Bekijk Volledige Versie : Mahathir: Ik zou Israel bezoeken, als Joden de terreurstigma op Moslims uitleggen

21-10-03, 13:55
Malaysia's unrepentant PM maintains Jews rule the world

By Itay Katz, Haaretz Correspondent and agencies

BANGKOK, Thailand - Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said Tuesday, in response to a question from Haaretz, that a press conference Tuesday he would be willing to come to Israel to explain his charges against the Jewish people, if the leadership of world Jewry would first explain why they refer to Muslims as terrorists.

"I would [visit Israel] after the Jewish leadership would go the Muslim countries and explain why they call Muslims terrorists," he said. "That
would be fair. Then I will go to Tel Aviv and explain why I said what I said."

Asked by Haaretz to clarify his controversial speech last week, in which he stated that Jews ruled the world and exercised power by getting other people to fight and die for them, Mahathir said, "My speech was very clear. I said that the Jews have all the world behind them… and that's why they can defy the United Nations."

Mahathir went on to say that his country did not view the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a war between Jews and Muslims, but rather as a
territorial conflict "over land stolen from the Palestinians, which they have a legitimate right to fight for."

Mahathir :duim:

21-10-03, 14:36
I would [visit Israel] after the Jewish leadership would go the Muslim countries and explain why they call Muslims terrorists," he said. "That would be fair. Then I will go to Tel Aviv and explain why I said what I said."

De vertaling hiervan is " Ik zal naar Israel gaan als het Joodse leiderschap naar moslimlanden gaat om uit te leggen waarom ze moslims terrorists noemen (wat volgens hem dus niet waar, een leugen is), , dan zal ik naar Tel Aviv gaan om uit te leggen waarom ik zei wat zei (lees, om mijn bewuste leugens te verklaren)

21-10-03, 14:38
Geplaatst door Onno26
De vertaling hiervan is " Ik zal naar Israel gaan als het Joodse leiderschap naar moslimlanden gaat om uit te leggen waarom ze moslims terrorists noemen (wat volgens hem dus niet waar, een leugen is), , dan zal ik naar Tel Aviv gaan om uit te leggen waarom ik zei wat zei (lees, om mijn bewuste leugens te verklaren)

Zie mijn highlight: http://www.maroc.nl/nieuws/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=75017

21-10-03, 15:32
"I would [visit Israel] after the Jewish leadership would go the Muslim countries and explain why they call Muslims terrorists,

Het lijkt mij sterk (ik weet wel zeker van niet) dat de Israelische regering Moslims in het algemeen terroristen noemt. Er wonen bij mijn weten honderdduizenden Moslims in Israel, vreedzaam met de Joodse bevolking.

Deze meneer, een officieel staatshoofd nog wel, haalt het echter in zijn hoofd om 'De Joden' van van alles te beschuldigen. Je moet een hele domme man zijn om zo simpel te kunnen denken.

21-10-03, 15:42
De beste man doet al jaren niet anders;

In 1987 tijdens een ontmoeting van de niet-gelieerde landen:

"the expulsion of Jews from the Holy Land 2,000 years ago and the Nazi oppression of Jews have taughtthem nothing. If anything at all, it has transformed the Jews into the very monsters that they condemn so roundly in their propaganda material. They have been apt pupils of the late Dr. Goebbels"

In 1997 tijdens de Maleisische econimische crisis eerst tijdens een IMF meeting:

"sinister powers" working against the progress of Asian economies

daarna verder verklaard als:

"We do not want to say that this is a plot by the Jews, but in reality it is a Jew who triggered the currency plunge, and coincidentally Soros is a Jew. It is also a coincidence that Malaysians are mostly Moslem. Indeed, the Jews are not happy to see Moslems progress. If it were Palestine, the Jews would rob Palestinians. Thus this is what they are doing to our country."

21-10-03, 15:48
Geplaatst door GroteWolf
Het lijkt mij sterk (ik weet wel zeker van niet) dat de Israelische regering Moslims in het algemeen terroristen noemt. Er wonen bij mijn weten honderdduizenden Moslims in Israel, vreedzaam met de Joodse bevolking.

Nouja... vreedzaam... als de moslims ergens tegen gaan protesteren wordt er keihard geweld toegepast.. Zie de rellen in Haifa in 2000.

Daarnaast zijn er elementen in de Israelische regering die Islam weldegelijk als oorzaak van het terrorisme zien, dit aspect is bovendien terug te zien in uitspraken van het ADL, het Zionistisch Wereld Congres en AIPAC.

Het herhaalde gebruik van de term "Islamistisch terrorisme" is hier een voorbeeld van. Bovendien wordt Islamistisch terrorisme vaak gebezigd wanneer men het heeft over de "War on Terrorism". Kortom zo politiek correct is men niet.

Wanneer Mahathir dan zegt dat de Joden, en hij heeft het in dit geval over Israel, de VN kunnen negeren omdat machtige mensen Israel de hand boven het hoofd houden, geeft aan dat hij volledig in zijn recht staat om dit aan te kaarten.

Deze meneer, een officieel staatshoofd nog wel, haalt het echter in zijn hoofd om 'De Joden' van van alles te beschuldigen. Je moet een hele domme man zijn om zo simpel te kunnen denken.

Hij doet me aan iemand denken... offeeeeh laat maar... Zucht... Voor sommige mensen is het gewoon te laat.

21-10-03, 15:49
Thumbs up , he lennie

Eindelijk iemand gevonden die je Illuminatie-Bilderberg-vonHelsing psychose schijnt te bevestigen.

Prima hoor.

Jammer dat die vent zo´n eikel is niet waar?

Maar de vijand van mijn vijand is mijn vriend , tot de gezamenlijk vijand niet meer bestaat. Dan sla ik hem voor zijn harses.

Crypto Communisten met geestelijk gestoorde moslim-fundies hand in hand , begeleidt door de Neonazie scene, strijden gezamenlijk tegen de Joodse wereld heerschappij.

Gezellige feestjes moeten jullie hebben

21-10-03, 15:51
Eindelijk iemand gevonden die je Illuminatie-Bilderberg-vonHelsing psychose schijnt te bevestigen

Juist niet :jammer:

Als hij het nou op hun zou afschuiven, dan konden deze elementen het niet op jodenhaat afschuiven. Dan had hij helemaal geschiedenis geschreven.

Geplaatst door Canaris
Crypto Communisten met geestelijk gestoorde moslim-fundies hand in hand , begeleidt door de Neonazie scene, strijden gezamenlijk tegen de Joodse wereld heerschappij.

Gezellige feestjes moeten jullie hebben

De Neonazis staan aan jullie kant hoor. Zie bijvoorbeeld Schwarzenegger :duim:

21-10-03, 15:56

die lennie

Ja , ik heb het net gelezen , je hebt gelijk

Neonazies hand in hand met het wiesenthal centrum demonsteren tegen arafat.

Neonazies , die voor globalisering zijn en vel van leer trekken tegen de "Joodse wereld verzwerings theorie"

Moeilijk te verteren misschien lennie, maar wat jij aan verbale diaröh spuit is meestal 1=1 Neonazie taal.

Ga maar nalezen bij Stormfront en hoe ze allemaal niet heten.

zelfs economisch staan ze voor 10% aan jouw kant. Hun oplossingen zijn anders , maar dat is geneuk in de marge.

Ze zijn tegen alles waar jij ook tegen bent en lullen dezelfde onzin.

Wat brachialer , toegegeven

21-10-03, 16:02
Dat is de taktiek die onze politiek correct lieden wel vaker bezegingen. Als mensen iets zeggen dat men niet bevalt is die een neo-nazi of een fundamentalist of als dat niet werkt een gek.

Zelfs mensen die alleen maar berichten over bilderberg worden bijvoorbeeld uitgemaakt voor anti-semieten.

Het is zo doorzichtig. :rolleyes:

En ondertussen sluiten jullie wel een fascist in de armen genaamd Schwarzie...

