Bekijk Volledige Versie : Woolsey: Hatred of Jews threatening rule of law

29-11-03, 16:11
Woolsey: Hatred of Jews threatening rule of law
Ex-CIA director says Europe's elite drawing '1st breath of totalitarianism'

Former CIA director James Woolsey is taking on Europe's media and cultural elite, saying they've drawn ''the first breath of totalitarianism'' due to their growing resentment of Jews.

The agency's director under the Clinton administration, Woolsey made the comments during a speech to a predominantly Jewish audience at York University in Toronto.

According to the National Post, Woolsey said Jews are history's great champions of the rule of law, so much so that they have come to embody it. He said anti-Semitism threatens the rule of law and intolerance of Jews is a first step toward dictatorial rule – a hallmark of the world's most oppressive societies.

"Once anti-Semitism raises its head, the rest of us who don't want to live with a foot on the back of our necks are likely to be the next targets," Woolsey said.

"So once you begin to dabble with the idea that you want to bully people, that you want to order them around, that you want them to do what you say, you very frequently start to drift into anti-Semitism," he said. "I think that is what is happening in some of the cultural elites in Europe."

He said Jews have always promoted the primacy of the law over the leader, as evidenced by their dietary restrictions and dress.

''People hate Jews to very much the degree that they have come to realize that this notion of the rule of law is something that came to the world something between three and four millennia ago in the Sinai desert. The idea that the government is above the ruler, and that rulers, whether it's King David or anyone else, are to be held to account by the people, by great prophets, by whomever – that notion essentially came out of the Sinai desert,'' Woolsey said.

Violence and vandalism against Jews have reached alarming levels in Europe, prompting Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon to call anti-Semitism ''fundamental'' to the European outlook, reports the paper.

Deze mensen zijn zover verwijderd van de realiteit dat het eng begint te worden. Woolsey was ook een van degene die het over een wereldoorlog had toen hij sprak over de oorlog tegen het terrorisme.

Wat hij dus zegt is dat Jodenhaat het eerste teken is van totalitarisme. Ik vraag me af hoe hij dan totalitarisme in landen verklaart waar geen Joden wonen.

Ook is hij blijkbaar blind voor het oprukkende totalitarisme in het Amerikaanse leven.

29-11-03, 16:31
Zou de wereldwijde CIA dan toch iets met het wereldwijde ZIONISME te maken hebben....? :aftel:

29-11-03, 16:36
Alleen Woolsey maar... Die kerel is trouwens niet zo heel lang CIA directeur geweest, maar is wel fervente Neoconner.