into this. Accepting stereotypes that present Islam as incompatible with
human rights not only perpetuates racism but also confirms the claims of
right-wing politico-religious extremists in all of our contexts. We
appreciate that many who join letter writing campaigns are motivated by the
same sense of international solidarity and feminist outrage that leads us at
BAOBAB to participate in international actions. But when protest letters
re-present negative stereotypes of Islam and Muslims, they inflame
sentiments rather than encouraging reflection and strengthening local
progressive movements. They may result in behaviour such as that of the
Zamfara State governor over Bariya Magazu, or even more threatening, hostile
and violent behaviour by vigilantes (in extra-legal acts by non-state actors
like the hordes of young unemployed men who are the bulk of the vigilantes).
Consequently, such letters can put in further danger both the victims who
are easily reachable in their home communities, and, the activists and
lawyers supporting them (who are particularly vulnerable when they have to
walk through hostile crowds on their way to court, for instance).

Muslim discourses and the invocation of Islam have been used both to
vindicate and protect women's rights in some places and times, and to
violate and restrict them in other places and times - as in the present
case. The same can be said of many, many other religions and discourses (for
example, Christianity, capitalism, socialism, modernization to name but a
few). The point is for us to question who is invoking Islam (or whatever
belief/discourse) for what purposes, and also to acknowledge and support
internal dissent within the community involved, rather than engaging in a
wholesale condemnation of peoples beliefs and cultures, which is seldom
accurate or effective in changing views within the affected community.
Please be sensitive to these concerns in any protest letters you may write.

25-09-03, 09:38
Supporting Local Pressures

There is a place for international pressure and campaigns. We would not risk
anyone's life by insisting on never having an international campaign.
However, using international protest appeals as the automatic response
reduces its usefulness as an advocacy tool. We feel that this is not the
time for an international letter writing campaign, but we are concerned that
should the situation change, and we then need international pressure and ask
for international support, the moral energy and indignation of the world may
already have been spent - resulting in campaign fatigue (been there, done
that already).

International letter writing campaigns have specific potential that can be
spectacularly successful (as in the case of Fatima Yacoub in Tchad in the
mid-1990s). However, they are not appropriate in this campaign at this time.
This is not one individual case. Not all the cases of conviction have made
the international headlines or even the national media. They cannot all
become international causes célèbres and subjects for letter-writing
protests. (Very few people know the name of Hafsatu Abubakar, the first
woman to be acquitted after appealing a stoning to death sentence, nor any
of the other 8 women and 10 youths whose current cases BAOBAB is also
dealing with, for instance).

Using local structures and mechanisms (as a means of resisting retrogressive
laws or interpretations of laws and the forces behind them) is the priority.
The political Islamists and vigilantes threaten (and carry out) acts of
violence against those who criticise them, in order to intimidate people.
But they have also been promoting the view that any criticism or appeal of
conviction is anti-Islam and tantamount to apostasy, and thereby trying to
get people to submit quietly and voluntarily. One of the means of countering
this was our choice to pursue the appeals in the Sharia system, and thereby
demonstrate that people have a right to appeal and to challenge injustices,
including those made in the name of Islam.

Every appeal in the local sharia courts strengthens this process. Since the
first cases, that of Bariya Magazu, (where BAOBAB had to convince her family
and various opinion-leaders in the village to agree to an appeal) and the
Jangedi case (where a man convicted of theft refused to appeal and had his
hand amputated), many victims have no longer acquiesced to injustices, but
actively sought help. Furthermore, in both Safiya Husseini Tungar-Tudu's and
Amina Lawal's cases, members of their community have spoken about the abuse
of Sharia and taken actions to protect them from local vigilantes. These are
actions that would not have happened when BAOBAB first started this work in
1999. At that time, even finding a lawyer from the Muslim community willing
to represent the victim was not easy.