21-10-03, 17:06
Nou ik weet het niet hoor. Die Matahir is een wauwelaar en een eikel. Hij kraamt alleen maar inconsistente onzin uit. En ja, wat hij te zeggen heeft klinkt inderdaad antisemitisch. Een staatshoofd onwaardig, op z'n minst. Zijn kritiek was vele malen effectiever geweest als hij het gerichter had geuit, deze vaagheden klinken als standaard antisemitisme inderdaad, en ik ben geenszins een Israel-goedprater.

En met Arnold S. heb ik verder ook geen moer.

21-10-03, 17:11
Geplaatst door Donna
Die Matahir is een wauwelaar en een eikel. Hij kraamt alleen maar inconsistente onzin uit.

Ook al de volledige speech niet gelezen? :rolleyes:

Tip: http://www.maroc.nl/nieuws/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=74708

En tis inderdaad geen superdemocraat, maar voor de rest wel een goeie kerel.

I will not enumerate the instances of our humiliation and oppression, nor will I once again condemn our detractors and oppressors. It would be an exercise in futility because they are not going to change their attitudes just because we condemn them. If we are to recover our dignity and that of Islam, our religion, it is we who must decide, it is we who must act.

21-10-03, 17:17
After a final bruising encounter with the West, Islam's fiery spokesman Dr Mahathir bows out of public life
By Kathy Marks in Sydney
21 October 2003

No one thought Mahathir Mohamad would go quietly. But few expected a row of the magnitude that saw Malaysia's Prime Minister taken aside by President George Bush yesterday and told in no uncertain terms his remarks about Jews were "wrong and divisive".

The frosty encounter was at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit, which opened in Bangkok yesterday, attended by 21 world leaders. The meeting should have been an occasion to honour Dr Mahathir, retiring at the end of this month after 22 years of autocratic rule. Instead, it has turned into another storm for the combative Malaysian leader, who claimed last week: "Jews rule the world by proxy ... they get others to fight and die for them."

The comment, at an Islamic summit, provoked an international uproar. The EU, Australia and the US condemned it. Yesterday, a White House spokesman said, Mr Bush told the 78-year-old Dr Mahathir: "It stands squarely against what I believe in."

The spokesman did not record the response of Asia's longest-serving elected leader, but it might be assumed that Dr Mahathir - making his final appearance on the international stage - was not particularly contrite. Dr M, as he is affectionately known at home, has never worried about diplomatic niceties. His intemperate outbursts have become the stuff of legend, although he often feigns surprise when offence is taken.

When he finally relinquishes his iron grip on power, his old adversaries, particularly in the US, Britain and Australia, will probably heave a sigh of relief.

But while he may not be popular in the West, his standing is high in his own region, where he is an outspoken champion of Muslim causes and of the developing world.

In Malaysia, a former British colony which he has transformed from an economic backwater into one of Asia's wealthiest countries, most people find it difficult to imagine life post-Mahathir. "Whenever you think of Malaysia, you think of Dr M," said Zuraini Harun, a 32-year-old Kuala Lumpur café manager whose generation has known no other leader. "Mahathir is Malaysia."

Many people harbour a deep attachment for their authoritarian leader. Crowds thronged to hear his farewell speech to his ruling United Malays National Organisation party in June, blocking city streets as they watched him on giant television screens.

He initially announced his retirement last year, but was persuaded to postpone it by his tearful deputy, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Although economic achieve-ments have given Malaysia self-confidence, not everyone in the ethnically diverse nation of 24 million people is happy. Dr Mahathir has blatantly favoured the ethnic Malay majority over the large Chinese and Indian communities. Critics say the independence of the press and judiciary has been eroded, and a culture of cronyism and government unaccountability has thrived.

Malaysia is nominally a democracy, but Dr Mahathir has brooked no dissent. Political opponents have been locked up without trial and his former deputy prime minister, Anwar Ibrahim, once his anointed successor, is languishing in jail, six years into a 15-year sentence for corruption and sodomy.

Mr Anwar's sin was to question the handling of the 1997 Asian economic crisis, a move interpreted as a leadership challenge. Dr Mahathir fired him, accusing him of conducting secret [and illegal] homosexual relationships. Mr Anwar organised Malaysia's largest street protests for years, calling for sweeping government reform. Arrested and beaten in jail by the chief of police, he was left a virtual cripple. His conviction provoked more riots and was widely condemned.

Britain was more than happy to do business with Malaysia, negotiating a £417m aid deal to build the controversial Pergau Dam in exchange for orders for fighter aircraft from British arms manufacturers. The agreement was struck under Baroness Thatcher, and was revealed when a secret memo of understanding became public. The British government had ignored warnings that the project was environmentally flawed; large areas of rainforest were destroyed and the habitats of rare wild- life threatened.

Over the years, Dr Mahathir has become famous for his fiery rhetoric. In 1997 he blamed the financial crisis on George Soros, the American financier, calling him a "moron" and noting that he was Jewish. This year, he described those who died in the World Trade Centre and the Bali bomb as "collaterals".

The irony is that Dr Mahathir is actually a voice of moderation in the Muslim world. He has spent most of his career fighting religious fundamentalism and preaching tolerance. The main point of his speech last week was that Muslims should give up violence and modernise. Unlike some of his Asian contemporaries, such as the former Indonesian president, Suharto, he has never sought to enrich himself.

Even his critics acknowledge that he has managed to maintain racial harmony, with Malaysia avoiding the ethnic and religious turmoil that has blighted neighbouring Indonesia. Racial riots that left hundreds of people dead in 1969 are a fading memory.

Malaysia is a modern secular society, albeit with a strong Islamic influence. Teenage girls in designer jeans and Muslim headscarves go window-shopping in suburban malls, and Chinese men play mahjong over beer and pork crackling in nearby cafes. A physician from the northern state of Kedah, Dr Mahathir made his name in politics by defining what he called the "Malay dilemma", portraying Malays as downtrodden by the economically superior Chinese. Malays are now guaranteed places at universities, shareholdings in corporations and other benefits.

During the Asian boom years of the 1980s and early 1990s, Dr Mahathir energetically wooed foreign investment, spending billions of dollars on occasionally grandiose mega-projects; Kuala Lumpur has some of the world's tallest buildings. He made Malaysia into one of the top 20 trading nations, with a national auto industry and major exports of tin and rubber.

Dr Mahathir has condemned the war on terrorism as anti-Muslim and accused the US of "trying to out-terrorise the terrorists". But he has proved a valuable ally. Malaysia has arrested more than 70 suspected members of Jemaah Islamiyah, the regional terrorist network, detaining them without trial.

Dr Mahathir's hand-picked successor, Badawi, is dull by comparison. A former Islamic student and career politician, he will find it difficult to stamp his personality on a country that, for nearly half of the period since gaining independence from Britain in 1957, has been dominated by one man.

But few people expect Dr Mahathir to disappear from public life. As a former US ambassador, John Malott, said: "It is not Mahathir's style to remain silent."

* At Apec, President Bush called for talks with North Korea on its nuclear programme as Pyongyang test-fired a short-range missile.



They made a mistake in Iraq. Now in Iraq, instead of feeling happy and saying thanks to the liberators, they are killing the liberators.

October 2003


This country stands out like a sore thumb trying to impose its European values in Asia as if it is the good old days when people can shoot aborigines without caring about human rights.

December 2002

Australia has made known to the world that it wants to be the deputy sheriff of this region. It's very difficult to get along with deputy sheriffs.

October 2003

.... JEWS

The Jews for example are not merely hook-nosed, but understand money instinctively.

in his 1970 book, "The Malay Dilemma"


Disunited, confused about Islam, fighting each other for power and lacking in essential knowledge and skills... Muslims today have reached the lowest point of their development.

January 2003


Many among them are of the opinion that Muslims cannot possibly succeed, more so when their skin colour is brown.

1999 speech

21-10-03, 19:21
Geplaatst door lennart
Ook al de volledige speech niet gelezen? :rolleyes:

Tip: http://www.maroc.nl/nieuws/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=74708

En tis inderdaad geen superdemocraat, maar voor de rest wel een goeie kerel.

