Bekijk Volledige Versie : Salaris van vrouwen in Groot-Britannië minder dan 50% van mannen.

09-10-03, 18:15
Women`s income in UK still less than half of men`s

London, Oct. 9, -- The number of British women in work has
increased considerably in the last 20 years but their income is still
less than half that of men, according to new studies.
A study for the government`s women and equality unit found that
while full-time women workers on average earn 80 per cent of their
male colleagues` wages, their overall income was less than half (49
per cent) of men`s.
The overall income gap, which includes benefits and money from
investments, is wider than the earnings gap because of demographics,
pension provision and working habits.
As one example, more women in Britain are over retirement age, but
the pension income for wives is far lower than that for husbands.
Women of working age were found to be less likely to work longer than
men and those with jobs were more likely to be part-timers.
According to figures released by the National Statistics Office
Thursday, a narrowing of the gender gap in employment, with 70 per
cent of women and 79 per cent of men now working compared with 58 per
cent of women and 77 per cent of men in 1984.
But the Equals Opportunities Commission said that the type of jobs
women do has not changed and women`s pay remains low in comparison
with men.
"Although the large increase in part-time jobs in the service and
retail sectors have enabled more women with children to work - these
jobs tend to be poorly paid," a spokesman for the Commission said.
The left-wing Fawcett Society, a gender campaign group, suggested
that the latest figures would increase pressure on the government to
adopt more radical policies to tackle the inequality.
"Money is still a good indicator of social status so the big
question is whether the money is in society. This large income gap
shows that the money still remains primarily in men`s hands,"
Katherine Rake from the campaign group said.

In Iran is de salaris van mannen en vrouwen gelijk. :corcky: En maar janken dat wij vrouw onvriendelijk zijn.