Winning appeals in the Sharia courts, as we and others have done,
establishes that convictions should not have been made. A pardon means that
people are guilty but the state is forgiving them for it. It does not have
the same moral and political resonance. A pardon that is perceived as
occurring as a result of outside pressure is even less likely to convince
the community of its rightness. If we don't want such abuses to go on and
on, then we have to convince the community not to accept injustices even
when perpetrated in the name of strongly held beliefs.

Deciding on Strategies to Fight Injustices

We are asking for international solidarity strategies that respect the
analyses and agency of those activists most closely involved and in touch
with the issues on the ground and the wishes of the women and men directly
suffering rights violations. The local groups in Nigeria directly
representing victims (in the lead of whom are BAOBAB for Women's Human
Rights and WRAPA Women's Rights Advancement and Protection Agency) have
specifically asked that there NOT be international letter writing campaigns.
When victims of human rights abuses are held incommunicado, then clearly all
anyone can do is act on our own beliefs to try and help them. This is not
such a situation. The victims are not in detention (and indeed give press
interviews). They have chosen to appeal and accepted the assistance of NGOs
like BAOBAB, WRAPA and the networks of Nigerian women's and human rights
NGOs that support them. There is an unbecoming arrogance in assuming that
international human rights organisations or others always know better than
those directly involved, and therefore can take actions that fly in the face
of their express wishes. Of course, there is always the possibility that
those directly involved are wrong but surely the course of action is to
persuade them of the correctness of one's analysis and strategies, rather
than ignore their wishes. They at least have to live directly with the
consequences of any wrong decisions that they take. Please do liaise with
those whose rights have been violated and/or local groups directly involved
to discuss strategies of solidarity and support before launching campaigns.

So how can people and other organisations help?

In the immediate, resources (money but not only money) are needed to support
both the victims directly and the appeal processes. The victims almost all
of them poor, and most also rural dwellers - have found that their lives and
work and those of their families are disrupted. They are economically hard
hit, as well as under considerable social pressure. Often their health
(physical and psychological) suffers as a result of stress. It may be
necessary to consider safe asylum (bearing in mind issues like travel
documents, visas, costs and how government bureaucracies will react).
Resources are needed for living expenses for victims, their dependents and
families, and to deal with stress-related consequences (counseling support,
medical treatments and drugs amongst them), and to deal with safety and

Then there are the costs of fighting the appeals. Obviously there are legal
costs. These include court fees and lawyer's fees. (Not all lawyers are
willing or financially able to work completely pro bono. Even when they
donate their expertise, they may have to be paid for court appearances,
travel and subsistence expenses). They also include costs in document
preparation especially in multiple copies and so on. There are also a whole
series of associated costs. Fighting appeals is person and time-intensive.
Activists have to; check media and local networks to find victims; travel to
offer support to victims; draw on networks to find lawyers willing to
represent victims; convene and participate in strategy sessions (yet more
travel as these are often national); prepare the arguments and
documentation; travel to the court with the victims; engage in victim
support (discuss their situations and the possible options and
ramifications, deal with consequential issues like loss of land, or
ill-health, provide emotional support); liaise with and service the local
and international networks supporting such work; not to mention write the
reports and analyses constantly required.

Women's rights activists working on these issues very early on received
support from progressive lawyers, Islamic scholars and rights activists from
throughout Nigeria, the Muslim world and elsewhere, in the form of legal and
religious argumentation (fiqh), case law examples and strategies which were
generously shared. We would like to acknowledge this help and support - it
has been extremely useful and we can probably never have enough of it.

For the long-term, there are two needs to work on: constructing the cultures
of recognizing rights and fighting violations at the local and national
levels; and, to develop argumentation and advocacy to change the laws,
evidence requirements and procedures.

In sum, funding for credible organizations doing both immediate and
long-term work is urgently needed.

Exchanges of information, experiences and knowledge in similar situations
would also be helpful.

Practical offer of safe havens outside the community but within Nigeria,
and, outside of Nigeria may also be needed.