I will not enumerate the instances of our humiliation and oppression, nor will I once again condemn our detractors and oppressors. It would be an exercise in futility because they are not going to change their attitudes just because we condemn them. If we are to recover our dignity and that of Islam, our religion, it is we who must decide, it is we who must act.

Ik had de volledige speech wel gelezen, maar daar gaat het niet om. Een politicus, en een regeringsleider al helemaal, moet zich bewust zijn van het effect van zijn woorden. De man loopt lang genoeg mee om te kunnen voorspellen hoe zijn speech zal worden geinterpreteerd en welke elementen daaruit wel en niet benadrukt zullen worden. Ik ga er dus ook van uit dat hij de speech, inclusief de soundbites die zijn overgenomen, weloverwogen heeft gegeven. En dus vantevoren exact heeft geanticipeeerd op de commotie.

Als Bush in zijn speech tegen het congres zegt: 'you are either with us or against us' raadt jij toch ook de critici niet aan 'het in zijn context te plaatsen'?

21-10-03, 19:26
Geplaatst door Donna
Ik had de volledige speech wel gelezen, maar daar gaat het niet om. Een politicus, en een regeringsleider al helemaal, moet zich bewust zijn van het effect van zijn woorden. De man loopt lang genoeg mee om te kunnen voorspellen hoe zijn speech zal worden geinterpreteerd en welke elementen daaruit wel en niet benadrukt zullen worden. Ik ga er dus ook van uit dat hij de speech, inclusief de soundbites die zijn overgenomen, weloverwogen heeft gegeven. En dus vantevoren exact heeft geanticipeeerd op de commotie.

Ik zou niet weten waarom, zijn speech was zeer uitgebalanceerd.

Als Bush in zijn speech tegen het congres zegt: 'you are either with us or against us' raadt jij toch ook de critici niet aan 'het in zijn context te plaatsen'? [/B]

Ik begrijp dat jij ook van mening bent dat mensen in het Westen mogen beweren wat het wil, maar moslims hun bek moeten houden?

Zie het stukje over Arabophobia...

Moslimterrorisme <- ooit overnagedacht?

21-10-03, 19:33
Geplaatst door lennart

Ik begrijp dat jij ook van mening bent dat mensen in het Westen mogen beweren wat het wil, maar moslims hun bek moeten houden?

Nee, dat begrijp je verkeerd. Waar baseer je dat op?

Dat Matahir een ongelovelijke dweil is wil nog niet zeggen dat ik dat de rest van de moslims aanreken. Denk jij altijd in groepen?

Geplaatst door lennart
Zie het stukje over Arabophobia...

Moslimterrorisme <- ooit overnagedacht?

Ja, vaak zat. Maar wat wil je hier nou mee zeggen?

De volgende keer als Philip de Winter eens iets zinnigs zegt word ik ook echt geen fan.

21-10-03, 19:39
Geplaatst door Donna
Nee, dat begrijp je verkeerd. Waar baseer je dat op?

Op het feit dat Mahathir niets fout zegt, hij generaliseert alleen een beetje... Maar generalisatie is Westerse leiders niet vreemd.

Dat Matahir een ongelovelijke dweil is wil nog niet zeggen dat ik dat de rest van de moslims aanreken. Denk jij altijd in groepen?

Ik heb nog geen inhoudelijke kritiek op Mahathirs speech gehoord, iedereen valt over het gebruik van het woord Joden... Het schijnt een scheldwoord te zijn ofzo.

Ja, vaak zat. Maar wat wil je hier nou mee zeggen?

Word je dan net zo verontwaardigd wanneer je dat hoort?

21-10-03, 19:47
Geplaatst door lennart
Op het feit dat Mahathir niets fout zegt, hij generaliseert alleen een beetje... Maar generalisatie is Westerse leiders niet vreemd.

Ik heb nog geen inhoudelijke kritiek op Mahathirs speech gehoord, iedereen valt over het gebruik van het woord Joden... Het schijnt een scheldwoord te zijn ofzo.

Word je dan net zo verontwaardigd wanneer je dat hoort?

Dat generalisatie westerse leiders niet vreemd is wil nog niet zeggen dat ik het waardeer. Kritiek op matahir is toch niet onmiddelijk een omhelzing van Aznar ofzo?

En waarom leg je de lat voor moslimleiders zo laag? Ik hoor je zelden inhoudelijke kritiek geven op de speeches van bijvoorbeeld sharon of bush. Daar trek je altijd conclusies die maar zeer ten dele op de speech zelf te herleiden zijn. Dus wie oordeelt er hier nu subjectief? waarom zou een moslimleider meer begrip en krediet moeten hebben dan een westerse leider? Gelijke monniken, gelijke kappen... het is toch geen zielig vogeltje ofzo? Het is een leider van een natie nota bene...

En ja, ik word altijd erg verontwaardigd als ik dat hoor. En ik word nog moedelozer als ik merk dat dweilen als matahir het dan nog erger maken door zoiets te claimen. Zoals het ook erg jammer was dat juist Pim Fortuyn zulke goeie en gedegen kritiek op het Nederlandse zorgstelsel had.

Slechte ambassadeurs van goeie zaken.... :droef: jammer.....

21-10-03, 19:58
Geplaatst door Donna
Dat generalisatie westerse leiders niet vreemd is wil nog niet zeggen dat ik het waardeer. Kritiek op matahir is toch niet onmiddelijk een omhelzing van Aznar ofzo?

En waarom leg je de lat voor moslimleiders zo laag? Ik hoor je zelden inhoudelijke kritiek geven op de speeches van bijvoorbeeld sharon of bush. Daar trek je altijd conclusies die maar zeer ten dele op de speech zelf te herleiden zijn. Dus wie oordeelt er hier nu subjectief? waarom zou een moslimleider meer begrip en krediet moeten hebben dan een westerse leider? Gelijke monniken, gelijke kappen... het is toch geen zielig vogeltje ofzo? Het is een leider van een natie nota bene...

En ja, ik word altijd erg verontwaardigd als ik dat hoor. En ik word nog moedelozer als ik merk dat dweilen als matahir het dan nog erger maken door zoiets te claimen. Zoals het ook erg jammer was dat juist Pim Fortuyn zulke goeie en gedegen kritiek op het Nederlandse zorgstelsel had.

Slechte ambassadeurs van goeie zaken.... :droef: jammer.....

Ik zie nog steeds niet in wat Mahathir fout heeft gezegd.

The Jews rule the world..
The Martians rule the world..
The French rule the world..

We weten allemaal toch dat het onzin is? Maar inzake Israel heeft hij wel gelijk dat Israel zich niets aantrekt van de VN, dankzij de steun van het Westen. The Jews rule the World... als het op Israel aankomt.

Ik leg bovendien de lat wel hoog voor politici,... Mahathir is een van enige moslimleider die boven het maaiveld uitstijgt. De Sultan van Oman is een andere. Malaysia is een economisch succesverhaal, hij wordt gerespecteerd door zijn bevolking, er geen religieuze vervolging etc. etc.

Als alle leiders in de moslimwereld als Mahathir zouden zijn, dan zou de moslimwereld er een stuk beter voor staan.

Eindelijk geeft een moslimleider een lange termijn visie van een vredig ummah, en dan krijgt die de zionisten en een hele serie schijnheilige mensen over zich heen. :jammer:

Het grote verschil tussen Bush/Sharon en Mahathir?.. Bush en Sharon praten in termen van oorlog, Mahathir in termen van vrede.

21-10-03, 20:00
Geplaatst door lennart
Ik zie nog steeds niet in wat Mahathir fout heeft gezegd.

The Jews rule the world..
The Martians rule the world..
The French rule the world..

We weten allemaal toch dat het onzin is? Maar inzake Israel heeft hij wel gelijk dat Israel zich niets aantrekt van de VN, dankzij de steun van het Westen. The Jews rule the World... als het op Israel aankomt.

