Bekijk Volledige Versie : De jihad in Afghanistan wint steeds meer terrein

23-12-03, 13:51
Taliban video shows their military operations in Kunar

PESHAWAR: The Taliban have released a video-tape that shows their fighters capturing a district headquarters building and attacking a military convoy in Kunar province in eastern Afghanistan.

The tape, in the form of a CD, was delivered to The News. The 44-minute footage has been filmed by an amateur Taliban cameraman and is of a poor quality. The tape was shown Sunday on Geo TV. It was the first time that a Pakistani television channel was able to show original footage of Taliban military operations in Afghanistan.

A Taliban sympathizer who delivered the tape said it was filmed recently in Kunar. It shows a night-time attack by about a dozen Taliban fighters on the Wattapur district headquarters building.

The Taliban take nine Afghan soldiers prisoners after capturing the rundown building and seize some light arms. They release the prisoners unharmed after the Taliban commander tells them their fight is with US-led foreign forces in Afghanistan.

The commander also lectures them on the "jihad" being waged by the Taliban to liberate Afghanistan from "infidel" forces and enforce Shariah. An attack on a military convoy from a mountain peak overlooking a valley has also been filmed.

However, there are no close-up shots of the military vehicles that were hit or the soldiers who might have been killed or wounded. The Taliban are also seen cooking food and eating, offering prayers and walking in the forested valleys and mountains. They are seen chatting in Pashto.

23-12-03, 14:12
Dr Ayman al Zawahiri:

I am addressing you today, after almost two years since the Tora Bora Battle. In this battle, 300 men from among the soldiers of faith and Islam remained steadfast before thousands of crusaders and hypocrites, as well as mercenaries that America had hired, all backed by American airpower and the tanks of the hypocrites.

They unleashed a continuous blaze of fire over a surface not exceeding 300 square km. The pounding of Tora Bora began by a nocturnal aerial heavy bombardment on the first day of the crusader campaign against the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan. However, the main battle started on the 17th Day of Ramadhan, the anniversary of the Great Battle Of Badr, by a fierce and constant bombardment by the crusaders and by a siege laid by the hypocrites and the mercenaries. Despite this, the Mujahideen succeeded with the help and support of Allah in resisting twelve days of continuous pounding, siege and biting cold. They succeeded with the grace of Allah in repelling all the attacks of the hypocrites and in inflicting heavy casualties upon them.”

Then they managed to break free from the siege and all that America could achieve is to capture half of them through betrayal and treason when they arrived in Pakistan after they had experienced an arduous journey through the white high mountains.”

America has failed militarily before these Mujahideen, despite its huge arsenal of weapons and despite the huge amount of dollars it has poured into Afghanistan. With the grace and bounty of Allah, two years after this battle, how did the struggle evolve between the forces of Islam and Jihad and the alliances of crusaders, Jews and hypocrisy? Two years after the Battle of Tora Bora, we are still with the grace of Allah, chasing the Americans and their allies everywhere, even in their own backyard.”

Two years after the battle of Tora Bora, the Jihad in precincts of the Holy Mosque (Palestine) increased and the plans of the crusaders and the Jews have all failed to besiege it. The Mujahideen have massacred the belligerent Jews, until they made them lose their minds. Two years after the battle of Tora Bora, the American haemorrhage has started in Iraq; the American have become unable to defend themselves, and not even their senior criminals, such as Woflowitz, the arrogant Zionist.”

Two years after Tora Bora, the American collapse has become a conspicuous reality in Afghanistan. The forces of Islam and Jihad have started to expel the forces of the crusaders and the hypocrites area by area from Afghanistan the virtuous.”

23-12-03, 14:16
Ach ja, onder de Taliban was het echt hemels. Die mooie tijd, fijne boeken lezen, mooie muziek luisteren. Gezellige buurthuizen waar de vrouwen onder het genot van een kopje koffie lekker met elkaar konden babbelen terwijl de kinderen naar school gingen en zich lekker creatief konden uitleven en zich ontwikkelen.

Dat waren nog eens tijden...


23-12-03, 14:22
Nou ja, als ze heimwee hebben dan vergroot de jihad waarschijnlijk!

Zolang ze dan maar niet hier in onze kerken komen asiel vragen! Die mensen kunnen beter in Afghanistan zelf gaan hongerstaken tot de taliban terug in ere hersteld werd denk ik!

TOEN waren er geen asielzoekers! Zo goed was het er!

23-12-03, 15:00
Geplaatst door aQua
Idd. Ik word niet goed van verhalen over de vrome Taliban.... Las van de week een boek over RAWA, Afghaanse vrouwen die vechten voor vrouwenrechten in dat tot voor kort door ongeletterde beesten bestuurde land. Alle overgebleven sympathie verdween als sneeuw voor de zon. Mannen die in naam van de Islam een regime opzetten dat uitgaat van het recht van de sterkste, onrecht, verkrachtingen, martelingen, lugubere moorden, etnische zuiveringen, misselijkmakende pesterijen, hypocrisie, respectloosheid enz enz. Beestachtig allemaal. http://rawa.fancymarketing.net/

Neemt aan de andere kant niet weg dat het nu allemaal niet beter is. Hele dorpen met inwoners die weggevaagd zijn door ongecontroleerde bombardementen, overvolle vluchtelingenkampen die door plaats gebrek ondervoedde oude vrouwen met kapotgelopen voeten wegsturen, zodat ze ergens in the middle of nowhere aan de dood zijn overgelaten. Kindersterfte enz. Te troosteloos. Kan me dus voorstellen dat er mensen zijn die de situatie hiervoor prefereren, hoe wreed ook. Omdat het kwaad waaraan je gewend bent minder beangstigend is dan onbekend kwaad.

Ik denk wel dat wil men ooit een land met toekomst opbouwen, de Taliban daar niet voor in aanmerking zou moeten komen...

Ik ben het met je eens. Valt me alleen op dat sommigen of aan de kant van Amerika staan of aan de kant van de Taliban. Alsof er niets anders te kiezen valt. Er wordt een soort polariserend strijdje gevoerd dat helemaal niets met de bevolking van Afghanistan van doen heeft. Vandaar mijn nogal cynische reactie. Er moet nu vooral geld en knowhow naar dat land toe, niet nog meer haat.