Finally, do please circulate this message widely including to all the
listservs and networks where petitions based on inaccurate information have
been circulated. If you would share and discuss this message with other
activists and organisations who have demonstrated their solidarity on these
cases, that would be helpful.


Ayesha Imam (Board Member)
Sindi Medar-Gould (Executive Director)
BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights

If you would like to support BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights work, please
send a check/cheque or international money order made out to:

a) BAOBAB / WLUML-AME Legal Defence Fund (supports the immediate costs
victims and appeals process); and/or

b) BAOBAB / WLUML-AME Rights Advocacy Fund (supports the long-term work in
enabling the critique of the rights in Muslim laws, as in customary and
secular laws, and to work on the reconstruction of rights in law and
practice); and/or

c) BAOBAB / WLUML-AME Core Funding (enables flexibility in usage it must
still be accounted for and reported on)

These should be sent to:

BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights
PO Box 73630
Victoria Island


BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights
PMB 134,
1333A North Avenue
New Rochelle
NY 10804


BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights
PO Box 28445
London N19 5JT

25-09-03, 09:51
Geplaatst door freya
Mag ik uw aandacht vestigen op onderstaand bericht van Amnesty

De steniging van Amina Lawal is bevestigd !!!
Er werden te weinig handtekeningen TEGEN haar steniging
bijeengekregen. Het "Supreme Court" van Nigeria heeft enkel maar de
steniging verlaat met 2 maanden opdat ze afscheid zou kunnen nemen
van haar baby. Na deze termijn, zal ze tot aan haar nek begraven
worden en nadien gestenigd. BEHALVE, indien een hele hoop
handtekeningen de Nigeriaanse regering van mening zou kunnen doen
veranderen. Amnesty International vraagt om enkel een petitie te
ondertekenen op hun website. Dankzij een campagne van Handtekeningen
werd een andere vrouw een tijdje geleden gered. Haar naam: Safiya.
Gelieve dus het nodige te doen op
http://www.amnesty.org.au/e-card/petition.asp (http://)

Denk niet dat uw handtekening niet uitmaakt !
Stuur deze boodschap door !!

ik hoop echt dat het iets uitmaakt..in ieder geval getekend!

25-09-03, 09:55
Mijn goede vriend Mars heeft me verzekerd dat dit nooit echt zal gebeuren.

Ik teken dan ook niet.

25-09-03, 12:15
Mars had uiteraard gelijk.


25-09-03, 12:58
Stenigen is ON-ISLAMITISCH. En ik daag een ieder uit die er anders over denkt om aan te tonen waar ALLAH(swt) ons Moslims in de Koran opdraagt om mensen voor overspel te stenigen.

Kan me abslouut niet voorstellen dat je zo barbaars kunt zijn om een kind op zo'n gruwelijke manier van haar moeder te beroven.

25-09-03, 13:34
Geplaatst door ZbaqZbaq
Stenigen is ON-ISLAMITISCH. En ik daag een ieder uit die er anders over denkt om aan te tonen waar ALLAH(swt) ons Moslims in de Koran opdraagt om mensen voor overspel te stenigen.

Kan me abslouut niet voorstellen dat je zo barbaars kunt zijn om een kind op zo'n gruwelijke manier van haar moeder te beroven.

Ik wil niet lullig doen, maar waar basseren die rechtsgeleerden zich dan op om haar ter dood door steniging te veroordelen?

25-09-03, 13:39
Geplaatst door ZbaqZbaq
Stenigen is ON-ISLAMITISCH. En ik daag een ieder uit die er anders over denkt om aan te tonen waar ALLAH(swt) ons Moslims in de Koran opdraagt om mensen voor overspel te stenigen.

Kan me abslouut niet voorstellen dat je zo barbaars kunt zijn om een kind op zo'n gruwelijke manier van haar moeder te beroven.