En als jij niet inziet waarom een beschuldiging van antisemitisme na deze opmerkingen een schot in open doel was door een blinde gehandicapte zonder benen, dan weet ik het echt niet meer. Sorry.

Eindelijk geeft een moslimleider een lange termijn visie van een vredig ummah, en dan krijgt die de zionisten en een hele serie schijnheilige mensen over zich heen.

Ik neem aan dat je mij in de serie 'schijnheilige mensen' wilt plaatsen?

Prima hoor.

Maar deze wat tragisch klinkende uitroep hoorde ik ook van een heleboel domme mensen nadat Pim Fortuyn wat tegengas kreeg, en ik vond het toen ook al gelul.

21-10-03, 20:01
Geplaatst door Donna
En als jij niet inziet waarom een beschuldiging van antisemitisme na deze opmerkingen een schot in open doel was door een blinde gehandicapte zonder benen, dan weet ik het echt niet meer. Sorry.

Dan heb je de speech dus duidelijk niet gelezen...

Het grote verschil tussen Bush/Sharon en Mahathir?.. Bush en Sharon praten in termen van oorlog, Mahathir in termen van vrede.

21-10-03, 20:07
Geplaatst door Donna
Ik neem aan dat je mij in de serie 'schijnheilige mensen' wilt plaatsen?

Prima hoor.

Dat laat ik helemaal aan jezelf over. Ik lees een speech die absoluut niet haatvol is.

Dat de mensen er dus over vallen is mij een compleet raadsel.

Dat het een schot in open doel is, dat is mij overigens wel duidelijk. De zionistische lobby laat geen kans onbenut om moslims als anti-semitisch af te schilderen.

21-10-03, 20:09
Geplaatst door lennart
Dan heb je de speech dus duidelijk niet gelezen...

Het grote verschil tussen Bush/Sharon en Mahathir?.. Bush en Sharon praten in termen van oorlog, Mahathir in termen van vrede.

Ik heb dan ook niet gezeg dat matahir uit is op oorlog. Ik heb gezegd dat hij een inconsistente wauwelaar is en ik heb hem beschuldigd van antisemitisme.

Wat ik verder zeg is dat ik Matahir in het interpreteren van zijn speeches ongeveer evenveel goodwill geef als alle andere leiders van regeringen. Niet veel dus.

21-10-03, 20:12
heb hem beschuldigd van antisemitisme.

Nou dan is dus iedereen die het heeft over "moslimterreur" een anti-islamist.

21-10-03, 20:12
Geplaatst door lennart

Dat het een schot in open doel is, dat is mij overigens wel duidelijk. De zionistische lobby laat geen kans onbenut om moslims als anti-semitisch af te schilderen.

En als je een slimme leider bent, en je wilt effect resulteren met je woorden, dan zorg je er dus voor dat de zionistische lobby daar de kans niet voor krijgt. Dat haaft matahir niet gedaan, en dus is hij een inconsistente wauwelaar en een dweil.

Maargoed. Ik zou zeggen: bel hem als je hem zo bewondert. Misschien kun je met hem aan je zijde Bilderberg op de knieen krijgen. Ik geef je weinig kans met zo'n strateeg van de koude grond, maar jij denkt daar kennelijk anders over.

21-10-03, 20:14
Geplaatst door Donna
En als je een slimme leider bent, en je wilt effect resulteren met je woorden, dan zorg je er dus voor dat de zionistische lobby daar de kans niet voor krijgt. Dat haaft matahir niet gedaan, en dus is hij een inconsistente wauwelaar en een dweil.

Dus hij moet zich maar wegkruipen in zijn schulp.. Bang als die is voor de zion lobby.

Maargoed. Ik zou zeggen: bel hem als je hem zo bewondert. Misschien kun je met hem aan je zijde Bilderberg op de knieen krijgen. Ik geef je weinig kans met zo'n strateeg van de koude grond, maar jij denkt daar kennelijk anders over.

Hij is 78 en gaat met pensioen, heeft die wel verdiend.

21-10-03, 21:09
Geplaatst door lennart
Dus hij moet zich maar wegkruipen in zijn schulp.. Bang als die is voor de zion lobby.

Nee. Hij moet zich gedragen naar zijn stand. Presidentieel. En niet als een prikker.

21-10-03, 21:19
Geplaatst door Donna
Nee. Hij moet zich gedragen naar zijn stand. Presidentieel. En niet als een prikker.

Tuurlijk joh...

Dus let op wereldleiders... neem het woord jood niet meer in de mond, want dat is namelijk niet presidentieel :rolleyes:

En ik wacht nog altijd op iemand die daadwerkelijk inhoudelijk kritiek heeft op de speech van Mahathir.

21-10-03, 22:08
Remember, toen Berlusconi negatieve dingen zei over de islam( ik weet niet meer wat hij precies zei)...wat was de reactie van europa en amerika toen.....Die waren volgens mij stil...

Maar jah de reactie van iedereen over deze uitlatingen bevestigt zijn uitspraak.....

21-10-03, 22:13
Ik meen dat Berlusconi ook zei dat Mussolini helemaal niet zo'n kwaaie was, maar geen verontwaardiging vanuit Israel... sterker nog hij werd tot zionist van het jaar uitgeroepen.

21-10-03, 23:52
Geplaatst door lennart
Mahathir went on to say that his country did not view the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a war between Jews and Muslims, but rather as a
territorial conflict "over land (...) Mahathir :duim:

deels helemaal mee eens eigelijk, want dat geldt voor beide kampen beste Lennart :duim:
Voor de rest bewijst deze rat Matahir met zijn (door hem zelf betreurde uitspraken) dat de Joden wel degelijk op hun hoede moeten zijn voor dit soort idealogisch Moslim-fascisme dat vanuit ZO Azië steeds gevaarlijker vormen begint aan te nemen.
Gelukkig dat Bush jr. over ons waakt !!


22-10-03, 09:38
Hij doet me aan iemand denken... offeeeeh laat maar... Zucht... Voor sommige mensen is het gewoon te laat.

Aan...GW Bush? Ik ben ook een beetje bang voor de mate waarin deze bereid is geweld te gebruiken. Maar het is ook geen ideale wereld. In een wereld vol Mahathirs
hebben we een GW Bush misschien wel nodig.

22-10-03, 10:20
Geplaatst door GroteWolf
Aan...GW Bush? Ik ben ook een beetje bang voor de mate waarin deze bereid is geweld te gebruiken. Maar het is ook geen ideale wereld. In een wereld vol Mahathirs
hebben we een GW Bush misschien wel nodig.

Inderdaad,laten we bang zijn voor een man die nog nooit een vlieg kwaad gedaan heeft en waarvan zijn uitspraken alleen niet overeenkomen met het dagelijkse politieke denken i.p.v bang te zijn voor een man die de halve wereld loopt te bedreigen en zomaar (just for the fun of it)een oorlog begint.
Er zijn weinig Mahathirs op deze wereld hoor......de Arabische leiders vinden het buitenverblijf van Bush te gezellig om op te geven.

22-10-03, 10:54
Geplaatst door mulan
Inderdaad,laten we bang zijn voor een man die nog nooit een vlieg kwaad gedaan heeft en waarvan zijn uitspraken alleen niet overeenkomen met het dagelijkse politieke denken i.p.v bang te zijn voor een man die de halve wereld loopt te bedreigen en zomaar (just for the fun of it)een oorlog begint.
Er zijn weinig Mahathirs op deze wereld hoor......de Arabische leiders vinden het buitenverblijf van Bush te gezellig om op te geven.

Vrees niet Mulannetje...gelukkig is er nog een Kim Jong-il op aarde :)

22-10-03, 14:20
Geplaatst door mika
deels helemaal mee eens eigelijk, want dat geldt voor beide kampen beste Lennart :duim:
Voor de rest bewijst deze rat Matahir met zijn (door hem zelf betreurde uitspraken) dat de Joden wel degelijk op hun hoede moeten zijn voor dit soort idealogisch Moslim-fascisme dat vanuit ZO Azië steeds gevaarlijker vormen begint aan te nemen.
Gelukkig dat Bush jr. over ons waakt !!

Bewijs eens dat Mahathir een element is van het "moslimfascisme"... Geef eens een uitspraak uit zijn speech waaruit dat zou blijken. Een uitspraak waaruit zou moeten blijken dat Joden bang moeten zijn voor Mahathir.

24-10-03, 04:11
Geplaatst door lennart
Bewijs eens dat Mahathir een element is van het "moslimfascisme"... Geef eens een uitspraak uit zijn speech waaruit dat zou blijken. Een uitspraak waaruit zou moeten blijken dat Joden bang moeten zijn voor Mahathir.

Nou ik geloof dat Donna daar uitgebreid op in is gegaan, ik houd niet van die lange discussies dus ik beperk me tot een uitspraak die je zelf aanhaalde van Matahir en die me deed denken aan toen de Nazi's de hoofden en neuzen van Joden op quasi-intellectuele gronden gingen vergelijken met Germaanse gezichts-trekken.

Geplaatst door lennart

.... JEWS

The Jews for example are not merely hook-nosed, but understand money instinctively.

Jij ziet volgens mij vast de humor ervan in, ik zie een misplaatste opmerking voortkomend uit een verziekte geest en die ook nog een eeuwenoud stigma bevestigd, maar beslist minder wrang
zou klinken als het niet aan moord, verminking en genocide zou kleven.


24-10-03, 04:42
Die Mahathir mag gerust zeggen wat hij vind, hij is tenminste niet politiek-correct.

Vrijheid van meningsuiting voor alles!

24-10-03, 09:17
Geplaatst door mulan
Inderdaad,laten we bang zijn voor een man die nog nooit een vlieg kwaad gedaan heeft en waarvan zijn uitspraken alleen niet overeenkomen met het dagelijkse politieke denken i.p.v bang te zijn voor een man die de halve wereld loopt te bedreigen en zomaar (just for the fun of it)een oorlog begint.
Er zijn weinig Mahathirs op deze wereld hoor......de Arabische leiders vinden het buitenverblijf van Bush te gezellig om op te geven. eehh .. ik zou eens met M's politieke tegenstanders in Maleisië praten ... zoals bijvoorbeeld zijn vorige opvolger in spe .... "geen vlieg kwaad doen .." nou ..... misschien geen vlieg, maar mensen zeer zeker wel!!
Hij was en is een verlicht despoot, die ... als hij boos is ... zonder meer alle middelen uit de kast durft te halen om zijn tegenstanders - ook fysiek - aan te pakken!

PS: zie ook bijvoorbeeld Reporters zonder Grenzen over M's vredelievendheid en vriendelijkheid

Malaysia annuel report 2002

Throughout 2001, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and those close to power regularly insulted Malaysian opposition journalists and the foreign press. Two independent Chinese-language dailies were taken over by the second party of the coalition in power. Free media are becoming increasingly rare.

"Some states need good dictators," Mahathir Mohammad, Malaysian Prime Minister since 1981, said in 2001. Guardian of "Asian values", opposed to "western democracy", the head of government does everything in his power to hinder independent journalists, especially those of the on-line daily Malaysiakini.com, and to block the distribution of critical foreign publications. A columnist with Malaysiakini.com was imprisoned according to the Internal Security Act, used by the government to muzzle opposition media. Overzealous censors blocked the distribution of the magazines Asiaweek and Far Eastern Economic Review for several weeks, starting in February 2001. Even more serious, the press group of a party in the government coalition took over two private newspapers that target this country's very large Chinese community. This buyout caused a controversy and editorial staff revolted against the government's thinly-veiled takeover of these publications. More generally, anger mounted against censorship and laws that reduce freedom. In 2001, thousands demonstrated in favour of press freedom.

Most Malaysian media are controlled by press groups close to the government. Criticism is rare and self-censorship is rife. Publications must be wary of the very restrictive Printing Press and Publications Act, and journalists can face astronomical lawsuits for slander.

Mahathir Mohamad's regime has also had to face the rise in Islamist movements whose publications were banned in 2000. To fight against these parties, the government funded the launch of a radio station, IKIM-FM, in July, whose goal is to promote Islam as a way of life. When the station was inaugurated, the Prime Minister again accused Islamist parties of "voluntarily misinterpreting Islam." Two months later, RadiqRadio was launched but, this time, to counter the monopoly of the airwaves held by radio stations close to the government. Since this station could not get a licence in Malaysia, it broadcast from Indonesia. Its journalists, based in Malaysia, do not see themselves as opponents, but merely wish to "let Malaysians speak again".

One journalist jailed

On 10 April 2001, Hishamuddin Rais, a journalist working with Malaysiakini.com,was arrested together with five opponents who were organising a demonstration to be held in front of the National Human Rights Commission. This free-lance journalist, known for his very critical articles, was sentenced to two years in jail according to the Internal Security Act. He and the other defendants were convicted of attempting to overthrow the regime.

Three journalists arrested

On 27 October 2001, police arrested a reporter for the local radio station RadiqRadio, a cameraman with Harakah (a press organ of the Islamist party) and Hanafiah Hamzah, a cameraman with the cable television station Channel News Asia based in Singapore, during a demonstration of opponents to the Internal Security Act. This peaceful demonstration occurred near the Kamunting detention camp (north of the country), which holds, among others, the free-lance journalist Hishamuddin Rais. As the crowd was breaking up, police charged and arrested the three journalists and held them for more than twenty-four hours.

Pressure and obstruction

In January 2001, two dealers of the magazine Haraki were arrested in Kuala Lumpur. Police also inspected two newsagents and seized copies of the Islamist newspaper Harakah. Throughout the year, police harassed opposition newsagents and confiscated copies of critical publications. These newsagents were often threatened with arrest for violations of the Internal Security Act. Authorities also searched two printers, in the suburbs of Kuala Lumpur, accused of printing opposition publications.

On 5 February, the Ministry of Home Affairs refused to allow journalists with the online journal Malaysiakini.com to attend governmental press conferences. To justify their decision, the authorities said that this online daily did not have a press licence. But this authorisation, renewable each year, is not required for online media. On 11 February, an official with the Ministry of Information said that Malaysiakini.com was blacklisted because of its "dubious" credibility. At the same time, the deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Chor Chee Heung, threatened to take sanctions against Malaysiakini.com if it was discovered that the site had received funding from a foundation run by the American philanthropist George Soros. Asian governments had accused Soros of speculating against their countries at the beginning of the economic crisis in 1997.

In late February, the authorities blocked the distribution of the foreign weeklies Asiaweek and Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER), which were no longer available in newsagents in the country. It was not for two weeks after the 15 March issue of the FEER was published that it was available in Malaysia. The Prime Minister criticised Asiaweek for deliberately publishing, in February 2001, a picture of him looking "tired and stupid". Authorities seemed to sanction FEER for publishing an interview with a Philippine Islamist rebel who spoke of links between these extremist movements and Malaysian businessmen. On 7 March, Peter Back, the managing editor of Asiaweek, sent a letter to the Minister of Home Affairs asking for explanations. On 21 August, Peter Back implicated the Kuala Lumpur government in the delays of the magazine's distribution, which distribution was systematically delayed two weeks with no explanation from the authorities. During the month of March, the distribution of the magazines Time and The Economist was also delayed while waiting for government approval.

On 5 March, the Prime Minister directly attacked the online journal Malaysiakini.com. "These people act like traitors (…) and people who love Malaysia cannot count on them."

On 14 March, the police chief of Selangor presented a detailed report accusing Malaysiakini.com and two opposition parties of "sedition". He accused them of contesting the official assessment of the riots in Petaling Selatan. Two days earlier, police had prevented journalists from entering the Selangor hospital where people wounded during these riots were being treated.

On 17 March, the Minister of Finance warned foreign media about the economic consequences of their criticism of the Malaysian government. "From a purely economic point of view, foreign media must understand that they have interests in our economy," he said. Two days earlier, the Minister of Foreign Affairs had ordered Malaysian journalists working for international media to not be "used to destroy national harmony".