Ga toch met je kwakky spelen man.

Het maakt helemaal niet uit of jij het accepteerd of niet. Het is nou eenmaal in de shariat. Wie heeft er nou zin om jou ervan te overtuigen of niet. :maf3:


25-09-03, 13:41
Geplaatst door ZbaqZbaq
Stenigen is ON-ISLAMITISCH. En ik daag een ieder uit die er anders over denkt om aan te tonen waar ALLAH(swt) ons Moslims in de Koran opdraagt om mensen voor overspel te stenigen.

Kan me abslouut niet voorstellen dat je zo barbaars kunt zijn om een kind op zo'n gruwelijke manier van haar moeder te beroven.

straks ga je me nog vertellen dat het afhakken van de handen van dieven moet worden veranderd in het aanbrengen van een snee ter herkenning! :fpiraat:

25-09-03, 13:42
Geplaatst door Victory
Ga toch met je kwakky spelen man.

Het maakt helemaal niet uit of jij het accepteerd of niet. Het is nou eenmaal in de shariat. Wie heeft er nou zin om jou ervan te overtuigen of niet. :maf3:


Hey slaaf van Allah, dus volgens jou is het wel volgens de islamitische regels gedaan? Gooi er ook eens een citaat tegen aan waarin expliciet vermeld staat dat overspeligen gestenigd mogen worden.

25-09-03, 13:50
Geplaatst door Zagora
Hey slaaf van Allah, dus volgens jou is het wel volgens de islamitische regels gedaan? Gooi er ook eens een citaat tegen aan waarin expliciet vermeld staat dat overspeligen gestenigd mogen worden.

"Ask in order to understand, and do not ask in order to find fault, for surely the ignorant man who wants to learn resembles a man of knowledge, and surely a man of knowledge who wants to be difficult resembles an ignorant man who wants to find fault." -Imam Ali (AS)

Je citaat! Do you like it?

25-09-03, 13:59
Geplaatst door Victory
"Ask in order to understand, and do not ask in order to find fault, for surely the ignorant man who wants to learn resembles a man of knowledge, and surely a man of knowledge who wants to be difficult resembles an ignorant man who wants to find fault." -Imam Ali (AS)

Je citaat! Do you like it?

Daarom wordt elke dissidente stem in Iran, die vraagt om fouten te vinden ook voorgoed de mond gesnoerd. Dat lijkt me duidelijk. Maar mijn vraag was eerder of je je exegese van de Koran met ons wilt delen. Ik ben razendbenieuwd naar citaten en overleveringen waarin het stenigen wordt aanbevolen.

25-09-03, 14:01
Quran [24:2]

Geselt iedere echtbreekster en echtbreker met honderd slagen. En laat medelijden met hen u van de gehoorzaamheid aan Allah niet afhouden indien gij in Allah en de Laatste Dag gelooft. En laat een groep gelovigen getuige zijn van hun bestraffing.

25-09-03, 14:01
Geplaatst door Zagora
Daarom wordt elke dissidente stem in Iran, die vraagt om fouten te vinden ook voorgoed de mond gesnoerd. Dat lijkt me duidelijk. Maar mijn vraag was eerder of je je exegese van de Koran met ons wilt delen. Ik ben razendbenieuwd naar citaten en overleveringen waarin het stenigen wordt aanbevolen.

"Do not talk about knowledge with the foolish so that they deny you, nor with the ignorant so that they find you oppressive, but talk about it with those of its people whom you meet who will accept it and understand it." -Imam Ali (AS)

25-09-03, 14:02
Geplaatst door Victory
"Do not talk about knowledge with the foolish so that they deny you, nor with the ignorant so that they find you oppressive, but talk about it with those of its people whom you meet who will accept it and understand it." -Imam Ali (AS)

Ja praat maar met gelijkgestemden. Ik durf te wedden dat jij niet de enige malloot in dit land bent.