On 20 March, management of the official press agency Bernama withdrew, five hours after its release, a dispatch on declarations of a well-known journalist with the New Straits Times in favour of greater respect of press freedom. This decision was said to have been made following political pressure.

On 22 March, the youth branch of the UMNO (Prime Minister's party) filed suit against five foreign media : South China Morning Post, International Herald Tribune, The Times, Agence France-Presse and Associated Press. The organisation accused them of "suggesting that the police were attempting to hide information from the public about the riots in Taman Medan." UMNO accused the foreign press of printing comments from some opposition leaders who claimed that the police had responsibility in these riots, which saw clashes between young Malaysians and Indians.

On 23 March, an official with the Ministry of Home Affairs announced that the Ministry would reinforce its "surveillance and control" of political publications which appear without authorisation.

On 16 April, Mahathir Mohamad accused foreign media of being "always inclined to lying and immorality". The Prime Minister threatened to strengthen press laws and make them more efficient.

On 23 May, the deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Chor Chee Heung, said that the government "was closely watching all articles on Malaysiakini.com" and threatened to file suit against the site if it "endangered national security".

On 28 May, editorial staff of the independent Chinese-language dailies Nanyang Siang Pau and China Press went on strike to defend the independence of their newspapers. The following day, eight editors of these two newspapers were asked to resign. The two publications had just been bought out by the Huaren Holdings press group, which is owned by the Malaysian Chinese Association party (MCA, a member of the coalition in power which represents the Chinese community). This press group spent more than 60 million euros to buy out these two dailies with a circulation of more than 400,000. Huaren Holdings also publishes Sin Chew Jit Poh and Guang Ming and controls the highest circulation Chinese-language titles in the country. MCA also controls the best-selling English-language newspaper The Star. As soon as this buyout was announced, some forty journalists from the two newspapers declared that they would no longer write for them. An opposition leader denounced the "black Tuesday" of Malaysian press and a human rights organisation said that these two newspapers would become "simple organs of propaganda". Leaders of the Chinese community spoke out against this buyout and called for a boycott of the newspapers. On 7 June, MCA officially took control of Nanyang Siang Pau and China Press. Even within the MCA, criticism was heard. In late June, the Prime Minister recognised that he gave the MCA the green light to take over these two newspapers. On 27 August, management of Nanyang Siang Pau ordered its employees to not "participate in activities that could damage the reputation and authority" of the newspaper. Disciplinary actions would be taken against those who violated this order. The following day, a similar order was issued to employees of China Press. The journalists mobilised against this takeover continued their reactions : they denounced these "censorship orders". Rebellious journalists regularly appeared in front of the press and publicly read articles that were censored for "political reasons". In November, ninety journalists and intellectuals of Chinese origin decided to no longer write for newspapers controlled by parties close to the government. However, they did manage to have a new column, called "Strong Opinion", created in the Chinese-language magazine Jing Pao (Strong News). These Chinese journalists also published a book, Grieving for Newspapers, which criticised the takeover of the Chinese dailies. One of these journalists, Yong Sun Yong, explained, "The news published in these four newspapers is all alike. It is hard to see a difference in the way they cover news or the opinions they express."

In early June, the government announced that it was planning to tighten its control over "some independent Web sites". When the Multimedia Super Corridor was launched in 1996, Malaysian authorities promised that they would neither regulate nor censor sites related to the new economy, in the hope of attracting more international companies. When this large project failed, the government decided to go back on its promises and promulgate a code on Web site content.

On 13 August, police searched the offices of the magazine Harakah published by PAS (an Islamist opposition party) looking for DVDs and cassettes containing recordings of banned political speeches.

On 27 August, the deputy Prime Minister's head of press relations, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, prevented a journalist with Malaysiakini.com from entering a room where the Minister was about to hold a press conference. "You are not allowed to enter," he said. The following week, the Minister of Home Affairs also prevented a reporter with this Web site from attending a press conference. "You are not accredited, and, what is more, you misquoted the Minister in an article," said one of the Minister's aids. Malaysiakini.com has not received accreditations for governmental press conferences since April 2000.

On 14 September, Samad Ismail, Nazlan Nordin and Zainon Ahmand, three experienced journalists with the daily New Straits Times, were fired only a few days after the arrival of a new managing editor close to the Prime Minister. Their layoff letters gave no explanation for this sudden decision. Sources close to the newspaper said that this layoff was done for financial reasons. Others think that this was a settling of scores within the newspaper and that those close to the government won out.

On 28 October, the Prime Minister again attacked American media, which he said were nothing but a "huge propaganda machine". He accused them of blaming Iraq for anthrax attacks in order to justify new bombings.

On 8 November, Abdul Aziz Hamdan, programming manager with the radio station Time Highway Radio, announced that the government had banned the program "Arch to Happiness", a late-night talk show. Authorities felt that the existence of such a program, which allows married women to speak out, especially about their sexuality, in a Muslim country, was "revolting".

Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has been denounced as a predator of press freedom by Reporters without Borders.


24-10-03, 09:56
Aangezien hier heel veel over de speech van MAHATHIR wordt gezegd is het wellicht zinvol gewoon de speech te lezen. geen excerpten of interpretaties, maar de echte tekst ....


Alhamdulillah, All Praise be to Allah, by whose Grace and Blessings we, the leaders of the Organisation of Islamic Conference countries are gathered here today to confer and hopefully to plot a course for the future of Islam and the Muslim ummah worldwide.

2. On behalf of the Government and the people of many races and religions of Malaysia, may I extend a warm welcome to all and everyone to this Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference in Putrajaya, Malaysia's administrative capital.

3. It is indeed a great honour for Malaysia to host this Session and to assume the Chairmanship of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC). I thank the members for their confidence in Malaysia's Chairmanship.

4. May I also take this opportunity to pay a special tribute to the State of Qatar, in particular His Highness Shaikh Hamad Bin Khalifa AI-Thani, the Emir of the State of Qatar, for his outstanding stewardship of our Organisation over the past three years.

5. As host, Malaysia is gratified at the high level of participation from member countries. This clearly demonstrates our continued and abiding faith in, and commitment to our Organisation and our collective wish and determination to strengthen our role for the dignity and benefit of the ummah.

6. I would also like to welcome the leaders and representatives of the many countries who wish to become observers at this meeting because of their substantial Muslim population. Whether they are Muslims or not, their presence at this meeting will help towards greater understanding of Islam and the Muslims, thus helping to disprove the perception of Islam as a religion of backwardness and terror.

7. The whole world is looking at us. Certainly 1.3 billion Muslims, one-sixth of the world's population are placing their hopes in us, in this meeting, even though they may be cynical about our will and capacity to even decide to restore the honour of Islam and the Muslims, much less to free their brothers and sisters from the oppression and humiliation from which they suffer today.

8. I will not enumerate the instances of our humiliation and oppression, nor will I once again condemn our detractors and oppressors. It would be an exercise in futility because they are not going to change their attitudes just because we condemn them. If we are to recover our dignity and that of Islam, our religion, it is we who must decide, it is we who must act.

9. To begin with, the Governments of all the Muslim countries can close ranks and have a common stand if not on all issues, at least on some major ones, such as on Palestine. We are all Muslims. We are all oppressed. We are all being humiliated. But we who have been raised by Allah above our fellow Muslims to rule our countries have never really tried to act in concert in order to exhibit at our level the brotherhood and unity that Islam enjoins upon us.

10. But not only are our Governments divided, the Muslim ummah is also divided, and divided again and again. Over the last 1400 years the interpreters of Islam, the learned ones, the ulamas have interpreted and reinterpreted the single Islamic religion brought by Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, so differently that now we have a thousand religions which are often so much at odds with one another that we often fight and kill each other.

11. From being a single ummah we have allowed ourselves to be divided into numerous sects, mazhabs and tarikats, each more concerned with claiming to be the true Islam than our oneness as the Islamic ummah. We fail to notice that our detractors and enemies do not care whether we are true Muslims or not. To them we are all Muslims, followers of a religion and a Prophet whom they declare promotes terrorism, and we are all their sworn enemies. They will attack and kill us, invade our lands, bring down our Governments whether we are Sunnis or Syiahs, Alawait or Druze or whatever. And we aid and abet them by attacking and weakening each other, and sometimes by doing their bidding, acting as their proxies to attack fellow Muslims. We try to bring down our Governments through violence, succeeding to weaken and impoverish our countries.

12. We ignore entirely and we continue to ignore the Islamic injunction to unite and to be brothers to each other, we the Governments of the Islamic countries and the ummah.

13. But this is not all that we ignore about the teachings of Islam. We are enjoined to Read, Iqraq i.e. to acquire knowledge. The early Muslims took this to mean translating and studying the works of the Greeks and other scholars before Islam. And these Muslim scholars added to the body of knowledge through their own studies.

14. The early Muslims produced great mathematicians and scientists, scholars, physicians and astronomers etc. and they excelled in all the fields of knowledge of their times, besides studying and practising their own religion of Islam. As a result the Muslims were able to develop and extract wealth from their lands and through their world trade, able to strengthen their defences, protect their people and give them the Islamic way of life, Addin, as prescribed by Islam. At the time the Europeans of the Middle Ages were still superstitious and backward, the enlightened Muslims had already built a great Muslim civilisation, respected and powerful, more than able to compete with the rest of the world and able to protect the ummah from foreign aggression. The Europeans had to kneel at the feet of Muslim scholars in order to access their own scholastic heritage.

15. The Muslims were lead by great leaders like Abdul Rahman III, AI-Mansur, Salah El Din AI Ayubi and others who took to the battlefields at the head of their forces to protect Muslim land and the ummah.

16. But halfway through the building of the great Islamic civilisation came new interpreters of Islam who taught that acquisition of knowledge by Muslims meant only the study of Islamic theology. The study of science, medicine etc. was discouraged.

17. Intellectually the Muslims began to regress. With intellectual regression the great Muslim civilisation began to falter and wither. But for the emergence of the Ottoman warriors, Muslim civilisation would have disappeared with the fall of Granada in 1492.

18. The early successes of the Ottomans were not accompanied by an intellectual renaissance. Instead they became more and more preoccupied with minor issues such as whether tight trousers and peak caps were Islamic, whether printing machines should be allowed or electricity used to light mosques. The Industrial Revolution was totally missed by the Muslims. And the regression continued until the British and French instigated rebellion against Turkish rule brought about the downfall of the Ottomans, the last Muslim world power and replaced it with European colonies and not independent states as promised. It was only after World War II that these colonies became independent.

19. Apart from the new nation-states we also accepted the western democratic system. This also divided us because of the political parties and groups that we form, some of which claim Islam for themselves, reject the Islam of other parties and refuse to accept the results of the practice of democracy if they fail to gain power for themselves. They resort to violence, thus destabilising and weakening Muslim countries.

20. With all these developments over the centuries the ummah and the Muslim civilisation became so weak that at one time there was not a single Muslim country which was not colonised or hegemonised by the Europeans. But regaining independence did not help to strengthen the Muslims. Their states were weak and badly administered, constantly in a state of turmoil. The Europeans could do what they liked with Muslim territories. It is not surprising that they should excise Muslim land to create the state of Israel to solve their Jewish problem. Divided, the Muslims could do nothing effective to stop the Balfour and Zionist transgression.

21. Some would have us believe that, despite all these, our life is better than that of our detractors. Some believe that poverty is Islamic, sufferings and being oppressed are Islamic. This world is not for us. Ours are the joys of heaven in the afterlife. All that we have to do is to perform certain rituals, wear certain garments and put up a certain appearance. Our weakness, our backwardness and our inability to help our brothers and sisters who are being oppressed are part of the Will of Allah, the sufferings that we must endure before enjoying heaven in the hereafter. We must accept this fate that befalls us. We need not do anything. We can do nothing against the Will of Allah.

22. But is it true that it is the Will of Allah and that we can and should do nothing? Allah has said in Surah Ar-Ra'd verse 11 that He will not change the fate of a community until the community has tried to change its fate itself.

23. The early Muslims were as oppressed as we are presently. But after their sincere and determined efforts to help themselves in accordance with the teachings of Islam, Allah had helped them to defeat their enemies and to create a great and powerful Muslim civilisation. But what effort have we made especially with the resources that He has endowed us with.

24. We are now 1.3 billion strong. We have the biggest oil reserve in the world. We have great wealth. We are not as ignorant as the Jahilliah who embraced Islam. We are familiar with the workings of the world's economy and finances. We control 57 out of the 180 countries in the world. Our votes can make or break international organisations. Yet we seem more helpless than the small number of Jahilliah converts who accepted the Prophet as their leader. Why? Is it because of Allah's will or is it because we have interpreted our religion wrongly, or failed to abide by the correct teachings of our religion, or done the wrong things?

25. We are enjoined by our religion to prepare for the defence of the ummah. Unfortunately we stress not defence but the weapons of the time of the Prophet. Those weapons and horses cannot help to defend us any more. We need guns and rockets, bombs and warplanes, tanks and warships for our defence. But because we discouraged the learning of science and mathematics etc. as giving no merit for the akhirat, today we have no capacity to produce our own weapons for our defence. We have to buy our weapons from our detractors and enemies. This is what comes from the superficial interpretation of the Quran, stressing not the substance of the Prophet's sunnah and the Quran's injunctions but rather the form, the manner and the means used in the 1st Century of the Hijrah. And it is the same with the other teachings of Islam. We are more concerned with the forms rather than the substance of the words of Allah and adhering only to the literal interpretation of the traditions of the Prophet.

26. We may want to recreate the first century of the Hijrah, the way of life in those times, in order to practise what we think to be the true Islamic way of life. But we will not be allowed to do so. Our detractors and enemies will take advantage of the resulting backwardness and weakness in order to dominate us. Islam is not just for the 7th Century A.D. Islam is for all times. And times have changed. Whether we like it or not we have to change, not by changing our religion but by applying its teachings in the context of a world that is radically different from that of the first century of the Hijrah. Islam is not wrong but the interpretations by our scholars, who are not prophets even though they may be very learned can be wrong. We have a need to go back to the fundamental teachings of Islam to find out whether we are indeed believing in and practising the Islam that the Prophet preached. It cannot be that we are all practising the correct and true Islam when our beliefs are so different from one another.

27. Today we, the whole Muslim ummah are treated with contempt and dishonour. Our religion is denigrated. Our holy places desecrated. Our countries are occupied. Our people starved and killed.

28. None of our countries are truly independent. We are under pressure to conform to our oppressors’ wishes about how we should behave, how we should govern our lands, how we should think even.

29. Today if they want to raid our country, kill our people, destroy our villages and towns, there is nothing substantial that we can do. Is it Islam which has caused all these? Or is it that we have failed to do our duty according to our religion?

30. Our only reaction is to become more and more angry. Angry people cannot think properly. And so we find some of our people reacting irrationally. They launch their own attacks, killing just about anybody including fellow Muslims to vent their anger and frustration. Their Governments can do nothing to stop them. The enemy retaliates and puts more pressure on the Governments. And the Governments have no choice but to give in, to accept the directions of the enemy, literally to give up their independence of action.

31. With this their people and the ummah become angrier and turn against their own Governments. Every attempt at a peaceful solution is sabotaged by more indiscriminate attacks calculated to anger the enemy and prevent any peaceful settlement. But the attacks solve nothing. The Muslims simply get more oppressed.

32. There is a feeling of hopelessness among the Muslim countries and their people. They feel that they can do nothing right. They believe that things can only get worse. The Muslims will forever be oppressed and dominated by the Europeans and the Jews. They will forever be poor, backward and weak. Some believe, as I have said, this is the Will of Allah, that the proper state of the Muslims is to be poor and oppressed in this world.

einde deel 1

24-10-03, 09:56
deel 2 van de speech van Mahatmir

33. But is it true that we should do and can do nothing for ourselves? Is it true that 1.3 billion people can exert no power to save themselves from the humiliation and oppression inflicted upon them by a much smaller enemy? Can they only lash back blindly in anger? Is there no other way than to ask our young people to blow themselves up and kill people and invite the massacre of more of our own people?