25-09-03, 14:07
Geplaatst door Zagora
Ja praat maar met gelijkgestemden. Ik durf te wedden dat jij niet de enige malloot in dit land bent.

"I am making a connection which no one has made before me: Islam is submission, and submission is certainty, and certainty is the affirmation of the truth, and affirmation of the truth is acknowledgement, and acknowledgement is performance of what is obligatory, and performance of what is obligatory is appropriate action." -Imam Ali (AS)

25-09-03, 14:10
we hebben een directe hotline met Imam Ali! :duim:

ps. wat heeft voorrang: de Koran, de Hadieths of uitspraken van Imams?

25-09-03, 14:19
Geplaatst door Mark
we hebben een directe hotline met Imam Ali! :duim:

ps. wat heeft voorrang: de Koran, de Hadieths of uitspraken van Imams?

Niks is hoger dan de Qor'an. Als een hadis de qor'an tegenspreekt dan word het als vals verklaard.

PS: Bij ahl-al sunnah is dit niet zo.

25-09-03, 14:40
Geplaatst door Victory
Niks is hoger dan de Qor'an. Als een hadis de qor'an tegenspreekt dan word het als vals verklaard.

PS: Bij ahl-al sunnah is dit niet zo. Zbaqzbaq citeerde
"Quran [24:2]

Geselt iedere echtbreekster en echtbreker met honderd slagen. En laat medelijden met hen u van de gehoorzaamheid aan Allah niet afhouden indien gij in Allah en de Laatste Dag gelooft. En laat een groep gelovigen getuige zijn van hun bestraffing."

dus betekent dit dat steniging daarmee van de baan is?? Of is er een ander vers dat dit vers weerlegt?

25-09-03, 14:41

25-09-03, 16:35
Geplaatst door plexus
ik hoop echt dat het iets uitmaakt..in ieder geval getekend!

Heeft lekker snel gewerkt dat tekenen :duim:

Vrijspraak voor Amina Lawal 25-09-2003

Verslag NOS-Journaal Het Nigeriaanse Hof van Beroep heeft Amina Lawal vrijgesproken. Een lagere islamitische rechtbank had de vrouw wegens overspel de doodstraf door steniging opgelegd. In augustus bevestigde het Hof van Beroep voor sharia-aangelegenheden het doodvonnis nog.

Amina Lawal kreeg twee jaar na haar scheiding haar vierde kind. Dit wordt volgens de islamitische sharia-wetgeving beschouwd als overspel. Wereldwijd was er scherpe kritiek op de veroordeling, die ook op onbegrip stuitte bij het christelijke deel van de Nigeriaanse bevolking.

Lawal is onschuldig bevonden omdat ze niet betrapt is op overspel. Haar advocate voerde aan dat het kind mogelijk door haar vorige partner is verwekt. In de islamitische wetgeving wordt de mogelijkheid van een zogenoemd "slapend embryo" opengehouden.

Bovendien was het Hof van Beroep van mening dat de 31-jarige alleenstaande moeder vrijgesproken moest worden omdat zij niet voldoende gelegenheid had gekregen zichzelf te verdedigen.

Wereldwijde kritiek
Door haar veroordeling werd Lawal wereldwijd het symbool van de discussie die binnen Nigeria woedt over herinvoering van de sharia, waardoor dergelijke straffen mogelijk worden. De islamitische rechtspraak geldt in twaalf van de 36 staten van Nigeria. De centrale regering en de christelijke gemeenschap zijn daar tegen.

Vooral uit het buitenland kwam veel kritiek op de veroordeling. Nigeriaanse mensenrechtenactivisten zeiden dat de internationale gemeenschap Nigeria zou veroordelen als de doodstraf door het Hof van Beroep zou worden bevestigd en dat buitenlandse investeerders zich zouden terugtrekken.