34. It cannot be that there is no other way. 1.3 billion Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews. There must be a way. And we can only find a way if we stop to think, to assess our weaknesses and our strength, to plan, to strategise and then to counter attack. As Muslims we must seek guidance from the Al-Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet. Surely the 23 years’ struggle of the Prophet can provide us with some guidance as to what we can and should do.

35. We know he and his early followers were oppressed by the Qhuraish. Did he launch retaliatory strikes? No. He was prepared to make strategic retreats. He sent his early followers to a Christian country and he himself later migrated to Madinah. There he gathered followers, built up his defence capability and ensured the security of his people. At Hudaibiyah he was prepared to accept an unfair treaty, against the wishes of his companions and followers. During the peace that followed he consolidated his strength and eventually he was able to enter Mecca and claim it for Islam. Even then he did not seek revenge. And the peoples of Mecca accepted Islam and many became his most powerful supporters, defending the Muslims against all their enemies.

36. That briefly is the story of the struggle of the Prophet. We talk so much about following the sunnah of the Prophet. We quote the instances and the traditions profusely. But we actually ignore all of them.

37. If we use the faculty to think that Allah has given us then we should know that we are acting irrationally. We fight without any objective, without any goal other than to hurt the enemy because they hurt us. Naively we expect them to surrender. We sacrifice lives unnecessarily, achieving nothing other than to attract more massive retaliation and humiliation.

38. It is surety time that we pause to think. But will this be wasting time? For well over half a century we have fought over Palestine. What have we achieved? Nothing. We are worse off than before. If we had paused to think then we could have devised a plan, a strategy that can win us final victory. Pausing and thinking calmly is not a waste of time. We have a need to make a strategic retreat and to calmly assess our situation.

39. We are actually very strong. 1.3 billion people cannot be simply wiped out. The Europeans killed 6 million Jews out of 12 million. But today the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.

40. We may not be able to do that. We may not be able to unite all the 1.3 billion Muslims. We may not be able to get all the Muslim Governments to act in concert. But even if we can get a third of the ummah and a third of the Muslim states to act together, we can already do something. Remember that the Prophet did not have many followers when he went to Madinah. But he united the Ansars and the Muhajirins and eventually he became strong enough to defend Islam.

41. Apart from the partial unity that we need, we must take stock of our assets. I have already mentioned our numbers and our oil wealth. In today's world we wield a lot of political, economic and financial clout, enough to make up for our weakness in military terms.

42. We also know that not all non-Muslims are against us. Some are welldisposed towards us. Some even see our enemies as their enemies. Even among the Jews there are many who do not approve of what the Israelis are doing.

43. We must not antagonise everyone. We must win their hearts and minds. We must win them to our side not by begging for help from them but by the honourable way that we struggle to help ourselves. We must not strengthen the enemy by pushing everyone into their camps through irresponsible and unIslamic acts. Remember Salah El Din and the way he fought against the so called Crusaders, King Richard of England in particular. Remember the considerateness of the Prophet to the enemies of Islam. We must do the same. It is winning the struggle that is important, not angry retaliation, not revenge.

44. We must build up our strength in every field, not just in armed might. Our countries must be stable and well administered, must be economically and financially strong, industrially competent and technologically advanced. This will take time, but it can be done and it will be time well spent. We are enjoined by our religion to be patient. Innallahamaasabirin. Obviously there is virtue in being patient.

45. But the defence of the ummah, the counter attack need not start only after we have put our houses in order. Even today we have sufficient assets to deploy against our detractors. It remains for us to identify them and to work out how to make use of them to stop the carnage caused by the enemy. This is entirely possible if we stop to think, to plan, to strategise and to take the first few critical steps. Even these few steps can yield positive results.

46. We know that the Jahilliah Arabs were given to feuding, to killing each other simply because they were from different tribes. The Prophet preached the brotherhood of Islam to them and they were able to overcome their hatred for each other, become united and helped towards the establishment of the great Muslim civilisation. Can we say that what the Jahilliah (the ignorant) could do we, the modern Muslims cannot do? If not all at least some of us can do. If not the renaissance of our great civilisation, at least ensuring the security of the ummah.

47. To do the things that are suggested will not even require all of us to give up our differences with each other. We need only to call a truce so we can act together in tackling only certain problems of common interests, the Palestine problem for example.

48. In any struggle, in any war, nothing is more important than concerted and coordinated action. A degree of discipline is all that is needed. The Prophet lost in Jabal Uhud because his forces broke rank. We know that, yet we are unwilling to discipline ourselves and to give up our irregular and uncoordinated actions. We need to be brave but not foolhardy. We need to think not just of our reward in the afterlife but also of the worldly results of our mission.

49. The Quran tells us that when the enemy sues for peace we must react positively. True the treaty offered is not favourable to us. But we can negotiate. The Prophet did, at Hudaibiyah. And in the end he triumphed.

50. I am aware that all these ideas will not be popular. Those who are angry would want to reject it out of hand. They would even want to silence anyone who makes or supports this line of action. They would want to send more young men and women to make the supreme sacrifice. But where will all these lead to? Certainly not victory. Over the past 50 years of fighting in Palestine we have not achieved any result. We have in fact worsened our situation.

51. The enemy will probably welcome these proposals and we will conclude that the promoters are working for the enemy. But think. We are up against a people who think. They survived 2000 years of pogroms not by hitting back, but by thinking. They invented and successfully promoted Socialism, Communism, human rights and democracy so that persecuting them would appear to be wrong, so they may enjoy equal rights with others. With these they have now gained control of the most powerful countries and they, this tiny community, have become a world power. We cannot fight them through brawn alone. We must use our brains also.

52. Of late because of their power and their apparent success they have become arrogant. And arrogant people, like angry people will make mistakes, will forget to think.

53. They are already beginning to make mistakes. And they will make more mistakes. There may be windows of opportunity for us now and in the future. We must seize these opportunities.

54. But to do so we must get our acts right. Rhetoric is good. It helps us to expose the wrongs perpetrated against us, perhaps win us some sympathy and support. It may strengthen our spirit, our will and resolve, to face the enemy.

55. We can and we should pray to Allah S.W.T. for in the end it is He who will determine whether we succeed or fail. We need His blessings and His help in our endeavours,

56. But it is how we act and what we do which will determine whether He would help us and give us victory or not. He has already said so in the Quran. Again Surah Ar-Ra'd verse 11.

57. As I said at the beginning, the whole world is looking at us, the whole Muslim ummah is placing their hopes in this conference of the leaders of Islamic nations. They expect us not just to vent our frustrations and anger, through words and gestures; not just to pray for Allah's blessings. They expect us to do something, to act. We cannot say we cannot do anything, we the leaders of the Muslim nations. We cannot say we cannot unite even when faced with the destruction of our religion and the ummah.

58. We know we can. There are many things that we can do. There are many resources that we have at our disposal. What is needed is merely-the will to do it, As Muslims, we must be grateful for the guidance of our religion, we must do what needs to be done, willingly and with determination. Allah has not raised us, the leaders, above the others so we may enjoy power for ourselves only. The power we wield is for our people, for the ummah, for Islam. We must have the will to make use of this power judiciously, prudently, concertedly. Insyaallah we will triumph in the end.

59. I pray to Allah that this 10th Conference of the OIC in Putrajaya, Malaysia will give a new and positive direction to us, will be blessed with success by Him, Almighty Allah, Arahman, Arahirn.

Prime Minister's Office


24-10-03, 14:05
waarvan zijn uitspraken alleen niet overeenkomen met het dagelijkse politieke denken

Zo is het. Mensen vergeten ook maar al te graag dat H1tler wel al die fraaie Autobahnen heeft aangelegd. Nou ja, niet zelf maar hij heeft er wel voor gezorgd.