Kort nadat de vrijspraak van Lawal bekend was geworden, kwam het nieuws dat een andere islamitische rechtbank in Nigeria een twintigjarige man ter dood had veroordeeld wegens homoseksuele contacten. Het vonnis moet volgens de rechters worden voltrokken door steniging.

26-09-03, 07:20
"Ask in order to understand, and do not ask in order to find fault, for surely the ignorant man who wants to learn resembles a man of knowledge, and surely a man of knowledge who wants to be difficult resembles an ignorant man who wants to find fault." -Imam Ali (AS)

Victory, dat is een hadieth, en geen qur'an tekst. Dat is een uitspraak van een fanatiek gelovige, die niet de stem van één of andere God napraat!!

26-09-03, 07:53
Er stond een interessant artikel in de Volkskrant over Shi'iten waarbij verteld werd hoe ze meer de leer volgen van Imam Ali (de schoonzoon van Mohammed?) en de 11 Imams die daarna kwamen. Kijk zo leer je nog eens wat :fpetaf:

26-09-03, 14:56
Geplaatst door Mark
Er stond een interessant artikel in de Volkskrant over Shi'iten waarbij verteld werd hoe ze meer de leer volgen van Imam Ali (de schoonzoon van Mohammed?) en de 11 Imams die daarna kwamen. Kijk zo leer je nog eens wat :fpetaf:

Wij volgen de leer van de ahl-ul bayt(AS), de profeet(sawas) en zijn familie. De 12 imams zijn allemaal familie.

De sunnis volgen de leer van de sahaba's, de zogenaamde metgezellen van de profeet(sawas). (Abu Bakr, Umar, Osman, etc...).

Na de dood van de profeet(sawas) waren er opeens honderden samenzweringen tegen de familie leden. Ze moesten 'opgeruimd' worden. Zelfs toen de profeet(sawas) dood aan het gaan was werden zijn opdrachten genegeerd door de zogenaamde metgezellen. ("Hij ijlt... hij weet niet wat hij zegt")... terwijl uit allemaal hadis blijkt dat hij nog een keer voor het laatsts wilde melden wie zijn opvolger moest worden. Er zijn genoeg hadis hierover, over wat er allemaal gebeurde tijdens de dood van de profeet(sawas), maar deze worden op een heel raar manier door de sunnis geïnterpreteerd. Doet me altijd denken aan de homo's die de Qor'an op zo'n raar manier interpreteren dat homosexualiteit volgens hun wel mag binnen de islam.

Die opvolger is Imam Ali (as). Onze eerste imam, vermoord... shaheed geworden netzoals al de andere familie leden van de profeet(sawas) :dood: . De vervloekte vijanden van islam. Macht heeft hun verblind voor het geloof.

Dood aan de vijanden van islam!
Dood aan de vijanden van de profeet(s) en zijn familie(a).
Moge ze eeuwig branden in hell.

26-09-03, 15:23
Islam is submission, and submission is certainty
overgave op basis van angst, of straf is geen overgave maar onderwerping

en wie middeleeuwse straffen hedendag nog wil uitvoeren moet ook alle andere moderne dingen zoals gezondheidszorg afwijzen

kijken hoeveel er nog op hadj gaan als ze het hele stuk moeten lopen ipv met vliegtuig

26-09-03, 15:24
Victoria, je preekt haat en discriminatie... wat wil je daarmee bereiken ?

26-09-03, 15:28
Doet me altijd denken aan de homo's die de Qor'an op zo'n raar manier interpreteren dat homosexualiteit volgens hun wel mag binnen de islam.

Zei de man met het vreemdste referentiekader op deze planeet.
Er zijn medicijnen tegen dit soort vreemde chemische connecties in je brein overigens.

26-09-03, 17:53
Geplaatst door Brie
Acceptatie door M. Smit ;)

:fplet: M.smit heeft alleen debiele domme racistische idioten zoals jij naast zich,met zulke domme eikels z om zich heen denkt die idioot dat ie slim is.:maf2: :maf2: